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Maeda Y. (2003) Common Origin of Plagioclase in Last Three Eruptions of Unzen Volcano, Japan
Nakai S, Maeda Y & Nakada S
(2003) Aerosol and Sulfur Compounds Passing over Fukuoka, Japan Estimated by Cosmicray Produced Radionuclides
Osaki S, Nakatani K, Sugihara S & Maeda Y

Maeder U. (2016) In-Vitro Simulation of AOM Mediated Diagenesis in Cold-Water Coral Carbonate Mounds
Feenstra E, Heindel K, Birgel D, Krause S, Maeder U & Foubert A
(2013) Interaction of Corroding Iron with Bentonite at Repository Conditions
Wersin P, Jenni A & Maeder U

Maeght J-L. (2021) Organic Additive Release from Benthic Plastic Debris Through the Sediment Towards the Water Column
Fauvelle V, Regis J, Schmidt N, Grenz C, Maeght J-L, Verdoux P, Dubois C, Strady E, Sempere R & Rigaud S

Maejima Y. (2011) Depth Profile of 129I/127I Ratio in Andisol Collected in Preserved Field of NIAES, Tsukuba, Japan
Matsuzaki H, Maejima Y, Ohkura T, Tsuchiya Y, Abe K, Miyairi Y & Muramatsu Y

Maekawa M. (2019) Oxygen Stable Isotopes in Phosphate Rocks
Sun Y, Amelung W, Wu B, Haneklaus S, Maekawa M, Lücke A, Schnug E & Bol R

Maekawa T. (2003) Local Structure Analysis of Alkali Silicate Glasses Containing Sulfur
Asahi T, Miura Y, Yamashita H & Maekawa T
(2003) Clathrate Hydrate Equilibria of Methane and Ethane
Maekawa T

Maenhaut W. (2016) Atmospheric Processes and Aerosol Sources Revealed by Carbon Isotopes
Ceburnis D, Garbaras A, Masalaite A, Remeikis V, Ovadnevaite J, Yttri KE, Maenhaut W & O'Dowd C
(2013) Temperature Driven Stable Carbon Isotope Ratio in Marine Aerosols
Garbaras A, Ceburnis D, Masalaite A, Maenhaut W, Ovadnevaite J, O'Dowd CD & Remeikis V

Maenhout W. (2011) Temporal Trend in Anthropogenic Sulfur Aerosol Transport from Central and Eastern Europe to Israel
Karnieli A, Derimian Y, Indoitu R, Panov N, Levy R, Remer L, Maenhout W & Holben B

Maeno F. (2008) Geochemistry and Geochronology of Gaima Basaltic Lava Plateau, Northeast China
Kuritani T, Kimura J-I, Miyamoto T, Shimano T, Maeno F, Wei H, Jin X & Taniguchi H

Maerker M. (2023) Land Use Change Impacts on Soils and Vegetation: Examples from Italian Alps
Baneschi I, Adamo MP, Gavrichkova O, Maerker M, Mattioni M, Richiardi C, Salvadori M, Scartazza A, Sella L, Rossi V, Vicario S & Pennisi M

Maerki M. (2005) Mineralization Pathways in the Sediments of Lake Baikal – A Microsensor and Modeling Study
Maerki M, Müller B & Wehrli B
(2004) Mineralization of Organic Matter in the Sediments of Lake Baikal: A High Resolution Porewater Study
Maerki M, Mueller B & Wehrli B
(2004) The Influence of Oxic Conditions on Mineralization Rates of Organic Matter in Lake Sediments
Dinkel C, Maerki M, Mueller B & Wehrli B

Maerschalk C. (2011) Zn Isotope Fractionation in the Soil-Plant System (A pot Experiment)
Couder E, Drouet T, Delvaux B, Maerschalk C, Meeus C & Nadine M
(2010) Zn Isotopes as Tracers of Metal Atmospheric Deposition and Soil Contamination at the Vicinity of an Old Mining and Refining Complex (Portugal)
Mattielli N, Africano F, Matos JX, Branquinho C, Maerschalk C & De Jong J
(2010) Environmental Assessment Using Pb and Cd Isotopes at Abandoned Mining Site, South of Portugal
Africano F, Mattielli N, Matos J, Branquinho C, Maerschalk C & De Jong J
(2009) δ66Zn as a Tracer of the Zinc Biogeochemical Cycle
Couder E, Delvaux B, Maerschalk C & Mattielli N
(2008) Zinc Isotopes in Polluted Substrates
Couder E, Delvaux B, Maerschalk C & Mattielli N
(2007) Spatial and Temporal (30 Yr.) Variations of Lead Geochemical Signature in a Macrotidal Highly Polluted Estuary
Taillez A, Jacqmot A, Petit J, Maerschalk C, Lemadec D, Fagel N, Verheyden S, Chou L & Mattielli N
(2007) Single Column Procedure for Quantitative Separation and Recovery of Cadmium (Cd) for High Precision Isotope Analysis by MC-ICP-MS
Verheyden S, Maerschalk C, Shiele A & Mattielli N
(2005) High-Precision Sr, Nd, Pb and Hf Isotopic Characterization of USGS Reference Materials by MC-ICPMS and TIMS
Kieffer B, Weis D, Maerschalk C, Barling J, Dietrich-Sainsaulieu E, Williams G, Hanano D, Mahoney JB, Friedman R & Pretorius W
(2005) Trace Element and Hf-Nd Isotopic Profiling of Crustal Contamination Across the Marginal Zone of the Muskox Intrusion, Nunavut
Mackie R, Scoates J, Weis D, Maerschalk C & Peck D
(2004) Geochemical and Pb Isotopic Investigations in Peat Bogs from Southern Chile: Identification of Particles Supplies and Possible Paleoclimate Record
de Vleeschouwer F, Ibanez M, Mattielli N, Maerschalk C & Fagel N
(2004) High-Precision Pb Isotope Systematics of Basalts from the Kerguelen Archipelago: New Insights on the Kerguelen Plume Components
Weis D, de Jong J & Maerschalk C

Maerz C. (2022) Dynamic, Redox-Promoted P Cycling during the Termination of OAE2
Krewer C, Poulton SW, Maerz C, Newton RJ, Mills BJW & Wagner T
(2019) Benthic Silica Dynamics in the Northern High Latitudes: A Pore Water and Reaction-Transport Model Study
Ward J, Freitas F, Ng HC, Cassarino L, Hendry K, Arndt S & Maerz C
(2019) Nutrient Exchange at the Changing Arctic Ocean Seafloor and Implications for the Water Column
Henley S, Faust J, Stevenson M, Tessin A, Hendry K & Maerz C
(2018) Macronutrient Cycling in Arctic Sediments and Benthic-Pelagic Coupling
Henley S, Faust J, Stevenson M, Tessin A, Brand T & Maerz C
(2017) Biogeochemical Cycling on the Yermak Plateau during the Last Two Glacial Cycles
Tessin A, Maerz C, Brumsack H-J, Forwick M, Löwemark L, Matthiessen J, O'Regan M & Schnetger B
(2012) More Than Just 'Brown Layers': Manganese in Quaternary Arctic Ocean Sediments
Maerz C, Stratmann A, Matthiessen J, Poulton SW, Meinhardt A-K, Eckert S, Schnetger B, Vogt C, Stein R & Brumsack H-J

Maerzke K. (2022) Predicting Silver Chloride Hydration Numbers in High-Temperature Water Vapor with Machine Learning and First-Principles Molecular Simulations
Messerly R, Yoon T-J, Jadrich R, Currier R & Maerzke K

Maes A. (2018) Stability of Zeolites in State II Concrete Pore Water: An Experimental Approach
Raymaekers R, Wangermez W, Kirschhock CK, Maes A & Breynaert E
(2018) The Link between Cation Exchange Properties and Stability of Zeolites in Hyper-Alkaline Media
Raymaekers R, Wangermez W, Van Tendeloo L, Kirschhock C, Maes A & Breynaert E
(2015) Zeolite Recrystallization in Potassium-Rich Hyper Alkaline Media
Van Tendeloo L, Kirschhock C, Maes A & Breynaert E
(2015) Interaction of Selected Elements with Zeolites in Cementitious Environments
Breynaert E & Maes A
(2014) Pathways for Abiotic Reduction in the FeS/Se(IV) and FeS2/Se(IV) Systems
Breynaert E, Wangermez W, Dom D, Scheinost AC, Parac-Voght T, Kirschhock CEA & Maes A
(2014) Zeolites as Sorption Sink in Concrete Based Radioactive Waste Disposal Facilities
Breynaert E, Van Tendeloo L, Brassinnes S, Kirschhock CEA, Gens R & Maes A
(2013) Zeolites as Ion Exchanger in Harsh Ultra-Alkaline Conditions
Breynaert E, Van Tendeloo L, Gobechiya E, Wangermez W, Deblochouse B, Martens JA, Kirschhock CEA & Maes A
(2012) Interaction of Selenite with Iron Sulphide Minerals: A New Perspective
Breynaert E, Dom D, Scheinost AC, Kirschhock CEA & Maes A
(2010) The Geochemical Fate of Se(IV) in the Boom Clay System – XAS Based Solid Phase Speciation
Breynaert E, Scheinost A, Dom D, Rossberg A, Vancluysen J, Gobechiya E, Kirschhock C & Maes A

Maes D. (2015) Observing Classical Nucleation Theory at Work: Monitoring Phase Transitions with Molecular Precision
Sleutel M, Lutsko JF, Van Driessche AES, Duran-Olivencia MA & Maes D
(2014) Supersaturation-Independent Clusters: A Scaffold for Nucleation and Growth of Crystals
Sleutel M, Gil D, Maes D & Van Driessche AES

Maes J. (2020) Investigations of Calcium Carbonate Mineral Precipitation in the Presence of Oil Using 3D-Printed Micromodels
Menke H, Patsoukis-Dimou A, Maes J, McGravie T, MacKay E & Sebastian G

Maes N. (2021) Complexation of Sn with Boom Clay Natural Organic Matter and its Effect on Sn Sorption onto Illite, Montmorillonite and Boom Clay
Durce D, Salah S, Maes N, Wang L & Brassinnes S
(2018) Effect of Oxidizing or Reducing Boom Clay on its Interactions with Uranium
Hoving A, van Erk M, Maes N, Bruggeman C & Behrends T
(2016) How do Redox Alterations of Boom Clay Change its Interactions with Selenite?
Hoving A, Behrends T, Bruggeman C, Maes N & Banerjee D
(2015) Interaction of Selenite with Separated Boom Clay Fractions – Adsorption vs. Reduction
Hoving A, Münch M, Bruggeman C, Maes N, Banerjee D & Behrends T
(2015) Stability and Mobility of Dissolved Organic Species in Boom Clay
Durce D, Maes N, Bruggeman C & Van Ravestyn L
(2015) Determining Redox Capacaties of Boom Clay Material by Using an Electrochemical Approach
Hoving A, Behrends T, Sander M, Maes N & Bruggeman C
(2013) Sorption of Dissolved Organic Matter on Boom Clay
Durce D, Bruggeman C & Maes N
(2010) Humic Colloid-Associated Migration of Radionuclides in an Argillaceous Formation
Bruggeman C, Maes N, Salah S, Martens E, Wang L, Van Gompel M & Brassinnes S
(2004) The Role of Geochemistry in the Research on Geological Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Waste in a Deep Boom Clay in Belgium
Van Iseghem P, Maes N, Van Geet M, Wang L, de Craen M, Moors H & de Cannière P

Maest A. (2005) Baseline Water Quality at the Yanacocha Mine, Peru
Maest A, LeJeune K, Lipton J, Cacela D & Atkins D

Maeto K. (2009) VFAs Concentrations in the Hydrothermal Fluids Venting from the Sediment-Hosted Hydrothermal System in the Wakamiko Submarine Crater, Japan
Akashi H, Yamanaka T, Maeto K, Chiba H, Matsukura S & Ishibashi J-I
(2009) Fluid-Sediment Interactions in a Marine Shallow-Water Hydrothermal System at the Wakamiko Submarine Crater, Japan
Miyoshi Y, Ishibashi J-I, Matsukura S, Kuwahara Y, Omura A, Maeto K, Chiba H & Yamanaka T
(2009) Geochemistry and Hydrogeology of a Marine Shallow-Water Hydrothermal System at the Wakamiko Submarine Crater, Japan
Yamanaka T, Maeto K, Chiba H, Hirao S, Matsukura S & Ishibashi J-I
(2008) Unique Shallow-Water Hydrothermal System Associated with Submarine Volcanism in the Aira Caldera, South Kyushu, Japan
Yamanaka T, Maeto K, Akashi H, Yokoyama M, Chiba H, Ishibashi J-I, Nakaseama M, Okamura K, Sugiyama T & Fujino K

Maeyama D. (2016) Izura Carbonate Concretions Showing Enormous Natural Gas Seep in the Lower Miocene
Maeyama D, Suzuki N, Kazukawa K & Ando H

Maezumi S.Y. (2023) Natural and Anthropogenic Drivers of Mid- to late-Holocene Hydroclimate and Vegetation Changes in Eastern Amazonia: Insights from Lacustrine Biomarkers
Mauceri AADM, Konecky BL, Hutchings JA & Maezumi SY

Mafalda M-R. (2014) Environmental and Economic Attitudes from Visitors of Mediterranean Geoparks
Dos-Santos M, Isabel A-M & Mafalda M-R

Maffei K. (2002) “Plum-Cake” Subcontinental Mantle beneath SE Alps as Resulting from the Geochemistry of Mantle Xenoliths
Gasperini D, Macera P, Maffei K, Morten L & Rizzo G

Maffeis A. (2022) Carbon and Sulphur Speciation in HP-UHP Fluids as Obtained by Electrolytic-Fluid Thermodynamic Modelling of a UHP Marble
Maffeis A, Connolly JAD, Ferrando S, Frezzotti ML & Castelli D
(2020) Evaluating Fluid-Host Post Entrapment Interaction in UHP Fluid Inclusions
Maffeis A, Ferrando S, Castelli D, Groppo C & Frezzotti ML

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