Maeda Y.
Common Origin of Plagioclase in Last Three Eruptions of Unzen Volcano, Japan
Nakai S, Maeda Y & Nakada S
Aerosol and Sulfur Compounds Passing over Fukuoka, Japan Estimated by Cosmicray Produced Radionuclides
Osaki S, Nakatani K, Sugihara S & Maeda Y
Maeder U.
In-Vitro Simulation of AOM Mediated Diagenesis in Cold-Water Coral Carbonate Mounds
Feenstra E, Heindel K, Birgel D, Krause S, Maeder U & Foubert A
Interaction of Corroding Iron with Bentonite at Repository Conditions
Wersin P, Jenni A & Maeder U
Maeght J-L.
Organic Additive Release from Benthic Plastic Debris Through the Sediment Towards the Water Column
Fauvelle V, Regis J, Schmidt N, Grenz C, Maeght J-L, Verdoux P, Dubois C, Strady E, Sempere R & Rigaud S
Maejima Y.
Depth Profile of 129I/127I Ratio in Andisol Collected in Preserved Field of NIAES, Tsukuba, Japan
Matsuzaki H, Maejima Y, Ohkura T, Tsuchiya Y, Abe K, Miyairi Y & Muramatsu Y
Maekawa M.
Oxygen Stable Isotopes in Phosphate Rocks
Sun Y, Amelung W, Wu B, Haneklaus S, Maekawa M, Lücke A, Schnug E & Bol R
Maekawa T.
Local Structure Analysis of Alkali Silicate Glasses Containing Sulfur
Asahi T, Miura Y, Yamashita H & Maekawa T
Clathrate Hydrate Equilibria of Methane and Ethane
Maekawa T
Maenhaut W.
Atmospheric Processes and Aerosol Sources Revealed by Carbon Isotopes
Ceburnis D, Garbaras A, Masalaite A, Remeikis V, Ovadnevaite J, Yttri KE, Maenhaut W & O'Dowd C
Temperature Driven Stable Carbon Isotope Ratio in Marine Aerosols
Garbaras A, Ceburnis D, Masalaite A, Maenhaut W, Ovadnevaite J, O'Dowd CD & Remeikis V
Maenhout W.
Temporal Trend in Anthropogenic Sulfur Aerosol Transport from Central and Eastern Europe to Israel
Karnieli A, Derimian Y, Indoitu R, Panov N, Levy R, Remer L, Maenhout W & Holben B
Maeno F.
Geochemistry and Geochronology of Gaima Basaltic Lava Plateau, Northeast China
Kuritani T, Kimura J-I, Miyamoto T, Shimano T, Maeno F, Wei H, Jin X & Taniguchi H
Maerker M.
Land Use Change Impacts on Soils and Vegetation: Examples from Italian Alps
Baneschi I, Adamo MP, Gavrichkova O, Maerker M, Mattioni M, Richiardi C, Salvadori M, Scartazza A, Sella L, Rossi V, Vicario S & Pennisi M
Maerki M.
Mineralization Pathways in the Sediments of Lake Baikal – A Microsensor and Modeling Study
Maerki M, Müller B & Wehrli B
Mineralization of Organic Matter in the Sediments of Lake Baikal: A High Resolution Porewater Study
Maerki M, Mueller B & Wehrli B
The Influence of Oxic Conditions on Mineralization Rates of Organic Matter in Lake Sediments
Dinkel C, Maerki M, Mueller B & Wehrli B
Maerschalk C.
Zn Isotope Fractionation in the Soil-Plant System (A pot Experiment)
Couder E, Drouet T, Delvaux B, Maerschalk C, Meeus C & Nadine M
Zn Isotopes as Tracers of Metal Atmospheric Deposition and Soil Contamination at the Vicinity of an Old Mining and Refining Complex (Portugal)
Mattielli N, Africano F, Matos JX, Branquinho C, Maerschalk C & De Jong J
Environmental Assessment Using Pb and Cd Isotopes at Abandoned Mining Site, South of Portugal
Africano F, Mattielli N, Matos J, Branquinho C, Maerschalk C & De Jong J
δ66Zn as a Tracer of the Zinc Biogeochemical Cycle
Couder E, Delvaux B, Maerschalk C & Mattielli N
Zinc Isotopes in Polluted Substrates
Couder E, Delvaux B, Maerschalk C & Mattielli N
Spatial and Temporal (30 Yr.) Variations of Lead Geochemical Signature in a Macrotidal Highly Polluted Estuary
Taillez A, Jacqmot A, Petit J, Maerschalk C, Lemadec D, Fagel N, Verheyden S, Chou L & Mattielli N
Single Column Procedure for Quantitative Separation and Recovery of Cadmium (Cd) for High Precision Isotope Analysis by MC-ICP-MS
Verheyden S, Maerschalk C, Shiele A & Mattielli N
High-Precision Sr, Nd, Pb and Hf Isotopic Characterization of USGS Reference Materials by MC-ICPMS and TIMS
Kieffer B, Weis D, Maerschalk C, Barling J, Dietrich-Sainsaulieu E, Williams G, Hanano D, Mahoney JB, Friedman R & Pretorius W
Trace Element and Hf-Nd Isotopic Profiling of Crustal Contamination Across the Marginal Zone of the Muskox Intrusion, Nunavut
Mackie R, Scoates J, Weis D, Maerschalk C & Peck D
Geochemical and Pb Isotopic Investigations in Peat Bogs from Southern Chile: Identification of Particles Supplies and Possible Paleoclimate Record
de Vleeschouwer F, Ibanez M, Mattielli N, Maerschalk C & Fagel N
High-Precision Pb Isotope Systematics of Basalts from the Kerguelen Archipelago: New Insights on the Kerguelen Plume Components
Weis D, de Jong J & Maerschalk C
Maerz C.
Dynamic, Redox-Promoted P Cycling during the Termination of OAE2
Krewer C, Poulton SW, Maerz C, Newton RJ, Mills BJW & Wagner T
Benthic Silica Dynamics in the Northern High Latitudes: A Pore Water and Reaction-Transport Model Study
Ward J, Freitas F, Ng HC, Cassarino L, Hendry K, Arndt S & Maerz C
Nutrient Exchange at the Changing Arctic Ocean Seafloor and Implications for the Water Column
Henley S, Faust J, Stevenson M, Tessin A, Hendry K & Maerz C
Macronutrient Cycling in Arctic Sediments and Benthic-Pelagic Coupling
Henley S, Faust J, Stevenson M, Tessin A, Brand T & Maerz C
Biogeochemical Cycling on the Yermak Plateau during the Last Two Glacial Cycles
Tessin A, Maerz C, Brumsack H-J, Forwick M, Löwemark L, Matthiessen J, O'Regan M & Schnetger B
More Than Just 'Brown Layers': Manganese in Quaternary Arctic Ocean Sediments
Maerz C, Stratmann A, Matthiessen J, Poulton SW, Meinhardt A-K, Eckert S, Schnetger B, Vogt C, Stein R & Brumsack H-J
Maerzke K.
Predicting Silver Chloride Hydration Numbers in High-Temperature Water Vapor with Machine Learning and First-Principles Molecular Simulations
Messerly R, Yoon T-J, Jadrich R, Currier R & Maerzke K
Maes A.
Stability of Zeolites in State II Concrete Pore Water: An Experimental Approach
Raymaekers R, Wangermez W, Kirschhock CK, Maes A & Breynaert E
The Link between Cation Exchange Properties and Stability of Zeolites in Hyper-Alkaline Media
Raymaekers R, Wangermez W, Van Tendeloo L, Kirschhock C, Maes A & Breynaert E
Zeolite Recrystallization in Potassium-Rich Hyper Alkaline Media
Van Tendeloo L, Kirschhock C, Maes A & Breynaert E
Interaction of Selected Elements with Zeolites in Cementitious Environments
Breynaert E & Maes A
Pathways for Abiotic Reduction in the FeS/Se(IV) and FeS2/Se(IV) Systems
Breynaert E, Wangermez W, Dom D, Scheinost AC, Parac-Voght T, Kirschhock CEA & Maes A
Zeolites as Sorption Sink in Concrete Based Radioactive Waste Disposal Facilities
Breynaert E, Van Tendeloo L, Brassinnes S, Kirschhock CEA, Gens R & Maes A
Zeolites as Ion Exchanger in Harsh Ultra-Alkaline Conditions
Breynaert E, Van Tendeloo L, Gobechiya E, Wangermez W, Deblochouse B, Martens JA, Kirschhock CEA & Maes A
Interaction of Selenite with Iron Sulphide Minerals: A New Perspective
Breynaert E, Dom D, Scheinost AC, Kirschhock CEA & Maes A
The Geochemical Fate of Se(IV) in the Boom Clay System – XAS Based Solid Phase Speciation
Breynaert E, Scheinost A, Dom D, Rossberg A, Vancluysen J, Gobechiya E, Kirschhock C & Maes A
Maes D.
Observing Classical Nucleation Theory at Work: Monitoring Phase Transitions with Molecular Precision
Sleutel M, Lutsko JF, Van Driessche AES, Duran-Olivencia MA & Maes D
Supersaturation-Independent Clusters: A Scaffold for Nucleation and Growth of Crystals
Sleutel M, Gil D, Maes D & Van Driessche AES
Maes J.
Investigations of Calcium Carbonate Mineral Precipitation in the Presence of Oil Using 3D-Printed Micromodels
Menke H, Patsoukis-Dimou A, Maes J, McGravie T, MacKay E & Sebastian G
Maes N.
Complexation of Sn with Boom Clay Natural Organic Matter and its Effect on Sn Sorption onto Illite, Montmorillonite and Boom Clay
Durce D, Salah S, Maes N, Wang L & Brassinnes S
Effect of Oxidizing or Reducing Boom Clay on its Interactions with Uranium
Hoving A, van Erk M, Maes N, Bruggeman C & Behrends T
How do Redox Alterations of Boom Clay Change its Interactions with Selenite?
Hoving A, Behrends T, Bruggeman C, Maes N & Banerjee D
Interaction of Selenite with Separated Boom Clay Fractions – Adsorption vs. Reduction
Hoving A, Münch M, Bruggeman C, Maes N, Banerjee D & Behrends T
Stability and Mobility of Dissolved Organic Species in Boom Clay
Durce D, Maes N, Bruggeman C & Van Ravestyn L
Determining Redox Capacaties of Boom Clay Material by Using an Electrochemical Approach
Hoving A, Behrends T, Sander M, Maes N & Bruggeman C
Sorption of Dissolved Organic Matter on Boom Clay
Durce D, Bruggeman C & Maes N
Humic Colloid-Associated Migration of Radionuclides in an Argillaceous Formation
Bruggeman C, Maes N, Salah S, Martens E, Wang L, Van Gompel M & Brassinnes S
The Role of Geochemistry in the Research on Geological Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Waste in a Deep Boom Clay in Belgium
Van Iseghem P, Maes N, Van Geet M, Wang L, de Craen M, Moors H & de Cannière P
Maest A.
Baseline Water Quality at the Yanacocha Mine, Peru
Maest A, LeJeune K, Lipton J, Cacela D & Atkins D
Maeto K.
VFAs Concentrations in the Hydrothermal Fluids Venting from the Sediment-Hosted Hydrothermal System in the Wakamiko Submarine Crater, Japan
Akashi H, Yamanaka T, Maeto K, Chiba H, Matsukura S & Ishibashi J-I
Fluid-Sediment Interactions in a Marine Shallow-Water Hydrothermal System at the Wakamiko Submarine Crater, Japan
Miyoshi Y, Ishibashi J-I, Matsukura S, Kuwahara Y, Omura A, Maeto K, Chiba H & Yamanaka T
Geochemistry and Hydrogeology of a Marine Shallow-Water Hydrothermal System at the Wakamiko Submarine Crater, Japan
Yamanaka T, Maeto K, Chiba H, Hirao S, Matsukura S & Ishibashi J-I
Unique Shallow-Water Hydrothermal System Associated with Submarine Volcanism in the Aira Caldera, South Kyushu, Japan
Yamanaka T, Maeto K, Akashi H, Yokoyama M, Chiba H, Ishibashi J-I, Nakaseama M, Okamura K, Sugiyama T & Fujino K
Maeyama D.
Izura Carbonate Concretions Showing Enormous Natural Gas Seep in the Lower Miocene
Maeyama D, Suzuki N, Kazukawa K & Ando H
Maezumi S.Y.
Natural and Anthropogenic Drivers of Mid- to late-Holocene Hydroclimate and Vegetation Changes in Eastern Amazonia: Insights from Lacustrine Biomarkers
Mauceri AADM, Konecky BL, Hutchings JA & Maezumi SY
Mafalda M-R.
Environmental and Economic Attitudes from Visitors of Mediterranean Geoparks
Dos-Santos M, Isabel A-M & Mafalda M-R
Maffei K.
“Plum-Cake” Subcontinental Mantle beneath SE Alps as Resulting from the Geochemistry of Mantle Xenoliths
Gasperini D, Macera P, Maffei K, Morten L & Rizzo G
Maffeis A.
Carbon and Sulphur Speciation in HP-UHP Fluids as Obtained by Electrolytic-Fluid Thermodynamic Modelling of a UHP Marble
Maffeis A, Connolly JAD, Ferrando S, Frezzotti ML & Castelli D
Evaluating Fluid-Host Post Entrapment Interaction in UHP Fluid Inclusions
Maffeis A, Ferrando S, Castelli D, Groppo C & Frezzotti ML