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Miranda Mara (2023) Development of New Methods to Track Magma Degassing and Fluid Fluxing in Complex Magmatic Systems Based on Halogen Ratios
Miranda M, Schirra M, Tsay A & Zajacz Z

Miranda Matheus (2021) Hydrophobic Interactions at the Phylloplane Modulating Adhesion, Uptake and in Planta Fate of Foliarly Deposited Particles
Avellan A, Morais BP, Miranda M, Dias DS, Lowry GV & Rodrigues SM
(2021) Linking Phytoavailability of Inorganic Nanoparticles with their Transformation in the Rhizosphere
Rodrigues SM, Rodrigues S, Miranda M, Martins N, Trindade T, Gao X, Lowry GV & Avellan A

Miranda Regina (2013) Particulate Matter in São Paulo City: Comparison between Industrial and Urban Area
Bourotte C, Fornaro A, Forti MC, Cavicchioli A & Miranda R

Miranda Roberto (2019) Magmatic Changes in Central Panama as an Indicator of Subduction Dynamics and Breakup of Farallon Plate
Wang J, Buchs D, Kerr A, Coombs H, Miranda R, Coronado M, Rios X, Chichaco E & Redwood S
(2019) Late Cretaceous Emergence of the Caribbean Oceanic Plateau and Panama Volcanic Arc and Palaeogeographic Implications
Buchs DM, Brims JC, Wang J, Kerr AC, Kukoč D, Baumgartner PO, Spezzaferri S, Tapia A, Rodríguez G, Miranda R, Irving D & Coronado M

Miranda Rui (2011) The Mesozoic Evolution of the West Iberian Margin as Witnessed by Magma Geochemistry
Mata J, Alves CF, Miranda R, Martins L, Madeira J, Terrinha P, Youbi N, Bensalah M & Azevedo MDR
(2009) Isotopic and Trace Element Constraints on the Source of the Late Cretaceous Alkaline Magmatism of the West Iberian Margin
Miranda R, Mata J, Terrinha P & Azevedo MDR
(2007) Age Constraints on the Late Cretaceous Alkaline Magmatism on the West Iberian Margin
Miranda R, Mata J, Valadares V, Terrinha P, Azevedo MDR, Gaspar LM, Kullberg JC & Ribeiro C

Mirão José (2020) Recording of Weathering Profile Development by Uranyl-Phosphate Minerals
Gonçalves M, Pinto A & Mirão J
(2012) Computational Study of the most Stable Pyrophyllite Edge Surfaces for Metal Adsorption
Martins DMS, Goncalves MA, Mirao J & Parker SC
(2008) Multi-Variate Analysis of Elemental Data from the Azores Archipelago and Great Meteor Seamounts
Costa R, Mirão J, Madureira P, Ribeiro L, Pimentel F, Lourenço N & Abreu M
(2004) Pattern of Minor Element Enrichment in Columbites: A SRXRF Study
Mirao J & Figueiredo M

Mirao Jose (2017) Trace Elements as Indicators of Mineral-Fluid Interaction in the Dedolomitization of Carbonate Rocks
Vuckovic M, Barrulas P, Goncalves M, Mirao J, Azeredo A & Mateus A
(2017) Explora Project: New Geochemical Exploration Tools in Neves-Corvo Mine, Iberian Pyrite Belt
Mirao J, Batista MJ, Candeias A, Morais I, Albardeiro L, Pacheco N & Matos JX

Miras A. (2023) Geochemical Behaviour and Potential Health Risk of Mine Waste Reclaimed for Agricultural Purposes in “La Preciosa II” Mine (South of Spain)
Romero-Baena AJ, Delgado J, Barba-Brioso C, Martín D, Campos P, Miras A & González I
(2009) Evaluation of Labile Metal Pools in Soils from a Highly Industrialised Wetland Area of Southwestern Spain by Single and Sequential Extraction Methods
Barba-Brioso C, Fernández-Caliani JC, Miras A & Galán E

Mircea M. (2009) Marine Organic Aerosol: Characterization by Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (1H NMR)
Rinaldi M, Decesari S, Finessi E, Carbone C, Mircea M, Fuzzi S, Ceburnis D, O'Dowd C & Facchini MC

Mireisz T. (2023) Characterization of Suspended Solids in Treated Wastewater: A Case Study in Budapest
Tserendorj D, Illés Á, Mireisz T, Károly Á, Baranya S, Ermilov AA & Záray G
(2021) Waste to Watt: Unwanted Solid Materials Formation, Transport and Cycling in Biogas Engine Systems
Mohd Khaidi AASB, Harman-Tóth E, Gönczi I, Mireisz T, Kővári T & Weiszburg TG
(2020) Fate of Elements: Unwanted Mineral Formation in Biogas Engines
Mohd Khaidi AAS, Harman-Tóth E, Gönczi I, Mireisz T, Kővári T & Weiszburg TG

Mirgorodsky D. (2023) Event-Driven Mobilization of Dissolved and Colloid-Associated Heavy Metals and Radionuclides in AMD-Influenced Shallow Groundwaters in a Former Uranium Mining Area in Germany
Nettemann S, Mirgorodsky D, Kothe E & Schäfer T
(2021) A First Look at Colloid-Associated Trace Metals of AMD-Influenced Waters in a Short-Rotation Forestry Field Experiment
Nettemann S, Mirgorodsky D, Lenk K, Kothe E & Schäfer T

Miri Beydokhti R. (2014) Petrography, Geochemistry and Tectonic Significance of the Mahoor Granitoids (Lut Block, Eastern Iran)
Miri Beydokhti R, Karimpour MH, Mazaheri SA & Santos JF

Miriam G-V. (2014) Exploring the Ecology of Continental Deep-Subsurface Communities Through a Multi-Technique Approach
Puente-Sánchez F, Alejandro A-R, Yolanda B, Miriam G-V, Mercedes M-P, Ignacio G-C, Nuria R, Ricardo A, Kenneth T & Víctor P

Miriello D. (2018) Portable Multi-Analytical Approach for Identifying Asbestos Minerals in situ
Bloise A & Miriello D
(2017) Preliminary Study of Geogenic Arsenic in Thermal Waters of Northern Calabria (Italy)
Apollaro C, Vespasiano G, Barca D, DeRosa R, Fuoco I, Miriello D & Bloise A

Mirlean N. (2010) Arsenic and Mercury Enrichments in the Sediments of the Geothermal Springs of Playa Santispac, Concepcion Bay, Baja California Peninsula
Leal-Acosta ML, Shumilin E, Sapozhnikov D, Gordeev V & Mirlean N

Mirlohi Akramosadat (2015) New 40Ar/39Ar Dating on Biotites from Aderba Granite Gneiss, Golpayegan Metamorphic Complex (Sanandaj- Sirjan Zone), Central Iran
Mirlohi A, Khalili M, Scherstén A & Shabanian N

Mirlohi Akramosadat (2014) Tourmaline Nodules of Two Mica Granite from Aderba Area (North of Golpayegan, Iran)
Mirlohi A & Khalili M

Mirnejad Hasan

Mirnejad Hassan
(2008) Crustal Contamination and Magma Mixing in Basic Volcanic Rocks from NW Iran: Evidence from Textural and Chemical Disequilibria in Phenocrysts and Glasses
Kheirkhah M, Emami MH & Mirnejad H

Mirolo F. (2021) Sn Isotopes of Bjurböle (LL4) Chondrules and Matrix: Implications for Complementarity and Chondrule Thermal Processing
Mirolo F, Rushmer T & Creech J
(2019) Testing Chondrules Using Non-Traditional Stable Isotopes
Mirolo F, Rushmer T & Creech J
(2017) Chalcophile Element Partitioning between Mss and Sulfide-Melt: Predictions from Lattice Strain
Smythe D, Wood B & Mirolo F
(2013) The Effect of Light Elements on Metal/Silicate Partitioning
Mirolo F, Kiseeva K, Wade J & Wood B

Miron George D. (2015) Internally Consistent Thermodynamic Data for Aqueous Species in the Na-K-Al-Si-O-H-Cl System
Miron GD, Wagner T, Kulik DA & Heinrich CA

Miron George Dan (2023) An Internally Consistent Thermodynamic Dataset for REE Aqueous Species and Phosphate Minerals (Monazite, Xenotime, and Rhabdophane) from 25 to 300℃
Pan R, Gysi AP, Miron GD & Zhu C
(2023) What Controls the Mobility of Rare Earth Elements (REE) in Critical Mineral Deposits in Acidic vs. Alkaline Hydrothermal Fluids?
Gysi AP, Hurtig NC, Waters L, Harlov DE, Miron GD, Kulik DA, Migdissov A & Zhu C
(2023) Pore-Level Modelling of Cement Paste Degradation due to Cement-Clay Interaction
Mokos A, Peng H, Miron GD, Kulik DA, Griffa M, Ma B, Prasianakis N & Churakov SV
(2022) Optimization of the Thermodynamic Properties of the Rare Earth Elements (REE) at Hydrothermal Conditions: An Internally Consistent Thermodynamic and Experimental Dataset in the REE-P-O-H-Na-Cl System
Pan R, Gysi A & Miron GD
(2021) ThermoFun: C++/Python Code to Fetch Standard Thermodynamic Data from ThermoHub Database
Miron GD, Leal AMM, Dmytrieva SV & Kulik DA
(2021) Hydrothermal Alteration as Source for Vein Quartz in a Fossil Geothermal System in SW Iceland
Yapparova A, Kulik DA, Miron GD & Driesner T
(2019) Estimating Temperature Dependence of Ln and An Complexes Using Isocoulombic Reactions
Miron GD, Kulik DA & Thoenen T
(2018) The Hydrothermal Solubility of monazite-(Ce) and xenotime-(Y)
Gysi A, Harlov D & Miron G
(2018) Parameterization of a New C-S-H Solid Solution Model for Alkali Uptake
Miron GD, Kulik DA & Lothenbach B
(2018) A Realistic Three-Site Solid Solution Model of C-S-H
Kulik D, Miron GD & Lothenbach B

Miron George-Dan (2017) Reactive Transport Modelling of Alteration Assemblages at Butte Magmatic-Hydrothermal System
Yapparova A, Miron G-D, Kosakowski G & Driesner T

Mironenko M. (2011) Chemical Models for Formation of Clay-Rich Layered Rocks in the Mawrth Vallis Region, Mars
Zolotov M & Mironenko M
(2006) Low pH weathering of Mars analog lithologies: Thermodynamic modeling.
McAdam A, Zolotov M, Mironenko M, Leshin L & Sharp T

Mironov A (2003) Experimental Study of Gold, Silver and Water Behaviour in Endogenic Processes at High Temperature and Pressure
Mironov A & Zhatnuev N
(2003) Geochemistry and Mineralogy of Precious Metals in Carbonaceous Magmatic Rocks from the East Sayan Ophiolites
Damdinov B, Mironov A & Zhmodik S

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