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Mintz J. (2011) Toward Calibrating the Paleosol Carbonate CO2 Barometer for paleoVertisols
Breecker D, Michel L, Yoon J, Mintz J, Driese S & Nordt L

Minubayeva Z. (2006) Uv-Vis Spectroscopy of aqueous solutions at high temperature: deprotonation of molybdic acid and tungstic acids.
Minubayeva Z & Seward TM
(2006) Temperature and pressure dependence of acridine ionization.
Suleimenov OM, Minubayeva Z & Seward TM
(2004) Spectrophotometric Determination of the Deprotonation of Molybdic Acid (H2MoO4) up to 400℃
Minubayeva Z & Seward T

Minyard M. (2012) Relating Microbial Community Structure and Geochemistry in the Bisley Watershed, Puerto Rico
Liermann L, Brantley S, Albert I, Buss H & Minyard M

Minyuk P. (2014) Stepped Pliocene-Pleistocene Climate Variability at Lake El’gygytgyn, NE Arctic Russia, Western Beringia
Brigham-Grette J, Melles M & Minyuk P

Minz D. (2009) Effect of Wastewater Irrigation on Plants: Boron Uptake Investigated Through Boron Isotopes
Kloppmann W, Guerrot C, Yermiyahu U & Minz D

Miocevich S. (2023) The Midlands Microcraton Mystery
Miocevich S, Copley A, Weller OM & Mottram C

Miorandi R. (2007) High Resolution Ion Microprobe Analysis of Sulphur Isotopes in Speleothem Carbonate
Wynn P, Fairchild I, Baker A, Frisia S, Borsato A, Miorandi R, Spotl C & Craven J
(2006) Atmospheric Forcing Of Sulphate in Speleothem Carbonate
Wynn P, Fairchild IJ, Baker A, Frisia S, Borsato A & Miorandi R
(2004) Chemical Speciation and Saturation State in Alpine Cave Dripwaters
Borsato A, Frisia S, Miorandi R & Corradini F

Miot Jennyfer (2014) In situ Fe and S Isotope Composition of Pyrites from the 3.24 Ga Old Mendon Formation, South Africa
Marin-Carbonne J, Muller E, Miot J, Busigny V, Rollion-Bard C & Philippot P
(2013) Textural Control over Electron Transfer and Reaction with Li<sup>+</sup> of Biomineralized Fe-Oxides
Miot J, Recham N, Larcher D, Guyot F & Tarascon J-M
(2010) Study at the Nanoscale of Iron Biomineralization on Organic Fibres by a Phototrophic Iron-Oxidizing Bacterium
Benzerara K, Miot J, Obst M, Kappler A, Hegler F, Guyot F & Morin G
(2009) Iron Biomineralization by Neutrophilic Nitrate-Reducing Iron-Oxidizing Bacteria
Miot J, Benzerara K, Morin G, Kappler A, Obst M, Brown, Jr. GE & Guyot F
(2008) STXM-Based Study of Microbial Fossils in Recent and Ancient Rocks
Benzerara K, Bernard S, Lepot K, Miot J & Brown, Jr GE
(2007) Microbial Biomineralization and Redox Transformation of As and Fe in an Acid Mine Drainage
Benzerara K, Morin G, Yoon T-H, Miot J, Casiot C, Farges F & Brown, Jr. G
(2007) Study at the Nanoscale of the Alteration of Submarine Basaltic Glass from the Ontong Java Plateau
Miot J, Benzerara K, Banerjee NR, Menguy N, Tyliszczak T, Brown, Jr. GE & Guyot F
(2007) In situ Arsenic Speciation in Earth Surface Environments: Importance of Iron Oxides
Morin G, Juillot F, Miot J, Wang Y, Casiot C, Cancès B, Proux O, Calas G & Brown Jr. GE

Miot Jennyfer (2015) Arsenic Removal Processes in Mine Drainage Impacted Systems
Morin G, Adra A, Ona-Nguema G, Wang Y, Maillot F, Miot J, Casiot C, Bruneel O, Egal M & Elbaz-Poulichet F
(2015) Microbial Metabolic Activities Shaping Pelagic Iron-Rich Aggregates (Iron Snow)
Lu S, Huang S, Gaspar M, Miot J, Neu T, Overman J, Marz M, Benzerara K, Küsel K & Cooper R
(2015) Microbial Molecular Processes Involved in Biogeochemical P Cycle in the Water Column of Lake Pavin (Massif Central, France)
Rivas-Lamelo S, Duprat E, Benzerara K, Miot J, Skouri-Panet F, Poinsot M, Ferard C, Jézéquel D & Viollier E

Miot Jennyfer (2017) Adaptation to Growth on Fe(II) in the Photoferrotroph R. Palustris TIE-1: A Proteomic and Electron Microscopy Analysis
Bryce C, Kleindienst S, Benzerara K, Miot J, Newman DK, Kulkarni G, Byrne JM, Franz-Wachtel M, Macek B & Kappler A
(2017) Fe Biomineralization in the Meromictic Lake Pavin
Miot J, Duprat E, Remusat L, Benzerara K, Jézéquel D, Cordier L, Viollier E, Skouri-Panet F, Férard C, Poinsot M, Rivas-Lamelo S, Gonzalez A, Pont S & Berg J
(2017) Experimental Fossilization of Archaea Encrusted by Fe-Phosphates
Bernard S, Miot J, Lombard C, Guyot F & Kish A
(2017) Microorganisms are Major Drivers of the P Geochemical Cycle in Lake Pavin (Massif Central, France)
Duprat E, Benzerara K, Lefèvre C, Monteil C, Jézéquel D, Menguy N, Viollier E, Guyot F, Férard C, Miot J, Poinsot M, Rivas-Lamelo S, Skouri-Panet F & Trcera N

Miot Jennyfer (2019) Pyrite Formation in Pure Cultures of Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria
Duverger A, Miot J & Busigny V
(2019) Biomineralization of Electroactive Mn-Oxides by the Mn(II) Oxidizer Pseudomonas putida Starin MnB1
Galezowski L, Miot J, Recham N, Skouri-Panet F, Larcher D & Guyot F

Miot Jennyfer (2018) Direct and Indirect Biomineralization of Iron in the Ferruginous Lake Pavin
Berg J, Duverger A, Jézéquel D, Duprat E, Poinsot M, Skouri-Panet F, Laberty-Robert C & Miot J

Miot Jennyfer (2021) Biomineralization of Electroactive Mn-Oxides by the Mn(II) Oxidizer Pseudomonas putida for Electrochemical Energy Storage
Galezowski L, Recham N, Miot J, Skouri-Panet F, Larcher D & Guyot F
(2021) Experimental Evidence of the Influence of Organic Compounds on Pyrite Morphologies
Duverger A, Busigny V, Viennet J-C, Miot J & Bernard S

Miozzi F. (2023) Experimental Approaches to the Study of (Exo)planetary Interiors
Miozzi F, Geballe ZM, Yang J & Walter MJ
(2022) On the Link between Experiments and Interior Models: The Example of Carbon Enriched Systems
Miozzi F, Tracy SJ, Driscoll P, Yang J, Dutta R & Walter MJ
(2021) There is no I in Geology Podcast Network
Barrote V, Ware B, Spencer C, Volante S, Miozzi F, Moore M, Liebmann J & Lin N

Miquel J. (2000) Bacterial Sulfate Reduction and Sulfur Isotope Discrimination in the Hypersaline and Hypersulfidic Water Column of the Urania Basin (Mediterranean Sea)
Ziebis W, Böttcher ME, Weber A, Miquel J, Sievert S & Linke P

Miquelajauregui Y. (2021) Air Quality Changes in Mexico City, London and Delhi in Response to Various Levels of Lockdown Restrictions during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Rangel EV, Namdeo A, Bramwell L, Miquelajauregui Y, Resendiz-Martinez C, Jaimes M, Luna F, Terrazas-Ahumada A, Maji K, Entwistle JA, Núñez Enríquez JC, Mejia JM, Portas A, Hayes L & McNally R

Miracle M-R. (2015) Iron and Phosphorus Cycling in the Ferruginous Lake La Cruz
Thompson J, Guilbaud R, Posth N, Cox RP, Miracle M-R, Vicente E, Krom MD & Poulton SW

Miracle R-M. (2009) Anaerobic Microbial Iron Oxidation in an Iron-Meromictic Lake
Walter XA, Picazo-mozo A, Miracle R-M, Vicente E, Camacho A, Aragno M & Zopfi J

Mirailler A. (2023) Evaluation of Methane Anthropogenic Emission in Lyon-France Area
Mirailler A, Collignon L, Vala N, Menant C, Levi R, Paris J-D & Rairoux P

Miraj H. (2013) Using Textural Data and Fractal Analysis to Infer Crystallization of Dacites from Qorveh (W-Iran)
Eskandary A, De Rosa R, Amini S & Miraj H

Miranda A.C.R. (2021) Trace Element Composition of Scheelite as an Exploration Tool for Gold and Tungsten Deposits
Miranda ACR, Beaudoin G, Rottier B, Pasava J, Malec J & Bohdálek P

Miranda Caetano (2017) A Fresh Molecular Look at Calcite-Brine Confined Interfaces: Hydrogen Bond Network and Modelling NMR
Mutisya S, Kirch A & Miranda C
(2016) Improved Oil Recovery in Nanopores: NanoIOR
Almeida J & Miranda C
(2015) Asphaltene Interaction with Calcite Surface: A First Principles Study
Alvim R, Headen T, Boek E & Miranda C

Miranda Caetano Rodrigues (2014) Atomistic Simulation of Adsorbed Water Layer in Nanoporous Silica: Implications on Oil Recovery
de Almeida JM & Miranda CR
(2014) Clay‐swelling Inhibition Effects by SiO2 Nanoparticles: A Molecular Dynamics Study
Lara LSD & Miranda CR
(2013) Characterization of Hydrocarbon and Functionalized Silica Nanoparticle Adsorption on Mineral Surfaces Through Advanced First Principles Techniques
Bevilaqua R, Rigo V & Miranda CR
(2012) Hydrocarbon Adsorption on Carbonate and Silica Surfaces: A First Principles Study with van der Waals Interactions
Miranda C & Rigo V
(2010) Self-Accumulation of Aromatics at Oil-Water Interface. A Molecular Dynamics Study
Kunieda M, Nakaoka K, Liang Y, Miranda C, Ueda A & Matsuoka T
(2008) Nanogeoscience: There’s Plenty of Room at the Ground
Miranda CR & Matsuoka T

Miranda E. (2005) Inherited Zircon and the Magmatic Construction of Oceanic Crust
Schwartz J, John B, Cheadle M, Grimes C, Miranda E, Wooden J & Dick H

Miranda J.I. (2019) Understanding the Formation of Hydrobasaluminite Nanoparticles Tracking Al-Oligomers and its Polimerization
Moraga SD, Molinas R, Cruz-Hernández P, Becerra-Herrera M, Caraballo MA, Rivilla I & Miranda JI

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