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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Minervina E. (2015) Sphalerite as a Matrix for Noble, Non-Ferrous Metals and Semimetals: A EPMA and LA-ICP-MS Study of Synthetic Minerals
Tonkacheev D, Chareev D, Yudovskaya M, Minervina E & Tagirov B
(2015) The Behavior of REE and Sulphide Mineralization in Kivakka Layered Intrusion (Northern Karelia, Russia)
Bychkova Y & Minervina E

Minet M. (2021) Long-Term Subsurface Disposal of Sludges from Uranium Processing. Reactive Transport Simulations
Roman-Ross G, Duro L, Minet M, Gran M, Jordana S, Valls A & Garcia D

Minet Y. (2023) Long-Term Performance Assessment of Nuclear Waste Glasses in a Geological Repository: A Reactive Diffusion Model Called “MOS”
Frugier P, Godon N & Minet Y
(2012) New Insight into Long-Term Dissolution Rates of Borosilicate Glasses
Gin S, Frugier P, Angeli F, Jegou C, Godon N & Minet Y
(2009) SON68 Nuclear Glass Dissolution Kinetics: Current State of Knowledge and Basis of the New GRAAL Model
Frugier P, Gin S, Minet Y & Chave T

Mineta Y. (2016) Measurement of Stable Carbon Isotopic Composition of Breath and Urinary Acetone
Yamada K, Gilbert A, Ohishi K, Akasaka M, Mineta Y, Tajima H, Kawakami N, Yoshimura R & Yoshida N

Ming Doug (2018) Aqueous Alteration on Mars
Ming D
(2018) Anion-Exchange of Akaganeite with Mars-Relevant Anions
Peretyazhko T, Pan M, Ming D & Rampe L
(2017) Effect of Solution pH and Chloride Concentration on Akaganeite Precipitation: Implications for Akaganeite Formation on Mars
Peretyazhko T, Rampe L, Clark J, Archer D, Morris D & Ming D

Ming Douglas (2020) The Fate of Mobile Phosphorus in Sulfur-Rich, Mars-Relevant Systems
Berger J, Ming D, Morris R, King P, Schmidt M & Tu V

Ming Douglas W (2022) Searching for Mineralogical Evidence for the Clay-Sulfate Transition Region in Gale Crater, Mars Using the Sample Analysis at Mars-Evolved Gas Analyzer (SAM-Ega) Onboard the Curiosity Rover
Clark J, Sutter B, Wong G, Lewis J, McAdam A, Archer D, Mahaffy P, Franz H, Eigenbrode J, Freissinet C, Stern J, Glavin DP, Steele A, Knudson C, House C, Malespin C & Ming DW
(2022) Recent Mineralogical Discoveries in Gale Crater, Mars from the CheMin XRD Instrument, Demonstrating a Watery Past
Tu V, Rampe EB, Bristow T, Thorpe MT, Blake D, Vaniman D, Morris RV, Ming DW, Yen A, Achilles C, Castle N, Morrison SM, Downs G, Downs R, Craig P, Des Marais D, Treiman A, Chipera S, Peretyazhko T, Simpson S & Wilson M
(2022) Active Silicate Weathering in Antarctic Ice-Rich Permafrost Revealed by Mg Isotopes
Sletten RS, Cuozzo N, Hu Y, Liu L, Teng F, Hagedorn B, Ming DW & Tu V
(2019) Formation of Akaganeite on Mars
Peretyazhko T, Ming D, Rampe L, Morris D & Agresti D
(2019) Machine Learning in Predicting Multi-Component Mineral Compositions in Gale Crater, Mars
Morrison S, Pan F, Prabhu A, Eleish A, Fox P, Gagne O, Downs RT, Bristow TF, Rampe EB, Blake DF, Vaniman DT, Achilles CN, Ming DW, Yen AS, Treiman AH, Morris RV, Chipera SJ, Craig PI, Tu VM & Hazen RM
(2015) Ge Enrichments in Sedimentary Rocks in Gale Crater, Mars
Berger J, Schmidt M, Gellert R, Campbell JL, Elliott B, King P, Ming D, Perrett G, Thompson L & VanBommel S
(2015) Mineralogy of the Pahrump Hills Region, Gale Crater, Mars
Rampe E, Ming D, Vaniman D, Blake D, Chipera S, Morris R, Bish D, Cavanagh P, Achilles C, Bristow T, Morrison S, Treiman A, Downs R, Farmer J, Crisp J, Fendrich K & Morookian JM
(2015) Mineralogy of the Dillinger Sandstone, Kimberley Area, Gale Crater, Mars
Treiman A, Bish D, Ming D & Rampe E
(2014) Mineralogical Analysis of Drilled Mudstone at Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater, Mars
Blake D, Vaniman D, Bristow T, Bish D, Rampe E, Morris R, Treiman A, Ming D, Chipera S, Morrison S, Downs R, Farmer J, Crisp J, Achilles C & Morookian J-M
(2014) Evolved Gas Analysis of the Rocknest Aeolian Bedform, Gale Crater, Mars
Arevalo Jr. R, Archer D, Mahaffy P, Franz H, Coll P, Eigenbrode J, Glavin D, Jones J, Leshin L, McAdam A, McKay C, Ming D, Morris R, Navarro-Gonzalez R, Niles P, Pavlov A, Squyres S, Stern J, Steele A & Wray J
(2013) Crystal-Chemical Analyses of Soil and Drilled Rock in Gale Crater, Mars
Morrison SM, Downs RT, Blake DF, Bish DL, Ming DW, Morris RV, Yen AS, Chipera SJ, Treiman AH, Vaniman DT, Gellert R, Achilles CN, Rampe EB, Bristow TF, Crisp JA, Sarrazin PC & Morookian JM
(2013) Geochemical Diversity and K-Rich Compositions found by the MSL APXS in Gale Crater, Mars
Schmidt M, King P, Gellert R, Elliott B, Thompson L, Berger J, Bridges J, Campbell JL, Ehlmann B, Hurowitz J, Leshin L, Lewis K, McLennan S, Ming D, Perrett G, Pradler I, Stolper E, Squyres S & Treiman A
(2008) Phosphate Alteration on Mars
Hausrath E, Golden DC, Morris R & Ming D
(2007) Jarosite and Goethite Identified by Mössbauer Spectroscopy on the Surface of Mars: Mineralogical Evidence for Aqueous Processes
Klingelhöfer G, Morris RV, Rodionov D, Schröder C, Fleischer I, Yen A & Ming DW
(2007) Crystal Water on Mars: Insights from the Mars Exploration Rovers
Ming D, Clark B, Morris R & The Athena Science Team
(2007) Aqueous Alteration of Basalts: Earth, Moon, and Mars
Ming D
(2006) Mineralogy on Mars at Gusev Crater and Meridiani Planum as seen by Iron Mössbauer Spectroscopy
Klingelhoefer G, Morris R, Yen A, Ming D, Schroeder C & Rodionov D
(2006) Spherulitic (c-axis) growth for terrestrial (Mauna Kea, Hawaii) and martian hematite 'blueberries'
Golden DC, Ming DW & Morris RV

Ming Douglas W. (2016) Mineralogical and Geochemical Trends in a Fluviolacustrine Sequence in Gale Crater, Mars
Rampe E, Ming D, Morris R, Blake D, Vaniman D, Bristow T, Chipera S, Yen A, Grotzinger J, Farmer J, Des Marais D, Morrison S, Gellert R, Achilles C, Downs R, Treiman A, Craig P, Fendrich K & Fairen A
(2016) Mineralogy of Eolian Sands at Gale Crater, Mars
Achilles C, Downs R, Vaniman D, Yen A, Blake D, Morris R, Ming D, Rampe E, Morrison S, Bristow T, Chipera S, Ehlmann B, Lapotre M, Fendrich K, Sarrazin P, Craig P, Crisp J, Grotzinger J, Des Marais D & Farmer J
(2016) Improving the Accuracy of Unit-Cell Parameters Obtained from the CheMin Instrument on Mars Through an Internally Calibrated Sample Cell Offset
Morrison SM, Downs RT, Blake DF, Vaniman DT, Ming DW, Rampe EB, Bristow TF, Chipera SJ, Yen AS, Morris RV, Treiman AH, Sarrazin PC, Achilles CN, Fendrich KV, Morookian JM, Crisp JA, Farmer JD, Des Marais DJ & Craig PI
(2016) Oxychlorine Detections on Mars: Implications for Cl Cycling
Sutter B, Jackson A, Ming D, Archer D, Stern J, Mahaffy P & Gellert R
(2016) The Nitrate/Perchlorate Ratio of Martian Surface Materials: Implications for the Nitrogen Cycle on Mars
Stern JC, Sutter B, Jackson WA, Navarro-Gonzalez R, McKay CP, Ming DW & Mahaffy PR

Ming G-D. (2023) Atom-Trap Trace Analysis of 41Ca/Ca Down to the 10-17 Level
Sun W, Xia T-Y, Ebser S, Jiang W, Yang G-M, Zhu H-M, Fu Y-C, Huang F, Ming G-D, Xia T & Lu Z-T

Ming H. (2012) New Understanding of Changxing Formation Reefs in Permian in Eastern Sichuan Area, China
Zhang T, Liu Z, Yang W, Ming H, Dang L, Zheng C & Yang Y
(2012) Facies Architecture and Evolution of Late Permian Carbonate Platform Margin, Northeastern Sichuan, China
Ts Z, Zhao G, Liu Z, Chen X, Yang W & Ming H

Ming L. (2009) Geochemical Studies from Several Cu-Au Deposits, Anhui, East China
Ming L & Gao E

Ming XiaoRan (2017) Geochemistry of Middle Triassic Pi Sandstone in the Northeastern Margin Ordos Basin, China:Implications for Provenance and Wearhering
Liu L, Bai H, Ming X, Liu N, Yu L & Hu C

Ming Xiaoran (2016) Diagenesis of Mudstone in Ancient CO2 Reservoir: Implications for CO2 Geological Storage
Liu L, Ming X, Liu N, Yu L, Yang H & Hu C

Ming Y. (2011) Anthropogenic Aerosols and the Weakening of the South Asian Summer Monsoon
Ming Y, Bollasina M & Ramaswamy V

Ming Z. (2012) The Evolution of Clay Minerals and Rift Structure in Zhanhua Depression, China
Ming Z, Junfeng J, Xiaoming C, Changzhi W, Bing W & Yuguan P

Ming-Yu Z.
(2017) Hydrothermal Contributions to the Marinoan Cap Carbonate in South China
Yan-Yan Z, Ming-Yu Z & San-Zhong L

Mingarro M (2005) Evolution of the Sorption Studies on a Spanish Bentonite during 8 Years of the FEBEX Project
Missana T, Garcia-Gutierrez M, Alonso U, Granizo N, Mingarro M & Martín PL

Mingarro Manuel (2019) Colloid Formation and Mobilisation from Compacted Bentonite in Favourable Environments
Alonso U, Missana T, Garcia-Gutierrez M, Morejon J, Mingarro M, Fernandez AM, Kronberg M & Sellin P
(2016) Barium Adsorption onto Cementitious Materials
Missana T, Garcia-Gutierrez M & Mingarro M

Mingchun S. (2022) Fault Control Law of Deep-Seated Gold Orebodies in the Jiaodong Ore-Cluster Region: Revealed from Three-Dimensional Geological Modeling Data
Mingchun S, Bin W, Shiyong L, Hongbo L, Chunyan H, Leilei D, Jian L, Liangliang Z & Xiangdong L

Minghetti M. (2021) Intracellular Speciation and Nanoscale Distribution of Silver and Bioessential Metals in Fish Intestinal Epithelia Upon Exposure to Nanoparticles
Catalano JG, Dudefoi W, Flynn E & Minghetti M

Mingram B. (2005) Carboniferous Shales – A Source of Nitrogen in Gas Accumulations of the North German Basin?
Mingram B, Lueders V, Krooss B & Hoth P
(2004) Genesis and Migration of Nitrogen-Rich Gases in the North German Basin
Mingram B, Lueders V & Hoth P

Mingram J. (2018) Late Quaternary Climate in Southern China Deduced from Sr-Nd Isotopes of Huguangyan Maar Sediments
Zaarur S, Stein M, Adam O, Mingram J, Chu G, Liu J, Wu J & Erel Y

Minifie M. (2008) The Origin, Nature and Consequences of the Circum-Superior 1880 Ma Large Igneous Province
Minifie M, Kerr A, Ernst R & Pearce J

Minisini D. (2020) Compositional Evolution of Cretaceous Cordilleran Volcanism
Allen S, Lee C-T & Minisini D
(2018) Stable Sr Isotopes of Carbonate Fractions as Tracer for Weathering Activity during OAE2
Nana Yobo L, Brandon A, Eldrett J & Minisini D
(2018) Seawater 187Os/188Os Variations during the Mid-Cenomanian Event
Lauckner L, Brandon A, Eldrett J & Minisini D

Minissale A (2000) The Origin, Transport, Crustal Storage and Expulsion of CO2 Associated with Italian Thermal Springs and Travertines
Minissale A, Kerrick DM, Magro G, Rihs S & Sturchio NC

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