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Min Hla (2021) Generation of Quaternary Adakites due to Two-Stage Differentiation of Arc Magma beneath Central Myanmar
Sano T, Tani K, Yoneda S, Min H, Htike T, Thein ZMM, Ishizuka O, Kusuhashi N, Kono R, Takai M & Conway C

Min HuaJun (2012) The Study of the Sequence Stratigraphy and the Sedimentary Enviroment of Ordovician in Southern Margin of Sichuan Basin
Tingshan Z, Yang W, Liu Z & Min H

Min Hyung Sik (2014) Accurate Measurement of Isotope Ratios of 30Si/29Si in Kaolin and Alumina with Multicollector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry
Lee K-S, Min HS, Lim Y, Heo SW, Yim Y-H, Suh JK & Hwang E

Min Jiahua (2011) Using Mössbauer Spectra to Characterize and Differentiate Tourmaline Crystals from China
Guo Y, Yang S, Min J, Wang L & Xia Y

Min Jun-Oh (2016) Change on UV-Absorbing Compounds during Phytoplankton Bloom in the Amundsen Sea, Antarctica
Ha S-Y, Min J-O, Lee S & Shin K-H

Min Juwon (2019) Effects of Hydrophobic Particles for Hydrate Formation
Cha M, Baek S, Min J & Lee JW

Min K (2005) Intercalibration of the U-Pb and <+>40<$>Ar/<+>39<$>Ar Geochronometers: Status, Prognosis, and Proscription
Renne P, Mundil R, Min K & Ludwig K

Min Kyle (2002) Acapulco Recorded an Early Asteroidal Heat Pulse
Marti K, Kim Y, Min K, Renne P & Farley K

Min Kyoungwon (2012) Current Status of Phosphate (U-Th)/He Thermochronology of Meteorites
Min KK & Lee SR
(2010) Unleashing the Full Potential of the 40Ar/39Ar Geochronometer
Renne P, Mundil R, Balco G, Min K & Ludwig K

Min Kyungin (2020) Ecohydrologic Implications of Deeply Rooted Grasses
Oerter E, Nuccio E, Slessarev E, Min K, Kan M, Visser A, McFarlane K, Asefaw Berhe A & Pett-Ridge J

Min Kyungjin (2014) Varying Isotopic Fractionation of Microbial Respiration with Warming is Mediated by Substrate Stoichiometry
Min K, Lehmeier C, Ballantyne F & Billings S

Min M (2005) Uranium Enriched in Carbonised Wood: Role of Microbes on Uranium Immobilization
Xu H, Min M & Barton L

Min Myo (2019) Provenance of Cenozoic Myanmar Central Basins and Implications for the SE Asia Tectonic Setting
Arboit F, Morley C, Chew D & Min M

Minaev V. (2013) Combined Accessory Mineral Micro-Analysis: The Strength of a Multi-Phase Approach
Kooijman E, Hacker B, Kylander-Clark A, Ratschbacher L & Minaev V

Minagawa K. (2011) Relative B-Li-Cl Compositions: Capability and Limitation to Direct Observation of Deep Geofluid
Yoshida K, Sengen Y, Tsuchiya S, Minagawa K, Kobayashi T, Mishima T, Ohsawa S & Hirajima T

Minagawa M (2003) High Resolution Records of Organic Carbon and its Isotopes in Core MD01-2421 off Central Japan, NW Pacific, during the Last 145, 000 Years
Ueshima T, Yamamoto M, Oba T, Kuramoto T, Minagawa M & Irino T
(2003) Biomarker Fluxin Surface Sediments Corrected from 230Th Flux in the Middle Latitude of North Pacific
Amo M, Minagawa M & Yamada M
(2003) Os Isotopic Record of Japan Sea Sediments over Last Glacial Maximum
Dalai T, Suzuki K, Minagawa M & Nozaki Y
(2003) Domestication Patterns of Pigs (Sus Scrofa) Evidenced by Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Analysis for Prehistoric Boar Bone Collagen
Minagawa M, Matsui A & Ishiguro N
(2003) Paleodiet Reconstruction of Prehistoric Humans in the Cape Region of Southern Baja California Based on Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Analysis
Fujita H & Minagawa M

Minagawa Masao (2008) Glacial-Interglacial Oceanographic Variations over the Past 340, 000 Years at the Mid-Latitude of Southwest Pacific Based on a Multi-Proxy Approach
Ho S-L, Nuita M, Yamamoto M, Minagawa M, Sagawa T, Horikawa K, Murayama M & Kato Y
(2002) 13C and 15N in Bone Collagen of Prehistoric Human from Northeast Asia and North Pacific Coastal Regions, as a Clue of Dietary Analysis
Minagawa M
(2002) Seasonal Variability of Biomarkers in Sinking Particles in the Japan Sea
Nakanishi T & Minagawa M

Minahan D. (2019) Flow Rate and Ionic Strength Effects on Calcite Reactivity in Microchannels
Abdilla B, Minahan D, Lee SS, Gleghorn J, Fenter P & Sturchio N

Minai Y. (2016) Undergratuate Fieldwork Course on Ecology and Earth Sciences at Mt. Akagi Caldera, Gunma, Japan: for Non-Science Majors
Minai Y, Maruhashi T, Ikeda M & Kawate S

Minakawa M. (2011) 129I as an Oceanographic Tracer in the Japan Sea
Suzuki T, Minakawa M, Otosaka S & Togawa O
(2009) The Evaluation for the Turnover Time of the Japan Sea Bottom Water by 129I
Suzuki T, Minakawa M & Togawa O
(2003) PGE Abundances of Several Sediment Samples
Amakawa H, Shirai N, Yamaguchi R, Minakawa M & Ebihara M
(2003) Atmospheric Transport of Natural and Anthropogenic Substances from East Asia over the NW Pacific
Uematsu M, Hattori H & Minakawa M

Minambres L. (2011) Cloud Droplet Activation of Organic Aerosols: The Role of Molecule Size, Polarity, and Functional Group Composition
Petters M, Ziemann P, Kreidenweis S, Suda S, Carrico C, Faulhaber A, Matsunaga A, Sullivan R, Minambres L & Prenni A

Minami Hideki (2023) The Sectional Distributions of Several Particulate Trace Elements in the Western South Pacific
Norisuye K, Hayashi Y, Obata H, Gamo T, Minami H & Nakaguchi Y
(2018) Distributions of Total Particulate Trace Elements in the Subarctic North Pacific
Maruyama K, Norisuye K, Obata H, Minami H, Nakaguchi Y, Tazoe H & Gamo T

Minami Hiroaki (2013) Record of Bacterial Sulfate Reduction during 50~210 kyr ago in the Submarine Hypersaline Meedee Lake, off Crete Island, Eastern Mediterranean Sea
Minami H, Yamaguchi KE, Naraoka H, Murayama M, Ikehara M & Tokuyama H

Minami Hirotsugu (2019) Occurrence of Marine Silicate Weathering (MSiW) in the Mound Structure of the Chukchi Sea
Kim J-H, Ryu J-S, Park M-H, Lee D-H, Minami H, Jeen Y-K, Kang M-H, Lee CS & Park SH
(2016) Active Methane Cycling Studied by Molecular Biomarkers and Stable Isotope in the Sediment of Sakhalin Continental Slope
Lee D-H, Jin Y-K, Minami H, Hachikubo A, Gal J-K, Choi B & Shin K-H

Minami M. (2020) 87Sr/86Sr Linkage between Geological and Biological Materials
Minami M, Sawada H & Wakaki S
(2019) Sr Isotope Exchange in Bone Apatite: An 84Sr-Enrichment Experiment
Minami M & Wakaki S
(2016) Atmospheric 14CO2 and Suess Effect: 14C Contents in Pine Needles Grown from 1983 to 2014 at the Higashiyama Campus, Nagoya University
Nakamura T & Minami M
(2016) Meteoric 10Be in Bed-Sediment of Rivers Flowing to Lake Biwa, Central Japan
Fujisawa J, Minami M & Saito-Kokubu Y
(2016) An Attempt on 14C Dating and Reconstruction of Diet for Cremated Remains of Jokei, a Buddhist Monk
Mukumoto H, Minami M & Nakamura T
(2016) Carbonaceous Aerosols Observed in Noto Peninsula: Their Source and Impact on Aerosol CCN Activity
Matsuki A, Yamada R, Kinouchi K, Miyazaki R, Iwamoto Y, Ikemori F, Minami M & Nakamura T
(2016) Estimation of Paleoclimate Changes from 14C of Speleothem from the Ryugashi Cave, Central Japan
Minami M, Horikawa K & Nakamura T
(2016) Comparison of Carbon Extraction Methods for Radiocarbon Analysis of DIC in Water Samples
Takahashi H, Minami M & Aramaki T
(2016) Collaborative Education on "Geochemical Experiment" and "Geological Survey" for Undergraduate Students in Earth Science Department
Asahara Y, Mimura K, Minami M & Yamamoto K
(2015) Reconstruction of Heavy Element Emission Histroy from a Peat-Rich Pond in the Western Pacific Region
Tanimizu M, Kohno M, Asahara Y, Minami M & Hosono T
(2015) Interpretation of Speleothem Calcite 14C Variations from Monitoring Drip Water 14C in the Rygashi Cave in Shizuoka, Central Japan
Minami M, Kato T, Horikawa K & Nakamura T
(2013) Geochemical Map of 87Sr/86Sr Ratios Using Stream Sediments is Useful for Detection of Food-Producing Areas and Human Migration?
Minami M, Jomori Y & Ohta A
(2013) Geochemical Mapping of 87Sr/86Sr Ratios Using Stream Sediments in Japan
Jomori Y, Minami M & Ohta A
(2011) Reaction of Silicate with Released CO2 by Inorganic Precipitations of Marine Carbonate in Sandstone: Evidence from 87Sr/86Sr, δ18O and δ13C Isotopes in Calcareous Sandstone
Minami M, Tanaka T, Takeuchi M & Mito S
(2007) Radiocarbon and 13C Variations during the Last 300 Years in Lacustrine Sediments of Lake Biwa, Central Japan
Minami M, Tane N & Nakamura T
(2004) Precambrian Antarctic Meteorite “Phantasia”
Tanaka T, Minami M, Shibata S, Yanai K & Shiraishi K
(2003) 87Sr/86Sr Ratios in Lake Sediments in Lake Biwa, Japan -Environmental Change in the Last 200 Years-
Minami M, Oda H, Yokota K, Ando K & Yamamoto K
(2003) New Attempt to Geochemical Mapping of Sr Isotope in Aichi Prefecture, Central Part of Japan
Asahara Y, Ishiguro H, Tanaka T, Yamamoto K, Mimura K & Minami M
(2003) Geochemical Map of Aichi Prefecture, Central Part of Japan – Minor Elements
Tanaka T, Yamamoto K, Minami M, Mimura K, Asahara Y & Yoshida H
(2003) Geochemical Map of Aichi Prefecture, Central Part of Japan – Major Elements
Yamamoto K, Tanaka T, Minami M, Mimura K, Asahara Y & Yoshida H
(2003) Dependence of 14C Ages on Carbon Fraction and Reservoir Effect for Archeological Materials
Nakamura T, Minami M, Oda H, Niu E, Ikeda A & Ohta T
(2002) Isotope Diluted Neutron Activation Analysis (ID-Naa) for Quantitative Analysis of PGEs and Re
Tanaka T, Senda R, Shibata S-N, Minami M & Tanimizu M
(2002) Presence of Evolved Continental Crust in Archean Pilbara Craton, Western Australia: Evidence from Re-Os Isotopic Systematics of 3.4Gyr Cherts
Suzuki K, Shimizu H, Okamoto M, Hattori Y, Minami M & Shimoda G

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