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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Mills Benjamin J.W. (2020) Positive Sulfate Sulfur Isotope Excursion Indicates Large-Scale Pyrite Burial and Marine Anoxia during the End–Triassic Mass Extinction
He T, Dal Corso J, Newton RJ, Wignall PB, Mills BJW, Todaro S, Di Stefano P, Turner EC, Jamieson RA, Randazzo V, Jones RE & Dunhill AM
(2020) Multiple S Isotopes and Hg Geochemistry at the Terrestrial Permo-Triassic Mass Extinction
Dal Corso J, Newton RJ, Chu D, Wignall PB, Zerkle AL, Claire M, Di Rocco T, He T, Mather TA, Mills BJW, Jamieson RA & Tong J

Mills Christopher (2022) Automated Mineralogy to Characterize Residence of Lead in Fine Grained Sediment along a River Impacted by Historic Lead Mining in Southeast Missouri, USA
Mills C, Stricker C, Buckley C, Pfaff K, Livingston K, Schumacher J, Morrison J, Kane T & Campbell KM
(2018) Using High-Resolution Streambank Groundwater Discharge Sampling to Locate Concealed Mineral Deposits
Manning A, Wanty R, Morrison J & Mills C
(2015) Scaling of Sulfur Geochemical Processes in Prairie Pothole Wetlands
Goldhaber M, Stricker C, Mills C, Guntenspergen G, Rover J & Mushet D
(2014) The Role of Sulfur in the Geochemical Evolution of the Praire Potholes Wetlands
Goldhaber M, Stricker C, Mills C & Morrison J
(2014) Use of δ34S of Sulfate in Hydrogeochemical Investigations of a Prairie Pothole Salt Ring
Mills C, Goldhaber M, Stricker C & Holloway J
(2014) Watershed Effects of Historic Chromite Mining in Northern California, USA
Holloway J, Mills C, Kraus J & Goldhaber M
(2014) Microbial Organic Matter Diagenesis and Carbon Cycling within Deep-Sea Antarctica Sediments
Carr S, Mandernack K, Mills C, Schubotz F, Dias R, Dunbar R, Summons R, Escutia C & Brinkhuis H
(2012) Dissolved Organic Matter Characterization for a Prairie Potholes Ecosystem
Holloway JM, Goldhaber MB, Mills CT, Aiken GR & Butler KD
(2012) Scaling of Ecological and Critical Zone Processes in the Prairie Pothole Region, USA and Canada
Goldhaber MB, Mills C, Stricker C, Mushet D & Morrison J
(2012) Critical Zone Weathering of Glacial Till in the Prairie Potholes Region: A Major Control on Wetland Ecology
Morrison J, Goldhaber M, Mills C & Ellefsen K
(2012) Concentration and Transport of Solutes Driven by Transpiration at the Edge of a Prairie Pothole Wetland
Mills C, Goldhaber M & Stricker C
(2011) Scaling of Critical Zone Processes in the Prairie Pothole Region, USA
Goldhaber M, Mills C, Morrison J & Stricker C
(2011) Asphaltene Content as a Measure of Oil Losses Related to the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
Lewan M, Warden A, Dias R, Lowry Z, Hannah T, Kokaly R, Hoefen T, Swayze G, Mills C, Harris S, Plumlee G & Marshall B
(2010) Microbial Community Structure and Methylmercury Production in a Managed Wetland Ecosystem
Holloway J, Mills C, Marvin-DiPasquale M, Alpers C, Windham-Meyers L, Fleck J & Goldhaber M
(2010) Controls on the Formation of Geogenic Cr(VI) in Soils of the Sacramento Valley, California
Mills C, Morrison J & Goldhaber M
(2009) Geochemical Landscape Studies of Geogenic Trace Elements in Northern California, USA
Goldhaber M, Morrison J, Holloway J, Mills C & Wanty R
(2008) Cr(III) Oxidation by Soluble Mn(III) Chelates: A Potential Biogeochemical Pathway for the Enhanced Mobilization of Cr from Spinels
Mills C, Goldhaber M, Foster A & Morrison J

Mills Christopher T (2017) Microbial and Viral Communities in Wetlands Support Extremely High Methane Emissions and Sulfate Reduction Rates
Dalcin Martins P, Bansal S, Mills CT, Tangen BA, Hoyt DW, Tfaily M & Wilkins M

Mills Daniel (2016) Geomicrobiology of a Stratified, Acidic Pit Lake in the Iberian Pyrite Belt
Grettenberger C, McCauley Rench R, Mills D, Gruen D, Carney C, Brainard J, Hamasaki H, Watanabe Y, Ohmoto H & Macalady J
(2015) Redox Control on Basal Animal Behavior and Metabolism
Mills D, Vargas S, Hasler-Sheetal H, Elemans C, Wörheide G & Canfield D
(2013) High Sensitivity of Ammonia and Nitrite Oxidation Rates to Nanomolar Oxygen Concentrations
Bristow LA, Dalsgaard T, Tiano L, Mills D, Ulloa O, Canfield D, Revsbech N-P & Thamdrup B
(2013) Experimentally Verifying the Low Oxygen Demands of Primitive Animals
Mills D, Ward L, Jones C, Forth M, Sweeten B, Treusch A & Canfield D
(2011) Ecological Niches of Fe-Oxidizing Acidophiles in a Coal Mine Discharge
Jones D, Brown J, Larson L, Mills D, Burgos W & Macalady J

Mills Daniel Brady (2023) Empirically Constraining the Role of O2 in the End-Proterozoic Diversification of Eukaryotes
Mills DB, Simister RL, Sehein TR, Hallam SJ, Sperling EA & Crowe SA

Mills David (2010) Gas Deasphalting Process at the Fluid Inclusion Scale
Bourdet J, Eadington P, Kempton R, Mills D & Liu K

Mills H.J. (2013) Active and Total Microbial Community Structure in Relation to Metal Availability within Subsurface Sediments
Reese B, Zinke L, Mills H & Edwards K
(2012) Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane Coupled to Iron Reduction in Deep Marine Sediments
Riedinger N, Formolo MJ, Lyons TW, Henkel S, Voemeyer A, Reese BK, Mills HJ & Kasten S
(2011) Microbially Mediated Iron Reduction in the Methanic Zone of Sediments from the Western Argentine Basin
Riedinger N, Formolo MJ, Henkel S, Reese BK, Mills HJ, Voßmeyer A, Arnold GL, Sawicka J, Tomasini J, Love GD, Lyons TW & Kasten S

Mills Jennifer (2019) Electrokinetic Tracking of CaCO3 Nucleation
Prus M, Szymanek K, Mills J, Nielsen Lammers L, Piasecki W, Kedra-Krolik K & Zarzycki P
(2019) Decadal Response of Soil Biogeochemistry to the Warming Climate of the Mojave Desert
Mills J, Mauer G, Lammers L & Amundson R
(2018) Modeling Carbon Dynamics in Arid Soils: Insights from the Mojave Desert
Mills J, Maurer G, Amundson R & Lammers L
(2017) The Effect of Production, Consumption and Transport on N and O Isotope Composition of Nitrous Oxide in the Mojave Desert
Amundson R, Oerter E, Mills J & Boering K
(2017) The Key Role of Bioturbation in the Carbon-Sulfur-Iron Interplay in Salt Marsh Sediments
Antler G, Turchyn AV, Mills J & Redeker K
(2014) Iron-Mediated Cryptic Sulfur Cycling in Salt Marsh Sediments
Mills J, Antler G & Turchyn A

Mills Jennifer V (2022) Molecular Mechanisms Controlling Uptake of Trace Elements during Calcite Growth
Koishi A, Whittaker M, Mills JV & Nielsen Lammers L
(2021) A Diffusion-Based Analysis of Soil Nitrous Oxide Concentrations and its Stable Isotope Composition
Mills JV & Amundson R
(2021) Insights into Calcite Growth Inhibition Mechanisms from Calcium Isotopes
Nielsen Lammers L & Mills JV

Mills Jennifer V. (2020) Ca Isotope and Trace Element Evidence for Non-Monomer Impurity Incorporation during Calcite Growth
Mills JV, Barnhart HA, DePaolo DJ & Lammers LN
(2020) Insights into Crystal Growth Pathways from Isotopic Tracers, Molecular Simulations, and Theory
Lammers L, Mills J & DePaolo D
(2015) The Sulfur-Iron Interplay and its Role in the Fate of Carbon in Salt Marsh Sediments
Antler G, Turchyn AV, Mills JV, Povia S & Redeker K

Mills Jonathan (2018) Iron Accumulation Promotes Phosphate Retention at Redox Interfaces in Arctic and Boreal Soils
Herndon E, Duroe K, Kinsman-Costello L, Mills J, Thompson A, Kane E, Sebestyen S & Wullschleger S
(2017) Iron-Phosphorus Interactions Across Redox Transitions in Tundra and Boreal Wetlands
Herndon E, Duroe K, Mills J, Kinsman-Costello L, Wullschleger S, Sebestyen S & Kane E

Mills K. (2021) Race, Racism, and Barriers to the Participation of Black People in the Geological Sciences: How Bad is it? Should We do Something About it? What can We do About it?
Dowey NJ, Jackson CA-L, Barclay J, Fernando B, Giles S, Houghton J, Khatwa A, Lawrence A, Mills K, Newton A, Rogers S & Williams R

Mills M (2004) Biological Fractionation of Mo Isotopes during N2 Fixation by Trichodesmium sp. IMS 101
Nagler T, Mills M & Siebert C

Mills M (2005) Mystery of the Volcanic Mass-Independent Sulfur Isotope Fractionation Signature in the Antarctic Ice-Core
Pavlov A, Mills M & Toon O

Mills Michael (2018) Systemic Swings in End-Permian Climate from Siberian Traps Carbon and Sulfur Outgassing
Black B, Neely R, Lamarque J-F, Elkins-Tanton L, Kiehl J, Shields C, Mills M & Bardeen C

Mills Rachel (2018) Investigating the Isotopic Signature and Release of Iron Sourced from Sediments to the UK South Atlantic GEOTRACES GA10 Section
Summers B, Homoky W, Mills R, John S & Conway T
(2017) Limited Exchange of Neodymium Isotopes with the NE Atlantic Continental Margin
Stichel T, Klar J, Crocket K, James R, Statham P, Lohan M, Milne A & Mills R
(2017) Transformation and Transportation Pathways of Fe within a Partially Remediated Acid Sulphate Soil Wetland
Gibbs D, Moon E, Bush R, Connelly D, Scheffers A & Mills R
(2016) Gold-Rich Chimneys at the Beebe Hydrothermal Vent Field
Webber A, Roberts S, Murton B, Mills R & Hodgkinson M

Mills Rachel A. (2015) The Iron Isotope Signature of Shallow Pore Waters Spanning the Depth of the South Atlantic Ocean
Homoky W, Conway T, John S, Hsieh Y-T, Woodward M, Henderson G & Mills R
(2013) Assessing the Dissolution of Marine Sediment with 230Th, and the Impact of Dissolution on Sedimentary 231Pa/230Th
Deng F, Henderson G, Thomas A, Homoky W & Mills R
(2013) Suboxic Sediments as an Oceanic Sink of Isotopically-Light Cadmium
Horner TJ, Homoky WB, Georgiev SV, Stein HJ, Hannah JL, Mills RA, Rehkämper M & Henderson GM
(2013) Diagenetic Mobilisation of Fe and Mn in Hydrothermal Sediments
Aquilina A, Homoky WB, Hepburn LE, John SG, Conway TM, Lyons T & Mills RA
(2013) Fluid Flow and Redox Metal Cycling in Cayman Trough Hydrothermal Sediments
Mills RA & Homoky WB
(2013) Trace Metal Inputs from River-Fed and River-Starved Margin Sediments of the South Atlantic Ocean
Homoky WB, Mills RA, Hsieh Y-T, Hembury DJ, Woodward EMS & Henderson GM
(2011) Quantifying Fluxes of Metals to Surface Waters of the South-East Atlantic
Henderson GM, Achterberg E, Baker A, Chance R, Geibert W, Homoky W, Hwieh Y-T, Klunder M, Lohan M, Martin P, Mills R, Milne A, Palmer M, Sanders R, Thomas A, Wake B & Woodward M
(2011) Subsurface Biogeochemistry of Hydrothermal Flow at the Hook Ridge, Bransfield Strait
Hepburn L, Mills R, Aquilina A, Copley J, Glover A & Tyler P
(2008) Fluid Flow Rates and Sediment Pore-Fluid Interactions at the Carlos Ribeiro Mud Volcano (Gulf of Cadiz)
Vanneste H, Heeschen K, Kelly-Gerreyn B, Mills RA & Green DHR
(2007) Functionally Diverse Chemosynthetic Bacteria in Hydrothermal Sediment, Santorini, Greece: Geochemical Implications
Handley K, Boothman C, Mills R & Lloyd J
(2006) Non-steady state diagenesis in hydrothermal sediments records oceanic variability over the last 800 ka in the South East Pacific
Taylor S, Mills R, Thomson J & Palike H
(2002) Hydrothermal Clays as Tracers of Seafloor Sulphide Mound Evolution
Mills RA, Severmann S, Palmer MR & Fallick AE
(2000) The Geochemistry of a Relict Hydrothermal Deposit: Effects of Low Temperature Alteration
Severmann S, Mills RA & Palmer MR
(2000) The Geomicrobiology of a Relict Sulphide Deposit: Extending the Boundaries of the Submarine Hydrothermal Ecosystem
Severmann S, Parkes RJ, Cragg BA, Telling J, Rhodes J, Mills RA & Palmer MR

Mills Riley (2019) Winter Soil Processes in Transition
Rezanezhad F, Smeaton CM, Hug L, Jensen GB, Krogstad KJ, Macrae ML, McCarter CPR, Milojevic T, Mills R, Parsons CT, Quinton W, Rudolph D, Smith S, Townsend HR & Van Cappellen P

Mills Ryan D (2022) Using Radiogenic Nd, Pb, and Sr Isotopes to Decipher Magma Sources during the Onset of Extension of the Northern Rio Grande Rift
Truong BH, Lopez AR & Mills RD

Mills Ryan D. (2013) Plutons are Texturally Modified Primary Igneous Liquids, not Cumulates
Coleman D, Frazer R, Mills R, Glazner A & Bartley J
(2011) Missed Connection: Ignimbrite Seeking Plutonic Relationship
Coleman D, Mills R & Tappa M
(2011) Experimental Evidence for Coarsening of Crystals and Bubbles during Thermal Cycling of Mafic and Silicic Magmas
Mills R & Glazner A
(2008) Comparing the Compositional Patterns of Volcanic and Plutonic Rocks Using the NAVDAT Database
Mills RD, Glazner A & Coleman D
(2008) Selective vs. Bulk Assimilation and the Restricted Chemical Variability of Igneous Rocks
Glazner A, Mills RD & Coleman D
(2000) The Ridge Flank Flux of Uranium and Seawater
Dunk R, Jenkins W & Mills R

Mills S (2006) Secondary U-phosphates - possible links to Quaternary pluvials in SE Australia
Maas R, Mills S, Birch W & Hellstrom J

Mills Stuart (2020) Tellurium Biogeochemistry in the World’s Richest Tellurium Hotspot
Missen O, Brugger J, Mills S, Etschmann B, Ram R & Shuster J
(2008) Te, Sb and W Mineralization at the Black Pine Mine, Montana
Mills S, Groat L & Kolitsch U

Mills Suzanne (2002) Salinization of the Rio Grande: Young Water, Old Salts?
Phillips F, Mills S & Hogan J

Mills T.J. (2012) Hydrochemistry of a Variably Snow-Covered Catchment
Anderson SP, Mills TJ & Gabor R

Millward D. (2009) Fluid Composition and Carbon Isotope Evolution in the Borrowdale Graphite Deposit (United Kingdom)
Barrenechea JF, Luque J, Ortega L, Millward D & Rodas M

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