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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Miller Lesley F (2019) Predicting 2, 4-Dintroanisole (DNAN) Sorption on Various Soil “Types” Using Different Compositional Datasets
Chappell MA, Seiter JM, West HM, Miller LF, Negrete ME, LeMonte JJ, Porter BE & Price CL

Miller M (2004) Variations in Argon Retention of Metamorphic Amphiboles from the Adirondack Lowlands, NY (USA)
Miller M, Dahl P, Foland K & Raymond C
(2004) River Chemistry and Drainage Basin Geology
Peucker-Ehrenbrink B & Miller M
(2003) Anomalous Oxygen Three-Isotope Distributions Generated by Carbonate Thermolysis, and a New Procedure for the 17O Abundance Correction to 13C/12C Ratios Determined from CO2 Isotopomer Measurements
Miller M

Miller M W (2006) Marine 87Sr/86Sr Record Mirrors the Evolving Upper Continental Crust
Peucker-Ehrenbrink B & Miller MW

Miller Madeline (2015) The Development of the Sulfate-Methane Transition Zone: A Case Study from the Portuguese Margin
Turchyn AV, Byrne D, Antler G, Miller M & Hodell DA
(2015) Porewater δ7Li Profile of IODP Expedition 339 – An Insight into Clay Dewatering
Misra S, Miller M, Hodell D & Elderfield H

Miller Mark (2011) Dependence of Adiabaticity of Stratiform Clouds Upon Stability, and its Relationship to Aerosol-Cloud Interactions
Kim Y-J, Kim B-G, Miller M & Song C-K

Miller Martha (2018) Origin of Si and O Isotope Heterogeneities in Igneous Zircon
Trail D, Boehnke P, Liu M-C, Savage P, Miller M & Bindeman I

Miller Martin F. (2009) Are Oxygen Triple Isotope Ratios of the Lunar Regolith Distinctive from Those of Lunar Basalts?
Miller M, Burton K, Greenwood R & Gannoun M
(2002) Oxygen-17 Anomalies Generated by Thermal Decomposition of Carbonates
Miller MF, Thiemens MH, Jackson TL, Franchi IA & Pillinger CT
(2000) A New Source of Mass Independent Fractionation of Oxygen Isotopes: Evidence and Geochemical Implications
Miller MF, Franchi IA & Pillinger CT

Miller Matthew (2010) Diagenesis of Jarosite and Hematite: A Low Temperature Path to Nanophase Iron Oxides and “Specular” C-Axis Aligned Hematite on Mars
Elwood Madden M, Madden A, Hamilton V, Rimstidt JD, Zahrai S & Miller M
(2010) Irreversible Reductions in Surface Area of Nanoparticles Depends on Drying Conditions
Madden A, Bickmore B, Tadanier C, Lau B, Miller M & Huang R

Miller Meghan (2008) Chemical Modification of Oceanic Lithosphere by Hotspot Magmatism: Seismic Evidence from Subduction of the Ninetyeast Ridge along the Sumatra-Andaman Arc
Miller M & Lee C-T

Miller Mette (2011) Metatranscriptomics of the Green Sulfur Bacteria in a Meromictic Swiss Lake (Lago di Cadagno)
Cox R, Habicht K, Miller M, Storelli N, Tonolla M & Frigaard N-U
(2010) The Effect of High Concentrations of Green Sulfur Bacteria on the Biogeochemical Carbon Cycle of Lago di Cadagno
Habicht K, Frigaard NU, Johnson B, Andersen J, Falkenby L & Miller M
(2009) Proteomic Study of Chlorobium clathratiforme in Lago di Cadagno, Switzerland
Habicht KS, Miller M, Nielsen LF, Frigaard N-U & Andersen JS

Miller Nate (2018) Boron in Soil Carbonates: A Soil CO2 Proxy
Breecker D, Fricke H, McNeece C, Miller N, Schaller M & Clyde W
(2008) Understanding Water Sources, Age and Flow Paths in Hydrochemical Exploration: Constraints from Stable and Radiogenic Isotopes in the Hyperarid Atacama Desert, Chile
Leybourne M, Cameron EM, Rissmann C & Miller N

Miller Nathan (2020) The Crustal Structure of the Hawaiian Islands from Marine Multichannel Seismic Reflection Data
Boston B, Shillington DJ, Dunn R, Watts AB, Grevemeyer I, Goméz de la Peña L, Ito G, Wessel P, ten Brink U & Miller N
(2020) The Adsorption of Tetrathiomolybdate to Iron Sulfides
Miller N, Du R, Sauers T, Yan C, Pines J, Plass K & Morford J
(2020) Combining Analytical Approaches to Decipher Geological Problems: An Example Using the Morefield (Virginia, USA) Monazite Age Standard Using SIMS + LA-ICP-MS + EMPA
Catlos E & Miller N
(2020) Controls on Oceanic Crustal and Upper Mantle Structure by Syn- and Post-Accretion Processes from Multichannel Seismic Data Around and Across the Hawaiian-Emperor Seamount Chain
Shillington DJ, Boston BB, Dunn R, Watts AB, Grevemeyer I, Goméz de la Peña L, Ito G, Wessel P, ten Brink U, Miller N & Cilli P
(2018) The Synthesis of Iron-Sulfide Phases and the Incorporation of Mo
Ni Z, Meyers K, Miller N, Plass K & Morford J
(2017) Resolving Temperature Seasonality in Near-Entrance Speleothems
Miller N, Sekhon N, Carlson P, Banner J & Breecker D

Miller Nathaniel (2019) Foraminiferal TE/Ca Determination in Thin Section by LA-ICP-MS
Miller N
(2014) Mg and Ca Isotope Signatures of Authigenic Dolomite
Blättler C, Miller N & Higgins J
(2014) Controls and Paleoceanographic Significance of Microbial Dolomite in the Miocene Monterey Formation
Miller N & Leybourne M
(2013) Construction of High-Resolution Trace Element Time-Series in Slow Growth Speleothems by ELA-ICP-MS: Challenges, New Approaches and Validation Strategies
Miller N & Banner J

Miller Neil (2012) Mass Transport Experiments in Low Permeability Shale
Vilks P & Miller N

Miller O.L. (2020) Noble Gas, Tritium, and CFC Tracers In a Perennial Firn Aquifer, Southeast Greenland
Solomon DK & Miller OL

Miller P. (2008) Preliminary Results from a New ELA-ICPMS: U-Pb Geochronology and Elemental Analysis
Bernal J-P, Solari L, Gómez-Tuena A, Pérez-Arvizu O, Gabay C, Miller P & Shelley M
(2000) High Precision Isotope Ratio Analysis of Sub-Nanogram Samples Using MC-ICP-MS
Bowen I & Miller P

Miller Q. (2020) Mass Transport and Mineral Transformations in Nanoscale Interfacial Water Films Triggered by Critical Water Coverages
Miller Q, Kerisit S, Kaszuba J, Schaef T, Bowden M, McGrail P & Rosso K
(2019) Role of Mass Transport in Mineral Carbonation in Confined H2O Films
Loring J, Placencia-Gomez RE, Kerisit S, Ilton E, Qafoku O, Miller Q & Rosso K

Miller Richard K. (2023) Beyond This Year’s MRI: New Thinking About Gadolinium Exposures and Pregnancy Biomarkers
Coyte RM, Swigris J, John O, Miller RK, Barrett E, O'Connor T & Darrah T

Miller Ron (2013) Constraining the Mineral and Elemental Composition of Dust Aerosol
Pérez C, Miller R, Perlwitz JP & Rodríguez S
(2012) Atmospheric Iron from Crustal Sources: Prognostic Aerosol Composition in GISS/ModelE
Perlwitz J, Perez C, Miller R & Rodriguez S

Miller Ron L. (2021) Contribution of the World’s Main Dust Source Regions to the Global Cycle of Desert Dust
Kok JF, Adebiyi AA, Albani S, Balkanski Y, Checa-Garcia R, Chin M, Colarco P, Hamilton D, Huang Y, Ito A, Klose M, Li L, Mahowald N, Miller RL, Obiso V, Perez Garcia-Pando C, Rocha-Lima A & Wan J
(2021) Regional Variations in Observed Dust Absorption Imply Variations in Mineral Composition
Obiso V, Miller RL, Gonçalves Ageitos M, Pérez García-Pando C & Schuster GL

Miller S (2005) Melt Thermodynamics and Divalent Element Partitioning between Anorthite and CMAS Liquids
Miller S, Asimow P & Burnett D

Miller Samuel (2011) Biogeochemistry of Devonian Shale Gas Resources of the Midwest USA: Antrim and New Albany Shales
Martini A, Petsch S, McIntosh J, Kirk M, Schlegel M, Damashek J & Miller S
(2010) Microbial Community Structure and Geochemistry of the New Albany Shale (Illinios Basin) and its Potential to Produce Biogenic Methane
Damashek J, Miller S, Kirk M, McIntosh J, Schlegel M, Petsch S & Martini A

Miller Sarah (2012) Magma Dynamics beneath the Ancient Mt. Etna: Clinopyroxene Isotopic and Thermobarometric Constraints
Miller S, Myers M, Bryce J & Blichert-Toft J
(2011) Rollback-Enhanced Decompression Melting of a Volatile-Rich Mantle: The Ancient Lavas of Mt. Etna
Bryce J, Graham D, Blichert-Toft J, Hanan B, Miller S, Barkman J, Spera F & Tilton G

Miller Scott (2011) Apatite Fission Track and (U-Th)/He Dating in the World’s Youngest UHP Terrane: The Woodlark Rift of Southeastern Papuan New Guinea
Fitzgerald P, Baldwin S, Miller S, Little T, Webb L, Metcalf J & Perry S

Miller Susan (2010) Catalytic Mechanism of Hg-C Bond Cleavage by the Organomercurial Lyase MerB
Parks J, Guo H, Momany C, Liang L, Miller S, Summers A & Smith J
(2010) Mercury Toxicity and Mercury Resistance in a Bacterial Model System
Miller S, Lipton M & Summers A

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