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Miller Hubert (2016) Crustal Recycling vs. Mantle Input: The Crustal Evolution of South America from Hf Isotopes of Zircon
Augustsson C, Willner AP, Rüsing T, Niemeyer H, Gerdes A, Adams CJ & Miller H

Miller J (2006) Trace element distribution amongst minerals of the Allalin Gabbro
Miller J & Smit K
(2006) Contrasting fluid regimes in an advancing nappe complex, Namibia
Miller J, Viola G & Mancktelow N
(2006) Zircon saturation and the growth of the Cathedral Peak pluton, CA
Matzel J, Miller J, Mundil R & Paterson S
(2006) Stable isotope and LA-ICP-MS microanalytical evidence for a hydrothermal origin of Paleoproterozoic Fe oxide-apatite deposits, western Norrbotten County, Sweden
Mark G, Williams P & Miller J
(2006) Lateral persistence of the Merensky Cyclic Unit and the significance of footwall reconstitution within Normal to Regional Pothole reef types in the Bushveld Complex
Reid D, Roberts M, Miller J, Basson I, Roberts M & Smith D
(2005) Testing Time for the Fool's Clock: <+>40<$>Ar/<+>39<$>Ar Dating of Pyrite
Phillips D & Miller J
(2004) Precambrian Fe oxide-(Cu-Au) Hydrothermal Systems: An Isotopic Perspective from Scandinavia
Mark G, Williams P & Miller J
(2004) Petrogenesis, Alteration, and Deformation in Mantle Peridotite from 14° to 16°N on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: ODP Leg 209
Miller J, Kelemen P & Kikawa E
(2004) Igneous Crystallization and Localized Deformation > 15 km beneath the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 14-16 N
Kelemen P, Kikawa E & Miller J

Miller J. A. (2001) U-Pb Geochronology: A Fulcrum on Which to Move the Earth
Williams IS, Buick IS, Hand M, Mawby J & Miller JA

Miller J. Scott

Miller Jamie (2014) Assessing Reactive Surface Areas in Glacial Sediments
Elwood Madden M, Funderburg R, Joo Y-J, Miller J, Elwood Madden A, Hall B, Marra K & Soreghan G
(2014) Alunite Supergroup Dissolution Rates and Products: Comparing Mechanisms
Elwood Madden M, Miller J, Elwood Madden A & Pritchett B

Miller Jodie (2013) Unravelling Complex Groundwater Recharge and Transport of Contaminants Using Combined Stable and Radioactive Isotope Tracers
Vennemann T, Reymond C, Buffat A, Desponds L, Morel C, Naude K, Miller J & Mapani B

Miller Jodie (2015) Cannibalisation of Palaeoproteozoic Arc Terranes during the Mesoproterozoic in the Namaqua Metamorphic Belt, Southern Africa
Miller J, Macey P, Lambert C, le Roux P, Shifotoka G & Frei D
(2010) N and O Isotope Composition of Nitrate in Aquifers of the Naukluft Mountain Region, Namibia
Vennemann T, Reymond C, Bernhard C, Naude K & Miller J
(2008) The 2.74—2.66 Ga Kenogamissi Complex (Abitibi): Evolving Sources of Plutons Mirroring Geodynamics
Miller J, Moyen J-F & Benn K

Miller Jodie (2021) IAEA Initiatives in the Use of Noble Gas Isotopes for Improved Global Groundwater Assessment and Management
Miller J

Miller Jodie A (2021) Regional Groundwater Quality in South Africa in the Context of Electric Conductivity in a Changing Climate
van Rooyen JD, Watson AP & Miller JA

Miller Jodie A. (2019) Investigation of Heuweltjie Structure and Soil Chemistry in the Buffels River Valley and Implications for Transfer of Salts to Groundwater
Vermooten M, Miller J, Clarke C & Francis M
(2019) Saline Groundwater Generation from Paleo-Termite Mounds in the Buffels River Valley, South Africa
van Gend J, Miller J, Palcsu L, Clarke C & Francis M
(2019) A Multi-Isotope and Modelling Approach to Understanding Groundwater Sustainability in a Biodiversity Hotspot Impacted by Anthropogenic Activity
Miller JA, Turner KB, Sigidi NT, Watson AP, Fleischer M, Clarke CE, le Roux P, Molnar M, Turi M & Palcsu L

Miller Jodie D (2016) Sediment Melt and the Highest Recorded δ18O in sub-Moho Granitoids of the Oman-UAE Ophiolite
Spencer CJ, Raub TD, Cavosie AJ, Miller JD, Rollinson H & Jeon H

Miller John (2015) Zircon Hf- and O-Isotope Constraints on the Evolution of the Paleoproterozoic Baoulé-Mossi Domain of the West African Craton
Parra-Avila L, Fiorentini ML, Belousova E, Kemp AIS, Miller J & McCuaig TC
(2013) New Zircon U-Pb Age and Hf-Isotope of the Birimian Terrane of the West Africa Craton
Parra LA, Fiorentini ML, Belousova E, Kemp AIS, Miller J, McCuaig TC & Said N
(2009) Tectonostratigraphic Controls on the Localization of Archaean Komatiite-Hosted Nickel-Sulphide Deposits and Camps in the Yilgarn Craton
Thebaud N, Fiorentini M, McCuaig C, Miller J, Barnes S, Joly A & Doublier M

Miller Jonathan (2020) Felsic Magma Diversity, & Triumphs and Perils of Granite Typology
Miller C, Miller J & Gualda G

Miller Jonathan S. (2014) Hot and Cold Zircon Growth in the Cretaceous Sierra Nevada Batholith, USA
Miller JS & Lackey JS
(2014) O-Hf Records of Magma Sources in the Sierra Nevada Batholith
Lackey JS, Miller J, Economos R & Davies G
(2013) Hot/Cold, Wet/Dry, Big/Small, Erupt/Stall, Juvenile/Anatectic? – Multiple Personalities of Felsic Magmatism
Miller C, McDowell S, Carley T, Frazier W, Pamukcu A, Padilla A, Claiborne L, Flanagan D, Gualda G, Miller J, Wooden J & Mapes R
(2012) Peach Spring Tuff, Arizona-California-Nevada, USA: Generating an Isolated Supereruption
Miller CF, Pamukcu AS, Ferguson CA, Carley TL, Gualda GAR, Wooden JL, McIntosh WC, Lidzbarski MI, Miller JS & McDowell SM
(2008) Highly-Evolved Silicic Magmas: Volcanic vs. Plutonic Conundrums
Miller CF, Miller JS, Claiborne L, Gualda G & Peters T
(2008) Zircon Recycling in Felsic Magmas
Miller JS, Miller CF, Matzel J, Claiborne L, Wooden J, Poli G, Nebel O, Vroon P, Davies G & Leslie S
(2007) Zircon Growth and Recycling during the Assembly of the Tuolumne Batholith, Sierra Nevada, California
Matzel J, Mundil R, Miller JD, Wooden J, Mazdab F, Paterson S & Memeti V

Miller Joseph (2018) Co-evolution of Plant Biodiversity and Geochemistry in Australia
Bui E, Thornhill A, Gonzalez-Orozco C, Knerr N & Miller J
(2012) Soil Salinity: A Driver in Macroevolutionary Processes?
Bui E & Miller J

Miller Kayla (2018) Mars Brine Attacks! Accelerated Dissolution Rates and Unique Reaction Products in High Salinity Brines
Elwood Madden M, Phillips-Lander C, Elwood Madden A, Cullen M, Hausrath E & Miller K

Miller Kelly (2014) Trace Elements in the Rumuruti Chondrites
Miller K, Lauretta D, Andronikov A & Hill D
(2013) Chalcopyrite in the R Chondrite PRE 95411
Miller K, Thompson M, Zega T & Lauretta D

Miller Kerri (2015) The Expression Levels of Cellular Prion Protein Affect Copper Isotopic Shifts in the Organs of Mice
Miller K, Keenan CM, Martin GR, Sharkey KA, Jirik FR & Wieser ME
(2013) Significant Observed Copper Isotopic Abundance Variations in Biological Materials
Miller K, Coplen T & Wieser M

Miller Kerri (2012) Identification of the Geographical Origin of Exotic Wood Species Using 87Sr/86Sr Isotope Amount Ratios
Miller K, Coplen T & Wieser M

Miller Kerri A. (2020) Pushing the Limits – Low Level Ca Isotopic Analysis Using DS MC TIMS in Biological Tissues
Retzmann A, Walls D, Miller KA, Irrgeher J, Prohaska T & Wieser M

Miller Kevin (2013) 3D Fluid Distribution in Subducted Slabs: New Constraints on H2O Cycling
Le Roux V, Gaetani G, Slaugenwhite J & Miller K

Miller Laura (2023) The Oxidation State of Titanium in Reduced Extraterrestrial Melts
Berry A, Doyle P, Schofield P, Miller L, Le Losq C, Burnham A & Mosselmans JFW
(2023) Tracing Magmatic and Metamorphic Events Using Accessory Mineral REE Contents
Miller L, Burnham A, Cawood PA & Berry A
(2023) The Effect of Pressure on the Ti Site in Zircon: Implications for the Ti-in-Zircon Thermometer
Crisp L, Berry A, Burnham A, Miller L & Newville M
(2023) The Thickness of Diversely Constructed Lithosphere Controls the Ages of Isotopic Reset in Archean Cratons
Vandenburg ED, Nebel O, Cawood PA, Smithies H, Capitanio F, Miller L, Millet M-A, Bruand E, Moyen J-F, Wang X, Raveggi M & Nebel-Jacobsen Y
(2020) In situ Study of Redox Reactions between Fe and Cu in Silicate Melts
Miller L, O'Neill H, Berry A, Wykes J & Scott D
(2020) Petrogenesis of Basanite-Nephelinite Glasses from Early Kilauea
O'Neill H, Miller L, Berry A & Le Losq C
(2019) The Oxidation State of Copper in Silicate Melts
Miller L, O'Neill H, Berry A, Wykes J & Burnham A
(2019) Zircon Rare Earth Element Patterns as an Indicator of Ore Potential
Berry A, Crisp L, Miller L, Burnham A & Wykes J
(2017) The Redox State of Pre-Shield Stage Magmas at Hawaii
Miller L, O'Neill H, Berry A, Newville M & Lanzirotti A

Miller Laurence (2012) The Role of ArxA in Photosynthesis-Linked Arsenite Oxidation by Bacteria from Extreme Environments
Conrad A, Hoeft S, Miller L, Oremland R, Rosen M & Saltikov C

Miller Lee (2009) Do Continental Processes within the Global Rock Cycle Evolve to a State of Maximum Entropy Production?
Kleidon A, Arens S, Dyke J, Gans F, Miller L & Schymanski S

Miller Lesley (2020) Supervised Machine Learning Based Models Predicting Soil Surface Area Among Different Taxonomical Soil “Types” Using Water Adsorption Curves
Chappell M, Mcgrath C, LeMonte J, Middleton M, Miller C, Styles R, Price C & Miller L
(2012) Number Density Considerations in the Dispersion-Dissolution Behavior of Engineered Silver Nanomaterials
Chappell M, Miller L, Price C, Middleton M, Blaustein G, Jackson L, Bednar A, Kennedy A & Steevens J

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