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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Mildner David (2014) Microscale Characteristics and Macroscale Disequilibria in Hydraulically Fractured Utica Shale
Swift A, Cole D, Sheets J, Anovitz L, Welch S, Gu X, Mildner D & Chipera S

Mildner David (2018) The Effects of Chemomechanical Processes on Limestone Weathering
Cheshire M, Anovitz L, Prisk T, Emmanuel S, Weber J, Brantley S, Bleuel M, Ilavsky J, Mildner D & Gagnon C

Mildner David F.R. (2022) Scale, Carbonate Weathering, and the Laboratory/Field Dichotomy
Anovitz L, Prisk TR, Emmanuel S, Cheshire MC, Weber J, Bleuel M, Ilavsky J, Mildner DFR & Gagnon C

Milenkov G. (2020) Trace Elements in Pegmatite-Hosted Titanite from the Petrovitsa Pb-Zn Deposit, South Bulgaria
Vassileva R, Grozdev V & Milenkov G

Miles Andrew (2016) Tectonic Controls on Post-Subduction Granite Genesis and Emplacement: Insights from Zircon Age Spectra from the Late Caledonian Suite of Britain and Ireland
Miles A, Woodcock N & Hawkesworth C
(2014) Manganese Speciation in Apatite: A Tool for Determining Redox Conditions in Magmas?
Bromiley G, Stokes T & Miles A
(2012) Evidence for Distinct Stages of Magma Evolution Recorded in the Composition of Accessory Phases and Whole-Rocks in Silicic Magmas
Miles A, Graham C, Gillespie M, Hawkesworth C & Hinton R

Miles Andrew J (2023) Post-Subduction Porphyry Mineralisation – Triggers and Magma Sources
Tuffield L, Naden J, Smith DJ, Tapster SR, Millar I & Miles AJ
(2023) Volatile and Trace Element Evolution in Apatite from Ore-Forming Volcanic Systems, West Luzon Arc, Philippines
Stonadge G, Miles AJ & Smith DJ
(2022) Sulfide Saturation and Dissolution in Mid-Crustal Magma Chambers: Insights from the Colorado Mineral Belt
Berry J, Holwell D, Smith DJ & Miles AJ

Miles M. (2023) Linking Soil Phosphorus to Soil Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Humid, Subtropical Forests
Stinchcomb GE, Asselta J, Miles M, El Masri B, Moon JB & Runkle BRK

Milesi G. (2021) Element Mobility Related to Low Temperature (<150℃) Hydrothermal Activity: Implication for (U-Th)/He Apatite Dating
Milesi G, Pérotin L, Monié P, Soliva R, Bosch D, Labasque T, Münch P, Taillefer A, Bruguier O, Bonno M & Martin C

Milesi V. (2023) Forward Geochemical Modeling as Guiding Tool for the Exploration of the Kama'ehuakanaloa Hydrothermal Vent Field, Hawaii
Milesi V, Shock EL, Seewald JS, Trembath-Reichert E, Sylva SP, Huber JA, Lim DSS & German CR
(2019) Modelling of Early Diagenesis of Lacustrine Carbonates Associated with Mg-Silicates
Milesi V, Debure M, Marty N, Capano M, Jezequel D, Steefel C, Rouchon V, Albéric P, Bard E, Guyot F, Virgone A, Gaucher E & Ader M
(2019) Forward Geochemical Modeling as Guiding Tool for Seafloor Exploration
Milesi V & Shock E
(2017) Early Preservation of Sedimentary Organic Matter in an Anoxic, Sulfidic Lake (Lake Dziani Dzaha, Mayotte)
Jovovic I, Grossi V, Adam P, Antheaume I, Sala D, Jezequel D, Leboulanger C, Milesi V, Cadeau P, Cartigny P, Gelin F & Ader M
(2017) Formation of Mg-Aluminosilicates during Early Diagenesis of Carbonate Sediments in the Volcanic Crater Lake of Dziani (Mayotte – Indian Ocean)
Milesi V, Jezequel D, Guyot F, Debure M, Marty N, Claret F, Virgone A, Gaucher E & Ader M
(2017) Formation of Reduced Carbon Compounds Using Natural Catalysts in Hydrothermal Experiments
Martinez I, Vacquand C, Kularatne K, Sissmann O, Milesi V & Bernard S
(2017) Abiotic Methane Occurrence Associated with Natural H2 Generation
Prinzhofer A, Milesi V & Deville E
(2015) Generation of Condensed Carbon from Serpentinization Fluids
Milesi V, Guyot F, Brunet F, Richard L, Prinzhofer A, Benedetti M & McCollom T
(2013) Unconventional Generation of Hydrocarbons in Petroleum Basin: The Role of Siderite/Water Interface
Milesi V, Prinzhofer A, Guyot F, Brunet F, Richard L, Dairou J & Benedetti M

Miletic Doric D. (2021) Tracking Disturbances in the 40Ar-39Ar Isotopic System in Plagioclase Crystals of the Karoo Flood Basalts
Antoine C, Spikings RA, Miletic Doric D, Marsh JS & Schaltegger U

Miletich R. (2020) Pressure Dependence of the Carbonation Kinetics of CaO Under H2O Saturation
Miletich R, Gravogl G, Birkelbach F, Müller D, Lengauer C & Weinberger P

Miletto M. (2019) Active Microbial Mn(II) Oxidation Mediates Cr(III) Oxidation and Fractionates Cr Stable Isotopes
Miletto M, Wang XL, Planavsky NJ, Luther GW, Lyons TW & Tebo BM

Milewski A.

Milhomem J. (2017) U-Pb, Lu-Hf and Fission Track in Zircon of the Basement Orthogneisses of the Araguaia Belt, Brazil
Moura C, Dias A, Milhomem J, Chemale Jr F & Masuyama K

Milhomem Neto J.M. (2019) U-Pb and Lu-Hf Systematics in Zircons from Basement Gneisses of the Araguaia Belt, Brazil: Evidence for Recycling of Archean Crust during the Proterozoic
Moura C, Assis C, Milhomem Neto J & Dias A
(2019) Archean Crustal Growth in Southeastern Guyana Shield
Lafon J-M & Milhomem Neto JM

Milicich S. (2017) Fingerprinting the Temperature and Fluid Source of Fracture-Filling Calcite in Geothermal Systems Using Clumped Isotopes
MacDonald J, Milicich S, Davies A, Holdsworth C, Newton M, Williamson S, Faithfull J, McNamara D & John C

Milidragovic D. (2022) Olivine in Primitive Arc Magmas from the Polaris Alaskan-Type Intrusion in the North American Cordillera
Spence DW, Scoates JS, Nott JA, Milidragovic D & Nixon GT
(2022) Primitive Arc Magma Conduits from the Zircon Petrochronology Perspective in the Polaris Alaskan-Type Intrusion, North American Cordillera
Nott JA, Scoates JS, Milidragovic D, Nixon GT & Spence DW
(2020) Serpentinization of Ophiolitic Rocks, Cache Creek Terrane, British Columbia: Implications for Carbon Sequestration and Nickel Recovery
Steinthorsdottir K, Cutts J, Turvey C, Dipple G, Bradshaw P, Milidragovic D & Peacock S
(2020) Mapping Carbon Sequestration Potential of Ultramafic Rocks with Remotely-Sensed Physical Properties
Cutts J, Dipple G, Mitchinson D, Fournier D, Milidragovic D & Hart C
(2012) Picrite-Driven Cratonization: A Perspective from the NeoArchean Ungava Craton
Milidragovic D, Francis D & Weis D

Mililli B. (2022) Transition Metal Mobility and Recoverability from Weathered Serpentinite and Serpentinite Skarn Tailings from Lord Brassey Mine, Australia and Record Ridge, British Columbia, Canada
Honda-McNeil M, Wilson SA, Locock A, Mililli B, Zeyen N, Wang B, Turvey C, Vessey C, Patel AS, Hamilton J, Howard DL, Paterson DJ, Southam G, Poitras J, Jones TR & Jowitt S
(2021) Transition Metal Mobility and Recovery from Weathered Serpentinite and Serpentinite Skarn Tailings from Lord Brassey Mine, Australia and Record Ridge, British Columbia, Canada
Honda-McNeil M, Wilson S, Mililli B, Zeyen N, Wang B, Turvey C, Vessey C, Patel A, Locock A, Hamilton J, Paterson DM, Southam G, Poitras J, Jones T & Jowitt S

Milinovic J. (2017) Offshore Assessment of Minerals in Deep-Sea Sediments from the TAG-Area (26°N, 44°W)
Milinovic J, Barriga F, Dias Á, Martins S, Pereira M & Janeiro A
(2017) Preliminary Geochemical Data of High Cu Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Sediments from the TAG Area
Martins S, Barriga F, Milinovic J & Petersen S

Militello G.M. (2022) Microwave-Assisted Brucite and Talc Reactions with co2 as a Proxy for Carbon Capture and Storage by Serpentine
Corti M, Maroni P, Militello GM, Yivlialin R, Campione M, Lucotti A, Bussetti G, Capitani G, Cavallo A & Malaspina N
(2021) Does the Asbestos Classification Need to be Implemented? Cytotoxic Insights in Progress
Militello GM, Gaggero L & La Maestra S
(2020) Biological Effects on Asbestiform and Non-Asbestiform Amphiboles. Which Aspect Ratio Range Consider on Quantitative Determination of Elongated Mineral Particles (EMP) in Bulk Samples?
Militello GM, La Maestra S & Gaggero L

Militzer B. (2016) Ab Initio Simulations of Light Elements in the Earth’s Core
Militzer B, Tagawa S, Hirose K & Wahl S
(2011) Helium Rain and Core Erosion in Gas Giant Planets
Militzer B

Milivojevic M. (2019) Effect of Hydrous Ferric and Aluminum Oxides for Transport of As, Cd and Pb in the Rivers Acidicied by the Kusatsu Thermal Waters in Japan
Ogawa Y, Ishiyama D, Đorđievski S, Petrovic J & Milivojevic M

Miljevic N. (2011) Isotope Distribution of Dissolved Carbonate Species in Serbian Thermal Waters
Miljevic N, Golobocanin D, Colic J & Martinovic M

Miljkovic K. (2018) Are Earth’s Oldest Felsic Rocks Impact Melts?
Johnson T, Gardiner N, Miljković K, Spencer C, Kirkland C, Bland P & Smithies H
(2016) Excavation of Crust and Mantle Materials in Lunar Basin Formation – Insights from Numerical Modeling
Miljkovic K
(2016) Constraints on the Depth of Origin of Impact Basin Rings and the Composition of the Lunar Crust Using the Kaguya Multiband Imager
Lemelin M, Lucey PG, Gaddis LR, Miljković K & Ohtake M

Milke Ralf (2017) Face-Specific Replacement of Calcite by Amorphous Silica Nanoparticles
Liesegang M & Milke R
(2015) In situ Monitoring of Mineral Reactions Using Synchrotron X-Ray Diffraction
Götze LC, Milke R, Schorr S, Abart R & Wirth R

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