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Mikouchi Takashi (2015) Mineralogy and Noble Gas of NWA 8707 L Melt Rock: Implications for Thermal and Shock History of an L Chondrite Parent Body
Mikouchi T, Nagao K & Kimura M
(2013) LIME Olivine and Pyroxene: Multi-Stage Thermal Histories of AOAs
Komatsu M, Fagan TJ & Mikouchi T
(2013) Transmission Electron Microscopy of Iron Metal in Almahata Sitta Ureilite
Mikouchi T, Yubuta K, Sugiyama K, Aoyagi Y, Yasuhara A, Mihira T, Zolensky M & Goodrich C
(2013) Mg Isotope Evidence for Ancient Magmatic Differentiation on the Angrite Parent Body
Schiller M, Mikouchi T, Connelly JN & Bizzarro M
(2011) Kirschsteinite Exsolution Lamellae in Olivine from Young Angrites: Implications for their Thermal History
Mikouchi T, Miyamoto M & McKay G

Míková J. (2023) Pre-Variscan and Variscan Evolution of the Eastern Saxothuringian Margin: Petrological, Geochemical and Geochronological Study of the Stáre Město Belt, the Sudetes
Śliwiński M, Jastrzębski M, Sláma J, Machowiak K, Kozub-Budzyń GA, Krzemińska E & Míková J
(2020) Spatial and Temporal Sr–Nd–Pb Isotope Variability of Cenozoic Alkaline Volcanism in the Bohemian Massif (Central Europe)
Erban Kochergina Y, Rapprich V, Magna T, Erban V, Míková J, Ackerman L & Stracke A
(2017) Bioextraction, Isotope Composition, and Water Leaching of Cu and Zn from a Burnt Coal Waste Pile: The Novátor Mine, Czech Republic
Kříbek B, Míková J, Knésl I & Sýkorová I
(2017) Age Disparity for Spatially Related Sevattur and Samalpatti Carbonatite Complexes
Rapprich V, Pecskay Z, Magna T & Mikova J
(2017) A 70 Myr Record of Cyclic Continental Back-Arc Melting along the West Gondwana Margin
Wolfram L, Weinberg R, Nebel O, Hasalová P, Míková J & Becchio R
(2015) Strontium Isotopic Signatures of the Streams and Lakes on James Ross Island, Antarctica
Míková J & Erban V
(2014) Towards Depleted Sr–Nd Isotopology from Western to Central Cenozoic Volcanic Europe
Erban V, Magna T, Rapprich V & Mikova J
(2011) Evaluation of Matrix Effects during Laser Ablation MC ICP-MS Analysis of Boron Isotopes in Tourmaline
Míková J, Košler J & Wiedenbeck M
(2003) Source and Thermal Evolution of High Himalayan Rocks in the Makalu Region Interpreted from U-Pb and Fission-Track Dating of Zircon
Svojtka M, Tagami T, Kosler J, Mikova J & Buriankova K

Miksch S. (2019) Microbial Polysaccharide Utilization in Sandy Surface Sediments of Isfjorden (Svalbard)
Miksch S, Probandt D, Oggerin De Orube M, Jensen M, Amann R & Knittel K

Mikucki J (2006) Geomicrobiology of an Antarctic subglacial brine: a plausible Martian ecosystem
Mikucki J, Priscu J, Lyons WB, Welch K, Tranter M & Pearson A

Mikucki Jill (2022) The Mystery of Blood Falls, Antarctica: Lessons from a Planetary Exploration Analogue
Livi KJT, Sklute E, Mikucki J, Dyar D, Lee P & Mitchell S
(2020) Life at the Bleeding Energy Edge: Resource Conservation Strategies of Microbes at Blood Falls, Antarctica
Ohlsson I, Ghosh D, Virginia R & Mikucki J
(2014) Evidence for Iron and Sulfur-Driven Chemosynthesis Below Antarctic Ice
Mikucki J, Ghosh D, Purcell A, Mitchell A & Science Team W

Mikula V. (2007) Utah and Czech Mars Analog Concretions; Aquatic Hematite and Goethite Characterization
Kletetschka G, Adachi T, Adamovic J, Mikula V & Chan M

Mikulski S.Z. (2015) Re-Os Age of Late Bornite-Chalcopyrite Vein Ores, Kupferschiefer, SW Poland
Mikulski S & Stein H
(2011) Re-Os Age of Molybdenite from the Tatra Mountains, Poland
Mikulski S, Gawęda A & Stein H
(2011) A New Ore Mineral Assemblage from the Shilu Iron-Polymetallic Deposit, Hainan Island, South China
Bakun-Czubarow N, Mikulski S, Xu D, Kusy D & Wang Z
(2010) Re-Os Age of a Chalcopyrite Sample from the Lubin Cu-Ag Mine, Kupferschiefer, SW Poland
Mikulski SZ & Stein HJ
(2005) The First Re-Os Ages of Auriferous Sulfides from European Variscides
Mikulski S, Markey R & Stein H

Mikuni K. (2021) Geochemical Structure of the Oldest Pacific Lithosphere
Mikuni K, Hirano N, Akizawa N, Machida S, Tamura A & Morishita T

Mikuš T. (2020) Remobilization of HFSE and Formation of Rhabdophane and Corkite-Hinsdalite Under Supergene, Highly Acidic Conditions, Velence Hills, Hungary
Ondrejka M, Bačík P, Sobocký T, Mikuš T, Škoda R, Luptáková J & Uher P

Mikutta C. (2023) Stability of Poorly Crystalline Arsenate Phases in the Presence of Different Phosphate Levels
Venhauerova P, Drahota P & Mikutta C
(2017) Iron Mineral Transformations Induced by Ferrous Iron and Sulfide in NOM-Fe-Rich Peatland Flocs
ThomasArrigo L, Mikutta C, Byrne J, Lohmayer R, Planer-Friedrich B, Kappler A & Kretzschmar R
(2017) Monothioarsenate Transformation Kinetics Determines Arsenic Mobility in Sulfidic and Organic-Rich Systems
Besold J, Biswas A, Suess E, Scheinost A, Rossberg A, Mikutta C, Kretzschmar R, Gustafsson JP & Planer-Friedrich B
(2016) Iron Atom Exchange Kinetics in Iron-Rich Organic Freshwater Flocs
ThomasArrigo L, Mikutta C, Byrne J, Kappler A & Kretzschmar R
(2015) Speciation of Atmospherically Deposited Arsenic in Peat Bogs
Mikutta C & Rothwell J
(2015) Impact of Birnessite on Arsenic and Iron Speciation during Microbial Reduction of Arsenic-Bearing Ferrihydrite
Ehlert K, Mikutta C & Kretzschmar R
(2015) Arsenic and Iron Cycling in Freshwater Flocs Under Sulfate-Reducing Conditions
ThomasArrigo L, Mikutta C, Lohmayer R, Planer-Friedrich B & Kretzschmar R
(2013) Structure of Amorphous Ferric Arsenate from EXAFS Spectroscopy and Total X-Ray Scattering
Mikutta C, Michel FM, Mandaliev P & Kretzschmar R
(2011) Natural Organic Matter as Major Sorbent for Arsenic in a Peatland
Langner P, Mikutta C & Kretzschmar R
(2011) Linking Structural Isomerism of Organic Ligands to the Precipitation and Structure of Ferrihydrite
Mikutta C
(2011) Arsenic Concentration Influences Secondary Mineral Formation during Simultaneous As(V) and Fe(III) Reduction by Shewanella sp
Pombo SA, Huang J-H, Mikutta C, Dippon U, Kappler A & Kretzschmar R
(2011) Hydrogen Sulfide Reaction with Natural Organic Matter: Implications for Arsenic Binding
Hoffmann M, Mikutta C & Kretzschmar R
(2011) Speciation and Micro-Scale Spatial Distribution of As in a Mining-Affected River Floodplain
Kretzschmar R, Mandaliev P, Mikutta C, Barmettler K & Kotsev T
(2010) Binding of Arsenic to Natural Organic Matter in a Minerotrophic Peatland
Langner P, Mikutta C & Kretzschmar R
(2010) Effect of Citrate on the Structure of Ferrihydrite, Arsenate Binding, and Ternary Complex Formation
Mikutta C, Frommer J, Voegelin A, Kaegi R & Kretzschmar R
(2008) Iron Isotope Fractionation during Fe(II) Sorption to Mineral Surfaces
Mikutta C, Wiederhold JG, Hofstetter TB, Cirpka OA, Bourdon B & von Gunten U
(2007) Relating Siderophore-Promoted Dissolution to Properties of Ferrihydrite-Exopolysaccharide Coprecipitates
Mikutta C, Mikutta R, Bonneville S, Wagner F, Voegelin A, Christl I & Kretzschmar R
(2005) Citrate Impairs the Diffusion of Phosphate into Goethite
Mikutta C, Lang F & Kaupenjohann M

Mikutta R. (2017) XPS Reveals Differences in Surface Elemental Composition of Soil Microaggregates along a Clay Content Gradient
Woche SK, Dultz S, Mikutta R & Guggenberger G
(2017) Geometric Preconditions for Heteroaggregation of Soil Minerals: Light Scattering Experiments and Modelling Approaches
Dultz S, Rupp A, Mikutta R, Woche SK & Guggenberger G
(2010) Interactions of Organic Matter with Minerals – Ultimate Stabilization in Soils?
Kalbitz K & Mikutta R
(2007) Relating Siderophore-Promoted Dissolution to Properties of Ferrihydrite-Exopolysaccharide Coprecipitates
Mikutta C, Mikutta R, Bonneville S, Wagner F, Voegelin A, Christl I & Kretzschmar R

Mil-Homens M. (2020) Assessing Chemical Contamination in the Marine Sediments of the Southwest Portuguese Continental Shelf, the CSS Project: Preliminary Results
Mil-Homens M, Santos M, de Almeida M, Brito P, Freitas M, Gaudêncio M, de Stigter H, Micaelo C, Rodrigues A, Santos I, Raimundo J & Caetano M
(2015) Sources of Pb during the Last 9.5kyrs in a Long Sediment Core of the Southern Portuguese Shelf
Mil-Homens M, Brito P, Naughton F, Drago T, Caetano M & Campos I

Miladinova I. (2017) Lu-Hf Garnet Geochronology of Peak-Metamorphism in the Tromsø Nappe, Northern Norway
Martinet I, Froitzheim N, Miladinova I, Fassmer K, Münker C & Fonseca ROC

Milakovska Z. (2021) Depositional Setting of the Deep-Sea Sediments from an Area of High Nodule Occurrence in the Clarion-Clipperton Fractures Zone, NE Pacific
Milakovska Z, Stoyanova V, Hikov A, Abramowski T, Stefanova E, Peytcheva I, Chavdarova S & Stavrev M
(2019) General Geochemical Characteristics of Dump Samples from Mini Maritsa Iztok EAD (Bulgaria)
Milakovska Z, Stefanova M & Marinov S
(2017) Dump Organic Matter Characteristics: View by Geochemical Proxies
Milakovska Z, Stefanova M, Marinov S & Markova K

Milan L. (2018) The Origin of the Pliocene Wangqing River Alkali Picrite, NE China
Sun M, Xu Y, Ren Z, Xia X, He P, He H, Jourdan F & Milan L

Milani L. (2000) Tertiary Nephelinite to Tholeiite Magma Generation in the Veneto Volcanic Province, Southern Alps
Beccaluva L, Coltorti M, Milani L, Salvini L, Siena F & Tassinari R

Milani S. (2015) Diamond-Eclogitic Garnet Pair: A Test Case to Elastic Geobarometry
Milani S, Nestola F, Alvaro M & Stagno V
(2015) Insights into Juina Super-Deep Diamonds
Anzolini C, Nestola F, Milani S, Brenker FE & Harris JW
(2013) Crystallographic Relationships between Diamond and its Olivine Inclusions. An Update
Nestola F, Nimis P, Milani S, Angel RJ, Bruno M & Harris JW

Milanović I. (2011) Nanoparticles in Aqueous Environments: Electrochemical, Nanogravimetric, STM and AFM Studies
Ciglenečki I, Bura-Nakić E, Margus M, Milanović I, Batina N, Avalos-Perez A & Krznarić D

Milazzo M. (2013) Seawater Trace Metals in Acidified Condition: An Accumulation Study in the Blue Mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis off Vulcano Island Submarine Vents (Italy)
Boatta F, D'Alessandro W, Gagliano A, Federico C, Calabrese S, Liotta M, Milazzo M & Parello F

Milbrandt E. (2017) Importance of Fe-Mediated Processes in Blackwater River Estuarine Sediments
Beckler J, Jones S, O'brien A, Taillefert M & Milbrandt E

Milcent S. (2023) Isotopic Fingerprints of «non-Traditional» Elements for Authenticity and Geographical Assessments of Food and Beverages
Epova EN, Barre JPG, Cellier R, Reyrolle M, Epov AV, Le Bechec M, Milcent S, Ors P & Berail S

Mildenberger K. (2009) FROST – FReezing of duST
Wex H, Niedermeier D, Hartmann S, Covert D, Mildenberger K, Shaw R, Mentel T, Spindler C, Schneider J, Reitz P, Poulain L, Clauss T, Kiselev A, Hallbauer E, Schmale J, Burkhardt J, Hitzenberger R, Borrmann S & Stratmann F

Mildner David (2015) Multiscale Effects of Reactivity and Flow Rate on Porosity during Dissolution of Carbonates
Anovitz L, Novack C, Prisk T, Ilavsky J, Hammons J, Mildner D, Wasborough M, Jacobson D & Hussey D

Mildner David (2020) Effect of Cation Concentration and Radius, and Rheology on Nano-Scale Boehmite Aggregation
Anovitz L, Huestis P, Krzysko A, Weston J, Zhang X, Chun J, Schenter G, Ilavksy J, Kuzmenko I, Frith M, Ivory C, Clark S, Weigandt K, Stack A, Bleuel M, Gagnon C & Mildner D

Mildner David (2016) Architected Geomaterial Development for Geochemical Research
Anovitz L, Cheshire M, DiStefano V, Prisk T, Mildner D & Littrell K

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