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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Mikheeva A. (2017) Numerical Modeling of Partial Melting in Igneous Columns of Volcanic Arcs
Perepechko Y, Sorokin K, Chudnenko K, Mikheeva A & Sharapov V
(2007) The Impact Craters and Linear Magnetic Anomalies
Mikheeva A & Alekseev A

Mikheeva E. (2020) Influence of Remineralisation and Different Ways of Degradation on PCBs Concentration in Coastal Seas
Mikheeva E, Bieser J & Schrum C

Mikhlin Y. (2011) The Interaction of Pd- and Pt-Bearing Chloride Solutions with Sulphide Minerals: XPS, SPM and Electrochemical Study
Romanchenko A, Gaynullova O & Mikhlin Y

Mikhno Anastasia (2019) The First Finding of Diamond in Sulfides from Diamondiferous Garnet-Clinopyroxene Rocks of the Kokchetav Massif
Rezvukhina O, Korsakov A, Stepanov A & Mikhno A
(2017) The Behaviour of Chalcofile Elements during UHP Metamorphism: Evidence from the Kokchetav Massif by LA-ICP-MS Imaging of Sulfides
Stepanov A, Mikhno A, Musiyachenko K, Korsakov A & Large R
(2013) Multiphase Inclusions with Kokchetavite and K-Cymrite in UHP Calc-Silicate Rocks from Kokchetav Massif
Mikhno A & Korsakov A

Mikhno Anastasiya (2019) Diamond Inclusions in Schorl-Uvite Tourmaline from the Kumdy-Kol Garnet-Clinopyroxene Rocks (Kokchetav Massif)
Korsakov A, Musiyachenko K, Rezvukhina O, Mikhailenko D, Rezvukhin D & Mikhno A
(2016) P-T Conditions of Diamond- and Graphite-Bearing Eclogite Xenoliths from Udachnaya Kimberlite (Yakutia, Russia)
Mikhailenko D, Korsakov A, Alifirova T, Golovin A, Olga S & Mikhno A

Miki D. (2016) The Magmatic Evolution of Quaternary Lavas of Sakurajima Volcano, Kyushu Island, Japan
Shibata T, Yoshikawa M, Kobayashi T, Miki D & Takemura K

Miki K. (2023) Direct Observation of pH Distribution during the Formation of Calcium Carbonate Polymorphs in Gel Media
Kawano J, Matsumoto S, Miki K, Toyofuku T, Nagai Y & Nagai T

Miki M. (2016) Excess Argon in Contact Aureoles
Hyodo H, Miki M & Otofuji Y

Miki T. (2020) Speleothem as Archive of Past Volcanism: Impact of Kikai Volcano Eruption (7.3 ka) on a Remote Oceanic Island
Tanaka K, Miki T, Takahata N, Uemura R, Asami R, Yu T-L, Shen C-C, Shirai K, Murakami-Sugihara N, Toyama K & Sano Y
(2019) Redox State of the Late Paleoproterozoic Marine Environment: The Cape Smith Belt, Canada
Motomura K, Kiyokawa S, Ikehara M, Sano T, Bleeker W, Tanaka K, Miki T & Sano Y
(2016) 3.2 Ga Seawater Sulfate Implied from Sulfur Isotopic Compositions of Barite Crystals in Pilbara, Western Australia
Miki T, Kiyokawa S, Takahata N, Ishida A, Ito T, Ikehara M, Yamaguchi K & Sano Y

Miki Y. (2016) Triple Oxygen Isotope Compositions of Atmospheric Nitrate and Sulfate in the Pacific Ocean Boundary Layer
Kamezaki K, Hattori S, Furutani H, Miki Y, Iwamoto Y, Ishino S, Uematsu M & Yoshida N

Mikkelsen B. (2017) An Analysis of Variability in the Methylmercury Burden of Marine Mammals Using Stable Mercury Isotopes
Li M, Juang A, Ewald J, Mikkelsen B, Yin R, Krabbenhoft D, Dam M, Dassuncao C & Sunderland E
(2015) Temporal Trends in Perfluorinated Alkylated Substances (PFASs) in North Atlantic Seawater and Pilot Whales
Sunderland E, Zhang X, Dassuncao C, Hu X, Mikkelsen B, Dam M & Bossi R

Mikkelson K. (2014) Changing Soil Chemistry in Rocky Mountain Forests Impacted by the Mountain Pine Beetle
Navarre-Sitchler A, Pryhoda M, Dickenson E, Bearup L, Mikkelson K, Maxwell R, Sharp J & McCray J

Mikkelson N. (2014) Fluxes and Transformations of Treated Sewage Effluent Recharging a Coastal Aquifer
Beavis S, Ellis D & Mikkelson N

Mikkola P. (2023) Paleoproterozoic Svecofennian Orogeny –rapid Crustal Growth on the Margin of the Columbia Supercontinent
Heilimo E & Mikkola P

Miklesh D. (2012) Redox Oscillations in a Freshwater Analogue of Marine Pelagic Sediments: Lake Superior
Katsev S, Li J, Crowe S, Miklesh D, Kistner M & Canfield D
(2011) Diagenetic Mobility of Mn and Fe Crusts in Organic-Poor Sediments of Lake Superior
Li J, Crowe S, Brown E, Dittrich M, Miklesh D & Katsev S
(2010) Migrations of Sediment Redox Boundaries as Indicators of Change in Oligotrophic Systems
Li J, Crowe S, Miklesh D, Canfield D & Katsev S
(2009) Diagenesis in Organic-Poor Systems: Sediment Geochemistry and Nutrient Fluxes in Lake Superior
Katsev S, Li J & Miklesh D

Miklus N.M. (2018) Middle Eocene Seasonality: Insights from the Geochemistry of Fossil Bivalves and Driftwood
Judd EJ, Ivany LC, DeConto RM, Halberstadt ARW, Miklus NM, Junium CK & Uveges BT

Miklyaeva E. (2017) KREEP-Component in the Extreme Differentiates of the Kivakka Layered Intrusion (Northern Karelia, Russia)
Bychkova Y, Bychkov A & Miklyaeva E

Miko L. (2012) Cave Sediments as Repositories of Very Old Fossil Invertebrates
Moldovan OT, Constantin S, Meleg IN, Miko L, Epure L, Panaiotu C, Roban R & Mihevc A

Miko S. (2007) Weathering of Bronze Age Potsherds in a Mediterranean Climate (Cres Island, Croatia)
Posilovic H, Miko S, Hasan O & Mesic S

Mikolajewicz U. (2017) Benthic-Planktonic Radiocarbon Age as Ocean Ventilation Proxy: The Impact of Air-Sea Exchange
Mouchet A, Beckers J-M, Deleersnijder E, Delhez E & Mikolajewicz U

Mikoshiba M. (2003) Geochemical Map of Japan
Imai N, Terashima S, Okai T, Kanai Y, Mikoshiba M & Ohta A
(2003) Geochemical Map of the Tohoku Region, Northern Honshu, Japan
Mikoshiba M & Imai N

Mikouchi T. (2019) Redox States of Lunar Mare Basalts as Inferred from Micro Fe-XANES Analysis of Plagioclase/Maskelynite
Mikouchi T, Yokoi N & Arai T
(2003) Multiple Micro-Area Analyses of Rhönite in the Opacitized Kaersutites
Monkawa A, Mikouchi T, Matsuyama F, Koizumi E, Miyamoto M & Ohsumi K
(2003) Mineralogy and Petrogenesis of Quenched Angrite Meteorites
Mikouchi T & McKay G
(2003) Can the Eu Oxygen Barometer be Applied to QUE 94201?
McKay G, Le L, Mikouchi T & Koizumi E
(2003) Porphyritic Texture in Linear Cooling Experiments: Implications for the Origins of Porphyritic Grains in Basaltic Rocks
Koizumi E, Mikouchi T, McKay G, Monkawa A, Le L & Miyamoto M
(2001) Micro Raman Spectroscopy of Unknown Calcium Silico-Phosphates in Angrite Meteorites
Mikouchi T, Kaneda K, Miyamoto M, Sugiyama K & Ohsumi K

Mikouchi Takashi (2017) Iron Valence Variation in Plagioclase from Eucrite Meteorites: Additional Information and Implications
Mikouchi T, Satake W, Takenouchi A, Ono H & Buchanan P

Mikouchi Takashi (2016) Cooling History and Redox State of NWA 8694 Chassignite: Comparison with Chassigny and NWA 2737
Mikouchi T, Takenouchi A & Zolensky M
(2016) Silica Polymorphs in Yamato-75011 Eucrite: Implications for their Formation Conditions
Ono H, Takenouchi A & Mikouchi T
(2016) An Amoeboid Olivine Aggregate in Polymict Eucrite LEW 85300
Komatsu M, Yamaguchi A, Fagan T, Zolensky M, Shirai N & Mikouchi T
(2016) Ceres Revealed in a Grain of Salt
Zolensky M, Bodnar R, Fries M, Chan Q, Kebukawa Y, Mikouchi T, Hagiya K, Komatsu M, Ohsumi K & Steele A

Mikouchi Takashi (2020) Oxygen Isotope Analysis of Northwest Africa 12774 Quenched Angrite: Origin of Olivine Xenocrysts
Hayashi H, Kim NK, Kim H, Park C & Mikouchi T

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