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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Mikami Masuhiro (2016) Molecular Simulation of Pressure Dependent Boron Isotope Equilibrium between Boron Hydrates
Ichikawa H, Musashi M, Mikami M, Tsuzuki S & Oi T

Mikan M. (2019) Coupling Metaproteomics with Organic Biomarkers to Determine Functional Responses of Native Microbiomes to Organic Inputs in the Western Arctic Ocean
Mikan M, Nunn B, Timmins-Schiffman E, Riffle M, Noble W & Harvey R
(2018) Metaproteomic and 16S rRNA Reveal Rapid Shifts in Functional Responses of Native Polar Bacterial Communities to Organic Carbon Inputs: Does Taxonomy Matter?
Mikan M, Nunn B, Timmins-Schiffman E, May D, Riffle M, Noble W, Salter I & Harvey R

Mikata M. (2003) Zr, Nb, Hf, Ta, and W in the Northwest Pacific Ocean
Sohrin Y, Mikata M, Minami T & Norisuye K

Mike R. (2017) The Oxalate-Carbonate Pathway of Brosimum Alicastrum Sw.; Moraceae
Mike R, Verrecchia E & Green I

Mikes T. (2012) Late Miocene Central Anatolian Surface Uplift and Orographic Rainout from Stable Hydrogen and Oxygen Isotope Records
Mikes T, Mulch A, Schemmel F, Cosentino D, Rojay B & Aydar E
(2011) 87Sr/86Sr Isotope Ratios in Single Benthic Foraminifera by LA-MC-ICPMS
Mikes T, Gerdes A, Hudáčková N & Mulch A
(2007) Data Handling, Outlier Rejection and Calculation of Isotope Concentrations from Laser ICP-MS Analyses by PEPITA Software
Dunkl I, Mikes T, Simon K & von Eynatten H

Mikesell M. (2016) Scandium Enrichment in Arctic Ocean Fe-Mn Crusts: Where Does the Sc Come from?
Hein JR, Mikesell M & Mizell K

Mikhail Sami (2016) Should We Consider Nitrgoen a Lithohpile Element? A Combined Isotopic, Petrological and Cosmochemical Evaluation
Mikhail S

Mikhail Sami (2015) The Relationship between Mantle Petrology and the Geochemistry of Planetary Atmospheric Nitrogen
Mikhail S & Sverjensky DA

Mikhail Sami (2019) Nitrogen Speciation in Silicate Melts by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Mare E, Formoso F, Ashbrook S, Dawson D, Bromiley G & Mikhail S
(2019) Helium Isotopes Reveals What Carbon and Nitrogen Cannot, a Mantle Component for Strongly 13C-Depleted Diamond
Mikhail S, Crosby J, Stuart F, Di Nicola L & Abernethy F

Mikhail Sami (2013) Diamonds and their Inclusions from Dachine, French Guiana: A Record of Paleoproterozoic Subduction
Walter M, Smith C, Bulanova G, Mikhail S & Kohn S
(2013) Nitrogen Isotope Systematics and Origins of Mixed-Habit Diamonds
Howell D, Stern R, Griffin W, Southworth R, Mikhail S, Stachel T, Verchovsky S, Jones A, O'Reilly S & Pearson N

Mikhail Sami (2023) The Importance of Carbon to the Formation and Composition of Silicates during Mantle Metasomatism
Rinaldi M, Mikhail S, Sverjensky DA & Kalita J

Mikhail Sami (2021) Incompatible, not Volatile: The Behaviour of Nitrogen in Extrusive and Plutonic Igneous Rocks and Minerals
Boocock TJ, Bybee GM, Koenig R, Mikhail S, Prytulak J, Savage PS, Schröder C & Stüeken EE
(2021) A Genetic Metasomatic Link between Eclogitic and Peridotitic Diamond Inclusions
Rinaldi M, Mikhail S, Mare ER & Sverjensky D
(2021) Investigating the Mechanics of Fluorine Speciation in Low-Pressure Silicate Melts Using 19f Magic Angle Spinning Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometry
Formoso F, Joachim-Mrosko B, Konzett J, Bromiley G, Dawson DM, Ashbrook SEM & Mikhail S

Mikhail Sami (2022) The Source and Storage of Nitrogen in Earths Felsic Plutonic Crust: A Case Study of the Devonian Loch Doon Pluton, Scotland
Boocock TJ, Stüeken EE, Prytulak J, Boyce A, Bybee GM, Koenig R & Mikhail S
(2022) Modelling the Formation of Diamond Inclusions during Fluid-Rock Metasomatism
Rinaldi M, Mikhail S & Sverjensky DA

Mikhail Sami (2011) The Abiogenic Generation of Low δ13C Reservoirs in the Deep Earth
Mikhail S, Shahar A, Hunt SA, Verchovsky AB, Franchi IA, Basu S & Jones AP
(2011) Comparing Carbon Isotopic Signatures between Meteorites and Terrestrial Mantle Samples: Need for Reassessment of Carbon Composition of Earth’s Mantle
Basu S, Mikhail S, Jones A & Verchovsky AB

Mikhail Sami (2017) A Net-Loss of Earth’s Volatile Elements as the Result of a Chondritic Late-Veneer
Mikhail S & Forgan D
(2017) Tracing Volatiles in Earth’s Mantle Using He-C-N Isotopes in Garnet-Bearing Diamondites
Crosby J, Mikhail S, Stuart F & Abernethy F
(2017) Evolution of Microbial Biosignatures with Increasing Metamorphic Grade
Cousins C, Mikhail S, Foucher F, Westall F & Steele A
(2017) Oldest Diamond Crystallisation on Earth: A Metal-Driven Hadean Growth Model Related to Core Formation
Jones A, Wood B & Mikhail S

Mikhail Sami (2018) Nitrogen and Potassium Transiting the Redox and Subduction Barrier
Jackson C, Cottrell E, Andrews B, Mikhail S & Mare E
(2018) The Use of Atmospheric Chemistry to Characterise How Mantle Processes Have Contributed to Earth’s Environmental Distinction
Mikhail S, Zerkle A, Forgan D, Heap M, Sverjensky D & Barry P

Mikhailenko D. (2023) Redox Heterogeneities in the Archean Mantle Inferred from Mineral Inclusions in Siberian E-Type Diamonds: Implications for Volatile Speciation and Diamond Formation
Marras G, Mikhailenko D, McCammon C, Aulbach S, Logvinova A, Dominijanni S & Stagno V
(2019) Diamond Inclusions in Schorl-Uvite Tourmaline from the Kumdy-Kol Garnet-Clinopyroxene Rocks (Kokchetav Massif)
Korsakov A, Musiyachenko K, Rezvukhina O, Mikhailenko D, Rezvukhin D & Mikhno A
(2019) The Redox State of the Graphite- and Diamond-Bearing Eclogite Xenoliths from Udachnaya Kimberlite Pipe (Siberian Craton): Implication for the Origin of Diamonds
Mikhailenko D, Stagno V, Korsakov A, Andreozzi G, Cerantola V, Marras G, Golovin A & Malygina E
(2016) Optically Invisible Disordered Graphite in Coesite Inclusions in Kyanite from Diamondiferous Kokchetav Gneiss
Shchepetova O, Korsakov A, Mikhailenko D & Zelenovsky P
(2016) P-T Conditions of Diamond- and Graphite-Bearing Eclogite Xenoliths from Udachnaya Kimberlite (Yakutia, Russia)
Mikhailenko D, Korsakov A, Alifirova T, Golovin A, Olga S & Mikhno A

Mikhailov A. (2016) Au and W Geochemical Prospecting Results in the Zorita Area (Central Iberian Zone, Spain)
Cheremazova E, Novoselov K & Mikhailov A

Mikhailov M. (2002) The Model of Pocket Formation in Boron-Rich Granitic Pegmatites
Peretyazhko I, Zagorsky V, Smirnov S, Mikhailov M, Prokofiev V & Madyukov I

Mikhailov V. (2007) New Data Concerning the High-Mg Rocks of the Siberian Trap Formation in the Noril'sk Region
Krivolutskaya N, Sobolev A, Mikhailov V & Svirskaya N

Mikhailova J. (2022) Exploring for Natural Hydrogen in Peralkaline Nepheline-Syenite Plutons: The Kola Peninsula, NW Russia
Dusséaux C, Pukha V, Mokrushina O, Kalashnikov A, Dominique J, Monnier L, Salvi S, Donzé FV, Truche L, Nivin V & Mikhailova J

Mikhalenko V. (2013) Revealing a High Altitude Paleoclimate Record from a Southern Europe Ice Core
Gabrielli P, Barbante C, Carturan L, Davis M, Dalla Fontana G, Dreossi G, Dinale R, Draga G, Gabrieli J, Kehrwald N, Mair V, Mikhalenko V, Oeggl K, Schotterer U, Seppi R, Spolaor A, Stenni B, Thompson L & Tonidandel D

Mikhalsky E. (2003) Major and Incompatible Trace Elements in Clinopyroxenes from Different Magmas
Migdisova N, Sushchevskaya N, Luttinen A & Mikhalsky E

Mikheev E. (2015) Geology and U-Pb Isotopic Ages (LA-ICP-MS) of Granitoids from the Svyatoy Noss Peninsula (Baikal Region, Russia)
Mikheev E, Vladimirov A, Tsygankov A & Khubanov V
(2014) Geochronology (U/Pb, 40Ar/39Ar) of Sinkinematic Granites from Collision Orogens: Constraints from Caledonides of Western Cisbaikalia
Vladimirov A, Travin A, Mikheev E, Vladimirov V & Tishin P
(2013) Ar-Ar and U-Pb Isotopic Ages of Early Caledonian Granulites from the Svyatoy Nos Peninsula (Transbaikalia)
Mikheev E, Vladimirov A, Travin A, Bayanova T & Volkova N

Mikheev V. (2013) The Influence of the Elemental Composition on the Cubanite Mineralization
Mashukov A, Mikheev V & Mashukova A

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