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Miecznik J. (2013) Geochemistry of Organic Matter from Triassic U-Bearing Sandstones of Peribaltic Syneclise (N Poland)
Klimuszko E, Wołkowicz S & Miecznik J
(2013) Geochemistry of Organic Matter from Lower Ordovician Dictyonema Shale (Podlasie Depression, NE Poland)
Grotek I, Klimuszko E, Wołkowicz S & Miecznik J

Miedaner M. (2004) Modelling the Thermodynamics at the Transition State of Monochlorophenol-Pyrite Interactions
Miedaner M, Weerasooriya R & Tobschall H

Miedema N. (2009) The Palaeoclimatic Significance of Coherrent Carbon and Oxygen Isotopic Signals in a Number of New Zealand Stalagmites
Whittaker T, Hendy C, Hellstrom J & Miedema N

Miekeley N.F. (2009) Petroleum Formation from Serpentinizing Continental Mantle by Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis
Szatmari P, Oliveira da Fontana TC & Miekeley NF

Mielcarek J. (2013) Occurrence and Distribution of Natural Occurring Radioactive Materials at a Geothermal Facility in the North German Basin
Regenspurg S, Dilling J, Naumann R, Mielcarek J, Schkade U-K & Zotzmann J

Mielczarski J.A. (2002) The Mechanism of Altered Layers Formation on Wollastonite Revisited: A Combined Spectroscopic/Kinetic Study
Schott J, Pokrovsky OS, Spalla O, Devreux F & Mielczarski JA

Miele F. (2023) Impact of Precipitation on Greenhouse Gas Emissions in a Forest Soil
Wang S, Miele F, Benettin P, Asadollahi M, Frutschi M, Rinaldo A & Bernier-Latmani R

Mielecki D. (2018) Biodegradation of Lignite Under Conditions of Acidic Molasses Fermentation
Bucha M, Detman A, Simoneit BRT, Mielecki D, Piwowarczyk C, Chojnacka A, Blaszczyk MK, Jedrysek MO, Marynowski L & Sikora A

Mielke H. (2012) Re-suspension of Lead-Contaminated Soils a Major Human Health Burden in Cities
Laidlaw M, Zahran S, Mielke H, Taylor M, Morrison D & Filippelli G

Mielke R. (2001) Biooxidation of Pyrite Under pH Neutral Conditions
Southam G & Mielke R

Mielke Randall (2010) In situ Fabrication of Chemical Sensing Arrays in Extreme Environments
Quinn R, Grunthaner F, Mielke R, Chun W & White V
(2008) A Potential Mineral Paleo-Humidity Measure for Martian Hydrated Evaporite Minerals: First Results
Coleman M, Rohrssen M & Mielke R
(2008) Toward the in situ Quantification of Organic Molecules in Solid Samples: Development of Sample Handling and Processing Hardware
Beegle L, Johnson P, Hoydess R, Mielke R, Orzechowska G, Sollitt L & Kanik I

Mielnicki S. (2013) Potential of Uranium Removal from Post-Uranium Mining Heaps by Indigenous Bacteria
Mielnicki S, Drewniak L, Szymkiewicz M, Rewerski B & Sklodowska A

Mienis F. (2017) Modern and Holocene Hydrological Variations of the NE Atlantic Inferred from Nd Isotopic Composition Analyzed on Seawater and Deep-Sea Corals
Colin C, Bonneau L, Dubois-Dauphin Q, Pons-Branchu E, Douville E, Tisnerat-Laborde N, Elliot M, Douarin M, Mienis F, Frank N, Swingedouw D & Eynaud F
(2016) Holocene North Atlantic Mid-Depth Gyre Dynamics Revisited
Bonneau L, Colin C, Pons-Branchu E, Douville E, Tisnerat-Laborde N, Mienis F & Frank N

Miescher D. (2012) Igneous and Metamorphic Garnet-Clinopyroxene Assemblages in Eclogite and Granulite, New Zealand: Major and REE Characteristics
Clarke G, Daczko N & Miescher D

Miese C. (2009) Selective Analysis of Petroleum from Single Fluid Inclusions Using Femtosecond Laser Pulses
Volk H, Fuentes D, Miese C, Fuerbach A, Koehler W, Bärsch N & Barcikowski S

Mietelski J.W. (2022) Dark Matter Related Explanation of the Nigh sky Glow Observed from Europe after the Tunguska Meteorite Fall in 1908
Mietelski JW

Mietelski Wojciech (2013) Extraterrestrial Mechanism of Kimberlite Emplacement
Paszkowski M & Mietelski JW
(2013) Determination of U, Cs and Sr Isotopes and their Distribution Coefficients in Soil Affected by Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident
Mishra S, Takamasa A, Arae H, Mietelski W, Watanabe Y, Yoshida S & Sahoo SK

Mietelski Wojtek (2010) Solute Transport and Bioturbation Models of the Downward Migration of Radionuclides in Soils
Matisoff G, Ketterer M, Rosen K, Mietelski W, Vitko L, Persson H & Lokas E

Miethling-Graff R. (2015) Shifts in Microbial Communities Indicate Oxygen Ingress during Downtime Phases of a Geothermal Plant
Westphal A, Lerm S, Miethling-Graff R, Seibt A, Wolfgramm M & Würdemann H

Mietto P. (2011) A Late Triassic Major Negative δ13C Spike Linked to Wrangellia LIP: The Carnian Pluvial Event Revealed
Dal Corso J, Mietto P, Newton RJ, Pancost RD, Preto N, Roghi G & Wignall PB

Mieville A. (2009) Historical Emissions of Atmospheric Compounds Resulting from Biomass Burning
Granier C, Mieville A, Liousse C, Guillaume B, Mouillot F & Grégoire J-M

Mifflin A. (2005) Can Kinetics Tell us More? Cr(VI) Binding to Organic Adlayers at Silica/water Interfaces Studied by Second Harmonic and Sum Frequency Generation
Mifflin A, Al-Abadleh H, Konek C, Voges A & Geiger F
(2005) Interaction of Cr, As, and U-Containing Pollutants with Mineral-Water Interfaces Studied by Second Harmonic and Sum Frequency Generation
Al-Abadleh H, Mifflin A, Voges A & Geiger F
(2004) Real-Time, in situ Surface-Specific Studies of Chromate Binding to Silica/Water Interfaces Using Second Harmonic Generation
Mifflin A, Konek C, Al- Abadleh H & Geiger F
(2004) Chromate Binding to Organic Adlayers at Silica/Water Interfaces Studied by Second Harmonic Generation
Konek C, Al-Abadleh H, Mifflin A & Geiger F

Mifsud C. (2013) Dunefield Chronology in the Simspson Desert, Central Australia, Revealed by Cosmogenic Nuclide and Luminescence Dating
Fujioka T, Nanson G, Tooth S, Craddock R, Price D, Peterson B & Mifsud C
(2012) Catchment-Wide Denudation Rates from the Murrumbidgee River, Murray-Darling Basin, SE Australia, Using in situ Cosmogenic 10Be
Fujioka T, Dosseto A, Hesse P & Mifsud C
(2011) Chronology of Fluvial Incision in the Upper Ganges Inferred from in situ Cosmogenic Isotopes
Swander Z, Dosseto A, Fink D & Mifsud C

Migallón J.M.S. (2021) Geochemical Analysis of the Special Clay Deposit of Tamame de Sayago (Zamora)
Vicente AG, Macías EM, Hernández AL, Migallón JMS, Romero EG & Barrios MS
(2021) Geochemistry of Trace Elements in High Purity Bentonites
Hernández AL, Vicente AG, Migallón JMS, Romero EG & Barrios MS

Migaszewski Z.M. (2023) Glass Microspheres as a New Proxy for the Fate and Transport of Road Dust in the Environment
Migaszewski ZM
(2023) Is Zirconium a Good Marker of Traffic-Related Pollution?
Gałuszka A & Migaszewski ZM

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