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Middag Rob (2016) The Relationships of Dissolved Cadmium with Major Nutrient Phosphate along the Ocean Conveyor of the West Atlantic Ocean
Middag R, van Heuven S, de Baar H & Bruland K

Middag Rob (2023) Reappraising the U Isotope Composition of Seawater and Deep-Sea Corals: Implications for Paleo-Environmental Reconstructions
Tissot FLH, Kipp MA, Li H, Ellwood MJ, John SG, Middag R & Adkins JF
(2023) Decline of Anthropogenic Lead in South Atlantic Ocean Surface Waters from 1990 to 2011: New Constraints from Concentration and Isotope Data
Olivelli A, Murphy K, Bridgestock L, Wilson DJ, Rijkenberg M, Middag R, Weiss D, van de Flierdt T & Rehkämper M
(2023) Distribution of Dissolved Fe and Mn in the Atlantic-Arctic Transition Zone
Middag R, Liao W-H, Zitoun R & Laan P
(2023) Seawater Pb Concentrations and Isotope Compositions in the Western Tropical North Atlantic (GEOTRACES Cruise GA02)
Xu H, van de Flierdt T, Rehkämper M, Weiss D, Moore RE & Middag R
(2023) Isotopic Insights for External Iron Sources and Biogeochemical Cycling in the Amundsen Sea Polynyas
Tian H-A, van Manen M, Bunnell Z, Jung JY, Kim T-W, Conway TM, Reichart G-J & Middag R

Middag Rob (2022) Investigating the Behaviour of Iron during Sediment Resuspension along the Denmark Strait and the Greenland Shelf
Jones R, Annett A, Jariel C, Lohan M & Middag R

Middelboe M. (2017) Intensified Microbial Activity of Sediments in Hadal Trenches
Glud RN, Wenzhöfer F, Middelboe M, Turnewitsch R & Kitazato H

Middelboe Mathias (2021) Prophage-Encoded Chitinase Activity Supports Growth of a Pseudomonas sp Isolated from Kermadec Trench
Traving SJ, Castillo D, Glud RN & Middelboe M

Middelburg Jack (2023) The Application of Stable Isotope Probing to Investigate Carbon Transformations in Slow Sand Filters for the Treatment of Drinking Water
Khojah B, Sadeghi S, Polerecky L, van Oevelen D, van der Meer M, Middelburg J & Behrends T
(2022) River Particles in Biogeochemical Cycles
Müller G, Börker J, Sluijs A & Middelburg J
(2022) Effect of Ocean Margin Calcification Dynamics on Global Carbon Transfer during the Cenozoic – A box Model Study
Kruijt AL, Soetaert K, Sluijs A & Middelburg J
(2022) Respiration Signals from the Dark Ocean
Sulpis O, Trossman DS, Holzer M, Jeansson E, Lauvset SK & Middelburg J
(2021) The Influence of a Diffusive Boundary Layer on Early Organic Matter and Calcium Carbonate Diagenesis
Sulpis O, Martinez Wilhelmus M, Humphreys MP, Carroll D, Berelson W, Menemenlis D, Middelburg J & Adkins J
(2021) Coastal Carbon Transfer in the Past – A box Model Study
Kruijt AL, Middelburg J & Sluijs A
(2015) Theme 11: Shifting Paradigms in Biogeochemistry at the Land-Ocean Interface
Middelburg J
(2015) Reassessing the Nitrogen Isotope Composition of Sediments from the proto-North Atlantic during Oceanic Anoxic Event 2
Ruvalcaba Baroni I, van Helmond N, Tsandev I, Middelburg J & Slomp C
(2015) Quantifying pH Dynamics in a Changing Ocean
Hagens M & Middelburg J

Middelburg Jack J (2019) Altruistic Electrical Cooperation in Multicellular Cable Bacteria
Geerlings N, Karman C, Polerecky L, Trashin S, As K, Kienhuis M, Hidalgo-Martinez S, Vasquez-Cardenas D, Boschker H, de Wael K, Middelburg J & Meysman F
(2019) Bypassing the Redox Ladder: Cable Bacteria as Electron Sinks for Other Microbes
Vasquez Cardenas D, van de Vossenberg J, Polerecky L, Malkin SY, Hidalgo-Martinez S, Middelburg JJ, Meysman FJ & Boschker HT
(2019) Resolution Limit due to Bioturbation
Kuderer M & Middelburg J

Middelburg Jack J. (2020) Closing the Modern Ocean Alkalinity Budget by Riverine Particulate Inorganic Carbon
Müller G, Middelburg J & Sluijs A
(2020) Marine Animal-Sediment Interactions Under Climate Change – Biogeochemical Consequences in the 21st Century
Bianchi TS, Aller RC, Atwood T, Brown C, Batois L, Levin LA, Levinton JS, Middelburg JJ, Morrison ES, Regnier P, Shields MR, Snelgrove PVR, Sotka EE & Stanley RRE
(2018) A North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature Reconstruction for the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum
van der Ploeg R, Cramwinckel MJ, Kocken IJ, van der Meer AE, Müller IA, Ziegler M, Leutert TJ, Meckler AN, Sexton PF, Bohaty SM, Wilson PA, Peterse F, Schouten S, Reichart G-J, Middelburg JJ & Sluijs A
(2017) Towards Quantitative Reconstructions of Element Cycles for Weathering and Carbon Cycle Tracers Across the Cenozoic
van der Ploeg R, Soetaert K, Bohaty S, Middelburg J & Sluijs A
(2017) Estimating Carbon Dynamics in Global Aquifer Systems Using a Mechanistic Model
Langeveld J, Bouwman L, Beusen A, van Hoek WJ & Middelburg J
(2017) Towards Quantification of the Global Riverine Carbon Balance
van Hoek WJ, Bouwman L, Beusen A, Langeveld J & Middelburg J
(2017) The Faithfulness of Foraminiferal Calcite as a Seawater Chromium Recorder
Parkinson I, Remmelzwaal S, Sadekov A, Titelboim D, Roepert A, Schmidt D, Abramovich S, Polerecky L & Middelburg J
(2017) Diatom Chemistry as a Potential Paleoproxy
Akse S, Polerecky L & Middelburg J
(2017) Na/Ca Ratio of Coccoliths as a Potential Paleo Proxy
Roepert A, Polerecky L & Middelburg JJ
(2016) Organic Matter Processing and Burial in Times of Hypoxia
Middelburg J
(2016) A Global Look at Contemporary Hypoxia in Shelf Systems
Mogollón JM, Beusen A, Middelburg JJ & Bouwman AF
(2010) Sediment Biogeochemistry in Low-Oxygen Settings
Middelburg JJ & Moodley L
(2010) Carbon Fluxes in Natural Plankton Communities Under Elevated CO2 Levels: A Stable Isotope Labeling Study
de Kluijver A, Soetaert K, Schulz KG, Riebesell U, Bellerby RGJ & Middelburg JJ
(2006) Carbon fluxes within a natural plankton community at elevated atmospheric CO2
Schulz K, Zöllner E, Bellerby R, Middelburg J & Riebesell U
(2004) The Role of Sediments in Shelf Ecosystem Dynamics
Middelburg J & Soetaert K
(2000) Coupled Food-Web and Bacterial-Loop Modelling of a Lagrangian Experiment off the Iberian Margin
Soetaert K, Herman P, Middelburg J & Lamy F

Middlebrook A. (2014) Formation of Organic Aerosol in the Outflow from Urban Areas in the Southeastern United States
de Gouw J, Middlebrook A, Brock C, Gilman J, Graus M, Holloway J, Lerner B, Liao J, Trainer M, Warneke C & Welti A

Middleburgh S. (2013) Experimental and Modelling Studies of Nuclear Materials
Lumpkin G, Aughterson R, Gregg D, Kuo E, Middleburgh S, Qin M, de los Reyes M, Thorogood G, Zhang Y, Zhang Z, Robinson M & Marks N
(2013) Structure and Radiation Damage in Y<sub>2</sub>Ti<sub>2</sub>O<sub>7</sub> And Y<sub>2</sub>TiO5
Robinson M, Marks N, Carter D, Qin M, Middleburgh S, Thorogood G, Kuo E, Aughterson R & Lumpkin G

Middlemiss S. (2018) Growth Defects in Copper Cathodes
Middlemiss S, Ciobanu C, Slattery A, Ehrig K & Cook N

Middlestead P (2003) Compound-Specific Isotope Analysis of DOC in Landfill Leachate
Mohammadzadeh H, Marschner M, Clark I, St-Jean G & Middlestead P

Middlestead Paul (2014) Automation of 13C/12C Ratio Measurement for Freshwater and Seawater DOC Using High Temperature Combustion
Lalonde K, Middlestead P & Gelinas Y

Middleton Alexander (2013) Crustal Evolution of the Intracontinental Warburton–Cooper–Eromanga Basin System, Central Australia
Middleton A, Uysal T & Golding S
(2013) Understanding the Role of Phanerozoic and Active Tectonics in Generating Geothermal Resources in Central Australia
Uysal T, Ring U & Middleton A
(2012) Synchysite: Implications for Titanite Destabilisation and Differential REE, Y and Th Mobility in the Soultz Monzogranite
Middleton A, Foerster H-J, Uysal T & Golding S
(2011) Metasomatic Accessory Phases in High Heat-Producing Felsic Igneous Rocks
Middleton A, Golding S & Uysal T

Middleton Alexander (2015) In situ U–Pb Dating of Hydrothermal Xenotime by LA–ICP–MS: A Chronological Insight into Finnish Lapland Orogenic Gold
Middleton A, Molnár F & O'Brien H

Middleton D. (2001) Hot Fluid Pulses in Sedimentary Basins
Parnell J & Middleton D

Middleton Jennifer
(2016) 70 ka of Dust Deposition and Elemental Composition in the Subtropical Mid-Atlantic
Middleton J, Mukhopadhyay S, Langmuir C & McManus J
(2015) Last Glacial Maximum and Hydrothermal Sediment Fluxes on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Middleton J, Mukhopadhyay S, McManus J & Langmuir C
(2015) The Noble Gas Anatomy of a Depleted MORB Popping Glass
Mukhopadhyay S, Parai R, Tucker J, Middleton J & Langmuir C

Middleton Jennifer L (2023) Plio-Pleistocene Dust Fluxes to the Western Equatorial Pacific Constrained via Helium Isotopes and Sedimentary 10Be
Middleton JL & Winckler G
(2023) Deep Ocean Circulation Changes in the South Pacific during the Mid-Pleistocene Transition
Symes E, Basak C, Middleton JL, Farmer JR, Winckler G, Cruz APS & Science Party E3
(2023) Insights into Southern Ocean Dynamics during the Mid-Pleistocene Climate Transition from Benthic Foraminiferal Stable Carbon Isotopes
Gottschalk J, Hasenfratz AP, Middleton JL, Farmer JR, Michel E, Hanley J, Knudson C, Science Party E3, Jaccard SL, Lamy F & Winckler G
(2021) Under-Representation of Talents Among Awards in Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry
Riches AJV, Pourret O, Ader M, Anand P, Arndt S, Bots P, Dosseto A, Li Z, Marin-Carbonne J, Middleton JL & Ngwenya B
(2021) Global Patterns in Oceanographic Influences on 10Be Deposition Rates to the Seafloor
Middleton JL, Winckler G, Schaefer J, Pavia F, Anderson R, Schwartz R, Zhou Y & Kinsley C

Middleton Jule Thomas (2022) Barium Isotope Fractionation during Ion Exchange at the Barite-Fluid Interface: Implications for Barium Cycling in Seawater
Middleton JT, Paytan A & Horner TJ

Middleton Julia (2021) Barium Isotope Signatures of Barite Diagenesis
Middleton J, Paytan A, Saito M & Horner TJ
(2020) Barium-Isotopic Signatures of Barite Diagenesis
Middleton J, Paytan A & Horner T

Middleton Maarit (2023) Can Compositional Analysis of Plant Biogeochemical Data of Different Plant Tissue Types Reveal Signatures of Lithology?
Dujmović L, Pospiech S, Tolosana-Delgado R, van den Boogaart KG, Matschullat J & Middleton M
(2021) Compositional Modelling of Element Cycling in Soil and Plants – A Case Study from Northern Finland
Pospiech S, van den Boogaart KG, Tolosana-Delgado R, Sarala P, Kinnunen J & Middleton M
(2020) Compositional Modelling of the Impact of Source Lithology on the Plant Ionome
Pospiech S, van den Boogaart G, Tolosana-Delgado R & Middleton M

Middleton Matthew (2020) Supervised Machine Learning Based Models Predicting Soil Surface Area Among Different Taxonomical Soil “Types” Using Water Adsorption Curves
Chappell M, Mcgrath C, LeMonte J, Middleton M, Miller C, Styles R, Price C & Miller L
(2012) Microchemistry of Amphiboles Near the Roof of a Mafic Magma Chamber
Murphy JB, Blais S, Tubrett M, McNeil D & Middleton M
(2012) Number Density Considerations in the Dispersion-Dissolution Behavior of Engineered Silver Nanomaterials
Chappell M, Miller L, Price C, Middleton M, Blaustein G, Jackson L, Bednar A, Kennedy A & Steevens J

Midea W. (2020) Consistent Magma Conditions at Mt Pinatubo, Philippines, over 2.5 m.y
Midea W & Hattori K

Mideksa T.K. (2009) Black Carbon as a Climate Agent: Least Cost Strategies for Abatement
Rive N, Rypdal K, Berntsen TK, Klimont Z, Mideksa TK, Myhre G & Skeie RB

Midende G. (2015) Syntectonic Emplacement of an Alkaline Massif in Burundi: Consequences on Fluid-Rock Interaction and Element (REE, HFSE) Mobility
Boulvais P, Cobert C, Baele J-M, Tack L, Nimpagaritse G, Midende G, Gardien V, Demaiffe D & Decrée S
(2013) C and O Isotope Compositions of the Matongo Carbonatite (Burundi): New Insights into Alteration and REE Mineralization Processes
Boulvais P, Decrée S, Cobert C, Midende G, Tack L, Gardien V & Demaiffe D

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