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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Michel Pauline (2017) Thermodynamic Studies of Water-Rock-Hydrocarbon-Gas Interactions in Petroleum Systems
Richard L, Michel P, Uteyev R, Peters H, Gelin F & Brosse E
(2017) Geochemical Evolution of Oil Sands Upon Aquathermolysis during Steam Injection Processes for Oil Recovery
Michel P, Lamoureux-Var V, Ouled Ameur Z, Isabelle L, Lienemann C-P, Ayache SV & Preux C
(2009) Methylated Naphthalenes in Sediments and Sedimentary Systems: Revised Thermodynamic Properties Based on a Reconciliation of Geochemical and Calorimetric Data
Michel P & Richard L

Michel Robert (2009) Biological Cycling of Sulphate in Small Mountain Lakes Determined from Natural 35S
Michel R, Campbell D, Turk J & Mast A
(2005) I-129 and I-127 in Northern Germany
Michel R, Klipsch K, Ernst T, Gorny M, Jakob D, Vahlbruch J, Synal H & Schnabel C

Michel Rolf (2007) Impact of U-Mining Tailings on Water Resources in Mailu-Suu (Kyrg.)
Wagner F, Jung H, Wanke C, Bunnenberg C, Michel R & Himmelsbach T

Michel T. (2017) CO2-rich Nephelinite Differentiation and Carbonate-Silicate Immiscibility (North Tanzanian Divergence)
Parat F, Baudouin C, Michel T, Denis C, Tiberi C & Gautier S

Michel Veronique (2016) Statistical U-Th Dating Results of Speleothem from South Europe
Hu H-M, Shen C-C & Michel V

Michel VÉRONIQUE (2019) Non-Stationary North Atlantic Oscillation Forcing on Mediterranean Hydrology Since the Middle Holocene
Hu H-M, Lee S-Y, Shen C-C, Michel V, Valensi P, Spötl C, Hsu H-H & Starnini E

Michelat L. (2023) A Fully Automated Tool for Estimating Atmospheric Oxidation Reaction Rates of Unsaturated Volatile Organic Compounds with OH, NO3, O3 and Cl
Michelat L, Mellouki A & McGillen MR

Micheletti F. (2013) REE Distribution in Granulite Assemblage from Lower Crust of the Serre Massif (Calabria-Italy)
Fornelli A, Langone A, Micheletti F, Muschitiello A & Piccarreta G
(2013) Chemical and Isotopic Features of Mafic Granulites from Serre Massif (Calabria-Italy)
Micheletti F, Fornelli A, Muschitiello A & Piccarreta G

Michelini M. (2011) Oxygen and Hydrogen Stable Isotope Composition of Precipitation in Friuli-Venezia Giulia (Northeastern Italy)
Michelini M, Cucchi F, Flora O, Stenni B, Treu F & Zini L

Michellod D. (2015) Hidden Microbial Cycling of Iron in an Archean Ocean Analogue
Berg J, Michellod D, Milucka J & Kuypers M

Michelon Camarda C. (2019) Are Juína Diamonds, Super Deep Diamonds?
Michelon Camarda C, Gervasoni F, Reis Jalowitzki TL, Grings Cedeno D, Vieira Conceição R, Dalla Costa MM, Carvalho AMG & Nogueira Neto JDA

Michelot J-L. (2015) Reactive Transport of Redox-Sensitive Selenium in Geological Media: New Insights from an Inside View
Grolimund D, Frasca B, Leupin OX, Savoye S, Winkel LHE, Curti E, Michelot J-L & Wittebroodt C
(2012) Contribution of Natural Tracers (Cl, He) to Development of 3D Basin Model. Paris Basin, France
Rebeix R, Benabderrahmane H, Le Gal La Salle C, Lavielle B, Lavastre V, Jean Baptiste P, Fourre E, Vinsot A, Landrein P, Matray JM, Pagel M & Michelot JL
(2012) CO2 Attack of a Caprock-Type Argillite: From Lab Experiments to Modeling
Berthe G, Savoye S, Wittebroodt C & Michelot J-L
(2012) Multi Tracer Study (36Cl, 234U/238U, 14C) of the Tunisian Continental Intercalaire: Inferring Recharge Areas and Groundwater Ages
Petersen JO, Deschamps P, Hamelin B, Goncalves J, Massault M, Michelot J-L & Zouari K
(2011) Effect of CO2-Enriched Fluid on Three Argillite Type Caprocks
Berthe G, Savoye S, Wittebroodt C & Michelot J-L
(2011) Investigation of 36Cl Distribution in the North-Western Sahara Aquifer System
Petersen J, Hadj Ammar F, Deschamps P, Hamelin B, Goncalves J, Zouari K, Guendouz A & Michelot J-L
(2011) Coupling δ34S [SO42-] and [206Pb / 207Pb]: Origin of Trace Metals in the Urban Orge River, France
Le Pape P, Ayrault S, Michelot J-L & Quantin C
(2011) Identification of Geochemical Processes in Groundwater at the Chernobyl Pilot Site and Preliminary Contamination Characterization with 36Cl/Cl Ratios
Roux C, Le Gal La Salle C, Simonucci C, Bassot S, Michelot J-L, Fifield K, Van Meir N, Bugaï D & Lancelot J
(2002) Evidence for Micro-Scale U-Mobility along Sedimentary Discontinuities in a Deep Limestone Formation as Inferred by 234U/238U Disequilibria
Deschamps P, Doucelance R, Ghaleb B, Hillaire-Marcel C & Michelot J-L

Michels Raymond (2008) Re/Os Fractionation during Generation and Evolution of Hydrocarbons
Reisberg L, Michels R & Hautevelle Y
(2004) In situ Polymerisation of Labile Lipids as a Source for the Aliphatic Component of Recalcitrant Macromolecules in Sedimentary Materials
Gupta N, Briggs D, Collinson M, Evershed R, Michels R & Pancost R
(2004) Micrometer Scale Delta 13C Variability in Macromolecular Organic Matter: A Criterion for a Non-Biological Source?
Sangely L, Michels R, Chaussidon M, Brouand M, Cuney M & Huault V
(2000) Constraints on the Paleoenvironement Interpretation of Steranes from Ancient Sediments
Fleck S, Michels R, Faure P, Schlepp L, Elie M, Ashkan S & Landais P

Michels Raymond (2016) First Evidence of the Trisulfur Radical Ion S3- and Polymeric Sulfur Species in Natural Geological Fluids
Barré G, Truche L, Bazarkina E, Michels R & Dubessy J

Michels Raymond (2015) The Potential Importance of Metal Transfer from Formation Waters to Petroleum for Re-Os Dating of Oils
Mahdaoui F, Reisberg L, Michels R, Montarges-Pelletier E, Panfilova I, Pujol M & Kieffer I

Michels Raymond (2017) Sulfur Cycle and Geological History of the Carnian Evaporites in the Western French Alps as Recorded by TSR
Barré G, Michels R, Strzerzynski P, Truche L, Thomassot E, Cartigny P, Lorgeoux C, Guillot S & Assayag N

Michels Raymond (2018) Uranium-Sulphides-Organic Matter-Dolomite Low Temperature Diagenetic Interplay in Cretaceous Continental Unconsolidated Sediments (Mongolia)
Rallakis D, Cathelineau M, Michels R, Brouand M & Parize O

Michely L.T. (2017) Evidence for a Primitive Terrestrial Mo/W of the Bulk-Silicate Moon
Leitzke FP, Fonseca ROC, Sprung P, Mallmann G, Lagos M, Michely LT & Münker C

Michetti A. (2022) Identification of Active and Capable Faults (FAC) Using Geochemical (222Rn, 220Rn and CO2) and Geophysical (ERT) Investigations: Case Study of the Rieti Basin (Lazio Region, Italy)
Sepe V, Sapia V, Materni V, Ruggiero L, Pizzino L, Sciarra A, Comerci V, Michetti A, Doumaz F & Cristoferi A

Michibayanchi K. (2020) Deformation, Metasomatism and Seismic Anisotropy in the Lithospheric Mantle beneath Taiwan Straits, Southeast Asian Margin: Constraints from Mantle Xenoliths
Kourim F, Wang K-L, Michibayanchi K & O'Reilly S

Michibayashi Katsuyoshi (2016) Microstructural and Petrological Analyses Peridotites and Gabbros from IODP Hole U1382A at North Pond in the Kane Area of Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Harigane Y, Abe N, Michibayashi K, Kimura J-I & Chang Q

Michibayashi Katsuyoshi (2015) Mantle Wedge Heterogeneties Recorded by Microstructural Evolution
Satsukawa T, Mizukami T, Morishita T, Griffin WL, O'Reilly SY & Michibayashi K

Michibayashi Katsuyoshi (2014) Geodynamic Implications of Amphibolites from the Mariana Forearc
Heywood L, Reagan M, Andreasen R, Righter M, Lapen T, Michibayashi K, Jicha B & Goff K
(2013) Heterogeneity of the Uppermost Mantle in Back-Arc Settings: Insights from Trace-Element Compositions and Water Contents in Japanese Peridotite Xenoliths
Satsukawa T, Godard M, Demouchy S & Michibayashi K

Michibayashi Katsuyoshi (2022) Initial Results from the Oman Drilling Project Multi-Borehole Observatory: Petrogenesis and Ongoing Alteration of Mantle Peridotite in the Weathering Horizon
Kelemen P, Leong JA, de Obeso JC, Matter J, Ellison ET, Templeton AS, Nothaft DB, Eslami A, Evans K, Godard M, Malvoisin B, Coggon JA, Warsi N, Pezard P, Cho S, Teagle D, Michibayashi K, Takazawa E & Al Sulaimani Z

Michibayashi Katsuyoshi (2019) Nature and Mechanisms of Mantle Metasomatism of the Tariat Mantle Xenoliths, Central Mongolia
Kourim F, Wang K, Beinlich A & Michibayashi K
(2019) The PGE and Os Isotope Variations in the Mantle Transition Zone from the Samail Ophiolite from the Oman Drilling Project Cores
Senda R, Suzuki K, Morishita T, Takazawa E, Michibayashi K, Kelemen P, Teagle D, Coggon J, Godard M & The Oman Drilling Project SP
(2019) Physical Properties of the MohoTZ: Implications from Recent Drilling Projects
Abe N, Okazaki K, Katayama I, Hatakeyama K, Akamatsu Y, Michibayashi K, Takazawa E, Teagle D, Kelemen P, Godard M, Matter J & Coggon J

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