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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Michel Agnès (2016) Unprecedented Sulfur and Halogen Emissions during the 1257 AD Samalas Eruption (Rinjani Volcanic Complex, Indonesia)
Vidal CM, Métrich N, Komorowski J-C, Pratomo I, Kartadinata N, Michel A & Lavigne F
(2016) Biogeochemical Response to Spring Ice Cap Melting in Lake Pavin
Viollier E, Amsellem E, Charbonnier Q, Esselma S, Thiam F, Michel A & Jezequel D
(2015) Bromine Isotope Measurement by MC-ICP-MS in Wet Plasma Conditions
Louvat P, Coleman M, Bonifacie M, Giunta T & Michel A

Michel Anna (2019) Dissolved and Solid-Phase Fe and Mn Speciation in Marine Sediments
Oldham V, Hansel C, Wankel S, Karolewski J, Bernhard J, Michel A, Luther G, Tebo B & Mucci A
(2018) Diving into the ABISS: Technologies for Advancing the Study of Biogeochemical Processes and Patterns in the Deep Sea
Girguis P, Hoer D, Michel A, Wankel S & Farr N

Michel Anthony (2015) Can CO2 be Sourced by Mineral Reactions in Deep Sediments?
Brosse E, Bachaud P, Ferrando N, Richard L, Guichet X, Kohler E, Michel A & Gaucher E

Michel Caroline (2021) Investigating Nitrate Heterogeneity in a Basement Aquifer: A NO3 Isotopes, CFCs-Sf6, Microbiological Activity, Geophysics and Hydrogeology Approaches in the Critical Zone
Petelet-Giraud E, Baran N, Vergnaud V, Portal A, Michel C, Joulian C & Lucassou F
(2019) Bioremediation of Herbicides MCPA and Glyphosate Using Zeolite/Microbial Film Biocomposite
Gorodylova N, Michel C, Seron A, Delorme F, Giovannelli F & Michel K
(2016) Nanoparticles and Bacterial Biofilm Interactions in Natural Groundwater: Implication for NPs Mobility and Toxicity for Bacteria
Crampon M, Hellal J, Michel C, Wille G, Mouvet C & Ollivier P

Michel Christine (2014) Kinetic Fractionation of Stable Hydrogen and Oxygen Isotopes Upon Sea-Ice Formation
Mucci A, Michel C, Niemi A & Hélie J-F

Michel Elisabeth (2015) Sedimentary Redox-Sensitive Trace Metals Reveal Large Changes in Deglacial Ocean (De)oxygenation along the Southern Chilean Margin
Lanny V, Jaccard SL, Chase Z & Michel E

Michel Elisabeth (2018) Past Changes in Nutrient Supply and Utilization in the Southern Ocean from Assemblage-Specific Si Isotopes in Diatom Opal
Ehlert C, Studer A, Crosta X, Michel E, Thöle L, Mazaud A, Jaccard S & Pahnke K
(2018) Ventilation of the Deep South Indian Ocean and Atmospheric CO2 Increase during the Last Deglaciation
Gottschalk J, Michel E, Studer AS, Thöle LM, Hasenfratz AP, Mazaud A, Szidat S, Martinez-Garcia A & Jaccard SL

Michel Elisabeth (2017) Glacial-Interglacial Gradients in Biogenic Export Fluxes along a Meridional Transect in the Southern Indian Ocean
Thöle L, Jaccard S, Lippold J, Martínez-García A, Mazaud A & Michel E
(2017) Geochemical Tracing of Varying Northern vs. Southern Water-Masses Contributions in the sub Antarctic Atlantic Ocean (MD07-3076) Since the Last Glacial Maximum
Beny F, Bout V, Davies G, Gottschalk J, Skinner L, Bory A, Waelbroeck C, Mazaud A, Michel E, Delattre M & Abraham R

Michel Elisabeth (2009) Opposite Export of North Atlantic Deep and Intermediate Waters during the Last Glacial Inception
Guihou A, Pichat S, Nave S, Govin A, Michel E, Waelbroeck C & Labeyrie L

Michel Elisabeth (2021) The Contribution of the Foraminiferal Mg/Ca Ratio, Clumped and Conventional Stable Isotope Paleothermometers Combination for Palaeoceanographic Studies
Peral MY, Bassinot F, Daëron M, Blamart D, Bonnin J, Jorissen F, Kissel C, Michel E, Waelbroeck C, Rebaubier H & Gray WR
(2021) Past Changes in Atlantic Ocean Circulation at Intermediate Water Depths from Micropaleontological and Geochemical Proxies Since the Last Glacial Maximum
Pourtout S, Sepulcre S, Colin C, Licari L, Siani G & Michel E
(2021) Poleward Shift in the Southern Hemisphere Westerly Winds Synchronous with the Deglacial Rise in CO2
Gray WR, deLavergne C, Wills RC, Menviel L, Spence P, Holzer M, Kageyama M & Michel E

Michel Elisabeth (2023) Circulation in the Modern and Glacial Pacific: Oxygen Isotope and Model Constraints
Millet B, Gray WR, De Lavergne C, Wagner AJ, Waelbroeck C, Michel E, Rae JWB, Sikes EL & Roche D
(2023) A Multiproxy Reconstruction of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current over the Past Million Years
Wu S, Mazaud A, Michel E, Lamy F & Jaccard SL
(2023) Glacial Carbonate Compensation in the Pacific Ocean Constrained from Paired Oxygen and Carbonate System Reconstructions
Trudgill M, Gray WR, Bouttes N, Munhoven G, Roche D, Colle N, Rae JWB, Michel E, Dapoigny A, Rebaubier H, Richard P & Manssouri F
(2023) Insights into Southern Ocean Dynamics during the Mid-Pleistocene Climate Transition from Benthic Foraminiferal Stable Carbon Isotopes
Gottschalk J, Hasenfratz AP, Middleton JL, Farmer JR, Michel E, Hanley J, Knudson C, Science Party E3, Jaccard SL, Lamy F & Winckler G
(2023) Meridional Migration of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current over the Last Glacial Cycle
Ai XE, Thöle LM, Auderset A, Schmitt M, Moretti S, Studer AS, Michel E, Wegmann M, Mazaud A, Bijl PK, Sigman DM, Martinez-Garcia A & Jaccard SL

Michel F. Marc (2015) Biogeochemistry of Natural and Engineered Nanomaterials: Characterization, Reactivity, Environmental Transformations, and Health Impacts
Brown, Jr. GE, Cismasu AC, Levard C, Michel FM, Dublet G, Kumar N, Wang Y, Morin G, Ma R & Lowry GV

Michel F. Marc (2014) Formation of Nanominerals and their Growth Units
Michel FM & King H
(2014) Characterizing Particle Mediated Crystal Formation
Banfield JF, DeYoreo JJ, Dove PM, Gilbert P, Joester D, Michel FM, Murray CB, Navrotsky A, Penn RL, Rimer JD, Sommerdijk NAJM, Wallace AF, Whitelam S & Zhang H

Michel F. Marc (2018) Utilizing in situ Techniques to Examine Structural Impacts of the Initial Ion Ratios on Calcium Phosphate Precursors
Hoeher A, Mergelsberg S, Borkiewicz O & Michel FM

Michel F. Marc (2022) Controlled Synthesis of Aluminosilicate Nanotubes Using Multivariate Regression Analysis of Synthesis Conditions
Adams FT, Bauer M, Levard C & Michel FM

Michel F. Marc (2021) Oxyanion Surface Coverage Controls the Rate and Pathway of Ferrihydrite Transformation
Namayandeh A, Watson S, Borkiewicz OJ & Michel FM

Michel F. Marc (2012) Structure and Surface Reactivity of Al-, Si- and Organic Matter-Rich Naturally Occurring Ferrihydrite
Cismasu C, Michel M, Tcaciuc P & Brown G
(2011) Iron Microbial Mat Formation from Deep Continental Brines
Toner B, Briscoe L, Michel FM, Alexander S, Alexander C & Gralnick J
(2011) Structural Aspects and Surface Reactivity of Aluminous Ferrihydrite Precipitates
Cismasu AC, Michel FM, Stebbins J, Levard C & Brown G
(2011) Natural Ferrihydrite: Impact of Structure and Composition on Redox Cycling
Michel FM, Cismasu AC, Lezama-Pacheco JS, Massey M, Fendorf S, Brown GE & Bargar JR
(2010) Powder Neutron Diffraction Studies of Ferrihydrite, a Nanocrystalline Material
Harrington R, Michel M, Parise J, Hausner D & Strongin D
(2010) Structure Model of Synthetic Amorphous Calcium Carbonate
Reeder R, Goodwin A, Michel FM, Phillips B, Keen D & Dove M
(2010) Understanding the Composition and Structure of Ferrihydrite
Parise J, Harrington R, Xu W, Michel M, Hausner D, Dabnath S & Strongin D
(2010) Cation Vacancies and Lattice Strain in Nano-Sized Ferrihydrite Reveal Clues to Surface Structure
Michel FM, Barrón V & Brown Jr GE
(2010) Silver Nanoparticles Sulfidation
Levard C, Michel M & Brown G
(2008) Structure Investigation of Cr(III)-Fe(III)-Oxyhydroxides
Tang Y, Michel FM, Parise JB & Reeder RJ
(2008) Structural Characteristics of Synthetic Amorphous Calcium Carbonate
Michel FM, McDonald J, Feng J, Phillips B, Ehm L, Tarabrella C, Parise J & Reeder R
(2008) Evaluating the Structure of Poorly Crystalline Iron Oxyhydroxides
Michel FM, Cismasu C, Parise JB & Brown, Jr. GE
(2006) Characterization of nanocrystalline mineral precipitates using PDF analysis from X-ray total scattering
Parise J & Michel FM

Michel F.Marc (2020) Ferrihydrite Transformation Rate Modeling and its Mechanism in the Presence of Adsorbed Oxyanions
Namayandeh A & Michel FM

Michel H. (2010) Chemical Sequential Extraction of Trace Metals in Sediments of the Var River, France: Partition and Origin
Al Abdullah J, Feraud G, Michel H, Barci V, Dubar M & Barci G

Michel J. (2009) Dating Magma Emplacment in the Shallow Crust
Baumgartner L, Michel J, Putlitz B, Müntener O, Schaltegger U & Ovcharova M

Michel K. (2019) Bioremediation of Herbicides MCPA and Glyphosate Using Zeolite/Microbial Film Biocomposite
Gorodylova N, Michel C, Seron A, Delorme F, Giovannelli F & Michel K

Michel L. (2011) Toward Calibrating the Paleosol Carbonate CO2 Barometer for paleoVertisols
Breecker D, Michel L, Yoon J, Mintz J, Driese S & Nordt L

Michel Marc (2018) Molecular Structure of Crustacean Exoskeletons and Relationships to Biomineral Toughness and Rigidity
Dove P, Mergelsberg S & Michel M
(2018) The Mg-Dependent Solubility and Local Structure(s) of Amorphous Calcium Carbonate (ACC)
Mergelsberg S, De Yoreo J, Michel M, Rimstidt D & Dove P
(2017) Structure and Sorption Reactivity of Biogenic Iron Oxides
Whitaker A, Sowers T, Thompson A, Peak D, Michel M & Duckworth O
(2013) Structure of Amorphous Ferric Arsenate from EXAFS Spectroscopy and Total X-Ray Scattering
Mikutta C, Michel FM, Mandaliev P & Kretzschmar R
(2013) Beneficial Uses of Engineered Nanoparticles and the Behavior of Natural and Engineered Nanoparticles in the Environment
Brown G, Levard C, Cismasu C, Michel M, Ma R, Wang Y, Calas G, Morin G & Lowry G

Michel Marco (2023) Who Needs Chemistry When you Have Lasers and a Tandem Accelerator?
Golser R, Marchhart O, Martschini M, Michel M, Strub E, Wieser A & Merchel S

Michel Patrick (2015) High Velocity Impacts and Related Chemical Fractionations
Ganino C, Libourel G, Nakamura AM & Michel P

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