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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Michalkova Z. (2019) Isotopic Fractionation of Cd and Zn onto Humic Acid at Low and High Ionic Strength
Ratié G, Michálková Z, Chrastný V, Marsac R, Alessi D & Komárek M
(2015) Sorption of Metals and Metalloids on Synthesized Mg-Fe Layered Double Hydroxides and Mixed Oxides
Hudcová B, Komárek M, Michálková Z & Vítková M
(2013) Evaluating the Efficiency of a Synthetic Amorphous Manganese Oxide for Chemical Stabilization of Cu in a Contaminated Soil
Komarek M, Trakal L, Michalkova Z & Della Puppa L

Michallik Radoslaw (2023) U-Pb Dating of Garnet, Monazite and Apatite Applied to Understanding the Polymetamorphic Evolution of the Peräpohja and Kuusamo Belts, Northern Finland
Cutts K, Hölttä P, Lahtinen R, Kurhila M & Michallik R

Michallik Radoslaw M. (2014) Magmatic Evolution of a ~1.88 Ga Core Complex Granite in Finland as Revealed by in situ Geochemistry of Alkali Feldspar Megacrysts
Rämö OT, Kotilainen A, Barnes MA, Michallik RM & Barnes CG

Michallon L. (2007) Investigation of the 'Trigger Molecule Response' Using 13C Stable Isotope Probing of Microbial Membrane Fatty Acids
Dungait J, Kemmitt S, Michallon L, Lanyon C, Evershed R, O'Donnell A & Brookes P

Michalopoulos P. (2021) Sediment Microbial Activity Facilitates Silica Sequestration in the Coastal River Plume Systems
Krause J, Michalopoulos P, Pickering RA & Maiti K
(2015) Benthic Fluxes of ex situ Incubations and Porewater Nutrient Concentrations Near the Wastewater Treatment Plant of Athens, Saronikos Gulf, Greece
Rousselaki E, Pavlidou A, Michalopoulos P, Prifti E & Kaberi E
(2014) Nutrient Fluxes in a Hypoxic Marine Environment of East Mediterranean
Rousselaki E, Pavlidou A, Michalopoulos P & Kaberi H
(2013) Linking Reactive Silica to Organic Matter Burial in Mississippi Delta Sediments
Michalopoulos P & Parinos K

Michalska K. (2014) Strategies to Assess the Biochemical Properties of Extracellular Hydrolases in Aquatic Environments
Steen A, Michalska K, Chhor G, Endres M, Vazin J, Lloyd K, Wilhelm S & Joachimiak A

Michalski G (2005) The Onset of Hyper-Aridity in the Atacama Desert: Nitrate D<+>17<$>O as a Tracer of Soil Moisture
Michalski G, Rech J & Thiemens M
(2005) Effect of Precipitation on Anomalous Oxygen in Soil Nitrate and Sulfate
Ewing S, Michalski G, Amundson R & Thiemens M

Michalski Greg
(2016) Perchlorate, Nitrate, and Iodate Co-occur in Four Deserts on Earth
Lybrand R, Bockheim J, Ge W, Graham R, Hlohowskyj S, Michalski G, Prellwitz J, Rech J, Wang F & Parker D
(2016) Application of Nitrate Δ17O as a Paleoprecipitation Proxy
Michalski G, Wang F & Ge W
(2015) Oxygen and Nitrogen Isotope Systematics during Soil nitrificationOxygen and Nitrogen Isotope Systematics during Soil Nitrification
Michalski G & Youn E
(2010) Mass Independent Fractionation ‎during the NOx Cycle‎
Michalski G, Bhattacharya S & Girsch G
(2010) Role of Water Availability in Source Partitioning for Desert Nitrate: New Evidence from Mass-Independent Oxygen Isotopic Compositions
Wang F, Ge W & Michalski G
(2007) The Climatic and Biotic Thresholds on Soil Elemental Cycling along an Arid to Hyperarid Rainfall Gradient
Amundson R, Ewing S, Michalski G, Thiemens M, Kendall C, Nishiizumi K, McKay C & Chong G
(2001) Tracing the Atmospheric Source of Desert Nitrates Using ?17O
Michalski GM, Holve M, Feldmeier J, Bao H, Bockheim JG, Reheis M & Thiemens MH

Michalski J. (2017) Mars: A Rosetta Stone for Understanding the Early Earth
Michalski J
(2016) Clay Minerals on Mars: Linking Meteorite and Remote Sensing Data
Michalski J
(2016) An Earth Analogue for Multiple Acidic Alteration Pathways: Insight from Clay Mineralogy and Chemistry of the Riotinto Mining District (Huelva, Spain)
Mavris C, Cuadros J, Bishop J, Nieto JM & Michalski J
(2011) Evidence for Habitable Environments Deep in the Martian Crust
Michalski J, Niles P & Cuadros J
(2008) Emplacement of Regional High-Silica Deposits on Mars
Kraft M, Michalski J, Rampe E & Sharp T
(2007) Basalt Weathering at High-Latitude Regions on Mars
Kraft M, Sharp T, Michalski J & Rampe E
(2007) Martian Clay Minerals: Context and Implications for Weathering of a Basaltic Crust
Michalski J
(2006) Assessing martian surface alteration from thermal infrared observations
Michalski J, Kraft M & Sharp T
(2006) Linking Mineralogy and Microtexture to Thermal Infrared Spectra of Weathered Basalt
Kraft M, Michalski J, Sharp T & Rampe E
(2006) Mineralogy and Microtexture of Weathered Basalt Effect TIR Spectra
Sharp T, Kraft M, Michalski J & Rampe E
(2006) Effects of secondary material on thermal emission spectra of primary minerals in controlled mixing experiments
Rampe E, Kraft M, Sharp T & Michalski J

Michalski K. (2016) Integrated Petrographic and Rock-Magnetic Investigation of Ferromagnetic Separates of Metabasites from Oscar II Land, Western Spitsbergen
Burzynski M, Michalski K, Nejbert K, Domanska-Siuda J & Manby G

Michard A. (2019) Mediterranean Seawater Circulation Reconstructed for Holocene Sapropel S1 Period Using Nd Isotopes in Fish Debris and Foraminifera
Wu J, Pahnke K, Böning P, Wu L, Michard A & de Lange G
Delmonte B, Basile-Doelsch I, Michard A, Petit JR, Maggi V & Revel-Rolland M

Michard G. (2012) Spectrophotometric Determination of Alkalinity and pH in Freshwaters
Darmoul Y, Michard G, Benedetti MF, Groleau A & Prevot F
(2011) Fe Isotope Cycling in Ferruginous and Anoxic Lake Pavin (France) from Water Column to Sediment
Busigny V, Planavsky N, Jézéquel D, Louvat P, Michard G, Viollier E & Lyons T

Michau N. (2023) Insight of the Reactive Transport Models Developed to Understand the Corrosion Processes of High-Level Nuclear Waste
Marty N, Debure M, Michau N, Cochepin B, Linard Y, Tocino F & Martin C
(2011) Modelling of Long-Term Diffusion-Reaction in the Callovo-Oxfordian Clay for Radioactive Waste Confinement
Delalande M, Fritz B, Clement A & Michau N
(2011) STXM and XAS Study of Kaolinite Conversion into Berthierine-Like Mineral
Rivard C, Montarges-Pelletier E, Pelletier M, Michot LJ, Vantelon D, Karunakaran C, Villieras F & Michau N

Michaud Alex (2020) X-Ray Vision in the Arctic Tundra: Exploring How Redox Biogeochemistry Influences Ecosystem Processes
Herndon E, Kinsman-Costello L, Michaud A, Emerson D & Bowden W
(2014) Methane Sources in Arctic Thermokarst Lakes on the North Slope of Alaska
Matheus Carnevali P, Rohrssen M, Williams M, Love G, Michaud A, Adams H, Priscu J, Berisford D, Klesh A, Leichty J, Hand K & Murray A

Michaud Alex B (2023) Millennial Scale Marine Incursion into an Isolated Environment Fuels a Contemporary Subglacial Microbial Community beneath the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
Rosenheim BE, Venturelli RA, Davis C, Michaud AB, Boehman B, Christner B, Galy V, Harwood D, Leventer A, Li W, Liu Z, Vick-Majors T, Siegfried M & Priscu J

Michaud Alexander (2021) A Ferrous Wheel beneath the Antarctic Ice Sheet
Hawkings J, Skidmore M, Priscu J, Shoenfelt Troein E, Davis C, Christner B, Kim O-S, Sieber M, Conway T, Gardner C, Vick-Majors T, Michaud A, Tranter M, Benning LG & Spencer R

Michaud Alexander B. (2019) Spatial Distribution of Reactive Fe(III) in Arctic Fjord Sediments – Impact of Different Glacial Sources and Benthic Fe-Cycling
Laufer K, Michaud AB, Røy H & Jørgensen BB
(2019) Glacial Influence on the Iron and Sulfur Cycles in Arctic Fjord Sediments (Svalbard)
Michaud AB, Laufer K, Findlay A, Pellerin A, Antler G, Turchyn AV, Røy H, Wehrmann LM & Jørgensen BB
(2019) Benthic Trace Element Cycling Controlled by Glacial Activity in Arctic Fjords (Spitsbergen, Svalbard)
Herbert L, Riedinger N, Michaud A, Laufer K, Røy H, Jørgensen B, Aller R & Wehrmann L
(2017) Controls on Iron and Sulfate Reduction in Arctic Fjord Sediments
Laufer K, Michaud AB, Røy H & Jørgensen BB
(2017) Biogeochemistry and Energetics of Subglacial Lake Whillans
Mitchell A, Vick-Majors T & Michaud A

Michaud Aurelia (2023) Phytoavailability of PFAS
Sauvé S, Munoz G, Michaud A, Djurdjevic D, Arrouy L, Saliu TD, Tuc QD & Vo Duy S

Michaud F. (2021) First Identification, Geochemical Characterization, and Land-Sea Correlations of Holocene Marine Distal Tephra from the Ecuadorian Arc
Bablon M, Nauret F, Samaniego P, Devidal J-L, Ratzov G, Michaud F, Saillard M, Orange F, Proust J-N, Le Pennec J-L, Liorzou C, Vallejo S, Mothes P & Hidalgo S

Michaud J. (2023) Experimental Determination of Boron Isotope Fractionation between Silicate Melts and Hydrous Fluids, with Application to Understanding Magmatic-Hydrothermal Ore Genesis
Rauscher J, Wunder B, Wilke M, Trumbull RB, Jahn S, Sieber MJ, Scicchitano MR, Fechtelkord M, Michaud J, Pohl F & Appelt O
(2017) From Rare Metal Granite to Sn-W-Li-Nb-Ta Mineralizations: Results on Argemela (Central Portugal)
Michaud J, Marcoux E, Pichavant M, Gumiaux C & Gloaguen E

Michaut Chloe (2017) The Early Thermal Evolution and Delamination of Mars’ Crust
Samuel H, Michaut C, Baratoux D, Monteux J, Andrault D & Kurita K
(2017) Consequences of a Hemispheric Dichotomy in Crustal Structure on the Thermal Evolution of Mars
Thiriet M, Michaut C, Breuer D & Plesa A-C

Michaut Chloé (2023) Differentiation of the Martian Highlands: Insights from a Geodynamic Inversion Based on Crustal Thickness Constraints
Bonnet Gibet V, Michaut C, Bodin T, Wieczorek MA & Dubuffet F
(2023) Degree-One Convection Pattern during the Lunar Magma Ocean Solidification
Colin L, Michaut C, Labrosse S & Morison A
(2021) Chemical Composition of the Martian Crust: Geophysical Constraints from the InSight Mission
McLennan SM, Khan A, Knapmeyer-Endrun B, Michaut C, Panning MP, Plesa A-C, Samuel H, Smrekar SE & Wieczorek MA

Michaut P. (2015) Petrography at the Age of Mega-Pixel XRF Imaging
Brugger J, Etschmann B, Michaut P & Rae N

Miche H. (2011) Geochemical and Geophysical Coupling Study of the Karstic Aquifer between Saïs Basin and the Causses of the Middle Atlas (Morocco). Fez-Meknès Area
Miche H, Mayer A, Rouai M, Saracco G, Dekayir A, Chalikakis K & Emblanch C
(2011) Environmental Impact of Engineered Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials Through their Life Cycle
Rose J, Auffan M, Chaurand P, Labille J, Borschneck D, Masion A, Miche H, Botta C, Geantet C, Puzenat E, Afanasiev P, Leclerc E, Garric J, Manuela F, Vollat B, Noury P, Pielichowskiaze K, Njuguna J, Bottero J-Y & Abbaci K
(2010) A Multi Tracer Study of Groundwater Origin and Transit-Time in the Fore Deep Basin of the Southern Alps
Mayer A, Sueltenfuss J, Travi Y, Rebeix R, Conchetto E, Le Gal La Salle C, Miche H, Purtschert R & Claude C

Micheau C. (2018) Nature and Dynamics of Organic Matter in the Seine Estuary (France) at the Bulk and Molecular Levels
Thibault A, Huguet A, Parlanti E, Micheau C, Sourzac M, Lanos C & Derenne S

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