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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Michael Holly A. (2015) Young High-Arsenic Groundwater Confirmed to 250 M Depth Across the India-Bangladesh Border
van Geen A, Khan MR, Nath B, Huhmann B, Choudhury I, Chakraborty M, Harvey C, Michael H, Bostick B, Mailloux B, Schlosser P, Mukherjee A & Ahmed KM
(2012) Comparison of Methods and Results in Recent Studies of Direct Groundwater Discharge to the Atlantic Coast and Great Lakes
Bratton J, Kroeger K, Ruberg S, Michael H & Krantz D
(2011) Geologic and Hydrologic Control of Porewater Chemistry and Submarine Groundwater Discharge into Indian River Bay, Delaware
Michael H, Fernandez C, Russoniello C, Andres AS, Kroeger K, Krantz D, Banaszak J, Musetto A, Myers K, Konikow L & Bratton J
(2011) Transport of Solutes Through Hydraulically and Chemically Heterogeneous Sediments of the Bengal Basin
Michael H
(2010) Evaluating Arsenic Adsorption in a Low Arsenic Aquifer in Bangladesh Using in situ and Laboratory Methods
Radloff K, Zheng Y, Michael H, Stute M, Mihajlov I, Ahmed KM & van Geen A
(2010) Regional Modeling of Groundwater Flow and Arsenic Transport in the Bengal Basin: Effects of Sorption on Safe Groundwater Use
Michael HA, Voss CI, Radloff KA & Zheng Y

Michael K. (2020) Designer Ubiquitin Proteins Towards Controlling Calcium Carbonate Crystallization
Ruiz Agudo C, Joachim L, Michael K, Andreas M & Denis G

Michael Peter (2020) Enrichment of Water and Fluid-Soluble Trace Elements in the Troodos Ophiolite: Evidence for a Near-Trench Origin
Woelki D, Michael P, Regelous M & Haase K
(2020) The Subduction Influence on Ocean Ridge Basalts and its Significance
Yang AY, Cai Y, Langmuir C, Goldstein S & Michael P
(2020) Mantle Heterogeneity beneath the Super-Segment of the Australian-Antarctic Ridge
Park S-H, Langmuir C, Michael P, Sims K, Blichert-Toft J, Scott S, Kim S-S, Lin J, Choi H & Yang Y-S
(2020) Coupled Magmatic and Eruption Dynamics of the Puipui and Nearby Submarine Eruptions (Tonga)
Rubin K, Clague D, Michael P, Russo C, Jenner F, Gill J, Todd E, Finlayson V, Escrig S & Embley B
(2019) Major, Trace Element and Isotope Variations along the Super-Segment of the Australian-Antarctic Ridge
Park S-H, Langmuir C, Michael P, Sims K, Blichert-Toft J, Scott S, Kim S-S, Lin J, Choi H & Yang Y-S
(2018) Effects of fO2 and Degassing on Dissolved Sulfur in MORB Glasses
Michael P & Phelps P
(2018) Newly Discovered Mantle Province between the Indian and Pacific Domains beneath the Southern Ocean
Park S-H, Langmuir C, Scott S, Sims K, Lin J, Kim S-S, Blichert-Toft J, Choi H, Yang Y & MIchael P
(2018) He, CO2, and δ13C Variations during a Mid-Ocean Ridge Eruptive Event
Graham D, Michael P & Rubin K
(2017) Low D/H in Baffin Island Melt Inclusions: Primordial Water or Diffusive Hydration of Inclusions?
Michael P

Michael Peter J (2022) A Subduction Influence on Ocean Ridge Basalts Outside the Pacific Subduction Shield
Yang AY, Langmuir C, Cai Y, Michael PJ, Goldstein SL & Chen Z
(2022) Earth’s Longest Lava Flows Erupted from its Largest Igneous Province: Ontong Java Plateau
Michael PJ, Zhang J & Trowbridge S
(2022) Carbon Isotope Composition of Basalts from Kama‘ehuakanaloa (Loihi Seamount): Primordial vs. Recycled Carbon in the Hawaiian Mantle Plume
Graham DW, Michael PJ, Truong TB & Garcia MO
(2021) The Complicating Influence of Source Variability on the Applicability of U-Th-Ra Disequilibria as a Simple Chronometer of Deep Fluid Addition during Magma Genesis: A Case Study from the Eastern Lau Spreading Center
Kant LB, Sims KW, Langmuir C, Standish JJ & Michael PJ
(2021) Assimilation of Halite by Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts
Michael PJ
(2021) Historical Mata Volcano Boninites and Primary Magma Musings
Rubin KH, Hellebrand E, Glancy S & Michael PJ

Michael Peter J. (2015) Composition within and between Tonga Arc/Lau Basin Backarc Eruptions Reveal Wide Variety of Parent Melts Linked to Eruption Styles
Rubin K, Michael P, Jenner F, Clague D, Glancy S, Hellebrand E, Arculus R, Gill J, Todd E, Lupton J & Embley R
(2014) Magma Dynamics from Temporal and Spatial Compositional Variations within and between Eruptions
Rubin K, Michael P, Perfit M & Sinton J
(2014) Influence of Slab Composition on Th and REE in Arc and Back Arc Lavas: Subduction of Louisville Smts, Tonga
Michael P, Escrig S, Bézos A & Langmuir C
(2013) Timescale and Petrogenesis of 2009 and Older W. Mata Boninite Magmas
Rubin K, Michael P, Gill J, Clague D, Plank T, Escrig S, Glancy S, Todd E, Cooper L, Keller N, Soule A, Hellebrand E, Kelley K, Cottrell L, Jenner F, Arculus R, Ruprecht P, Lupton J, Langmuir C & Embley R
(2013) Concentration and Behavior of CO2 in MORB and OIB: A Reevaluation
Michael P & Graham D
(2012) Non-Traditional Isotope Variations in the Cordillera del Paine Pluton
Gajos N, Lundstrom C & Michael P
(2012) Control of Copper Enrichment in Lau Basin Magmas by Sulfide Segregation and Sulfur Degassing
Michael P, Bezos A, Langmuir C & Escrig S
(2011) Production of the Cordillera del Paine Igneous Complex by Thermal Migration Zone Refinining
Lundstrom C, Gajos N & Michael P
(2010) Insights from Comparisons of Two Lau Back-Arc Spreading Centers
Escrig S, Langmuir C, Bézos A, Michael P & Arculus R
(2010) Cl/H2O of Mantle-Derived Magmas: Relation to Seawater Salinity
Michael P & Escrig S
(2009) Degassing of Sulfur from MORB: Evidence from Popping Rocks
Michael P
(2008) Hydrous Components in the Mantle
Langmuir C, Bézos A, Escrig S & Michael P
(2008) H2O and Cl in Basalts from Lau Back-Arc Basin
Michael P, Bézos A, Langmuir C, Escrig S, Matzen A & Asimow P
(2008) Oxygen Isotope Evidence for Slab-Derived Silicate Melt in Lau Basin Back-Arc Lavas
Bonifacie M, Eiler J, Stolper E, Bézos A, Michael P & Langmuir C
(2008) A Window into Exotic Arctic Mantle
Standish J, Langmuir C, Michael P & Goldstein S
(2008) The Gakkel Ridge – A Microcosm of Global MORB Variability, a Smoking Gun for an Origin of DUPAL Mantle
Goldstein SL, Soffer G, Langmuir CH, Cai Y, Lehnert KA, Graham DW & Michael PJ
(2007) Assimilation beneath Mid-Ocean Ridges: Cl and H2O Constraints
Michael P, Graham D, Christie D, Hoernle K, Hauff F & Hanan B
(2007) Geochemistry of Basalt from the Eastern Woodlark Basin: Its Implications for the Mantle Heterogeneity
Park S-H, Michael P, Lee JI & Lee KY
(2004) Geochemistry of Gakkel Ridge
Michael P, Langmuir C, Goldstein S, Soffer G, Dick H, Snow J & Graham D
(2004) An Arctic Mantle Domain Boundary: Evidence from the Gakkel Ridge
Soffer G, Goldstein S, Graham D, Langmuir C & Michael P
(2004) Constraints from the Gakkel Ridge on the Origin of MORB
Langmuir C, Michael P, Lehnert K, Goldstein S, Soffer G, Gier E & Snow J
(2004) Comparative Melting Dynamics of Gakkel Ridge and Lena Trough, Arctic Ocean
Snow J, Hellebrand E, Von der handt A, Dick H, Michael P, Langmuir C & Goldstein S
(2004) Gakkel Ridge: Mantle & Melting at Ultraslow Spreading Rates
Dick H, Snow J, Michael P, Hellebrand E & Shimizu N
(2002) Plagioclase Peridotites: Subsolidus Breakdown or Trapped Melt?
von der Handt A, Snow JE, Hellebrand E, Dick HJB & Michael P
(2002) Low H2O in the LOMU Source of Oceanic Magmas: Inferences from a South Atlantic Submarine Glass
Michael PJ & Kamenetsky VS

Michael S. (2018) Fe Sources and Sinks along The Southern Alaska Margin Inferred from Time-Series Observations
Crusius J, Schroth A, Michael S, Cullen J, Resing J & Campbell R
(2017) Using Aluminum and Manganese to Constrain the Contribution of the Solomon Sea to the Equatorial Undercurrent Trace Metal Pool
Michael S, Resing J, Lacan F, Pradoux C & Jeandel C

Michael W. (2019) The Fate of Deeply Subducted Volatiles
Michael W

Michaelides A. (2019) Water at Surfaces
Michaelides A

Michaelis M. (2015) Dissolution of ZnO Single Crystals and the Fate of Nanoparticles in the Environment
Michaelis M, Fischer C, Colombi Ciacchi L & Luttge A

Michaelis W. (2009) New Insights from Bacterial Biomarkers into the Oxic/Anoxic Transition of the Holocene Black Sea
Blumenberg M, Seifert R & Michaelis W
(2007) Concentrations and Signatures of Stable Isotopes of Methane and Hydrogen in Hydrothermal Fluids of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Seifert R, Weber S, Warmuth M, Andrea K & Michaelis W
(2002) Volatile Halogenated Organic Compounds Distribution in a Coastal Salt Marsh in Northern Hermany
Christof O, Seifert R & Michaelis W
(2002) Molecular Evidence for Microorganisms in Recent and Ancient Methane-Related Settings
Michaelis W, Richard S, Katja N, Tina T, Martin B & Katrin K
(2002) Carbon and Hydrogen Isotope Fractionation of Organic Pollutants in Aquifers
Steinbach A & Michaelis W
(2002) Hydrothermal Fluids in the North Fiji Basin and Lesser Antilles
Koschinsky A, Halbach P, Sander S, Michaelis W & Seifert R
(2000) Methane Formation during the Degradation of N-Alkanes and Total Crude Oils
Richnow HH, Zengler K, Gehre M, Michaelis W & Widdel F

Michaelovich Mahiques M. (2007) Sedimentary Phosphorus Speciation and its Relation to the CNS and Bottom Water in an Estuary Influenced by Anthropic Activities
Berbel G, Rodrigues M, Michaelovich Mahiques M & Braga E

Michalak M. (2012) 10Be Basin Averaged Erosion Rates from the Cordillera Blanca, Peru: A Record of Interacting Climate and Tectonics
Hodson K, Hall S, Michalak M, Farber D & Hourigan J

Michalak P.p. (2013) Imaging of Spatial Trace-Element Distribution in Apatite Using Various X-Ray Based and Spectral Analytical Methods
Słaby E, Lisowiec K, Michalak PP, Götze JU, Munnik F, Förster H-J & Rhede D
(2013) ‘Freiberg Strategy’ for Obtaining Matrix-Matched Reference Materials for Resource-Related Microanalytical Methods Technology
Michalak PP, Renno A, Merchel S, Munnik F, Gutzmer J, Uecker R, Galazka Z, Heller H-P, Radtke M & Reinholz U
(2013) Chemical Composition of Apatite as a Tool for Modeling Composite-Pluton Evolution Using Polytopic Vector Analysis (PVA)
Lisowiec K, Slaby E, Förster H-J, Götze J & Michalak P-P

Michalak Przemysław (2011) Cenozoic Volcanic Activity in North Sudetic Basin (Lower Silesia, SW Poland) – Possible Evolution Model Based on Combined Petrological, Geochemical and Isotopic Investigation of Lithospheric Xenoliths and Volcanic Host-Rocks
Nowak M, Muszyński A & Michalak P

Michalchuk B.W. (2022) Investigating Cadmium Sorption to Diatoms Using Spectroscopy
Michalchuk BW, Hunka E & Kenney JPL

Michalek T. (2018) Sr and U Isotopes Reveal the Influence of Lithologic Structure and Weathering on Surface-Groundwater Interaction along a Mountain Stream (Hyalite Canyon, MT)
Miller F, Ewing S, Payn R, Paces J, Leuthold S, Michalek T & Custer S

Michalik A. (2020) Tracking the History of the North American Ice Sheet during the Last Glacial Cycle
Parker R, Foster G, Gutjahr M, Wilson P, Littler K, Cooper M, Michalik A, Milton J & Bailey I
(2017) Geochronology and Isotope (Sr, Nd and Pb) Geochemistry of the Oligocene Intrusions and Associated Hydrothermal Mineralization in the Northeast of Yenice, NW Turkey
Çiçek M, Oyman T, Palmer MR, Catlos EJ, Selby D, Michalik A & Cooper MJ

Michalik Jan M. (2023) Magnetic Fraction of the Particulate Matter Emitted from Coal Fired Power Plants
Michalik M, Michalik JM, Gondek Ł, Wliczyńska-Michalik W & Gajewska M
(2020) Magnetic Fraction in Atmospheric Aerosols in Krakow (Poland)
Wilczynska-Michalik W, Michalik JM, Tokarz W, Żukrowski J, Gajewska M & Michalik M
(2017) Magnetic Technoparticles in Soil as a Record of Anthropocene
Wilczyńska-Michalik W, Michalik JM, Zimirska A, Kuca A, Dietrich A & Michalik M

Michalík Jozef (2022) Enhanced Continental Weathering in the NW Tethys during the End-Triassic Mass Extinction
Onoue T, Michalík J, Shirozu H, Yamashita M, Yamashita K, Kusaka S & Soda K

Michalik Marek (2022) From Macroplastic to Microplastics – Weathering and Biodegradation of Synthetic Polymers in the Mountain River Basin
Jarosz K, Wliczyńska-Michalik W, Janus R & Michalik M

Michalik Marek (2023) Anthropogenic Particles in the Atmospheric Aerosol in the Hornsund Area (Southern Spitsbergen)
Wliczyńska-Michalik W, Pawlak F, Kozioł K & Michalik M
(2023) Magnetic Fraction of the Particulate Matter Emitted from Coal Fired Power Plants
Michalik M, Michalik JM, Gondek Ł, Wliczyńska-Michalik W & Gajewska M

Michalik Marek (2015) Chemistry and Mineralogy of Waste Incineration Fly Ashes from Poland
Kowalski P & Michalik M
(2015) Submicron Particulate Matter in Urban Atmosphere in Kraków (S Poland)
Pietras B, Wilczyńska-Michalik W, Samek L, Rzeźnikiewicz K, Łatkiewicz A & Michalik M
(2013) Power Stations as a Source of Atmospheric Particulate Matter in Southern Poland
Wilczynska-Michalik W, Moryl R, Suder B & Michalik M
(2013) Characteristics of Metal Bearing Phases in MSWI Residues from Poland
Kowalski P & Michalik M
(2013) Biomass Combustion – A Possible Source of Environmental Pollution?
Michalik M, Pogrzeba M & Wilczynska-Michalik W
(2013) Role of Aggregates Formed during Process Stabilization in a Production of Methane in Biogas Reactors
Kasina M, Kleybocker A, Michalik M, Liebrich M & Wuerdemann H
(2013) Origin of Secondary REE Minerals in Grusified Karkonosze Granites, SW Poland
Kajdas B & Michalik M
(2012) Mineral and Chemical Composition of the Biomass Ash
Wilczynska-Michalik W, Gasek R & Michalik M
(2012) Potentially Hazardous Trace Elements in Biomass Burned in Power Plants
Michalik M, Gasek R & Wilczynska-Michalik W
(2011) Different Paths of Chemical Alteration during Grusification of Granites from S Poland
Kajdas B & Michalik M
(2011) Chemical Composition of Biomass Used in Co-combustion with Coal in Polish Power-Plants
Wilczynska-Michalik W, Gasek R & Michalik M
(2011) Chemical Composition of Low-Temperature Biomass Ash
Michalik M, Gasek R & Wilczynska-Michalik W
(2011) Comparison of Biomass Used in Polish Power-Plants with Other Types of Biomass
Gasek R, Wilczynska-Michalik W & Michalik M
(2011) Mineral Composition of Sediments of the Southern Baltic Sea and their Heavy Metals Content
Sobczak K, Bełdowski J & Michalik M
(2011) Ni and Cr Speciation in Soils Formed on Ultramafic Rocks from Barberton Greenstone Belt (South Africa)
Jerzykowska I & Michalik M
(2009) Experimental Study of Slag Stability Under Different Geochemical Conditions
Kasina M, Michalik M & Kajdas B
(2009) REE-Y-Sc-Nb Mineralization in the Strzegom-Sobótka Granitic Massif, Fore Sudetic Block, Poland: Composition and Evolution
Zych-Habel B, Uher P & Michalik M
(2009) Transformation of Slag from Historical Smelting Slag Dumps in the Tatra National Park (S Poland)
Michalik M, Małoszowski M & Wilczyńska-Michalik W
(2009) Composition of Fly Ash from Co-combustion of Bio-Mass with Coal in Power Plant
Wilczynska-Michalik W, Gasek R, Danko J & Michalik M
(2009) Grus Origin in Karkonosze Granite
Kajdas B, Michalik M & Kasina M
(2008) Mineral and Chemical Composition of Aeolian Material from the Tatra Mts. (S Poland)
Michalik M, Bialy S, Stuchlik L & Wilczynska-Michalik W
(2008) Black Crust on the Dolomite in Polluted Urban Atmosphere: Differences in Dry and Wet Deposition Dominated Environments
Wilczynska-Michalik W, Michalik M, Niezgoda H & Halas S
(2004) Pb-Hf-Nd Isotope Compositions of Tertiary Lower Silesia Basalts (SW Poland)
Ladenberger A, Peate D, Baker J & Michalik M

Michalik Marek (2017) Variation of the Composition of Fly Ash from the Municipal Waste Thermal Treatment Plant
Kajdas B, Żaba T, Kasina M, Kowalski PR & Michalik M
(2017) The Mass Flow Calculations as an Indicator of the Recovery Potential of Valuable Elements from the Sewage Sludge Incineration Residues
Kasina M, Kowalski PR & Michalik M
(2017) Time-Related Diversity of Municipal Bottom Ash Chemical Composition
Kowalski PR, Kasina M & Michalik M
(2017) Particulate Matter Emitted from the Coal Fired Power Plant
Michalik M, Wilczyńska-Michalik W & Dańko J
(2017) Magnetic Technoparticles in Soil as a Record of Anthropocene
Wilczyńska-Michalik W, Michalik JM, Zimirska A, Kuca A, Dietrich A & Michalik M

Michalik Marek (2016) Trace Elements in Biomass Fuel and Biomass Ash – A Comparison with Coal and Coal Ash
Wilczyńska-Michalik W & Michalik M
(2016) Municipal Sewage Slude Incineration Residues as a Source of Valuable Elements or Products of Environmental Concerns
Kasina M, Kowalski PR & Michalik M
(2016) Influence of Metallic Fragments Magnetic Separation on the MSWI Bottom Ash Chemical Composition
Kowalski P, Kasina M & Michalik M
(2016) Recovery or Reuse of Metals from Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Residues
Michalik M, Kasina M, Kowalski PR & Wilczyńska-Michalik W

Michalik Marek (2020) Soot Emitted from Domestic Stoves during Solid Fuel Combustion
Michalik M, Drzewicki W, Janus R, Wadrzyk M, Wilczynska-Michalik W & Ziola N
(2020) Microplastic Abundance in the Atmosphere of Krakow (Southern Poland)
Jarosz K, Janus R, Wądrzyk M, Wilczyńska-Michalik W & Michalik M
(2020) Magnetic Fraction in Atmospheric Aerosols in Krakow (Poland)
Wilczynska-Michalik W, Michalik JM, Tokarz W, Żukrowski J, Gajewska M & Michalik M

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