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Meyer Nicole Anne (2020) Diamond Formation from the Lithosphere to the Lower Mantle Revealed by Koffiefontein Diamonds
Meyer NA, Stachel T, Pearson DG, Stern RA & Harris JW

Meyer Nicolette (2016) Multiple Sulphur Isotope Studies of Pyritised Microbialites from the Neoarchaean Ghaap Group, South Africa
Meyer N, Zerkle A & Fike D

Meyer Nicolette R (2021) Determining the Magnitude, Controls, and Mediators of Microbial Activity in Shelf to Abyssal Marine Sediments and Implications for Deep Time
Meyer NR, Parada AE, Kapili BJ & Dekas AE
(2021) Magnetic Mineral Diagenesis and Associated Biogeochemical Processes in Cold Seepage and Gas Hydrate Sites of the Guaymas Basin
Kars M, Pastor L, Burin C, Morono Y, Koornneef LMT, Höfig TW, Teske A, Lizarralde D, Aiello I, Ash J, Bojanova D, Buatier M, Edgcomb VP, Galerne C, Gontharet S, Heuer VB, Jiang S, Kim J-H, Marsaglia K, Meyer NR, Neumann F, Negrete R, Peña-Salinas M, Perez Cruz L, Ran L, Riboulleau A, Sarao J, Schubert F, Singh SK, Stock J, Toffin L, Xie W, Xu S, Yamanaka T & Zhuang G

Meyer Nolan (2020) Water Isotopes and Weathering Fluxes from Catchments in the Zambales Ophiolite Region, Luzon, Philippines
Ibarra D, Domingo J, Meyer N, Mix H, Tolentino P, Attal M & David C

Meyer Phil (2010) Assessment of Predictive Uncertainty in Coupled Groundwater Reactive Transport Modeling
Ye M, Lu D, Miller G, Curtis G, Meyer P & Yabusaki S

Meyer Phillip (2023) Monitoring the Behavior of Cementitious and Glass Waste Form in Disposal Conditions: Lysimeter Testing
Asmussen M, Meyer P, Thomle J, Emerson H & Smith GL

Meyer R. (2013) Geochemistry of Fast-Spreading Lower Crust: Results from IODP Expedition 345 at the Hess Deep Rift
Godard M, Meyer R, Saha A, Gillis K, Snow J, Klaus A & Shipboard Scientific Party IE3
(2013) Deep Fast-Spread Oceanic Crust – Fluid Interactions: Petrography and Volatiles from IODP Expedition 345 Hess Deep Plutonic Crust
Meyer R, Wintsch RP, Nozaka T, Gillis K, Snow JE & Expedition 345 Shipboard Scientific Party 

Meyer Romain (2015) Trace Element Budget along a Section of Fast-Spread Oceanic Crust: Results from Drilling at the Hess Deep Rift (ODP Leg 147 and IODP Expedition 345)
Godard M, Falloon T, Gillis K, Akizawa N, Koepke J, Marks N, Saha A, Garbe-Schonberg D & Meyer R
(2015) Magma Chamber Dynamics Revealed at Heise Caldera, Snake River Plain
Jean M, Namur O, Wolff PE, Schuth S & Meyer R
(2014) Constraints on the Origin of Hess Deep Lower Crustal Layering
Meyer R, Ceuleneer G, Brown T, Cheadle MJ, John B & Harigane Y
(2014) Orthopyroxene in Primitive Layered Gabbros from Hess Deep (EPR) Drilled by IOD
Koepke J, Meyer R & Snow JE
(2008) Felsic Magmas Indicate Crustal Recycling during NAIP and FLIP Formation
Viereck-Goette L, Abratis M, Hertogen J, Meyer R, Pedersen RB, Elsner M & Schoener R
(2007) Crustal-Mantle Melt Interactions during Continental Breakup at the Early Paleocene Vøring Plateau, North Atlantic Igneous Province
Meyer R, Hertogen J, Pedersen R-B, Viereck-Götte L & Abratis M

Meyer Stefan (2017) High Resolution in situ Measurements Using Space Instrumentation Proves Ni Isotopes as Reliable Biosignature in Fossilized Microorganisms
Neubeck A, Tulej M, Wiessendanger R, Neuland M, Meyer S, Riedo V, Moreno-Garcia P, Ivarsson M, Bach W & Wurz P
(2013) Accurate Isotope Composition Measurements by a Miniature LMS System Designed for in situ Space Research
Riedo A, Neuland M, Meyer S, Tulej M & Wurz P

Meyer Steffi (2013) Availability of Light and Chemical Energy Determines the Structure of Natural Sulfide Oxidizing Biofilms
Klatt J, Meyer S, de Beer D & Polerecky L

Meyer T. (2022) Investigation of T-H-M-C Processes on Sealing Systems in Rock Salt
Meyer T, Czaikowski O & Jantschik K
(2020) Investigation of T-H-M-C Processes on Sealing Systems in Rock Salt
Meyer T, Jantschik K & Czaikoski O

Meyer V. (2011) Oxygen Optodes as Fast Sensors for Eddy Correlation Measurements in Aquatic Systems
Chipman L, Huettel M, Berg P, Meyer V, Klimant I, Glud R & Wenzhöfer F

Meyer-Dombard D. (2017) Clumped Isotope Signatures of Serpentinization-Associated Methane from the Philippines
Woycheese K, Meyer-Dombard D, Cardace D, Arcilla C & Ono S
(2011) Biogeochemical Cycling in Shallow-Sea and Terrestrial Hydrothermal Systems
Meyer-Dombard D, Cardace D, Loiacono S, Gulecal Y, Woycheese K & Amend J
(2011) Microbial Community Structures in Shallow-Sea, Deep-Sea, and Terrestrial Hydrothermal Systems
Amend J, Meyer-Dombard D & Schrenk M
(2009) Merging Geochemical and Metagenomic Data to Predict C and N-Fixation Pathways in Hydrothermal Microbial Communities
Havig J, Raymond J, Meyer-Dombard D, Zolotova N & Shock E
(2008) Merging Isotopic and Metagenomic Data to Predict Carbon and Nitrogen-Fixation in Hydrothermal Biofilms
Havig J, Meyer-Dombard D, Raymond J, Zolotova N & Shock E
(2007) Microbial Diversity and SIP Investigations of Streamer Biofilm Communities in Yellowstone National Park
Meyer-Dombard D, Dibbell A, Bradley A, Shock E & Summons R
(2007) Archaea and Bacteria in an Arsenic-Rich Shallow-Sea Hydrothermal System, Papua New Guinea
Amend J, Meyer-Dombard D, Akerman N, Osburn M, Herndon E, Garey J, Rubelman H & Wu T
(2006) Biogeochemistry of Silicious Biofilms in Hydrothermal Ecosystems
Meyer-Dombard D, Bradley A, Havig J, Raymond J, Amend J, Shock E & Summons R
(2006) Microbial Communities and Geochemical Energy in an Arsenic-Rich Marine Hydrothermal System
Amend J, Hsia Akerman N, Meyer-Dombard D, Osburn M, Pichler T & Price R
(2004) Geochemical-Microbial Processes in Hydrothermal Sediments, Ambitle Island, Papua New Guinea
Meyer-Dombard D, Price R, Pichler T & Amend J
(2004) Thermophiles and Vent Geochemistry at Vulcano (Italy) and Ambitle (Papua New Guinea)
Amend J, Meyer-Dombard D, Rogers K & Rusch A

Meyer-Georg S. (2021) In situ ATR – FTIR Study of Uranyl Sorption at Illite – Solution Interface in the Presence of Phosphate Ions
Guo S, Del Nero M, Meyer-Georg S, Courson O & Barillon R
(2019) Influence of Dissolved Natural Organic Matter on the Mobility of Uranium and Lanthanides in Surface Waters of a Former U-Mining Site
Meyer-Georg S, Del Nero M, Courson O, Boltoeva M, Barillon R & Massemin S
(2017) Seasonal Variation of NOM Composition in Vosgian Freshwaters: A Molecular Scale ESI-FTMS Study
Courson O, Fleury G, Meyer-Georg S, Del Nero M & Barillon R
(2017) Influence of FA Composition on Mobility of Trace Metal Elements (TME) in Surface Waters
Meyer-Georg S, Courson O, Fleury G, Boltoeva M, Del Nero M & Barillon R
(2017) Effect of Fulvic Acid Fractionation on TME Speciation/Availability in Soils
Fleury G, Del Nero M, Courson O, Meyer-Georg S, Boos A, Massemin S & Barillon R

Meyer-Jacob C. (2017) Uncovering the Effect of Molecular Organic Matter Composition on Trace Elements Fate in Lake Sediments
Tolu J, Bouchet S, Garcia Bravo A, Rydberg J, Björn E, Bertilsson S, Meyer-Jacob C & Bindler R
(2016) Land Use Change Supersede the Effect of Atmospheric Acid Deposition and Climate on Browning of Boreal Lakes
Valinia S, Meyer-Jacob C, Huser B, Fölster J, Elvin A & Bindler R
(2014) Whole-Lake Spatial Distribution of As, Co, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn Revealed by Sediment Geochemistry and Organic Composition
Tolu J, Rydberg J, Gerber L, Meyer-Jacob C & Bindler R

Meyerdierks A. (2011) Subcritical Phase Separation, Extreme Arsenic Enrichment, and the Search for Arsenotrophs in the Marine Shallow-Water Hydrothermal Vents off Milos Island, Greece
Price R, Nitzsche K, Meyerdierks A & Amend J
(2007) Molecular and Geochemical Investigation of Sediments Covered with White Mats at the Logatchev Hydrothermal Vent Field
Schauer R, Roy H, Gennerich H-H, Meyerdierks A & Amann R

Meyerhof M. (2014) Microbial Diversity, Composition, and Function in Anoxic Meromictic Marine Lakes of Palau: Oxygen Minimum Zones in Miniature?
Beman M, Meyerhof M, Wilson J, Henry K & Dawson M

Meyers E. (2017) Does Biogenic Iron Oxide Organic Matter Affect Anion Contaminant Behaviour?
Moriarty M, Meyers E & Fortin D

Meyers Kate (2022) Determining the Utility of Rhenium as a Novel Redox Tracer in Carbonate-Rich Sediments
Morford JL, Elrick M, Romaniello SJ, Gilleaudeau G, Algeo TJ, Goepfert T, Wilson E, Berry L, Meyers K, Driscoll E & Patzkowsky S
(2018) The Synthesis of Iron-Sulfide Phases and the Incorporation of Mo
Ni Z, Meyers K, Miller N, Plass K & Morford J

Meyers Kate L (2023) Phase Identification of Phosphorus Uptake onto Carbonate Minerals in Coastal Wastewater Injection Zones
Meyers KL, Kump L, Webb S, Richardson JA, Martin M & Ingalls M

Meyers P.A. (2007) Hg Accumulation in Reducing Sediments of the Mediterranean Sea: Trace Metal and Hg Isotope Evidence
Gehrke G, Blum J & Meyers P
(2002) High-Resolution Comparison of Same-Age Interrupted Sapropel Sequences from Four ODP Sites
Meyers P & Arnaboldi M
(2002) Geochemical Comparison of Late Pliocene Sapropels from the Vrica Land Section and ODP Sites 964 and 974
Arnaboldi M & Meyers PA
(2001) Applications of Organic Geochemistry to Paleolimnological Reconstructions: Examples from the Laurentian Great Lakes
Meyers PA

Meyers S (2003) Covarying Molybdenum and Organic Carbon Distributions in Organic-Rich Sediments and Sedimentary Rocks
Lyons T, Anbar A, Gill B, Meyers S, Sageman B & Cruse A
(2003) Role of Sulfate Reduction in Organic Matter Degradation and Molybdenum Accumulation: Theoretical Framework and Application to Cenomanian-Turonian Organic Matter Burial Event
Sageman B, Meyers S & Lyons T

Meyers Stephen (2018) Integrating Multiple Clocks and their Applications in Geology and Astronomy
Ma C, Meyers S & Sageman B
(2014) Nitrogen Cycle Response to Climate Dynamics during the Late Cretaceous: Ice in a Greenhouse World?
Junium C, Meyers S & Arthur M

Meynadier L. (2017) Os Isotopic Profile in the Water Column of the Northern Bay of Bengal
Birck J-L, Limmois D, Meynadier L, Colin C, Rojas V & Cogez A
(2017) Late Quaternary Chronology of the Lower Bengal Fan (IODP Expedition 354) – Paleoclimate Implications
Weber ME, Dekens PS, Reilly BS, Lantzsch H, Selkin PA, Das SK, Williams T, Martos YM, Adhikari RR, Gyawali BR, Jia G, Fox L, Ge J, Manoj MC, Savian J & Meynadier L
(2017) Influence of Particle-Released Nd in the Seawater εNd Signal of the Proximal Bay of Bengal during Interglacial Periods
Rojas V, Meynadier L, Colin C, Zhaojie Y, Joussain R, Bassinot F & Cogez A
(2015) Comparison between Seawater and Archive Nd Isotope Compositions Using Multi-Scatter Plots: A New Global Data Compilation
Tachikawa K, Arsouze T, Bayon G, Bory A, Colin C, Dutay J-C, Frank N, Gourlan A, Jeandel C, Lacan F, Meynadier L, Montagna P, Puceat E, Roy-Barman M & Waelbroeck C
(2015) Linking Isotopic Signatures and Magnetic Parameters as Tracers of Erosion in the Bay of Bengal over the Last 160 ka
Rojas V, Meynadier L, Valet J-P, Bassinot F & Colin C
(2013) A New Database for Nd Isotopes in Marine Environments
Lacan F, Tachikawa K, Arsouze T, Bayon G, Bory A, Colin C, Dutay J-C, Frank N, Gherardi J, Gourlan A, Grousset F, Hillaire-Marcel C, Jeandel C, Meynadier L, Montagna P, Puceat E, Matthieu M & Waelbroeck C
(2013) A Statistical Approach to the Nd Isotopes Distribution in the Oceans
Cogez A, Allègre C, Meynadier L & Lewin E
(2013) Glaciers and Floodplains Controls on Weathering Fluxes Deciphered from Two Glacial-Interglacial Nd Isotopes Records on Both Sides of New Zealand
Meynadier L, Cogez A & Allègre C
(2012) Objective Mapping of the Geographical Distribution of εNd in Seawater and Outlook for Past and Present Nd Budget in the Oceans
Cogez A, Forget G, Allegre C, Meynadier L & Wunsch C
(2011) Multi-proxy (δ18O, χm, Nd and Pb Isotopes) Study for Paleoclimate and Paleoweathering in the Maldives Area
Meynadier L, Allègre CJ, Gourlan AT & Bassinot FM
(2011) Large εNd Change in South Indian Seawater Driven by Australian Weathering at 15 Ma
Le Houedec S, Meynadier L & Allègre CJ
(2011) Large Weakening in Monsoonal Rainfalls over Western India during the Younger Dryas
Cogez A, Meynadier L, Allègre C & Bassinot F
(2011) Nd Isotopes vs Magnetic Susceptibility as a Double Proxy for Paleoclimate and Paleoweathering: The Kerguelen Case
Allègre CJ, Meynadier L & Kent DV
(2009) Himalayas Uplift and Indonesian Island Arcs Activity Recorded in the Equatorial Indian Ocean Water: Pb and Nd Isotope Stratigraphy
Meynadier L, Allègre CJ, Gourlan AT, Göpel C, Louvat P & Limmois D
(2009) 80 My High Resolution Nd Isotopes Record in Western Pacific (ODP 807)
Le Houedec S, Meynadier L & Allègre CJ
(2007) Chemical Erosion in the Himalayas-Tibet for the Past 4 Million Years Studied by Pb and Nd Isotopic Stratigraphy
Meynadier L, Gourlan AT, Louvat P & Allègre CJ

Meysman Filip (2020) Pore Water Conditions Drive Calcium Carbonate Dissolution in Reef Sands
Kessler A, Rogers A, Cyronak T, Bourke M, Hasler-Sheetal H, Glud R, Greening C, Meysman F, Eyre B & Cook P
(2016) Long-Distance Electron Transport Drives Biogeochemical Cycling of Fe, Mn and Ca in the Coastal Seafloor
van de Velde S, Lesven L, Burdorf L, Hidalgo Martinez S, Geelhoed J, Gao Y & Meysman F
(2016) Cable Bacteria Protect Seasonal Hypoxic Basins from Euxinic Conditions
Burdorf L, Hidalgo-Martinez S, van de Velde S & Meysman F
(2016) Cable Bacteria Impact Sediment Iron and Manganese Dynamics in a Seasonally-Hypoxic Marine Lake
Sulu-Gambari F, Seitaj D, Behrends T, Banerjee D, Meysman F & Slomp C
(2015) Microbial Electricity over Long Distances in the Seafloor: How Does it Work?
Meysman F
(2015) Long-Distance Electron Transport by Cable Bacteria in Marine Sediment: Insights from a Combined Geochemical and Metagenomic Analysis
Geelhoed J, Van de Velde S, Hidalgo-Martinez S & Meysman F
(2015) A New View of Iron Cycling in Intertidal Mudflats: Two-Dimensional Mapping of Iron and Phosphorus Release at Submillimeter Scale
Thibault de Chanvalon A, Metzger E, Mouret A, Cesbron F, Knoery J, Launeau P, Geslin E, Van de Velde S & Meysman FJR
(2014) Cutting the Wire: Bioturbation Impedes Electrogenic Sulphur Oxidation
Malkin S, Rao A & Meysman F
(2014) A New Way of Life Detected in Coastal Sediments: Microbial Sulphur Oxidation via Long-Range Electron Transport
Meysman F, Seitaj D, Malkin S, Vasquez D & Boschker E
(2014) The Influence of Long Distance Electron Transport on Carbonate Dynamics in Sediments and Benthic-Pelagic Coupling
Rao A, Malkin S & Meysman F
(2014) Do ‘Cable Bacteria’ Enhance Dissimilatory Nitrate Reduction to Ammonium in a Periodically Anoxic Estuary?
Cook P, Roberts K, Kessler A, Meysman F, Burdorf L, Thamdrup B & Robertson E
(2013) Sediment Phosphorus Dynamics in a Marine Coastal Lake: Response to Seasonal Bottom Water Anoxia
Sulu-Gambari F, Seitaj D, Meysman F & Slomp C
(2013) Competition for Sulfide in Marine Sediments: Electrogenic Filamentous Bacteria Versus Beggiatoa
Seitaj D, Malkin SY, Schauer R & Meysman FJR
(2012) The Tracer-Dependence of Biodiffusion Coefficients
Lecroart P, Maire O, Schmidt S, Gremare A, Anschutz P & Meysman F
(2012) Deep Water Coral Reefs as Important Sites of Benthic Mineralization?
Cathalot C, Polsenaere P, Cox T, Van Oevelen D, Lavaleye M, Duineveld G, Kutti T & Meysman F
(2012) Benthic O2 Fluxes Measured by Eddy Covariance in a Large Flume Facility
Polsenaere P, Cathalot C, Cox T, Meysman F, Maire O & Deflandre B
(2011) The Influence of Physically-Induced Porewater Advection, Benthic Photosynthesis and Respiration on CaCO3 Dynamics in Reef Sands
Rao A, Polerecky L, Ionescu D, Meysman F & De Beer D

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