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Index of Authors

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Meyer Hans Peter (2014) Timing and Duration of Continental Collision during Gondwana Assembly – A Case Study from Antarctica
Marschall H, Pauly J, Meyer H-P, Chatterjee N & Monteleone B
(2013) First Occurrence of Dumortierite in Croatia: A Potential Evidence of Tetrahedral Ti Substitution for Si
Garasic V, Lugovic B, Sekusak M, Meyer HP, Vrkljan M & Schuster R

Meyer Hans-Peter (2017) Metasomatism of Mantle Peridotite during Continental Collision and the Origin of Heterogeneity in K-Rich Mafic Magmatism
Soder C, Romer RL, Meyer H-P & Trieloff M

Meyer Henning (2008) Erosion Rates on Different Timescales in River Catchments of Low Mountain Ranges
Meyer H, Hetzel R & Strauss H
(2007) Quantification and Geochemical Characterization of Total Mass Fluxes in River Catchments of the Rhenish Massif and the Black Forest, Germany
Meyer H, Hetzel R & Strauss H

Meyer Jessica R (2022) Geogenic Radium Mobilization in the Iron- and Manganese-Reducing Zone of a DNAPL-Contaminated Aquifer
Plechacek A, Hook G, Mathews M, Scott SR, Meyer JR, Parker B & Ginder-Vogel M
(2021) Quantifying the Groundwater Source of Iron to Redox-Stratified Lakes in Minnesota, U.S.A
Swanner E, Meyer JR & Alexander S

Meyer Julie

Meyer Jürgen (2011) Development of an Active Mine Water Treatment Technology by Use of Schwertmannite
Janneck E, Burghardt D, Simon E, Damian C, Martin M, Schöne G & Meyer J
(2004) Experimental Evidence for a Direct Use of Nutriments (Fe, Mg) from Basaltic Glass, and MWI Bottom Ash by Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Aouad G, Geoffroy V, Meyer J, Crovisier J, Stille P & Damidot D

Meyer Katja (2020) A Dynamic Biological Pump Controlled the Global Redox Landscape during the End-Permian Extinction
Hülse D, Lau K, Arndt S, van de Velde SJ, Meyer K & Ridgwell A
(2016) On the Role of Ocean Anoxia in Modulating Earth System Recovery Following Mass Extinction Events
Payne J, Lau K, Jost A, Bachan A, Maher K, Meyer K, Altiner D, Kump L, Lehrmann D, van de Schootbrugge B & Yu M

Meyer Katja M (2021) The Fayetteville Green Lake Ocean: Redox Stratification and DIC Storage of 12C as a Driver of the Paleoproterozoic Lomagundi-Jatuli Positive Isotope Excursion
Havig JR, Meyer KM & Bachan A

Meyer Katja M. (2014) Ocean Anoxia and the Biological Pump
Meyer K, Ridgwell A & Payne J
(2013) The Biological Pump and Evolution of Marine Animal Ecosystems
Meyer K, Ridgwell A & Payne J
(2013) Increasing Metabolic Activity of Clams and Brachiopods over the Past 500 Million Years: A Consequence of the Changing Biological Pump?
Payne JL, Heim NA, Knope ML, Meyer KM & McClain CR
(2009) Carbon Isotope Evidence for a Strong Biological Pump in the Aftermath of End-Permian Mass Extinction
Meyer K, Yu Y, Jost A & Payne J
(2007) Carbon, Nitrogen, and Sulfur Cycling in a Euxinic End-Permian Ocean
Meyer K, Kump L & Ridgwell A

Meyer Kevin (2016) Radiogenic and Stable Sr Isotopic Compositions in Rivers from Choshui River during Typhoon Mindulle
You C-F, Liu H-C, Chung C-H, Kao S-J & Meyer K

Meyer Kyle (2017) Late Cretaceous Volcanism and Climate Change Inferred from THg in Marine Invertebrate Fossils
Meyer K, Petersen S, Lohmann K, Blum J, Washburn S & Winkelstern I

Meyer Kyle (2015) Subtropical Warming in the Late Cretaceous Inferred from Clumped Isotope Paleothermometry
Meyer K, Lohmann K & Petersen S
(2013) Preliminary U-Series Dating Results from the GISP2 Ice Core
Meyer K & Aciego S

Meyer Kyle (2012) The Source of Carbon in Cave Air CO2 Under Mixed Woodland and Grassland Vegetation
Breecker D, Quinn A, Quade J, Banner J, Ball C & Meyer K

Meyer Lara (2023) Genetic Relationship of Chondrites and Ungrouped Iron Meteorites Based on their Nucleosynthetic Ni Isotope Compositions
Meyer L, Morino P, Steele R, Rüfenacht M & Schönbächler M

Meyer Lara A.E. (2021) Targeted Lipid Biomarker Screening in the Lower Oceanic Crust Guided by Gene Expression Analyses – New Avenues for the Detection of Biosignatures in Ultra-Low Biomass Samples
Schubotz F, Mara P, Lipp JS, Meyer LAE, Quémener M, Burgaud G, Li J & Edgcomb VP

Meyer Laura (2010) Developing Radiocarbon within California Mollusk Shells as a Proxy of Upwelling Intensity
Ferguson J, Meyer L, Johnson K, Santos G, Acaylar K & Tripati A

Meyer Markus (2019) Halogen Analysis at the Ultratrace Level – First Applications of the Dresden Super-Sims
Renno AD, Akhmadaliev S, Belokonov G, Böttger R, von Borany J, Kaever P, Meyer M, Noga P, Rugel G, Tiessen CJ, Wagner N, Wiedenbeck M, Wu H & Ziegenrücker R

Meyer McCauley (2021) Nucleotide-Level Resolution of RNA Folding Interactions within Peptide-Based Complex Coacervates
Meyer M, Yamagami R, Choi S, Pir-Cakmak F, Keating CD & Bevilacqua P

Meyer Melanie (2013) Metamorphic Evolution and Tectonic Implications of Carbonate-Bearing Mafic Boudins and Surrounding Metasediments of the Tianshan Mountains (NW China)
Meyer M

Meyer Michael (2017) Carbon Mineral Network Analysis: A Big Data Geobiology Study
Hazen R, Eleish A, Liu C, Morrison S, Meyer M, Fox P, Hummer D, Downs R, Golden J, Pires A, Hystad G & Ralph J
(2017) Network Analysis Applications: Exploring Geosphere and Biosphere Co-evolution with Big Data Techniques
Morrison SM, Eleish A, Liu C, Hummer DR, Giovannelli D, Meyer MB, Fox P, Downs RT, Golden JJ, Pires A, Hystad G, Ralph J & Hazen RM
(2017) Ecology and Evolution of Manganese Minerals: Implications for the Redox History of Earth and Life
Hummer D, Hazen R, Eleish A, Liu C, Morrison S, Downs R, Golden J, Pires A, Hystad G & Meyer M
(2011) The Special Case of Actinide(IV) Complexation by the Carboxylic Function of Small and Large Organic Ligands
Hennig C, Takao K, Takao S, Meyer M, Jeanson A, Dahou S & Den Auwer C
(2011) Platinum Group Minerals (PGM) in Chromite Lode Deposits from the Sulawesi Ophiolite Belt
Zaccarini F, Idrus A, Garuti G, Thalhammer O & Meyer M
(2011) Characteristics of the Ruwai Base Metal-Ag Skarn in Tertiary Middle Kalimantan Volcanic Arc, Indonesia
Idrus A, Meyer M, Sindern S, Setidjaji LD & Warmada IW
(2011) Characteristics and Origin of the Lala Iron Oxide Cu-Co-(u, REE) Deposit: Sichuan, Southern China
Meyer M, Schardt C, Sindern S, Gehlen M, Halbach P, Lahr J & Li J
(2007) Fluid Mixing at the Depositional Site of the Guelb Moghrein IOCG Deposit, Mauritania
Kolb J, Prantl S & Meyer M
(2007) Boron Isotopic Compositions of Tourmaline from a Hydrothermal Gold Deposit – Constraints on Fluid Sources
Krienitz M-S, Trumbull RB, Hellmann A, Kolb J, Meyer M & Wiedenbeck M
(2007) Fluid Composition in Veins of the Outokumpu Drilling Site, Finland
Sharif L, Kolb J & Meyer M
(2007) U-Pb Dating of Stable Isotope Records in Alpine Speleothems from the Late Pliocene/early Pleistocene
Cliff R, Meyer M & Spoetl C

Meyer Michael B (2022) Evidence for Phanerozoic Crustal Oxidation from the Evolution of Manganese Minerals
Hummer DR, Golden JJ, Hystad G, Downs RT, Eleish A, Liu C, Ralph J, Morrison SM, Meyer MB & Hazen RM

Meyer Michael R. (2013) The Joy of Making Planets in Disks: Dynamical and Chemical Recipes
Meyer MR

Meyer Nele (2013) Vulnerability and Resilience of Soil Organic Matter to Environmental Change
Amelung W, Herbst M, Sandhage-Hofmann A, Meyer N & Vereecken H

Meyer Nicolas (2023) Skarn-, Greisen- and Vein-Hosted Sn Mineralization at Geyer, Erzgebirge (Germany)
Meyer N, Markl G, Gerdes A, Gutzmer J & Burisch M

Meyer Nicole (2012) Carbonate Alteration of Dolerite Intruding Coal Seams: A Natural Example of Carbon Sequestration during Fossil Fuel Combustion and Relevance to Industrial Solutions Involving Mineral Carbonation
Reid D, Ngwagwe M, Mathivha T, Meyer N & Vogeli J

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