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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Metreveli G. (2013) Stability Behaviour of Silver Nanoparticles in Different Aqueous Media
Metreveli G & Schaumann GE

Metreveli N. (2019) Uptake of K, Cs and Rb and their Influence on Accumulation and Reduction Capacity of Cr(VI) by Highly Resistant Arthrobacter Species
Rcheulishvili O, Rcheulishvili A, Ginturi E, Tugushi L, Metreveli N, Holman H-Y, Gurielidze M & Lomidze L

Metrich N. (2022) Faster = Stronger? Decompression Rates vs Eruption Parameters at Stromboli Volcano
Georgeais G, Rose-Koga EF, Moussallam Y, Koga KT, Gurioli L, Pistolesi M, Harris A, verdier-Paoletti M, Metrich N & Bertagnini A
(2018) Nepheline-Normative Primitive Melt Genesis in Arcs: Mineralogic and Lithospheric Controls
Koga KT, Rose-Koga EF, Métrich N, Di Muro A & Deloule E
(2017) The Effect of Na/K Ratio on the Viscosity of Iron-Silicates: Application to the Yasur (Vanuatu) Volcano
D’AUGUSTIN De Bourguisson T, Lejeune A-M, Métrich N & Neuville D
(2017) Rheological Changes in Yasur (Vanuatu) Lavas: Micro- vs Macro-Crystallization and the Rest
Lejeune A-M, Neuville D, d’Augustin de Bourguisson T & Metrich N
(2016) Unprecedented Sulfur and Halogen Emissions during the 1257 AD Samalas Eruption (Rinjani Volcanic Complex, Indonesia)
Vidal CM, Métrich N, Komorowski J-C, Pratomo I, Kartadinata N, Michel A & Lavigne F
(2016) Chlorine Isotope Determination by SIMS: Standard Development and Application to Melt Inclusions from Subduction Zone Settings
Bouvier A-S, Manzini M, Baumgartner LP, Rose-Koga EF, Ulmer P, Bonifacie M, Bardoux G, Sharp Z, Williams J, Layne GD, Straub S & Métrich N
(2014) Oxidation State of Iron in Glass Inclusions: A Microspectrophotometric Contribution
Chassé M, Galoisy L, Métrich N, Calas G & Lelong G
(2013) Insights into the Magmatic Processes Leading to the Holocene Caldera Eruption of Rinjani, Indonesia
Vidal CM, Metrich N, Komorowski J-C, Pratomo I, Lavigne F & Surono 
(2013) Characteristics of Olivine and Diopside Crystals in Magma Erupted at Stromboli during the 2003, 2007 and 2009 Paroxysms: Implications for Magma Ascent Dynamics
D'Oriano C, Pistolesi M, Bertagnini A, Cioni R, Pompilio M & Métrich N
(2013) Pathways of Redox State and Sulfur Release Track the Shift from Low-Energy to Highly-Explosive Basaltic Eruptions at Mt. Etna
Moretti R, Metrich N, Patrick A, Alessandro A, Ilenia A & Valeria DR
(2011) Origin of Nepheline-Normative Primitive Magmas in Island Arcs
Sorbadere F, Schiano P & Métrich N
(2011) Progress in Understanding of Sulfur in Subduction Zone Magmas
Mandeville C, Shimizu N, Kelley K, Metrich N & Fiege A
(2011) Evolution of the δD Value in Water-Rich Basaltic Melt Inclusions during Volcanic Processes
Metrich N, Deloule E & Di Muro A
(2010) Sulfur Isotope Variation in Arc Basalts Revealed By Secondary Ionization Mass Spectrometry Measurements of Melt Inclusions
Mandeville C, Shimizu N, Kelley K & Metrich N
(2007) New Spectroscopy Developments to Study Water in Basaltic Melts
Mercier M, Di muro A, Metrich N, Montagnac G, Giordano D, Lesne P & Clochiatti R
(2007) Trace Element and Volatile Signature of Etna Magma Source(s): A Melt Inclusion Approach
Metrich N, Kamenetsky V, Allard P & Pompilio M
(2007) Geochemistry of Primary Magmas of St Vincent (Lesser Antilles Arc) Tracked by Melt Inclusions
Bouvier A-S, Metrich N & Deloule E
(2006) Recent Stromboli (Italy): insights into magma sources and processes from melt inclusions.
Vannucci F, Kobayashi K, Nakamura E, Tiepolo M, Schiavi R, Bertagnini A & Métrich N
(2005) A XANES Study of Sulfur Speciation in Synthetic Glasses and Melt Inclusions
Metrich N, Berry A, O'Neill H & Susini J
(2005) Effects of Sulfur Degassing and Sulfide Separation in Some Products of Mt. Etna Volcano (Sicily, Italy)
Moretti R, Gambardella B, Marini L & Métrich N
(2002) Presence of (SIV) in Basaltic Magmas: Implications for Volcanic Sulphure Emissions
Métrich N
(2002) Primary Melts Reveal Small-Scale Heterogeneity in Convecting Mantle
Sobolev A, Hofmann AW, Shimizu N, Chaussidon M, Metrich N & Nikogosian IK

Metsaranta Riku (2015) Geochemistry and Sedimentology of a 1.4 Ga Playa System: Implications for the Paleoatmosphere
Metsaranta R & Fralick P

Metsaranta Riku (2012) Identification of Chromitite and Kimberlite Occurences in the James Bay Lowland Using Statistical Analysis of Detrital Chromite Compositions
Burnham M, Crabtree D & Metsaranta R

Metson J. (2012) Silicate Polymerization on Crystalline and Amorphous TiO2: An ATR-Ir and Synchrotron XPS Investigation
Song Y, Swedlund P, Metson J, Waterhouse G & Cowie B

Metsue A. (2011) Multimegabar Phase Relations of Major Earth and Planetary Materials
Tsuchiya T, Dekura H, Metsue A & Kuwayama Y

Mettam C. (2017) Nitrogen Isotope Evidence of Variable Nutrient Sources for Life over Earth History
Zerkle A, Mettam C, Yang J & Junium C
(2017) Spatially Constrained Nitrogen Cycling on a Neoarchaean Ocean Margin
Mettam C, Zerkle A, Claire M, Poulton S & Junium C
(2016) Ferruginous Shelf Conditions Perturbed the Nitrogen Cycle during the Late Permian Extinction Event
Mettam C, Zerkle A, Claire M, Junium C & Twitchett R

Mette M. B. (2019) Microbial Activity, Mass Transfer, and Geochemical Processes during Degradation of Chlorinated Ethenes: Experiments and Model-Based Interpretation
Murray A, Maillard J, Jin B, Mette M. B, Christof H & Massimo R

Mettler Suzanne (2002) Reactivity of Fe(II) in Presence of Calcite and Fe/CaCO3 Solid-Solution
Mettler S & von Gunten U

Mettler Suzanne (2009) Biogeochemical Processes in a Clay Formation in situ Experiment
Wersin P, Leupin O, Mettler S, Gaucher E, Mäder U, Vinsot A, DeCanniere P, Gäbler H-E, Kunimaro T & Kiho K

Metz C. (2013) IPore Scale Visualization of Chemical Gradients at Biogeochemical Interfaces Using Micromodels and Raman Microspectroscopy
Baumann T, Metz C, Ivleva NP & Niessner R

Metz K. (2009) Ligand Effects on Oxidative Stability of CdSe Nanoparticles
Mangham A, Louis K, Bramson A, Metz K, Pedersen J & Hamers R
(2009) Developmental Toxicity of Oxidatively Degraded QDs
Wiecinski P, King Heiden T, Metz K, Mangham A, Hamers R, Heideman W, Peterson R & Pedersen J

Metz L. (2022) Detection of Fallout in Smoke from Forest Fires along the Pacific Coast: A Study of Actinide and Fission Product Transport
Gartman B, Noyes K, Estrada J, Friese J, Gajos N, Pratt S, Woods V, Eslinger P, Munley W, Tedrow S, Greenwood L, Cantaloub M, Spitler G, Beck C, Arnold E & Metz L

Metz P. (2000) Experimental Studies of Oxygen Isotope Exchange between Calcite and Tremolite in the Absence and Presence of Fluid
Zheng Y, Satir M & Metz P

Metz R. (2023) Effect of Biogenic Ligands and NOM on the Mobility of Fe and P from Vivianite Under Changing Redox Conditions
Metz R, Schenkeveld WDC, Kumar N & Kraemer SM
(2022) Suitability of Vivianite as a Long-Term Phosphate Sink in Terrestrial and Aquatic Systems and the Effect of Metal Incorporation
Metz R, Kumar N, Schenkeveld WDC, Obst M & Kraemer SM
(2021) The Mechanism and Effect of Vivianite Oxidation on the Bioavailability of P and Fe
Metz R, Kumar N, Schenkeveld WDC & Kraemer SM

Metz Thomas (2014) Short-Term Protein Stable Isotope Probing of Microbial Communities to Associate Functions with Taxa
Lipton M, Slysz G, Steinke L, Ward D, Moran J, Metz T, Kim Y-M, Lindeman S, Huang E, Anderson G, Payne S, Bryant D, Cole J & Gritsenko M
(2014) Spatially-Resolved Carbon Flow Through a Hypersaline Microbial Mat
Moran J, Riha K, Cory A, Kim Y-M, Huang E, Metz T, Lipton M, Courtney S, Lindemann S & Fredrickson J

Metz Timo (2021) Paleoclimate Reconstruction for the Past Millennium from Groundwater Using 39Ar Dating and Noble Gas Temperatures
Wachs D, Freundt F, Metz T, Arck YW, Schmidt M, Ringena L, Robertz J, Aeschbach W & Oberthaler MK

Metz V. (2023) Iron Corrosion Related Bentonite Alteration
Gill N, Heberling F, Dieste-Blanco O, Finck N, Metz V & Geckeis H
(2023) Barite Recrystallization to Witherite in the Presence of Carbonate, and the Impact on Radium Retention
Alzaydan M, Roth T, Heberling F, Polly R, Dieste-Blanco O, Schild D & Metz V
(2021) Anaerobic Corrosion of Carbon Steel in Compacted Bentonite Exposed to Natural Opalinus Clay Porewater: Bentonite Alteration Study
Morelová N, Schild D, Heberling F, Finck N, Dardenne K, Metz V & Geckeis H
(2021) Barite Recrystallization to Witherite in the Presence of Carbonate, and the Impact on Radium Retention
Alzaydan M, Roth T, Heberling F, Polly R, Schild D & Metz V
(2021) Long Term Bentonite Erosion Experiments in an Artificial Fracture: Radionuclides Mobility and Diffusion in FEBEX Bentonite
Kouhail YZ, Rinderknecht F, Quinto F, Metz V, Schäfer T & Geckeis H
(2011) Thermodynamics of Long-Term Metastable Magnesium (Chloro) Hydroxo Carbonates at 25℃
Bube C, Altmaier M, Metz V, Schild D, Kienzler B & Neck V
(2011) Am(III) Retention by Cement Corrosion Products Under Highly Saline Conditions
Metz V, Bube C, Bohnert E, Schlieker M & Kienzler B
(2011) The Co-precipitation of Ra in a Large Scale Evaporitic System
Rosenberg YO, Metz V & Ganor J
(2004) The Effect of a Mg-Oxychloride- Brucite Backfill Material on the Pu Behavior in MgCl2-NaCl-Brines
Metz V, Vejmelka P, Kienzler B, Marquardt C, Seibert A & Fanghänel T
(2002) Dependence of Smectite Dissolution Rate on Deviation from Equilibrium
Metz V, Cama J & Ganor J
(2002) Geochemically Based Source Term Assessment for the Asse Salt Mine – Modelling and Experimental Results
Schuessler W, Metz V, Kienzler B & Vejmelka P
(2002) Coherency of Surface Protonation Data – Implication from Modelling of Dissolution Experiments
Ganor J, Cama J & Metz V

Metzger A. (2009) On the Formation of Organic Acids during the Photooxidation of α-Pinene and Trimethylbenzene
Dommen J, Gaeggeler K, Praplan A, Kalberer M, Metzger A, Hellen H, Prevot A & Baltensperger U

Metzger E (2005) Combined Probes for Sub-Millimetric Investigations in Aquatic Sediments
Jezequel D, Metzger E, Viollier E, Prevot F, Brayner R & Fievet F

Metzger Edouard (2021) Seasonnal Dynamics of Diagenetic Processes in an Intertidal Temperate Mudflat: The Mudsurv Project
Metzger E, Mouret A, Choquel C, Geslin E, Jauffrais T, Thibault de Chanvalon A, Bénéteau E & Jesus B
(2021) Interface Versus Internal Recycling of Organic Matter in Coastal Sediments: A Case Study from Two RioMars – The Louisiana Shelf and the Rhône Prodelta
Rabouille C, Lansard B, Rabalais NN, Owings SM, Rassmann J, Bombled B, Metzger E, Beckler J & Taillefert M
(2021) Early Diagenetic Processes in an Eutrophic Estuarine System: Indices of Sediment Contribution to Summer Hypoxia of the Loire?
Hulot V, Metzger E, Schmidt S, Mouret A, Deflandre B, Rigaud S, Derriennic H, Bénéteau E, Sanchez S & Maillet G
(2021) Coupling between Sediment Biogeochemistry and Phytoplankton Dynamics in Anthropised Freshwater Marshes of Charente Maritime, France
Moncelon R, Dupuy C, Pineau P, Bénéteau E, Philippine O, Robin F-X & Metzger E
(2019) Benthic Manganese Cycle Studied with 2D High Spatial Resolution Methods at Contrasted Oxygen Conditions in Gullmar Fjord
Choquel C, Metzger E, Geslin E, Jauffrais T, Thibault de Chanvalon A, Filipsson H, Launeau P, Giraud M, Risgaard-Petersen N & Mouret A
(2019) 2D Redox Zonation in a Sediment Colonized by Tube-Dwelling Amphipods
Metzger E, Nicol A, Champilou J-B, Jauffrais T, Choquel C, Launeau P & Mouret A
(2019) Can the Addition of Bacterial Siderophores Help in the Phytoremediation of Vinyard Soils?
Randriamamonjy S, Gutierrez M, Rocco K, Gaudin P, Mouret A, Metzger E, Capiaux H, Lebeau T & Cornu JY
(2017) 2D Image Quantification of Microbial Iron Chelators (Siderophores) Using DET Method
Le Houedec S, Thibault de Chanvalon A, Mouret A, Metzger E, Launeau P, Lebeau T & Gaudin P
(2017) Mn/Ca Ratios as Proxy for Benthic Ecosystem Oxygenation: Culturing Study and Field Observations of Ammonia Tepida
Petersen J, Barras C, Mouret A, Nardelli MP, Metzger E, Bézos A, La C, Filipsson HL, de Nooijer LJ, Meysman FJR & Jorissen FJ
(2017) Manganese, Iron and Phosphorus Cycling in the Loire Estuary: Outcomes from the RS2E-Osuna Project
Metzger E, Thibault de Chanvalon A, Launeau P, Geslin E, Knoery J & Mouret A
(2017) Nutrient Fluxes (C, N, P) Across the Sediment-Water Interface in a Macrotidal Estuarian Mudflat Using a Coupled Experimental in situ – Modelling Approach
Vennin A, Mesnage V, Lecoq N & Metzger E
(2017) New Developments of Porewater Chemistry Imaging at High Resolution for Redox-Sensitive Elements
Mouret A, Thibault de Chanvalon A, Cesbron F, Barbe A, Le Houedec S, Jézéquel D, Levrard R, Launeau P & Metzger E
(2015) Influence of Hydrology on Manganese and Iron Deposition and Recycling in an Intertidal Mudflat of Loire Estuary
Metzger E, Thibault de Chanvalon A, Mouret A, Geslin E, Bénéteau E, Nardelli MP, Maillet G, Méléder V, Brach-Papa C, Knoery J & Launeau P
(2015) A New View of Iron Cycling in Intertidal Mudflats: Two-Dimensional Mapping of Iron and Phosphorus Release at Submillimeter Scale
Thibault de Chanvalon A, Metzger E, Mouret A, Cesbron F, Knoery J, Launeau P, Geslin E, Van de Velde S & Meysman FJR
(2013) Artificially Induced Migration of Redox Layers in Adriatic Sediments
Metzger E, Langlet D, Viollier E, Koron N, Riedel B, Stachowitch M, Zuschin M, Faganeli J, Tharaud M, Geslin E & Jorissen F
(2013) Use of Homogenized Sediment in Experimental Setup: Re-stabilization of Redox Fronts and Artifacts due to Sieving Methods
Nardelli MP, Metzger E, Barras C, Jorissen F & Geslin E
(2012) Influence of Zostera Meadows on Geochemistry and Meiofauna of the Sediment of a Tidal Lagoon (Arcachon Basin): New Technical Approaches
Metzger E, Jezequel D, Geslin E, Cesbron F, Charrieau L, Delgard M-L, Deflandre B, Jorissen F & Anschutz P
(2012) Assessing the Effect of Macrobenthos Diversity on the Mineralisation of Sediment Organic Matter
Gremare A, Deflandre B, Schmidt S, Maire O, Romero-Ramirez A, Metzger E, Viollier E, Cesbron F, Labrune C, Amouroux JM, Lecroart P, Duchene JC, Poirier D, Coste L & Bichon S
(2012) Biogeochemical Dynamics Related to Seasonal Changes and Biomass-Density Patterns in Rhyzosphere Sediments of a Zostera Noltii Meadow
Delgard ML, Deflandre B, Kochoni E, Cesbron F, Bernard G, Charbonnier C, Poirier D, Bichon S, Metzger E, Deborde J & Anschutz P

Metzger G. (2015) Tracing Palaeo-Weathering via Lithium Isotopes
Pogge von Strandmann P, Ridgwell A, Jenkyns H, Lechler M, Metzger G, Kasemann S & Desrochers A

Metzger J. Garrecht (2013) Lateral Carbon Isotope Homogeneity in a Late Ordovician Epeiric Sea
Metzger JG & Fike D
(2011) Coupled High-Resolution δ13Ccarb and 87Sr/86Sr Chemostratigraphy on the North American Craton: Identifying the Source of the Late Ordovician Guttenberg Isotopic Carbon Excursion
Metzger JG & Fike D

Metzger Jean-Marc (2021) Redox Dynamics of Atmospheric Mercury at Maido Observatory in the Tropical Indian Ocean
Koenig AM, Magand O, Brioude J, Colomb A, Vimeux F, Ramonet M, Volkamer R, Regis J, Belloir A, Metzger J-M, Cammas J-P, Sonke JE & Dommergue A

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