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Meshram D. (2007) Petrogenesis and Tectonic Evolution of the Meso-Proterozic Felsic Volcanic Suite of the Sakoli Group in the Bhandara Craton, Central India
Meshram D & Yedekar D

Meshram K. (2022) Nutrient (C, N, P) Export from Debris-Covered and Debris-Free Glaciers, Chandra Basin, Western Himalaya
Meshram K, Antony R, C. M. L, Sharma P & Sommaruga R

Mesic S. (2007) Weathering of Bronze Age Potsherds in a Mediterranean Climate (Cres Island, Croatia)
Posilovic H, Miko S, Hasan O & Mesic S

Meskál L. (2020) Mineralogical Cycle of Pb(II) in a Sinter Plant of Iron and Steel Industry
Mankovics M, Topa BA, Pekker P, Meskál L, Harman Tóth E & Weiszburg TG

Meskhidze N. (2017) Evaluation of Labile Iron Processing in Atmospheric Models
Ito A, Myriokefalitakis S, Kanakidou M, Mahowald N, Baker A, Jickells T, Sarin M, Bikkina S, Gao Y, Shelley R, Buck C, Landing W, Bowie A, Perron M, Meskhidze N, Johnson M, Feng Y & Duce R
(2017) Effect of Dissolved Organic Carbon on the Iron Solubility in Seawater
Meskhidze N, Hurley D, Royalty T & Johnson M
(2017) Aerosol Properties in the Remote North Pacific Boundary Layer
Royalty T, Phillips B, Dawson K, Reed R, Meskhidze N & Petters M
(2017) Creating Aerosol Types from CHemistry (CATCH) to Better Connect Remote Sensing and Models
Dawson K, Meskhidze N, Burton S, Johnson M, Kacenelenbogen M, Hostetler C & Hu Y
(2013) Effect of Atmospheric Organics on Iron Bioavailability
Meskhidze N, Johnson M, Hurley D & Petters M
(2013) The Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Marine Primary Organic Aerosol
Meskhidze N & Gantt B
(2012) Improved Representation of Dust-Nutrient Deposition to the Ocean for the Earth System Models
Meskhidze N & Johnson M
(2011) Evaluation of Marine Primary Organic Aerosol Emission Schemes
Gantt B, Johnson M & Meskhidze N
(2011) Evaluating the Impact of Marine Organic Aerosols on Climate
Meskhidze N, Xu J & Gantt B
(2011) Updated Dust-Iron Dissolution Mechanism: Effects of Organic Acids, Photolysis, and Dust Mineralogy
Johnson M & Meskhidze N
(2010) Quantifying Marine Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds Using Laboratory and Field Measurements from North Carolina Estuarine System
Sabolis A & Meskhidze N
(2010) Rethinking the Organic Sea Spray Function
Gantt B & Meskhidze N
(2010) The Impact of Marine Organic Emissions on Global Climate
Meskhidze N, Xu J & Gantt B
(2009) Modeling Mineral Dust and Dissolved Iron Deposition
Johnson M, Meskhidze N, Solmon F, Farlie D & Gasso S
(2009) Effect of Marine Biogenic Organic Aerosols on Cloud Properties: Modeling Study
Meskhidze N, Xu J, Zhang Y, Gantt B, Ghann S, Nenes A, Liu X, Easter R & Zaveri R

Mesko G. (2011) High-Precision Age for the Haifanggou Formation and its Implications for the Coevolution of Plants and Atmospheric CO2
Chang S-C, Zhang H, Hemming S, Mesko G & Fang Y
(2011) Intercalibration of Ar-Ar Standards and Samples at LDEO
Hemming S, Tsukui K, Mesko G, Ali G, Cai Y, Adler A, Campbell S, Crapster-Pregont E, Doherty C, Gombiner J, Russell J, Templeton J, Tremblay M & Vankeuren M

Meslin P-Y. (2023) Geochemistry and Mineralogy of Ancient Sedimentary Rocks Analyzed by the SuperCam Instrument in the Jezero Delta, Mars
Dehouck E, Forni O, Quantin-Nataf C, Beck P, Mangold N, Royer C, Clavé E, Beyssac O, Johnson JR, Mandon L, Poulet F, Le Mouélic S, Caravaca G, Kalucha H, Gibbons E, Dromart G, Gasda P, Meslin P-Y, Schroeder S, Udry A, Anderson R, Clegg S, Cousin A, Gabriel T, Lasue J, Fouchet T, Pilleri P, Pilorget C, Hurowitz J, Núñez J, Williams A, Russell P, Simon JI, Maurice S & Wiens RC
(2023) Investigation of the Petrogenetic Relationship between the Two Igneous Formations in Jezero Crater by Using Trace Element Concentrations Acquired by the Perseverance SuperCam Instrument
Debaille V, Forni O, Anderson R, Beck P, Beyssac O, Clavé E, Clegg S, Cousin A, Dehouck E, Fouchet T, Gabriel T, Johnson JR, Le Mouélic S, Mandon L, Maurice S, Meslin P-Y, Pilleri P, Poulet F, Quantin-Nataf C, Royer C, Udry A & Wiens RC
(2019) Manganese as Indicator for Strongly Oxidizing Aqueous Environments in Gale Crater, Mars
Lanza N, Fischer W, Lamm S, Gasda P, Meslin P-Y, Ollila A, Clegg S, Cousin A, Delapp D, Frydenvang J, Forni O, Reyes-Newell A, Salvatore M & Wiens R
(2017) Advanced InfraRed and Raman Spectroscopy on Ca-Phosphates and Mg-Carbonates for Surface Exploration of Mars
Fau A, Beyssac O, Gauthier M, Bernard S, Benzerara K, Meslin P-Y, Drouet C, Maurice S, Guyot F & Balan E
(2015) Diversity of Igneous Rocks At Gale, Mars
Cousin A, Sautter V, Mangold N, Fabre C, Forni O, Rapin W, Fisk M, Gasnault O, Lanza N, Lasue J, Meslin P-Y, Newsom H, Ollila A, Payre V, Wiens R & Maurice S

Mesnage V. (2017) Biogeochemical Processes in Water-Soil Interface in Mboro Littoral Wetlands from Senegal
Kaba M, Mesnage V, Laignel B & Faye S
(2017) Nutrient Fluxes (C, N, P) Across the Sediment-Water Interface in a Macrotidal Estuarian Mudflat Using a Coupled Experimental in situ – Modelling Approach
Vennin A, Mesnage V, Lecoq N & Metzger E

Mesquita M.J. (2014) Evolution of the Auriferous Cachimbo Shear Zone, Transbrasiliano Lineament, Central Brazil: Mineral Chemistry and Microstructures
Mesquita MJ, Hartmann L, Fyfe W, Picanço J & Gomes M

Messa C.M. (2021) Stable Ca Isotope Fractionation in Cenozoic Marine Mammals: Beyond Biomineralization & Trophic Positioning
Messa CM, Sims KW, Scott SR & Clementz MT

Messenger S. (2017) TEM Observations of Amorphous Silicates and the Adjacent Alteration Products in MIL 090657 Matrix
Sugimoto M, Tsuchiyama A, Matsuno J, Takayama A, Miyake A, Nakamura-Messenger K, Burton A & Messenger S
(2017) Volatiles in high-K Lunar Basalts
Barnes J, McCubbin F, Messenger S, Nguyen A & Boyce J
(2016) Constraints on the Origin of a Type B CAI from the Vigarano CV3red Chondrite
Han J, Keller LP, Needham AW, Messenger S & Simon JI
(2016) Abundant Solar Nebula Solids in Comets
Messenger S, Keller L, Nakamura-Messenger K, Nguyen A & Clemett S
(2008) The Effect of QSA on S, C, O and Si Isotopic Ratio Measurements
Hillion F, Kilburn M, Hoppe P, Messenger S & Weber P
(2008) Mineralogy and Chemistry of Stardust Samples
Keller LP, Nakamura-Messenger K & Messenger S
(2008) Study of the C-Rich Phases of Two Cometary Particles with Electron Microscopy and NanoSIMS
Matrajt G, Messenger S, Ito M, Joswiak D & Brownlee D
(2008) Presolar Organic Globules in Astromaterials
Nakamura-Messenger K, Messenger S, Keller LP, Clemett S & Zolensky M
(2008) Microscale Characterization of the Organic Matter in Extraterrestrial Samples
Flynn G, Wirick S, Keller LP, Messenger S & Jacobsen C
(2007) Submicrometer Organic Grains: Widespread Constituents of the Early Solar System
Messenger S, Nakamura-Messenger K, Keller L, Matrajt G & Ito M
(2005) Distinguishing Solar and Extrasolar Origins of Submicrometer Grains in IDPs
Messenger S
(2003) Silicate Stardust from Comets
Messenger S & Keller L

Messer J. (2021) Implications from Uranium-Series Disequilibria for the Origin of Detachment Faulting along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 24-30°N
Messer J, Elkins LJ, Lyu Y, Kant LB, Sims KW & Langmuir C

Messerly R. (2022) Predicting Silver Chloride Hydration Numbers in High-Temperature Water Vapor with Machine Learning and First-Principles Molecular Simulations
Messerly R, Yoon T-J, Jadrich R, Currier R & Maerzke K

Messina A. (2013) Tracing the Origin and Evolution of the Parental Magmas of the Grey Porri Tuffs, Island of Salina, Italy
Doherty A, Bodnar R, Cannatelli C, Esposito R, De Vivo B & Messina A
(2013) The Origin of Geochemical Anomalies in Top Soils of Eastern-Central Peloritani Mountains (Sicily, Italy)
Cosenza A, Ayuso R, Foley N, Albanese S, Lima A, Messina A & De Vivo B
(2012) Pre-Eruptive Volatile Contents of Silicate Melt Inclusions Hosted in the Grey Porri Tuffs of Monte dei Porri Volcano, Island of Salina, Aeolian Islands, Southern Italy
Doherty A, Bodnar R, De Vivo B, Esposito R & Messina A
(2011) Magmatic Processes during the Formation of Monte dei Porri Volcano, Island of Salina, Aeolian Islands, Italy
Doherty A, De Vivo B, Bodnar R, Belkin H & Messina A

Messini P. (2013) Sorption of Pb(II) from Aqueous Solution by Greek Attapulgite Clay
Argyraki A, Messini P & Zotiadis V

Messios N. (2015) Speciation and Bonding Environment of Copper in Pyrite: Implications for Bioleaching
Kossoff D, Hudson-Edwards K, Santini J, Nwaobi B, Xydas C & Messios N

Messling N. (2023) Ruthenium Isotope Composition of the K-Pg Impactor and Terrestrial Impact Structures
Fischer-Gödde M, Tusch J, Goderis S, Bragagni A, Mohr-Westheide T, Messling N, Elfers B-M, Schmitz B, Reimold WU, Tissot FLH, Koeberl C, Claeys P, Maier W & Münker C
(2023) Remobilization of Tungsten in Archean Cratons: Insights from W Isotope Compositions of Volcanic Rocks from the Kaapvaal and Singhbhum Cratons
Messling N, Hegner E, Jodder J, Hofmann A, Wemmer K & Willbold M
(2021) Mo Isotope Systematics of the Solander and Little Solander Adakitic Rocks
Bezard R, Rushmer T, Turner S, Schoenberg R, Messling N & Willbold M
(2019) The Ru Isotope Composition of the Earth’s Pre-Late Veneer Mantle
Fischer-Gödde M, Elfers B-M, Münker C, Szilas K, Maier W, Morishita T, Smithies H & Messling N
(2017) Coupled Nucleosynthetic Zr and Hf Isotope Inventory in Chondrites
Elfers B-M, Sprung P, Messling N, Womacher F, Pfeifer M & Münker C

Messner T. (2014) Paleoclimate Proxies Also Record Human Impact Signals
Stinchcomb G, Williamson F, Messner T, Stewart RM, Allen P, Driese S & Nordt L

Messo C. (2008) Geochemistry of Volcanic and Plutonic Rocks from the Southern Musoma-Mara Greenstone Belt: Implication for the Evolution of the Tanzania Craton
Messo C, Yamashita K, Kobayashi K, Makishima A, Sakaguchi C & Nakamura E

Messori F. (2023) Can We Date Marine Carbonates at High(er) Precision with U-Pb ID-TIMS Method?
Ovtcharova M, Müller IA, Samankassou E, Guillong M, Messori F, Peyrotty G, Linnemann U, Hofmann M, Zieger J, Vennemann T, Kouzmanov K, Merino-Tomé O & Nuriel P
(2022) Can U-Pb Dating on Carbonates add to Improved Time Constraints on the Ediacaran Metazoan Ecosystem in the Nama Group, Namibia?
Müller IA, Messori F, Guillong M, Peyrotty G, Samankassou E, Linnemann U, Hofmann M, Zieger J, Vennemann T, Kouzmanov K & Ovtcharova M
(2021) New High Precision U-Pb CA-ID-TIMS Zircon Ages from the Terminal Ediacaran in Namibia
Messori F, Linnemann U, Hofmann M, Zieger J, Geyer G, Vickers-Rich P & Ovtcharova M
(2019) Detailed Ediacaran Timeline for White Sea and Nama Fossil Assemblages (Namibia and Ukraine)
Ovtcharova M, Messori F, Linnemann U, Hofmann M, Zieger J, Geyer G, Vickers-Rich P, Soldatenko Y & El Albani A

Mester Z. (2019) Certification of the New Drinking Water Reference Material AQUA-1 (NRC-Cnrc): Preliminary Results for Major and Trace Elements Concentrations and Isotopic Ratios
Yeghicheyan D, Cloquet C, Freydier R, Dumoulin D, Tharaud M, Alleman L, Rousseau T, Seby F, Riotte J, Marquet A, Jeandel C, Causse L, Dumont J, Cordier L, Grinberg P & Mester Z

Meston L. (2005) Fluid Inclusion Evidence for Extreme Element Partioning during Subcritical Phase Separation
Lüders V, Rickers K, Banks D & Meston L

Mestre A.I. (2022) Timing of the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event – New Zircon U-Pb ID-TIMS Dates (Precordillera, Argentina)
Paul AN, Lindskog A, Mestre AI, Ahrenstedt V, Moreno F, Heredia S & Schaltegger U

Mestrot Adrien (2022) Insights into the Atmospheric Cycle of Arsenic: Linking Elemental Speciation, Organic Composition with Atmospheric Transport in a 5-Year Time Series of Aerosol Measurements
Breuninger ES, Tolu J, Thurnherr I, Aemisegger F, Bouchet S, Mestrot A, Sonke JE, Wernli H & Winkel LHE
(2022) Fate of Arsenic in Groundwaters of the Llanos de Moxos (Bolivian Amazon)
de Meyer CMC, Huallpara Lliully LS, Mestrot A & Ormachea Muñoz MR

Mestrot Adrien (2019) Active Microbial Arsenic Methylation
Viacava K, Dyer S, Lederballe-Meibom K, Ortega D, Minton NP, Mestrot A & Bernier-Latmani R
(2019) Insights into the Speciation of Arsenic, Selenium and Mercury in Saline Lakes of the Bolivian Altiplano
Guedron S, Tolu J, Tessier E, Bueno M, Mestrot A, Acha D & Amouroux D
(2019) Elucidating the Production of Volatile Antimony from Contaminated Soils
Caplette J, Gfeller L, Lei D, Jie L, Cheng J, Zhang H, Feng X & Mestrot A
(2019) Methylmercury Distribution and Formation in Polluted Agricultural Soils
Gfeller L, Amouroux D, Caplette J, Lei D, Liao J, Tessier E, Xia J, Zhang H, Feng X & Mestrot A
(2019) Biomethylation and Biovolatilisation of Arsenic in Three Contaminated Soils of Switzerland
Mestrot A, Segura F & Lemos-Batista B

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