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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Merle Renaud (2020) Kerguelen Plateau Volcanism Linked to the Early Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event 1a
Jiang Q, Jourdan F, Olierook H & Merle R
(2020) Longest Continually Erupting Large Igneous Province Driven by Plume–ridge Interaction
Jiang Q, Jourdan F, Olierook H, Merle R, Coffin M & Whittaker J

Merle Renaud (2021) Timing of Seafloor Spreading Cessation at the Macquarie Ridge Complex (SW Pacific) and Implications for Upper Mantle Heterogeneity
Jiang Q, Merle R, Jourdan F, Olierook H, Whitehouse M, Evans K, Wang X-C, Conway C, Bostock H & Wysoczanski R

Merle Renaud (2011) Sr-Nd-Pb-Os Isotopes of CAMP Tholeiites from Northeast America
Merle R, Marzoli A, Bertrand H, Reisberg L, Chiaradia M & Bellieni G
(2011) Age and Origin of Alkaline Lavas from Tore-Madeira Rise: Interactions between Complex Lithosphere Motion and Multi-Components Source
Girardeau J, Merle R, Marzoli A & Chiaradia M
(2011) Origin of Cameroon Line Basanites from Metasomatized Lithosphere
Marzoli A, Aka F, Chiaradia M, Reisberg L & Merle R
(2007) 40Ar/39Ar Ages and Geochemistry of Maranhão CAMP Tholeiites (Brazil): Implications for Low and high-Ti Basalts Sources
Merle R

Merle Renaud (2016) U Isotopic Composition of Allende Chondrules and Implications for Pb-Pb Geochronology
Huyskens MH, Yin Q-Z, Sanborn ME, Amelin Y, Merle R & Yamashita K
(2016) Fractionation of Radiogenic Pb Isotopes Induced by Acid Leaching: A Pervasive Phenomenon in Pb-Isotopic Dating of Meteorites
Amelin Y, Yin Q, Koefoed P, Merle R, Huyskens M & Iizuka T

Merle Renaud (2017) Cretaceous Magmatism along the Rifted Margin of Western Australia: Toward a Greater Kerguelen Large Igneous Province
Olierook H, Merle R & Jourdan F
(2017) New Determination of 40K Decay Constant: Preliminary Results
Merle R, Kossert K & Amelin Y

Merle Renaud (2019) Heterogeneous MORB Mantle Source Caused by Recycling of Oceanic Crust in the Upper Mantle at the Macquarie Ridge Complex, SW Pacific
Jiang Q, Merle R, Jourdan F & Olierook H

Merle Renaud (2018) Isotopic Composition of Potassium
Amelin Y & Merle R

Merle Renaud E. (2023) Radiogenic Isotope Systematics in Lunar Basaltic Rocks
Merle RE, Nemchin A, Whitehouse M, Snape J, Connelly JN & Bizzarro M

Merle Susan (2018) Gas Chemistry of Bubble Plumes and Gas Hydrates along the Cascadia Margin
Lupton J, Baumberger T, Embley R & Merle S
(2016) New Hydrothermal Vents Discovered along the Mariana Back-Arc Spreading Center
Baumberger T, Lupton J, Resing J, Chadwick W, Butterfield D, Baker E, Walker S & Merle S
(2009) Hydrothermal Systems of Intraoceanic Arcs
de Ronde C, Baker E, Embley R, John L, Butterfield D, Faure K, Leybourne M, Chadwick W, Ishibashi J, Reising J, Walker S, Merle S & Greene R

Merle Susan G. (2020) Investigating Volcanic Eruptions at Tafu: Chemical and Geographic Variation within the NELSC
Zinn M, Rubin K, Chadwick WW & Merle SG

Merli D. (2022) Unexpected Metal Micro/Nanoparticles in Mediastinal Lymph Nodes: A Combined µXRF and INAA Case Study
Di Benedetto F, Visonà S, Moretti M, Merli D, Osculati A, Giaccherini A, Montegrossi G, Capella S, Belluso E & Hesse B

Merli M. (2015) Lower Mantle Hydrogen Partitioning between Periclase and Perovskite: A Quantum Chemical Modeling
Pavese A, Bonadiman C, Merli M & Diella V

Merlin C. (2001) Chromium Mobility, DOC, and Microbiological Populations
Long DT, Icopini G, Ellis R, Marsh T, Merlin C, Thacker H & Forney L

Merlini A. (2007) Chromitite Alteration in Serpentinite Mélanges of Nurali and Kalan Massifs (Russia)
Merlini A, Grieco G & Diella V

Merlini M. (2015) Structures and Crystal Chemistry of Mantle Minerals from Single Crystal Diffraction at High Pressure
Merlini M
(2013) Chromium Solubility in Chlorite and Implications for Subduction Zone Dynamics: An Experimental Study in the CrMASH System up to 6.5 GPa, 900℃
Fumagalli P, Fischer J, Gemmi M, Merlini M & Poli S
(2011) Structural Distortion of MgSiO3 Perovskite and the Influence of Fe and Al at Pressures of the Earth's Lower Mantle
Boffa Ballaran T, Kurnosov A, Glazyrin K, Merlini M, Hanfland M & Frost DJ
(2009) Storage of CO2 in the Upper Mantle: A Solid Solution Model for Ca-Mg-Fe Carbonates
Franzolin E, Schmidt MW, Poli S & Merlini M
(2009) High-Pressure Cr Solubility in Chlorites and its Implications for Clinochlore Stability
Fischer J, Merlini M, Fumagalli P & Poli S

Mermoux M. (2005) Effects on a Basaltic Surface of an Impact-Derived Hot Fluid Bed (Kirbet-El-Umbachi, Syria)
Courty M, Crisci A, Fedoroff M, Leroy E, Mermoux M, Pastol J & Smith D

Mernagh T (2006) Chemical controls on mineral transport and precipitation in tubidite-hosted gold deposits.
Mernagh T & Bierlein FP

Mernagh Terrence (2018) Raman and Infrared Studies of Gas-Solid Reactions between SO2 and Basaltic Glasses
Mernagh T, Palm A, Renggli C & King P
(2002) Chemistry of High-Temperature Fluids in Fe-Oxide Cu-Au Systems
Bastrakov E, Kamenetsky V, Skirrow R & Mernagh T

Mernagh Terry (2017) Great Artesian Basin Authigenic Carbonates as Natural Analogues for Mineralisation Trapping
Golding S, Dawson G, Pearce J, Mernagh T, Boreham C & Hall L
(2016) Carbonate Mineralised Fractures and Sandstones of the Eromanga and Surat Basins
Dawson G, Golding S, Mernagh T, Nguyen A, Feng Y, Farrajota F & Boreham C
(2015) Potential Source of Fracture Calcite and Associated Sulfide Mineralisation in a Surat Basin Coal Mine
Dawson G, Mernagh T, Golding S, Ye X, Baltruweit D & Esterle J

Merola R.B. (2010) Low-Level Arsenic Contamination of Groundwater with Biomarker Monitoring in Union County, NC
Merola RB & Vengosh A

Meroni C. (2023) Optical Trapping in the Study of the Air/Water Interface Effects in Tropospheric Chemistry
Meroni C, Angelaki M, Carreira Mendes Da Silva Y & George C

Meroño D. (2023) Shedding Light on the Source of Rare Earth Elements' Particles in Road Dust
Navarro-Ciurana D, Corbella M, Corral I, Buixadera E, Farré de Pablo J, Meroño D, Morera-Valverde R & Proenza JA

Merrifield R C (2010) The Size Related Toxicity of Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles
Merrifield RC, Cole P & Lead JR

Merrifield Ruth
(2017) A Better Insight into Engineered Nanomaterials Life Cycle Combining Single Particle and Single Cell ICP-MS
Stephan C, Merrifield R & Lead J

Merrill E.J. (2023) Phase Equilibria and Geochronologic Constraints on Paleozoic Metamorphism, Anatexis, and Melt-Facilitated Exhumation in New York City
Castro AE, Tailby ND, Wolfe OM, Morin KD, Brunet IM, Merrill EJ, Vazquez Ochoa AT & Thomas JB

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