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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Meric J. (2012) The Use of Trace Elements in Fe-Oxides in Deducing the Fractionation History of a Silicate Magma: A LA-ICP-MS Study
Meric J, Dare S, Barnes S-J & Beaudoin G
(2012) Are the 'Magnetite Lava Flows' of El Laco (Chile) Magmatic? Comparison of Trace Elements in Magnetite with Other Magmatic Fe-Oxide Deposits
Dare S, Barnes S-J, Beaudoin G & Meric J

Meriguet G. (2016) Spectral Induced Polarization of Na-Montmorillonite Dispersions
Leroy P, Mériguet G, Huisman S, Zimmermann E, Weigand M, Tournassat C, Bizi M & Kemna A
(2010) Effects of Ionic Strength and Multivalent Cations on Humic Substances
Roger G, Durand-Vidal S, Bernard O, Meriguet G, Altmann S & Turq P

Merinero R. (2007) Organic Speciation of Hydrocarbon-Derived Carbonate Chimneys (Gulf of Cadiz, SW Iberia)
Menor-Salvan C, Ruiz-Bermejo M, Merinero R, Lunar R & Martínez-Frias J

Mering J. (2015) Clumped Isotope Systematics in Lacustrine and Fluvial Carbonates: A Tool for Paleohydrology, Paleoclimate, Paleoenvironment, and Paleoaltimetry
Tripati A, Mering J, Petryshyn V, Mitsunaga B, Wilson J, Eagle R, Kaufman D, Cohen A, Dunbar R, Russell J & Oviatt C

Merino A. (2011) Application of Thermal Analysis and NMR to Study Soil Organic Matter Biodiversity and Biodegradability in Afforested Lands
Merino A, Pérez-Cruzado C, Salgado J & Barros N

Merino C. (2021) Changes in the Bioavailability of iron(III) for Microbial Reduction along a Precipitation Gradient
Sauter L, Schwerdhelm C, Samuels T, Witzgall K, Hampl F, Mueller CW, Riveras N-A, Scholten T, Wagner D, Merino C, Matus F, Neumann T, Kappler A & Bryce C
(2021) Deep Weathering of Subsurface Fe-Bearing Minerals by Fe-Metabolizing Microorganisms in a Semi-Arid Climate
Schwerdhelm C, Hampl F, Sauter L, Merino C, Matus F, von Blanckenburg F, Neumann T, Kappler A & Bryce C

Merino Enrique (2010) Nonlinear Dynamics of Banded Iron Formation Precipitation
Wang Y, Xu H & Merino E
(2010) Modeling Geochemical Self-Organization and Dynamics: Strategy, Feedbacks, Testing. Dolomitization
Merino E
(2009) Paleomagnetic Rates of Terra Rossa Formation vs. Rates Calculated by Dynamic Modeling of Clay-For-Limestone Replacement
Merino E, Banerjee A & Meert J
(2009) Early Proterozoic Zircons in Variscan Gabbros from Central Spain: Evidence of an Icartian Magmatic Event at Mantle Depths?
Villaseca C, Orejana D, Armstrong RA, Pérez-Soba C & Merino E
(2006) Self-accelerating dolomite-for-calcite replacement and displacive zebra veins: Dynamics of burial dolomitization
Merino E
(2006) Dust, terra rossa, replacement, and karst: Serendipitous geodynamics in the Critical Zone
Merino E, Banerjee A & Dworkin S
(2006) Weathering-made pisolites: Analogue for Martian blueberries
Merino E & Coleman M
(2005) Physical Chemistry of Replacement: Consequences for Petrology and Reaction-Transport Modeling
Merino E
(2005) Weathering Replacement of Limestone by Clay+iron Oxide at Bloomington, Indiana
Merino E & Banerjee A

Merino Enrique (2013) Crustal Sources of Peraluminous Granites: The Montes de Toledo Batholith, Iberian Hercynian Belt
Merino E, Villaseca C, Pérez-Soba C, Orejana D, Belousova E & Andersen T

Merino J. (2007) Modelling of Radium-Barium Sulphate Co-precipitation in the Near Field of a HLNW Repository
Grivé M, Grandia F, Merino J, Duro L & Bruno J

Merino N. (2020) Plutonium Immobilization or Mobilization: The Contribution of Microbial Products and Cells
Merino N, Marie Coutelot F, Parker C, Kaplan D, Kersting A, Jiao Y & Zavarin M
(2019) Plutonium Mobilization from Estuary Sediments, Ravenglass, UK
Balboni E, Merino N, Begg J, Law G & Kersting AB

Merino-Ibarra M. (2017) Biological, Mineral and Elemental Diversity of Extant Microbialites
Valdespino P, Hu P, Cerqueda D, Merino-Ibarra M, López LM, Pi-Puig T, González de Zayas R, Falcón L & Holman H-Y

Merino-Martínez E. (2017) Ordovician Metabasites from Central Spain: Geochronology, Source Nature and Geodynamic Setting
Orejana D, Villaseca C & Merino-Martínez E

Merino-Tomé O. (2023) Can We Date Marine Carbonates at High(er) Precision with U-Pb ID-TIMS Method?
Ovtcharova M, Müller IA, Samankassou E, Guillong M, Messori F, Peyrotty G, Linnemann U, Hofmann M, Zieger J, Vennemann T, Kouzmanov K, Merino-Tomé O & Nuriel P

Merk B. (2020) Minerals Under Extreme Conditions: Heavy Ion Irradiations Under High Pressure and in situ Raman Spectroscopy
Tzifas I, Voss K-O, Boehler R, Lang M, Merk B, Toimil-Morales M-E, Severin D & Trautmann C

Merk V. (2015) Biomimetic Wood Mineralization: The Influence of Wood Structure and Chemistry on Mineral Formation
Berg JK, Merk V, Chanana M & Burgert I

Merkel Broder (2013) CO2 Fluxes in the Submarine Hydrothermal System of Panarea
Schipek M, Sieland R, Steinbrückner D, Ponepal M, Bauer K & Merkel B
(2013) Hydraulic and Geochemical Survey of the Lithium-Resources in the Salar de Uyuni (Bolivia)
Sieland R, Schmidt N & Merkel B
(2013) Distribution and Enrichment Processes of Lithium and Other Solutes in the Salar de Uyuni Brine
Schmidt N, Sieland R & Merkel B

Merkel Broder J. (2012) Transport of Uranyl and Arsenate in the Presence of SiO2, Al2O3, TiO2 and FeOOH
Nair S & J Merkel B
(2011) Inhibition of Calcite Dissolution Kinetics during Direct Liming of Acid Surface Waters
Schipek M & Merkel B
(2011) Porewater Composition of Cores from Palinuro Sea Mountain, Italy
Kummer NA, Merkel B, Planer-Friedrich B & Schipek M
(2011) Risk Assessment Analysis of Kadji-Sai Uranium Tailings Site, Kyrgyzstan
Kulenbekov Z & Merkel B
(2011) Does Monsoon Rainfall Drive Arsenic Mobilization and Organic Carbon Release in Bangladesh Aquifers?
Planer-Friedrich B, Haertig C, Lissner H, Steinborn J, Suess E, Hassan MQ, Zahid A, Alam M & Merkel B
(2009) Competitive Sorption and Desorption of Arsenate and Uranium on Bentonite and Kaolinite
Bachmaf S, Planer-Friedrich B & Merkel BJ
(2009) Detection of Uranylarsenates in Acidic and Alkaline Solutions with Time Resolved Laser-Induced Fluorescence Spectroscopy (TRLFS)
Gezahegne W, Bachmaf S, Geipel G, Planer-Friedrich B & Merkel B
(2009) White Smoker at 20 M Water Depth at Panarea´s Submarine Volcano, Aeolian Island, Italy
Merkel B, Ronny B, Thomas P, Mandy S & Robert S
(2009) CO2 Sequestration in AMD Affected Areas: A Case Study
Schipek M & Merkel B
(2009) XAS-Based Characterization of Thioarsenates and their Transformation to Thioarsenites in Acidic Synthetic Solutions
Suess E, Scheinost AC, Merkel BJ, Bostick BC, Wallschlaeger D & Planer-Friedrich B

Merkel C. (2008) Nanoscale Effects of Dissolved Silica on the Growth of Calcite {104} Faces
Pina CM, Merkel C & Jordan G
(2007) Growth of Calcium Carbonates in Gels in the Presence of Organic and Inorganic Additives
Merkel C, Jordan G, Pina C, Fernandez-Diaz L & Schmahl W
(2007) Architecture of Phosphatic and Calcitic Brachiopod Shell Materials – A Comparison
Schmahl W, Merkel C, Griesshaber E, Kelm K & Lueter C

Merkel I. (2005) Chemistry and Textures of Magmatic Epidote and Muscovite in a Tonalite Pegmatite, North Cascades, USA
Magloughlin J, Merkel I & Koenig A

Merkle R. (2017) Origin of Ru-Os-Ir Alloys from the Evander Goldfield, Witwatersrand Basin (South Africa)
Malich K, Badanina I, Dale C & Merkle R
(2008) PGE Mineralisation in Mafic-Ultramafics Around Bababudan-Nallur Lineament, Western Dharwar Craton, Karnataka, India
Sunder Raju PV & Merkle R
(2008) Phase Relationships in the System PtS-PdS-NiS: Summary of Previous Results and New X-Ray Diffraction Data
Verryn S & Merkle R
(2008) Thermochronology of the Bushveld Complex: Rapid Cooling Confirmed
Renne P, Mundil R, Cassata W, Feinberg J & Merkle R
(2004) Detailed EDXRF Mapping of Pt-Ore – A Fast and Cheap Analytical Tool
Rammlmair D, Wittenberg A, Melcher F, Lodziak J & Merkle R
(2004) Ru-Os-Ir-Pt Alloys from the Evander Goldfield (Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa): Osmium Isotope Evidence for the Oldest PGEmineralization on Earth
Malich K & Merkle R
(2002) Crystallisation of PGE Sulpharsenides from Sulphide Melt
Evstigneeva TL, Merkle RKW & Trubkin NV

Merkulova M. (2021) Chemical Form of Palladium and 3D Distribution of Pt-Group Minerals in Norilsk Ore Deposits
Merkulova M, Sittner J, Brovchenko V, Boone M, Renno A, da Assuncao Godinho JR, De Schryver T, Van Loo D, Roine A, Liipo J & Cnudde V
(2021) 3-Dimensional Distribution of Ore Minerals from the Au-U Witwatersrand Supergroup Using Spectral X-Ray Computed Micro Tomography
Sittner J, Godinho J, Renno AD, Cnudde V, Merkulova M, Guy BM, Boone M, De Schryver T, Van Loo D, Roine A & Liipo J
(2020) Al and Fe Speciation in Natural Chrysotile, Lizardite and Antigorite, from Fe K-Edge XANES-EXAFS and 27Al NMR Spectroscopy
Munoz M, Ulrich M, Farges F, Lee D, Merkulova M, Andréani M & Mathon O
(2017) Redox Transfer by Iron- and Sulfur-Bearing Serpentinite Dehydration in Subduction Zones
Merkulova M, Munoz M, Brunet F, Vidal O, Hattori K, Vantelon D, Trcera N & Huthwelker T
(2017) Element Absorption and Release during Serpentine Involved Reactions: Element Cycles in Subduction Zones
Luginbuehl SM, Rosa AD, Louvel M, Merkulova M, Krstulovic M, Munoz M, Wilke M & Irifune T
(2015) The Behavior of Fe and S during Serpentinite Dehydration
Merkulova M, Munoz M, Vidal O & Brunet F

Merkylueva N. (2002) The Role of Aminoacids for Technogenic Radionuclide Migration in Soils
Lysenko O & Merkylueva N

Merl-Pham J. (2023) Isotope Fractionation Reveals Limitations and Microbial Regulation of Pollutant Biodegradation at Low Concentrations
Elsner M, Sun F, Kundu K, Ehrl B, Gharasoo M, Marozava S, Mellage A, Merl-Pham J, Peters J, Wang Z, Bakkour R, Melsbach A, Cao X, Zimmermann R, Griebler C, Thullner M & Cirpka OA

Merle D. (2023) Eocene pCO2 Estimates Based on δ11B of Larger Benthic Foraminifera Measured by LA-MC-ICPMS
Coenen D, Evans D, Nambiar R, Hauzer H, Jurikova H, Dumont M, Bartolini A, Merle D, Moreau F, Leroy A, Erez J, Cotton L, Rae JWB & Müller W

Merle Renaud (2013) Rates of Natural Silica Precipitation Through Time
Merle R, Nemchin A, Simons S, Geisler T & Tomaschek F

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