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Merder J. (2023) Improving Understanding of Dissolved Organic Matter by Using Machine Learning to Predict Stable Carbon Isotope Based on Molecular Abundances
Yi Y, Liu T, Merder J, He C, Bao H, Li P, Li S-L, Shi Q & He D
(2021) Biogeochemical Thallium Cycling in High Productivity Coastal Ocean Compartments
Mori CE, Beck M, Striebel M, Merder J, Schnetger B, Pahnke K & Brumsack H-J

Merdian A. (2015) No Evidence for Stable Cr Isotope Fractionation during Planetary Differentiation
Schoenberg R, Merdian A, Haßler K, Koch H, Holmden C, Kleinhanns IC & Wille M

Merdith A. (2023) Kimberlite Ascent by Rift-Driven Disruption of Cratonic Mantle Keels
Gernon TM, Jones SM, Brune S, Hincks T, Palmer MR, Schumacher J, Primiceri R, Field M, Griffin WL, O'Reilly SY, Keir D, Spencer C, Merdith A & Glerum A
(2022) Early Triassic Hothouse Climate Sustained by Vegetation Collapse
Xu Z, Yu J, Merdith A, Yin H, Hilton J, Dunhill A, Wignall PB, Wang Y, Shen J, Zhang Y, Poulton SW & Mills BJW
(2022) Simulating Neoproterozoic Climate and Redox Evolution from First Principles Using a Climate-Chemical Model
Mills BJW, Merdith A, Le Hir G, Donnadieu Y & Goddéris Y
(2022) Driving Mechanisms of Phanerozoic Climate
Merdith A, Godderis Y, Donnadieu Y & Mills BJW
(2021) Geodynamic Controls on the Storage of Carbon and Serpentinite in Oceanic Lithosphere
Atkins S & Merdith A
(2021) Global Hydrogen Production in Subducting Slabs
Merdith A, Daniel I, Vitale Brovarone A, Sverjensky D, Andreani M & Williams S

Merdy P. (2023) Soil Features Contribution as Biogeochemical Functioning Factor of Alkalinity in Lakes of Nhecolândia, Pantanal, Brazil
Silva ARC, Lucas Y, Merdy P, Rezende-Filho AT, Ramos MD, Ishida DA, Barbiero L, Melfi AJ & Montes CR
(2019) Role of Natural Organic Matter in Silicon Speciation in Soils
Neytard C, Lucas Y & Merdy P

Meredith E. (2022) Water Quality Legacies of Agriculture, Urbanization, and Strip Mining in the Upper Missouri River Watershed
Ewing SA, Payn RA, Reinhold AM, Meredith E, Mitchell C, Foster MJ & Keeshin S

Meredith K. (2023) Assessing Groundwater Time Scales at and Beyond 36Cl/Cl Using 81Kr and Radiogenic Noble Gas Isotopes in Australia
Suckow AO, Deslandes A, Gerber C, Crane P, Wilske C, Raiber M, Yang G-M, Jiang W & Meredith K
(2022) Quantifying Recharge to the Pilliga Sandstone Aquifer, Great Artesian Basin Australia: Learnings from Combining 14C, 36Cl and 81Kr
Suckow AO, Raiber M, Deslandes A, Gerber C, Martinez J, Yang G-M, Jiang W & Meredith K
(2018) Factors Affecting Dissolved Organic Carbon Concentrations in Groundwater
McDonough L, Oudone P, Rutlidge H, Meredith K, Andersen M, O'Carroll D, Chapelle F & Baker A
(2017) A Multi-Tracer Study in the Surat Basin, Australia: “Wrong Ages” in Hutton Sandstone Give Deeper Insights into Aquifer Structure and Effective Deep Recharge, and Chasing the Fate of the Fresh Water of Precipice Sandstone
Suckow A, Raiber M, Deslandes A, Meredith K, Davies P, Taylor A & Leaney F
(2017) Application of Stable Noble Gases, 85Kr and 39Ar to Investigate the Freshwater Lens on Rottnest Island, Western Australia
Kersting A, Aeschbach W, Deslandes A, Meredith K, Peterson M, Purtschert R & Suckow A
(2017) Probing the Groundwater Cycle on Carbonate Islands Using Si and Li Isotopes, Rottnest Island, Australia
Martin A, Meredith K, Baker A, Bryan E & Norman M
(2016) Evolution of Chemical and Isotopic Composition of Inorganic Carbon in the Unsaturated and Saturated Zones of a Semi-Arid Zone Environment
Meredith K, Han L, Hollins S, Cendon D, Jacobsen G & Baker A
(2014) Using Trace Element and Halide Isotopes to Understand Salinization Mechanisms of Groundwaters from an Arid Aquifer
Meredith K, Hollins S, Tomascak P, Moriguti T, Frape S & Nakamura E

Meredith L. (2019) Bacterial Community Structure Regulates the Lacustrine brGDGT Response to Temperature
Martínez-Sosa P, Tierney J & Meredith L
(2018) Structural and Functional Response of Incipient Basaltic Microbial Community to Shifts in Soil Moisture Regime
Sengupta A, Barberan A, Stegen J, Volkmann T, Dontsova K, Neilson J, Chorover J, Maier R, Troch P & Meredith L

Meredith M. (2017) Macronutrient Cycling on the Antarctic Peninsula Shelf
Henley S, Cassarino L, Hendry K, Dittrich R & Meredith M
(2017) Dissolved Organic Matter Cycling at the West Antarctic Peninsula
Dittrich R, Henley S, Ganeshram R, Cowie G, Mowbray S, Meredith M & Ducklow H
(2016) Nitrogen Cycling in Coastal Antarctic Sea Ice and Exchange with the Surface Ocean
Henley S, Ganeshram R, Annett A, Fallick A, Meredith M, Clarke A & Venables H
(2015) Diatoms, Sea Ice, and Sediment Fluxes: Relative Controls on Barium Cycling in the Southern Ocean
Pyle K, Hendry K, Hall I, Sherrell R & Meredith M
(2014) Bioactive Trace Metals in Phytoplankton Assemblages of Western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) Shelf Waters
Sherrell R, Forsch K, Lagerström M, Séguret M, Schofiled O, Stammerjohn S & Meredith M
(2014) Fe Availability and and Bioactive Metal Dynamics in Antarctic Shelf Systems: Amundsen Sea Polynya vs. Western Antarctic Peninsula
Sherrell R, Lagerström M, Séguret M, Harazin K, Forsch K, Schofield O, Stammerjohn S, Yager P & Meredith M
(2014) How is the Marine Nitrogen Cycle Responding to Physical Climate Change at the Antarctic Peninsula?
Henley S, Ganeshram R, Annett A & Meredith M

Meredith P. (2010) In situ XAS Study of Zn2+ and Ni2+ Adsorption on Fe3O4 Nanoparticles in Supercritical Aqueous Fluids
Mayanovic R, Anderson A, Meredith P & Bassett W

Meredith W. (2012) Warm Arctic Peatlands – Future Methane Factories?
Marshall C, Large D, Meredith W, Snape C, Spiro B & Jochmann M
(2009) Hydropyrolysis as a Method for Radiocarbon Pre-Treatment, and the Quantification of Black Carbon
Meredith W, Ascough P, Snape C, Large D, Bird M, Brock F, Higham T, Wood R & Vane C
(2009) Degradation of Oil via Combination Reactions Under Water Pressure in Geological Basins
Uguna C, Meredith W, Snape C, Al Masroori H, Carr A, Scotchman I & Davis R

Meredyk S. (2011) Osmium Isotopes in Manganese Nodules from the Labrador Sea
Poirier A, Hillaire-Marcel C, Meredyk S & Edinger E

Méres Š. (2020) Deciphering Evolution of Polymetamorphic Terranes: The Western Carpathians Case Study
Plašienka D, Méres Š & Potočný T
(2020) Blueschist-Facies Radiolarites from the Bôrka Nappe (W. Carpathians) and their Significance
Méres Š, Plašienka D & Potočný T
(2020) Polymetamorphic History of the Bôrka Nappe as Revealed by Chemistry of Tourmaline and Epidote (Western Carpathians, Slovakia)
Potočný T, Méres Š & Plašienka D

Merfort Irmgard (2015) Long-Term Exposure to PM2.5 from Biomass Combustion in Vitro Induces Stress Proteins and Reduced Metabolism in Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells (BEAS-2B)
Dornhof R, Heßelbach K, Humar M & Merfort I
(2015) PM2.5 from Biomass Combustion Induces Stress Related and Antioxidant Proteins in THP-1 Macrophages
Heßelbach K, Dornhof R, Maschowski C, Gieré R, Humar M & Merfort I
(2013) BIOCOMBUST – Biomass, Energy, Health
Gieré R, Maschowski C, Merfort I, Könczöl M, Dornhof R, Dietze V, Kaminski U, Nazarenko I, Mersch-Sundermann V, Gminski R, Trouvé G, Dieterlen A, Kleinpeter J, Drewnick F, Freutel F & Kruspan P

Merfort Irmgard (2012) Tire-Wear Particles and their Impact on Human Lung Cells
Wenzel M, Ebeling S, Merfort I, Dietzte V & Giere R

Mergeay M. (2009) The Genetics of a Microbe-Mineral Interaction
Van Houdt R, Olsson-Francis K, Leys N, Mergeay M & Cockell C

Mergelov N. (2016) Endolithic and Hypolithic Soil-Like Systems in Larsemann and Thala Hills Oases of East Antarctica
Mergelov N, Shorkunov I, Dolgikh A & Zazovskaya E
(2012) Endolithic (Bio)weathering and Rock Varnish in East Antarctica as early-Earth Analogs of Protosoils
Goryachkin S, Cherkinsky A, Mergelov N & Shorkunov I

Mergelsberg Sebastian (2021) Low Temperature Magnesite Growth during Forsterite Carbonation in Thin H2O Films
Loring J, Mergelsberg S, Qafoku O, Thompson CJ, Ilton ES & Kerisit S
(2020) Heavy Metal Incorporation during Goethite Oriented Attachment
Mergelsberg S, Zhu G, Soltis J, McBriarty M, Nakouzi E, De Yoreo J & Ilton E
(2018) Molecular Structure of Crustacean Exoskeletons and Relationships to Biomineral Toughness and Rigidity
Dove P, Mergelsberg S & Michel M
(2018) The Mg-Dependent Solubility and Local Structure(s) of Amorphous Calcium Carbonate (ACC)
Mergelsberg S, De Yoreo J, Michel M, Rimstidt D & Dove P
(2018) Utilizing in situ Techniques to Examine Structural Impacts of the Initial Ion Ratios on Calcium Phosphate Precursors
Hoeher A, Mergelsberg S, Borkiewicz O & Michel FM
(2018) Carbonate Ion Concentration as a Master Variable in the Formation of Geological and Biological CaCO3
Dove P, Mergelsberg S, Han N, De Yoreo J & Rimstidt D
(2014) Deciphering Chemical and Morphological Patterns of Mineralization
Dove P, Blue C, Mergelsberg S, Giuffre A & De Yoreo J
(2012) Carbon Isotope Diffusion in Quartz & Apatite and its Relationship to Biosignatures
Mergelsberg S, Cherniak D & Watson B

Mergelsberg Sebastian T (2023) Understanding Interfacial Properties Associated with Radiation Effects in Complex Nuclear Environments
Pearce CI, Prange M, Young L, LaVerne J, Orlando T, Kimmel G, Liu L, Nienhuis-Marcial ET, Mergelsberg ST, Lu L, Li S, Riechers S, Anovitz LM, Zhang X, Wang Z, Li X, Clark AE, Rosso KM & Schenter GK
(2023) Citrate-Promoted Dissolution of Yb-Incorporated Goethite
Stagg O, Ramazanova E, Giammar DE, Mergelsberg ST, Ilton ES & Catalano JG
(2023) Experimental and Theoretical Determination of the Density of Amorphous Ca/Sr Carbonate Solid Solutions
Mergelsberg ST, Prange M & Kerisit SN
(2023) Effects of Ni(II) and Zn(II) Substitution on Goethite Redox Potentials
Popejoy BD, Scherer MM, Latta DE, Rosso KM, Bylaska EJ, Ilton ES & Mergelsberg ST

Mergenthaler B. (2002) Antimony and Lead Pollution in the Soil of Shooting Ranges
Gresch M, Oschwald P, Rytz I, Sydler P, Wettstein B & Mergenthaler B

Merges D. (2020) Chondrule-Like Objects Formed by Arc Discharges Aboard the ISS
Koch TE, Spahr D, Merges D, Beck AA, Christ O, Fujita S, Genzel P-T, Kerscher J, Lindner M, Mederos Leber D, Winkler B & Brenker FE

Mergl M. (2022) Dynamic Evolution of Marine Chemistry during the Mid-Ludfordian Glaciation and the Late Silurian Lau/Kozlowskii Extinction Events
Fryda J, Zhang F, Farkas J, Frydova B & Mergl M
(2020) The Mid-Ludfordian Glaciation: A Trigger for Global Changes in Ocean Chemistry and Ecosystem Overturns
Fryda J, Lehnert O, Joachimski M, Männik P, Kubajko M, Mergl M, Farkas J & Frydova B
(2018) Origins of a Global Marine Late Silurian C Isotope Excursion: Insights from Stable Metal Isotopes (Ca, Sr, Cr) from Gotland and Prague Basin
Farkas J, Fryda J, Holmden C, Frydova B, Mergl M, Kolevica A, Boehm F & Eisenhauer A

Mergnac L. (2004) Sr and U Isotopic Variations in the Water-Soil-Plant System: Example of the Strengbach Watershed
Pierret M, Chabaux F, Huybrecht F, Mergnac L & Riotte J

Mergoil J. (2002) Immiscible Dolomitic Carbonatitic and Trachytic Magmas and the First Occurrence of Carbonatites in the French Massif Central
Chazot G, Bertrand H, Mergoil J & Sheppard S

Meriaux A-S. (2023) Significance and Dynamics of Catchment Scale Instabilities from Morphometry and 10Be Denudation Rates: Example of the Strengbach Catchment in the Vosges Mountains
Moreno Martin DS, van der Woerd J, Chabaux F, Meriaux A-S, Rixhon G, Mathieux B, Merchel S, Marchhart O, Wieser A & Bonne P
(2011) Patterns of Cosmogenic Age Distributions for Late Quaternary Moraines in Tibet
van der Woerd J, Kali E, Chevalier M-L, Liu-Zeng J, Mériaux A-S, Tapponnier P, Hilley G, Li H, Finkel R & Ryerson F
(2009) Altitude Dependence of the Production Rates of Terrestrial Cosmogenic Nuclides
Ammon K, Dunai T, Stuart F & Meriaux A-S

Mériaux C. (2000) Possible Causes of Trace-Element Stratification in the Mantle
Davies GF & Mériaux C

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