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Mercadier Julien (2012) Deciphering the Processes of Crustal Reworking during the Formation of the Neoproterozoic Lufilian Belt, NW Zambia
Eglinger A, Vanderhaeghe O, Andre-Mayer A-S, Mercadier J, Goncalves P, Zeh A & Deloule E
(2012) Origin of Uranium Deposits Revealed by their Rare Earth Element Signature
Mercadier J, Cuney M, Lach P, Boiron M-C, Bonhoure J & Richard A
(2011) Conditions for Uranium Transport in Unconformity-Related U Deposits
Richard A, Rozsypal C, Banks DA, Mercadier J, Cuney M, Boiron M-C & Cathelineau M
(2010) Roll Front Type U-Ore Redistribution in Unconformity Related Deposits
Mercadier J, Cuney M & Cathelineau M
(2010) Geochemical Parameters and Age of U Ores Related to Sodium Metasomatism in the Ukrainian Shield
Emetz A, Cuney M, Mercadier J & Nazarchuk N

Mercadier Julien (2017) Ore-Forming Fluids in the Maoping and Piaotang W-Sn Deposits (Jiangxi, China)
Legros H, Richard A, Mercadier J, Tarantola A, Kouzmanov K, Vennemann T, Bailly L, Marignac C, Charles N, Wang R-C, Cuney M & Lespinasse M-Y

Mercat C. (2011) Transfer of Uranium Isotopes, Thorium and their Decay Products to Edible Plants
Jeambrun M, Pourcelot L, Mercat C, Gauthier-Lafaye F & Boulet B

Mercedes M-P. (2014) Exploring the Ecology of Continental Deep-Subsurface Communities Through a Multi-Technique Approach
Puente-Sánchez F, Alejandro A-R, Yolanda B, Miriam G-V, Mercedes M-P, Ignacio G-C, Nuria R, Ricardo A, Kenneth T & Víctor P

Mercer Cameron (2020) Can the Late Heavy Bombardment Concept be Resuscitated?
Parisi A, Harrison M, Mercer C & Hodges K
(2018) Refining Models of the Lunar Bombardment History Using the Laser Microprobe 40Ar/39Ar Method
Hodges K, Mercer C, Brunner A, McDonald C & van Soest M

Mercer Cameron M (2022) 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology of Volcanic Rocks Associated with Be Mineralization in the Spor Mountain Formation, Utah, USA
Mercer CM, Morgan LE, Cosca MA, Hofstra AH, Ayuso RA & Foley NK

Mercer Cameron M. (2014) Excimer Laser Microprobe 40Ar/39Ar Chronology of Impact Melt Products
Hodges K, Mercer C, Young K, Wartho JA, van Soest M & Weirich J
(2014) Timescales of Porphyry Cu Deposit Formation: Insights from Titanium Diffusion in Quartz
Mercer CN, Reed MH & Mercer CM

Mercer Celestine N. (2014) Insight on Monogenetic Eruption Processes at Pelagatos Volcano, Sierra Chichinautzin, Mexico: A Combined Melt Inclusion and Physical Volcanology Study
Roberge J, Guilbaud M-N, Mercer C & Reyes-Luna P
(2014) Timescales of Porphyry Cu Deposit Formation: Insights from Titanium Diffusion in Quartz
Mercer CN, Reed MH & Mercer CM

Mercer Celestine N. (2020) Popocatepetl’s Plinian Versus Vulcanian Behavior: Melt Inclusions Hold Clues to Fundamental Differences in Eruption Dynamics
Angeles De La Torre CA, Roberge J, Mercer CN & Wallace PJ
(2020) Melt Inclusions in Rhyolite Tuff of the Spor Mountain Formation, Utah Track Be, U, Li Through the Magmatic-Hydrothermal Transition
Mercer C & Hofstra A
(2020) Melt Inclusion Insights on Rhyolites Proposed as a Source of Economic Lithium in Clayton Valley, Nevada
Khoury R, Mercer C, Hofstra A & Stillings L

Mercer Celestine N. (2012) Pre-Eruptive Conditions of Ore-Forming Magma that Produced the Henderson Molybdenite Deposit, CO: Insights from Melt Inclusions and Mineral Thermobarometry
Mercer CN, Hofstra AH, Todorov TI & Marsh EE
(2008) Quartz Crystal Connections between Magmatic, Plutonic, and Hydrothermal Environments
Mercer CN & Reed MH

Mercer J. (2011) The Cl Isotope Composition of the Mantle Revisited
Sharp Z, Selverstone J & Mercer J

Merceron G. (2021) Lactation and Gestation Influence the Body Calcium Isotope Composition: Insights from Wild and Domestic Mammals
Hassler A, Martin J, Ferchaud S, Grivault D, Merceron G, Garel M, Tacail T, Le Goff S, Albalat E, Hernandez J-A & Balter V

Merchan G. (2010) Microbial Organoarsenical Production in Geothermal Systems
Engel A, Johnson L, Roy A & Merchan G

Merchel S. (2023) Significance and Dynamics of Catchment Scale Instabilities from Morphometry and 10Be Denudation Rates: Example of the Strengbach Catchment in the Vosges Mountains
Moreno Martin DS, van der Woerd J, Chabaux F, Meriaux A-S, Rixhon G, Mathieux B, Merchel S, Marchhart O, Wieser A & Bonne P
(2023) Who Needs Chemistry When you Have Lasers and a Tandem Accelerator?
Golser R, Marchhart O, Martschini M, Michel M, Strub E, Wieser A & Merchel S
(2013) ‘Freiberg Strategy’ for Obtaining Matrix-Matched Reference Materials for Resource-Related Microanalytical Methods Technology
Michalak PP, Renno A, Merchel S, Munnik F, Gutzmer J, Uecker R, Galazka Z, Heller H-P, Radtke M & Reinholz U
(2009) 10Be and 36Cl Interlaboratory Comparisons: Implications for Terrestrial Production Rates?
Merchel S, Bremser W, Alfimov V, Arnold M, Aumaître G, Benedetti L, Bourlès DL, Braucher R, Caffee M, Christl M, Fifield LK, Finkel RC, Freeman SPHT, Ruiz-Gomez A, Kubik PW, Rood DH, Sasa K, Steier P, Tims SG, Wallner A, Wilcken KM & Xu S
(2007) Dating Carbonate Rocks with in situ Produced Cosmogenic Be-10: Why it Often Fails
Merchel S, Braucher R, Benedetti L, Grauby O & Bourlès D

Mercier F. (2017) Bio-Corrosion Detection by Sulphur Isotopic Fractionation Measurements Using nanoSIMS
Grousset S, Mercier F, Dauzeres A, Crusset D, Deydier V, Linard Y, Mostefaoui S, Dillmann P & Neff D
(2017) Development of a nanoSIMS Analytical Protocole to Determine the Sulphur Isotopic Composition of Iron Sulphides Formed during Anoxic Corrosion
Grousset S, Dauzeres A, Crusset D, Deydier V, Linard Y, Mostefaoui S, Urios L, Dillmann P, Mercier F & Neff D
(2013) Microbial Corrosion of Steel in Toarcian Argillite: Influence of Metabolisms and Biofilms
Urios L, Perez A, Wittebroodt C, Mercier F, Flachet M, Marsal F, Neff D, Magot M & Dillmann P
(2004) Iodine Speciation in Iodine-Rich Humic Substances by X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy
Schlegel M, Mercier F, Barré N & Reiller P
(2003) Stigations on the Behaviour of Re on the Site of Maqarin (Jordan)
Trotignon L, Khoury H, Bienvenu P, Cook J, Mercier F & Trocellier P
(2002) Pyrite (FeS2) Oxidation at pH<3
Descostes M, Vitorge P, Mercier F & Beaucaire C

Mercier Jean-Claude C. (2002) Geochemical Evidence for Metasomatic Clinopyroxenes in Lesotho Peridotites
Coussaert N, André L, Mercier J-CC & Demaiffe D

Mercier Jean-Francois (2019) InFORMing Perceived Risks from Fukushima Through Scientific Engagement from Data Collection to Social Media
Cullen J, Kellogg J, Buesseler K, Chen J, Cooke M, Frank E, Gurney-Smith H, Mercier J-F, Velazquez S, Smith J & Trudel M

Mercier Jean-Luc (2002) Younger Dryas Glacial Expansion in the Discontinously Glaciated Area of Western and Central Europe
BourlËs D, Braucher R, Brown E, Kalvoda J & Mercier J-L

Mercier M. (2007) New Spectroscopy Developments to Study Water in Basaltic Melts
Mercier M, Di muro A, Metrich N, Montagnac G, Giordano D, Lesne P & Clochiatti R

Mercier R. (2004) Geochemistry, Radiogenic and U-Series Isotopes in Andean Magmas: Crustal Assimilation and Adakite-Like Magmatism in the Central and Southern Andes
Woerner G, Mamani M, Mercier R & Kilian R

Mercier de Lepinay B. (2020) Geochemistry of Gas Seeps from Haiti: Evidence of Plate Boundary Faults and Underthrusting of Oceanic Crust
Battani A, Mercier de Lepinay B, Stuart F, Burnard P, Pujol M & Momplaisir R

Mercier-Bion F. (2016) In situ Investigations of Short Chain Aliphatic Carboxylic Acids on U(VI) Sorption on Silica and Rutile
Lefevre G, Zhao Y, Singh B, Simoni E & Mercier-Bion F
(2011) Ternary Surface Complexes Probed by Attenuated Total Reflection-Infrared Spectroscopy
Lefevre G, Mercier-Bion F, Zhao Y, Vladimir S, Jerome R & Eric S

Mercolli I. (2013) Volcanostratigraphic Controls on the Occurrence of Massive Sulfide (VMS) Deposits in the Oman Ophiolite
Gilgen S, Diamond L & Mercolli I

Mercone D. (2000) Geochemical and Micro-Palaeontological Evidence of a Climatic Perturbation during Formation of the most Recent Eastern Mediterranean Sapropel
Thomson J, Mercone D, Abu-Zied R, Croudace I & Rohling E

Mercury L. (2013) Superheating Water to Model Soil “Immobile” Water
Mercury L, Shmulovich K & Simon P
(2012) Experimental Solubility of Silica in Nano-Pores
Mercury L, Bouzid M & Matray J-M
(2010) Metastabilizing Aqueous Solutions in Micrometric Cylindrical Tubes
Bouzid M, Mercury L, Lassin A & Matray JM
(2009) Mechanical Stress due to the Capillary Bridging in Unsaturated Zone
Bouzid M, Mercury L, Matray JM & Azaroual M
(2004) Thermodynamics of the Heterogeneous Equilibria in the Unsaturated Zone of Soils
Azaroual M, Lassin A & Mercury L
(2003) Thermodynamic Equilibrium in the Water-Unsaturated Zone (UZ) of Geological Systems
Azaroual M, Lassin A & Mercury L
(2003) FT-Ir Spectroscopy of Thin Film Water on Solid Surfaces
Richard T, Kuya N, Nakashima S, d’Hendecourt L & Mercury L
(2003) Dissolution Effects on the Surface Morphology of Mollusk Calcitic Prisms (Pinna)
Tsujikawa H, Dauphin Y, Nakashima S, Cuif J, Massard P & Mercury L
(2003) The Role of Capillary Pressure on the Atmospheric Noble-Gas “Excess Air”
Mercury L & Pinti D

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