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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Mentler A. (2022) Sustainable Management of a Tropical Post-Tin Mining Soil – Crop Yields and Heavy Metal Concentrations as Affected by Soil Local Amendments
Maftukhah R, Mentler A, Ngadisih N, Murtiningrum M, Hood-Nowotny R, Gartner M, Kral RM & Keiblinger KM

Menton M.C. (2002) Radon-222 Determination of CO2 and Trace Gas Exchange Rates between Forest Canopies and the Troposphere in Brazilian Amazonia
Martens CS, Shay TJ, Mendlovitz HP, Menton MC, Moura JMS & Moraes OLL

Menu M. (2000) Impact of the Burial Environment on Archaeological Bone Preservation. The Example of the Neolithic Lacustrine Sites 19 and 21 of Chalain, France
Reiche I, Peaudecerf A, Vignaud C, Menu M & Charlet L
(2000) Influence of Cations on the Dissolution of Apatite – A Combined Experimental and Computational Approach
Peaudecerf A, Charlet L, Chapron Y, Reiche I & Menu M

Menuge Julian (2020) The Application of Pyrite Chemistry to Hydrothermal Base Metal Deposits: An Example of Irish-Type Zn-Pb Mineralization
Doran A, Hollis S, Piercey S & Menuge J
(2018) Paleoenvironmental Conditions during Sulfide Deposition in the Lower Upper Dark Limestone Overlying the Navan Irish-Type Zn-Pb Deposit, Ireland
Yesares L, Menuge J, Blakeman R & Ashton J
(2017) Metal Extraction from the Lower Crust and the Genesis of the Irish Zn-Pb Orefield
Daly JS, Badenszki E, Chew D, Kronz A, O'Rourke H, Whitehouse M, Menuge J, van Acken D & Van den Berg R

Menuge Julian F. (2011) Causes and Consequences of Zn, Fe and S Isotope Fractionation in a Large Hydrothermal System: The Navan Orebody, Ireland
Gagnevin D, Boyce A, Barrie C, Menuge J & Blakeman R
(2011) Minor Elements in Layered Sphalerite Record Fluid Origin in the Giant Navan Zn-Pb Orebody, Ireland
Gagnevin D, Menuge JF, Kronz A, Barrie CD & Boyce AJ
(2002) The Relationship of Fe oxide-P-Ree Mineralisation to Magmatism: The Pea Ridge Deposit, Missouri
Menuge J, Barton M, Seeger C & Brewer T

Menviel L. (2021) Poleward Shift in the Southern Hemisphere Westerly Winds Synchronous with the Deglacial Rise in CO2
Gray WR, deLavergne C, Wills RC, Menviel L, Spence P, Holzer M, Kageyama M & Michel E
(2021) CO2 Storage and Release in the North Atlantic Ocean during the Last Glacial Period
Littley EFM, Rae JWB, Burke A, Thornalley DJR, Gray WR, Menviel L & Arndt S
(2016) A Model-Based Global Hindcast of Millennial and Orbital-Scale Climate Variability of the Past 408 ka
Timmermann A, Friedrich T & Menviel L
(2016) Transient Simulations of Marine Isotope Stage 3 with a δ18O-enabled Earth System Climate Model
Bagniewski W, Meissner KJ & Menviel L
(2016) Precise Holocene Temperature Change and its Causes Estimated from Trapped Air in Greenland Ice Cores
Kobashi T, Doring M, Jeltsch-Thoemmes A, Pfister P, Leuenberger M, Wanner H, Nakaegawa T & Menviel L
(2016) Impact of Oceanic Circulation Changes on Atmospheric δ13CO2
Menviel L, Mouchet A, Meissner K, Joos F & England M
(2016) More Efficient CO2 Sequestration in the North Atlantic Ocean during the Last Glacial
Yu J, Thornalley D, Jin Z, Rohling E, McCave IN, Menviel L, Foster G, McManus JF, Anderson RF, Zhang F & Wang X

Menzel J-L. (2017) Organic Complexation of Copper along the GEOTRACES GA01 Section
Gourain A, Salaun P, Tagliabue A, Vanden Berg C, Boutorh J, Cheize M, Contreira-Pereira L, Lherminier P, Menzel J-L, Sarthou G & Shelley R
(2017) Iron-Binding Ligands in the North Atlantic Ocean and Labrador Sea along the GEOVIDE Section (GEOTRACES GA01)
Tonnard M, Gonzalez AG, Whitby H, Bowie AR, van der Merwe P, Planquette H, Boutorh J, Cheize M, Menzel J-L, Pereira Contreira L, Shelley R & Sarthou G
(2015) Dissolved Iron along the GEOVIDE Section (GEOTRACES Section GA01)
Tonnard M, Sarthou G, Planquette H, Van Der Merwe P, Boutorh J, Cheize M, Menzel J-L, Pereira Contreira L, Shelley R & Bowie AR

Menzel M.D. (2023) Modulated Redox Capacity of Serpentinite-Derived Fluids
Padrón-Navarta JA, Lopez Sanchez-Vizcaino V, Menzel MD, Gómez-Pugnaire MT & Garrido CJ
(2023) Listvenites and Listwaenites – A Review of Controlling Factors and Feedback Processes Allowing Complete Peridotite Carbonation
Menzel MD, Sieber MJ & Godard M
(2022) Deep Sourced Fluids for Peridotite Carbonation in the Shallow Mantle Wedge
de Obeso JC, Kelemen P, Leong JA, Menzel MD, Manning C, Godard M, Cai Y & Bolge L
(2022) Mantle Wedge Oxidation due to Sediment-Infiltrated Deserpentinisation
Padrón-Navarta JA, Lopez Sanchez-Vizcaino V, Menzel MD, Gómez-Pugnaire MT & Garrido CJ
(2022) Coupling of Reactive Fluid Flow and Deformation during Carbonation of Peridotite at the Base of the Samail Ophiolite, Oman
Menzel MD, Urai JL, Ukar E, Decrausaz T, Godard M & Kelemen P
(2019) Carbonate Stability during Serpentinite Dehydration in Subduction Zones – Insights from Open System Thermodynamic Modeling
Menzel MD, Garrido CJ & López Sánchez-Vizcaíno V

Menzel Barraqueta Jan Lukas (2022) Decadal Evolution of Dissolved Lead in the Cape Basin: The Role of Agulhas Current in Transporting Anthropogenic Lead from Southern Africa
Samanta S, Cloete R, Menzel Barraqueta JL, Loock J & Roychoudhury AN

Menzel Barraqueta Jan-Lukas (2020) Winter and Spring Trace Metals at the Antarctic Marginal Sea Ice Interfaces
Menzel Barraqueta J-L, Samanta S, Loock JC, Cloete R, Viljoen JJ, Mahieu L, Krisch S, Kaukurauee K, Bernhard W, Fietz S & Roychoudhury A
(2020) Sources and Cycling of Dissolved Rare Earth Elements in the Southern Ocean: Linkages to the Nutrient Dynamics
Samanta S, Menzel Barraqueta J-L, Cloete R, Loock J, De Jongh T & Roychoudhury A
(2018) Zinc and Nickel Isotopes in the North Atlantic Ocean (GA01 Transect)
Lemaitre N, Archer C, Wang R-M, Planquette H, Cheize M, Boutorh J, Menzel Barraqueta J-L, Shelley R & Vance D
(2018) The Congo River Plume: Tracing Continental Input Processes with Neodymium, Hafnium and Radium Isotopes and Dissolved Aluminum Concentrations
Rahlf P, Vieira LH, Menzel Barraqueta J-L, Frank M & Hathorne E
(2017) Dissolved Aluminium Distribution along GEOTRACES Section GA08 in the South East Atlantic
Menzel Barraqueta J-L, Wenzel B, Schlosser C, Lodeiro P, Krisch S, Tanhua T, Frank M, Gledhill M & Achterberg EP

Menzie C. (2012) Greener and Leaner Soil and Sediment Remediation: An Overview of in situ
Menzie C

Menzies A. (2022) Connecting Scales of Observation with Rapid micro-Xrf Elemental Characterization in the Earth and Environmental Sciences
Kelly NM, Hill T, Knapp JP, Tagle R, Menzies A, Reinhardt F & Hirschle C
(2017) Geochemical Character of Less-Differenciated Volcanism in the Andean Central Volcanic Zone (CVZ), Northern Chile
González-Maurel O, le Roux P, Menzies A & Godoy B
(2017) Contaminant-Bearing Minerals and Related Elements of the Northern Atacama Region, Chile
Tapia J & Menzies A

Menzies Catriona (2019) Graphitisation in the Shallow Mantle Wedge of a Fossil Subduction Zone
Menzies C, Muirhead D, Craw D, Boyce A, Roberts S & Kelemen P
(2019) The Development of a Subduction Channel Serpentinite Reservoir: Insights from IODP Expedition 366 Recovered Solids and Fluids
Ryan J, Johnston R, Jensen O, Menzies C, Price R, Sissman O & Wheat G
(2018) Abiogenic Formation of Low Molecular Weight Organic Compounds within the Serpentinite Mud Volcanoes of the Marianna Trench (IODP Exp. 366)
Sissmann O, Price R, Elvert M, Heuer V, Prieto X, Monnin C, Rouchon V, Noirez S, Beaumont V, Menzies C & Takai K

Menzies Catriona D (2017) Compositional Variability in Serpentinite Solids, IODP Expedition 366: Insights into a Developing Subduction Channel
Ryan J, Johnston R, Menzies C, Price R, Sissman O, Fryer P & Wheat G
(2017) Chemistry of Slab-Derived Fluids in the Mariana Forearc
Menzies CD, Ryan JG, Price RE, Sissmann O, Wheat CG & Expedition 366 Science Party I

Menzies Catriona D. (2014) Utility of Lithium Isotopes as a Tracer of Weathering Processes: A Case Study from the Southern Alps, South Island, New Zealand
Wright S, James R, Teagle D & Menzies C
(2014) Fluid-Rock Interaction in the Alpine Fault Zone, New Zealand
Menzies CD, Teagle DAH, Cox SC, Boulton CJ, Boyce AJ & Barrie CD
(2013) Gas Geochemistry of Spring Waters along the Alpine Fault, NZ
Niedermann S, Zimmer M, Erzinger J, Cox SC, Menzies CD & Teagle DA

Menzies Catriona Dorothy (2023) Tracing Volatile Cycling during Progressive Subduction in the Mariana Forearc
Menzies CD, Ryan J, Sissmann O, Price R, Foster GL, Boyce A & Wheat CG
(2023) How do Fluid-Rock Reactions Influence the Strength of the Alpine Fault, New Zealand?
Robertson BV, Menzies CD, De Paola N, Nielsen S, Boulton C, Niemeijer A, Craw D & Boyce A

Menzies Martin (2011) New Juvenile Glass Chemistry from Colli Albani, Italy and its Use for Understanding Petrogenesis
Cross J, Smith V, Giordano G, Tomlinson E, Roberge J & Menzies M
(2002) Petrogenesis of the Largest Intraplate Volcanic Field on the Arabian Plate (Jordan): Evidence for a Mixed Asthenosphere- Lithosphere Source
Shaw J, Baker J, Menzies M, Thirlwall M & Ibrahim K
(2000) Multiphase Mineral Inclusions in Diamonds from Fuxian and Mengyin Kimberlites, Eastern China
Zhang H, Menzies MA, Zhao L, Lu F & Zhou X

Menzies Martin (2013) Tephra from Ischia: Dating Eruptions and Geochemical Changes
Tomlinson E, Albert P, Wulf S, Civetta L, Brown R, Smith V, Keller J, Orsi G & Menzies M
(2013) Outcrops of x-5 and x-6 Tephra Markers along the Southern Tyrrhenian Coast of Italy
Donato P, Albert P, Crocitti M, De Rosa R & Menzies M
(2013) The Y-3 Tephra: New Insights
Albert P, Hardiman M, Keller J, Tomlinson E, Müller U, Smith V & Menzies M

Merabet H. (2018) Comparison of Particulate Matter and Black Carbon Variation in Urban and Suburban Sites in Algiers, Algeria
Merabet H, Kerbachi R, Fellahi I, Baaziz MD & Yassaa N

Meraj M.A.
(2017) Geochemical and Petrogentic Studies of the Porphyritic Granitoids of Kyllang-Moudoh Pluton of Shillong Plateaue, Meghalaya
Meraj MA, Shyam MSS & Talat TA
(2015) Geochemical and Isotopic Characterization of Felsic Magmatism from Central Indian Tectonic Zone (CITZ), Central India: Implication of Nd Model Ages and Crustal Growth Processes
Meraj MA, Choudhary AKC, Naushad MN & Talat TA

Merbach I. (2023) Effects of Heavy Metals on Crop Quality and Soil Microbiome Health Under Different Fertilization Regimes
Pienkowska A, Fleischman J, Merbach I, Reitz T & Muehe EM

Mercadier Julien (2023) Developments of Single Particle Analysis by TOF-ICP-MS for Study of Nanosize Matrix Phases in Primitive Meteorites
Chaussidon M, Tharaud M, Moreira E, Mercadier J, Deloule E & Benedetti MF

Mercadier Julien (2016) Insights into Hydrothermal Fluids from Li-Mica Compositions (Maoping W-Sn Deposit, Jiangxi, China)
Legros H, Marignac C, Mercadier J, Cuney M, Richard A, Wang R-C, Charles N & Lespinasse M-Y

Mercadier Julien (2015) A New ICP-Tofms for the Fast Laser Ablation Analysis Without Compromises
Borovinskaya O, Tanner M, Mercadier J & Günther D

Mercadier Julien (2021) Development of Reference Materials for in situ Rb-Sr Isotopic Dating by Laser Ablation ICP-MS/MS and its Application to W-Sn Deposits in the French Massif Central
Jegal Y, Zimmermann C, Peiffert C, Reisberg L, Deloule E & Mercadier J
(2021) U-Pb Geochronology of Wolframite in the Massif Central, France
Carr PA & Mercadier J
(2021) Zn-Pb Ore-Forming Processes in the McArthur Basin and Lawn Hill Platform (Australia): Insights from Lead Isotopes and Trace Elements in Sulphides
Gigon J, Richard A, Mercadier J, Deloule E, Annesley IR, Wygralak A & Skirrow R

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