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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Menke H. (2020) Investigations of Calcium Carbonate Mineral Precipitation in the Presence of Oil Using 3D-Printed Micromodels
Menke H, Patsoukis-Dimou A, Maes J, McGravie T, MacKay E & Sebastian G
(2017) Dynamic X-Ray Tomography Studies of Multiphase Flow, Reactive Transport and Evolution of Pore Structure
Bijeljic B, Andrew M, Menke H, Singh K, Saif T, Lin Q & Blunt M
(2016) Prediction of Dissolution Regimes in Complex Carbonate Rocks Using Reservoir-Condition 4D XMT and a Laboratory Source
Menke H, Bijeljic B & Blunt M

Menke Y. (2007) Oxynitride Glass-Ceramic Microstructures
Falk L, Menke Y, Schneider N & Hampshire S

Menkens-Siemers K. (2021) From a Sounding Rocket Towards NanoSIMS Analyses – An Interdisciplinary Student Project Sending Foraminifera on a Rough Voyage
Gfellner SV, Haettig K, Kunst N, Menkens-Siemers K, Blumenkamp J, Kipry N, Ripberger D, Lohmann S, Sondej G, Kulmann C, Cáceres SG, Senger D, Bruhn CS & Hartmann J

Menkes Christophe (2009) Biogeochemical Impacts of a Western Iron Source in the Pacific Equatorial Undercurrent
Murray J, Slemons L, Gorgues T, Aumont O & Menkes C

Menkes Christophe E. (2021) Mercury Concentrations in Pacific Ocean Tunas are Driven by Both Anthropogenic and Natural Factors
Médieu A, Point D, Itai T, Angot H, Buchanan P, Allain V, Griffiths S, Fuller L, Gillikin D, Sonke JE, Heimbuerger-Boavida L-E, Menkes CE, Madigan D, Tagliabue A, Bopp L, Verheyden A & Lorrain A

Mennan C. (2008) Removal of Radionuclides into Biogenic Metal Phosphate Matrices: A Novel Remediation Strategy
Macaskie L, Mennan C, Paterson-Beedle M, Readman J & Hriljac J

Mennecart T. (2019) Deep Geological Disposal of Used Nuclear Fuel: Studies on Irradiated MOX and Related Model Systems
Bosbach D, Kegler P, Brandt F, Deissmann G, Bukaemskiy A, Alekseev E, Kowalski P, Vinograd V, Verwerft M, Mennecart T & Lemmens K

Menneken M. (2020) Diagenetic Stability of Ca, Mg, Zn, and Sr Isotopes in Teeth – An in Vitro Alteration Experiment of Biogenic Apatite in Isotopically Enriched Tracer Solution
Weber K, Weber M, Menneken M, Kral AG, Mertz-Kraus R, Geisler T, Vogl J & Tütken T
(2019) Experimental Fossilisation of Fishes
Gäb F, Ballhaus C, Gerschermann S, Kral A, Menneken M & Stinnesbeck E
(2016) Early Paleozoic I- and S-Type Granitic Magmatism at the Pacific Margin of the Transantarctic Mountains (TAM): Dominantly a Crustal Recycling Process?
Henjes-Kunst F, Gerdes A, Menneken M, Tribuzio R, Schüssler U & Zeh A
(2013) Experimental Study of Trace Element Partitioning between Spinel and Silicate Melts: Effects of Oxygen Fugacity and Spinel Composition
Klemme S, Wijbrans I, Vollmer C, Menneken M & Berndt J
(2012) Kinetics of Calcium Phosphate Nucleation and Growth on Calcite
Wang L, Ruiz-Agudo E, Putnis C, Menneken M & Putnis A
(2011) Thermometry of Quartz from the Metaconglomerate of Jack Hills, Western Australia
Menneken M, Nemchin AA & Geisler T
(2009) Raman Spectroscopic Determination of the Isotope Composition of CO2 Inclusions
Menneken M, Geisler T, Nemchin A & Strauss H
(2007) Oldest Terrestrial Diamonds in Zircon from Jack Hills, Western Australia
Menneken M, Nemchin A, Geisler T, Pidgeon R & Wilde S
(2006) 18O-tracing of the hydrothermal alteration of pyrochlore
Pöml P, Menneken M, Stephan T, Niedermeier D, Geisler T & Putnis A

Menniti C. (2017) A New Compilation of Element Concentrations in the Natural River Water Standard SLRS-6 (NRC-Cnrc)
Yeghicheyan D, Aubert D, Bouhnik-Le Coz M, Chmeleff J, Delpoux S, Djouraev I, Granier G, Lacan F, Piro J-L, Rousseau T, Cloquet C, Marquet A, Menniti C, Pradoux C, Freydier R, Vieira da Silva-Filho E & Suchorski K

Mennito A. (2011) Highly Oxidized Species in TSR-Altered Oils
Walters C, Qian K, Wu C, Mennito A & Wei Z

Mennon M. (2013) Results of an Interdisciplinary Research Project on Soil Aggregate Formation in CZO’s
Regelink I, Lair G, Lehtinen T, van Leeuwen J, van der Zaan B, Schiefer J, Rousseva S, Blaud A, Mennon M & Banwart S

Menold C. (2019) Zircon Growth during Shear Deformation in the Seve Nappe Complex, Sweden
McRivette M, Walsh E, Menold C, Casarez M, Hoinville A & Shew J
(2017) Stable Isotope Evidence for Subduction Fluid Metasomatism in UHP Rocks
Menold C, Macris C, Grove M & Shahar A
(2010) Assessing the Relationship between Excess Argon Content and Recrystallization of Ultrahigh-Pressure Metamorphic Rocks
Menold C, Grove M & Manning C
(2010) New Evidence for a Cambrian Suture Associated with the North Qaidam UHPM Belt
Walsh E & Menold C

Menon M. (2019) Arsenic Levels in Different Rice Types Sold in the UK
Menon M, Sarkar B, Hufton J, Vazquez Reina S & Young S
(2011) SoilTrEC: An International Consortium to Assess Soil Processes and Functions Using a Global Network of Critical Zone Observatories
Menon M, Chabaux F, Lundin L, Novak M, Brandao M, Nikolaidis N, Panagos P, van Gaans P, Kram P, Blum W, deRuiter P, Bernasconi S, Rousseva S, White T, Ragnarsdóttir KV, van Riemdijk W, Banwart S, Reynolds B & Lair G

Menon S. (2011) Which Emission Sector is Winning the Mitigation Competition When Direct, Indirect and Semi-Direct Effects are Investigated Separately?
Bauer S & Menon S
(2009) Aerosol Influence on Decadal Changes in Precipitation and Snow Cover over Asia
Menon S, Koch D, Beig G & Orlikowski D

Menor-Salván C. (2021) Bacteriomorphs and Associated Minerals in the Las Cruces Deposit, Spain
Rey-Samper JJ, Tornos F, Menor-Salvan C, Franchi I, Zhao X & Oggerin M
(2019) Expanding the Inventory: Prebiotic Phosphate Minerals and their Role in Phosphorylation
Burcar B, Castaneda A, Lago J, Pasek M, Orlando T, Hud N & Menor-Salvan C
(2009) Preservation Under the Río Tinto Extreme Acidic Conditions and a Potential Location on Aram Chaos, Mars
Fernández-Remolar D, Johnson E, Clelan T, Lichtenberg K, Menor-Salvan C, Schweitzer M, Amils R, Parro V & Arvidson R
(2009) A New Lower Cretaceous Fossil Resin from El Soplao, Cantabria (Spain). Biomarkers and Chemotaxonomy
Menor-Salvan C, Najarro M, Velasco F, Tornos F & Rosales I
(2008) Critical Influence of Biogenic Sulfur in the Genesis of Giant VHMS, Iberian Pyrite Belt
Fernández-Remolar D, Menor-Salván C, Ruíz-Bermejo M, Amils R & Fernando T
(2008) Biomarkers Preserved in Fluid Inclusions in Quartz from the Berbes Fluorite Deposit (N Spain)
Menor-Salván C, Tornos F, Ruiz-Bermejo M, Fernández-Remolar D & Amils R
(2007) Organic Speciation of Hydrocarbon-Derived Carbonate Chimneys (Gulf of Cadiz, SW Iberia)
Menor-Salvan C, Ruiz-Bermejo M, Merinero R, Lunar R & Martínez-Frias J
(2007) Generating the Aromatic World: Synthesis of Aromatic Compounds in Icy Environments
Menor-Salvan C, Ruiz-Bermejo M, Osuna-Esteban S & Veintemillas-Verdaguer S
(2007) Prebiotic Chemistry in Iron-Rich Water Medium: Fixation of Cyanide as Prussian Blue
Ruiz-Bermejo M, Menor-Salvan C, Osuna-Esteban S & Veintemillas-Verdaguer S
(2006) Ice as matrix for chemical evolution: Synthesis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in frozen environment by spark discharges.
Menor-Salván C, Ruiz-Bermejo M, Osuna-Esteban S & Veintemillas-Verdaguer S

Ménot G. (2023) Using Organic Biomarkers for Paleoclimatic and Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction at Low Latitudes: The NGaoundaba Peat Record
Schaaff V, Grossi V, Makou M, Ansanay-Alex S, Eddhif B, Deschamps P, Hamelin B, Garcin Y, Sebag D, Ngounou Ngatcha B & Ménot G
(2021) BrGDGTs and Isotopic Records for Lake Ayrag: Implications for Climate, Vegetation and Human Impact History of the Mongolian Plateau
Dugerdil L, Ménot G, Peyron O, Jouffroy-Bapicot I, Develle A-L, Antheaume I, Ansanay-Alex S, Vannière B, Boldgiv B, Makou M, Grossi V, Unkelbach J, Behling H, Magail J, Robles M & Joannin S
(2021) Holocene Paleoenvironmental and Paleoclimatic Changes from the Ngaoundaba Peat Deposit (North Cameroon)
Schaaff V, Makou M, Grossi V, Ansanay-Alex S, Antheaume I, Deschamps P, Hamelin B, Garcin Y, Sebag D, Ngounou Ngatcha B & Ménot G
(2019) Western Mediterranean Sea Paleothermometry over the Last Glacial Cycle Based on the Novel RI-Oh Index
Davtian N, Ménot G, Fagault Y & Bard E
(2019) Upper Holocene Palaeoclimate and Palaeoenvironment from Mongolia: Calibration of GDGTs, Dung Fungal Spore and Pollen Records for Ayrag Lake (Akhanghai, Mongolia)
Dugerdil L, Joannin S, Peyron O, Jouffroy-Bapicot I, Antheaume I, Makou M, Grossi V & Ménot G
(2019) Co-variations of Climate and Silicate Weathering in the Nile Basin during the Late Pleistocene
Bastian L, Revel M, Bayon G, Vigier N, Lamb H, Pivot S, Menot G & Bard E
(2017) Response of Biomarkers to Abrupt Climatic Changes during the Last 25, 000 Years in Western Europe
Davtian N, Ménot G, Fagault Y & Bard E
(2017) Evaluation of Biases Affecting GDGT Proxies and their Consequences for Lacustrine Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction in Lake Saint Front (France)
Martin C, Ménot G, Thouveny N & Bard E
(2017) Evidence of bomb-36Cl in 3 Lake Aquifer Systems in Lake Chad Basin
Poulin C, Deschamps P, Hamelin B, Vallet-Coulomb C, Bouchez C, Mahamat-Nour A, Bichara L, Guinbe A, Doumnang J-C, Ménot G, Stieglitz T & Sylvestre F
(2016) Abrupt Temperature Changes and Environmental Dynamics in the Black Sea “Lake” during the Last Glacial
Wegwerth A, Kaiser J, Dellwig O, Shumilovskikh LS, Nowaczyk NR, Ganopolski A, Ménot G, Bard E, Lamy F & Arz HW
(2014) Climatic Dependence of Hf-Nd Isotope Decoupling in Clays
Bayon G, Toucanne S, Skonieczny C, Freslon N, Etoubleau J, Dennielou B & Ménot G
(2013) Branched Tetraethers Derived Temperature Reconstruction from Northwestern Black Sea: Proposition of Correction and Associated Sensitivity Test
Sanchi L, Menot G & Bard E
(2011) Binge/Purge Oscillations of the Thawing Fennoscandian Ice Sheet Revealed by εNd and Biomarkers
Soulet G, Ménot G, Bayon G, Rostek F, Ponzevera E, Lericolais G & Bard E
(2011) Distribution of Branched Tetraether Lipids in a Black Sea Sediment Core: Insights into Continental Temperature Evolution in Central Europe over the Past 40000 Years
Sanchi L, Menot G & Bard E
(2011) Terrigenous Input and Microcharcoal Changes in the Gulf of Papua during the Last 60 kyrs
Bonnet N, de Garidel-Thoron T, Ménot G, Beaufort L, Buchet N & Bard E
(2011) Quantitative Reconstruction of Millennial-Scale Temperature Variations in Central Europe
Ménot G & Bard E
(2000) Climatic Significance of the 13C/12C and 18O/16O Variations in Organic Matter: Calibration in Modern Plants and Application to the Paleoclimate Analysis of the Last 3000 Years in Central Europe
Ménot G & Burns SJ

Menot L. (2019) What Happens to Hydrothermal Sediment? A Diagenetic Study along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Pastor L, Rouxel O, Besson F, Germain Y, Boissier A, Cheron S, Hubert M, Djedjroh Y, Cathalot C, Pelleter E, Roussel E, Cambon Bonavita M-A & Menot L

Menoud M. (2019) Tidal Dynamics Control Microbial Methane Oxidation in the Water Column Above an Active Cold Seep (Doggerbank, North Sea)
de Groot T, Maazallahi H, Walter S, Menoud M, Röckmann T, Meijninger B, Mesdag C, Rush D & Niemann H

Menozzi D. (2013) U-Series Isotope Composition of Primary Minerals to Determine Regolith Production Rates on Three Different Lithologies
Menozzi D & Dosseto A

Menqun Z. (2010) REE Geochemistry in Biogenic Fossil and Isotopic Geochronology from the Cambrian-Ordovician Boundary Section in China
Yuanyuan W, Huiming L, Di L, Xiancong T, Menqun Z & Yinxi W

Mensà E. (2020) Asbestos Induced Toxicity: in Vitro Different Effects of Different Fibres
Di Valerio S, Ramini D, Mensà E, Fazioli F, Marzioni D, Gualtieri AF & Pugnaloni A

Mentel Thomas (2016) Organic Nitrate Contribution to New Particle Formation and Growth in Secondary Organic Aerosols from α-Pinene Ozonolysis
Berkemeier T, Ammann M, Mentel T, Pöschl U & Shiraiwa M

Mentel Thomas F. (2014) Online Measurements of Organic Acids in the Gas and Particle Phase
Lopez-Hilfiker F, Mohr C, Ehn M, Rubach F, Mentel T, Kleist E, Wildt J & Thornton J
(2014) How Different Stresses Influence the Emission of BVOC and Consequent the Biogenic SOA Formation
Kleist E, Mentel TF, Ehn M, Thornton J, Pullinen I, Wu C, Andres S, Kindler-Scharr A, Lopez-Hilfiker F, Springer M, Tillmann R & Wildt J
(2011) How do Plant VOC Emissions Affect Atmospheric Nanoparticle Formation?
Dal Maso M, Mentel TF, Kiendler-Scharr A, Kleist E, Tillmann R, Sipilä M, Petäjä T, Hakala J, Liao L, Lehtipalo K, Kulmala M & Worsnop D
(2011) Biogenic Volatile Emissions and their Contribution to Organic Aerosol Mass
Kiendler-Scharr A, Wildt J, Mentel T, Dal Maso M, Kleist E & Tillmann R
(2009) FROST – FReezing of duST
Wex H, Niedermeier D, Hartmann S, Covert D, Mildenberger K, Shaw R, Mentel T, Spindler C, Schneider J, Reitz P, Poulain L, Clauss T, Kiselev A, Hallbauer E, Schmale J, Burkhardt J, Hitzenberger R, Borrmann S & Stratmann F
(2009) Identification of Biogenic and Anthropogenic Components of Secondary Organic Aerosol (SOA) by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Finessi E, Decesari S, Baltensperger U, Mentel TF & Facchini MC
(2009) Photochemical Formation and Microphysics of Aerosols from Real Plant Emissions
Mentel T, Kiendler-Scharr A, Kleist E, Tillmann R & Wildt J

Menter C. (2014) Uranium-Lead Age Constraints for the “Taung Child”, Australopithecus africanus, from Taung, South Africa
Hopley P, Parrish R, Herries A, Menter C & Kuhn B

Mention C. (2023) Changes in Atmospheric Relative Humidity during the Late Holocene Reconstructed Using the 17O-Excess of Phytoliths from Sediments of Lake Ngofouo (Republic of Congo, Central Africa)
Mention C, Aleman J, Mazur J-C, Sonzogni C & Alexandre A

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