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Meng Lei (2016) Characteristic of Uranium Minerals and Mineralization in Danfeng Ore-Fields
Meng L, Zhang Z & Liu J

Meng Lin (2021) Metamorphic Remobilization and Hydrothermal Superimposition Records in Sulfides from Archean VMS Deposit
Zhao F, Huang F, Chen L, Gao W & Meng L

Meng Mei (2020) Marinana Trench Fauna Accumulate Methylmercury Produced in Upper Oceans
Sun R, Yuan J, Sonke J, Zheng W, Meng M, Chen J, Liu Y, Peng X & Liu C

Meng Meng (2018) Persistence of Wildfire-Derived Pollutants in Indoor Environments
Kohl L, Meng M, de Vera J, Bergquist B, Cooke CA, Hustins S, Jackson B & Chan AWH

Meng Q (2005) Origin of Yunnan Potassic Rocks: Re-Os Isotope Evidence
Meng Q, Widom E, Mo X, Yu X & Zhao Z
(2004) Re-Os Isotopes in Mantle-Derived Pyroxenite Xenoliths from Hannuoba North China
Zhi X, Meng Q, Xia Q, Zheng L & Xu Y
(2003) Re-Os Isotope Geochemistry of Mantle Peridotite and Pyroxenite Xenoliths from North China Craton
Xia Q, Zhi X, Meng Q, Zheng L & Peng Z
(2003) The Re-Os Isotope Geochemistry of the Raobazhai Ultramafic Complex of North Dabieshan, Centra China
Zhi X, Jing Y, Meng Q, Gao T & Reisberg L

Meng Qing (2008) Re-Os and Lu-Hf Isotope Evidence for the Genesis of Pyroxenite from Northern Dabie Ultrahigh Pressure Complex Belt, Eastern Central China
Chen D, Meng Q, Ni T & Zhi X

Meng Qingqiang (2023) Analysis of Helium Enrichment and Accumulation Elements in Petroleum-Bearing Basins
Li P, Liu Q, Zhu D, Meng Q, Wu X & Xu H
(2020) Carbon and Hydrogen Isotopes Fractionation of TSR-Altered Gas Products of Thermal Simulation Experiment
Liu Q, Peng W, Meng Q, Zhu D, Jin Z & Wu X
(2020) Catalytic Hydrogenation Effect of Deep Derived Fluid on over-Mature Kerogen: Evidence from Closed System Pyrolysis
Huang X, Jin Z, Liu Q, Meng Q & Liu J
(2020) Organic-Inorganic Interaction of Hydrocarbons with the Lanping Zn/Pb Ore Deposit, Near the Indo-Eurasian Collisional Margin, Southeastern Tibetan Plateau
Xu H, Liu Q, Zhu D, Meng Q, Jin Z & Fu Q
(2018) Light Alkane Generation in Hydrous Pyrolysis with Gypsum
Chen X, Liu Q, Meng Q, Zhu D, Liu W & Fu Q
(2016) The Effect of Redox Conditions on Carbon Isotopes of Alkanes from Type-I Oil Shale: A Hydrous Pyrolysis Experiment
Fu Q, Chang C, Hu W, Liu Q & Meng Q
(2016) Activity of Large Scale Supercritical CO2 and its Impact on Hydrocarbon Accumulation
Zhu D, Liu Q, Meng Q & Zhou B
(2015) Mantle or Crust? Hydrogen Genesis in Jiyang Sag, Bohaibay Basin, East China
Jin Z, Meng Q, Liu W, Hu W, Liu Q & Zhu D
(2015) Hydrogen Gas Prior to Water to Hydrogenating Source Rock: Proof from Hydrogen Isotopic Composition
Meng Q, Jin Z, Liu W, Nie L, Hu W, Liu Q & Zhu D

Meng Qingyang (2014) Using Quantitative Grain Fluorescence Technique to Reveal Hydrocarbon Accumulation History of the Kela-2 Dry Gas Field, Kuqa Foreland Basin, China
Lu X, Liu K, Zhao M, Meng Q & Zhuo Q
(2014) Multi-Means Synthetically Analyzing Hydrocarbon Accumulation Process of the Kela-2 and Dabei Giant Gas Fields, Kuqa Foreland Basin, China
Lu X, Liu K, Zhuo Q, Meng Q & Jiang L
(2014) Hydrocarbon Charge History of Main Oil Fields, Western Qaidam Basin as Revealed from an Integrated Fluid Inclusion Study
Meng Q, Gui L, Chen Y, Yuan L, Lu X, Zheng Y & Li X
(2014) Geochemical Characteristics of Hydrocarbon in Tight Sand Reservoir of Altyn Tagh Thrust Belt, Qaidam Basin
Meng Q, Zhao M, Zhang Y, Zhou F, Sui L, Zheng Y & Li X

Meng S. (2020) Electron-Microscopic Analysis of Kerogens in Shale Oil Rocks
Wang X, Jin X, Yan W, Jiao H, Li J, Su L, Liu X & Meng S
(2019) Microscopic Analysis of Organic Matters from Key Shale Reservoirs in China
Wang X, Jin X, Yan W, Li J, Jiao H, Su L, Meng S & Liu X

Meng X (2003) Sm-Nd Isotopic Changes in Sediments from the Upper Continental Slope off Southeastern Canada vs Laurentide Ice Sheet Meltwater Routing
Meng X, Stevenson R & Hillaire-Marcel C

Meng Xiangjin (2010) U-Pb Age and Hf Isotope of Zircon from Granite in Jiaduopule Fe-Cu Deposit, Tibet
Yang Z, Hou Z, Tian S, Meng X & Yu Y

Meng Xianqiang (2020) Refining the paleosol-CO2 Proxy and the Reconstruction of early-Pleistocene CO2 Levels
Da J, Ji J, Zhang Y, Li G & Meng X
(2016) Rainfall Thresholds for the Stability of Carbonate and Iron Oxide Minerals in the Monsoon Regions
Ji J, Long X, Balsam W & Meng X

Meng Xianyun (2010) The Relations between the Stratums and Economic Indicator in Jinagxi Province
Huang M, Lin Z & Meng X

Meng Xiaoguang (2018) Mechanistic Study of Pb(II) Removal by Activated Carbon: Spectroscopy, DFT Calculations, and the Effect of Co-existing Ions
Shi Q, Prigiobbe V & Meng X

Meng Xunan (2019) Calcium Isotope Fractionation during Mantle Melting and Ca Isotope Composition of Earth’s Upper Mantle
Wang Y, He Y, Lu W, Meng X & Teng F
(2019) Low δ44/42Ca Widely Observed in Continental Basalts from Eastern China: Signal of Recycled Carbonate Versus Isotope Fractionation Created by Magmatic Processes
He Y, Meng X & Huang J
(2017) Multiple Influences on the Calcium Isotopic Compositions of Basalts:evidence from the Cenozoic Basalts of Eastern China
Meng X, He Y, Huang J, Ke S & Li S

Meng Y (2006) Elasticity of iron-rich silicate in Earth’s D” layer
Mao W, Mao H-K, Shu J, Fei Y, Hemley R, Meng Y, Prakapenka V, Campbell A, Sturhahn W, Zhao J, Shen G & Heinz DL
(2003) Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Carbon Isotope Studies on the Xiaotongguanshan Skarn Cu Deposit, Anhui, China
Tian S, Ding T, Hou Z, Yang Z, Wang Y & Meng Y

Meng Yifeng (2007) Geochemical Characteristics of the Mashan Au-S Deposit in Tongling, Anhui Province
Tian S, Hou Z, Yang Z, Ding T, Meng Y, Zeng P, Wang Y & Wang X

Meng Yong

Meng Yu-Miao (2018) Geochemical Fingerprint of the Orogenic Gold Mineralization in the Cadillac-Larder Lake Fault Zone, Abitibi, Canada
Meng Y-M, Jébrak M, Sasseville C & Huang X-W

Meng Yue (2019) Formation of Fe-Rich Volatile-Bearing Phases in the Deep Lower Mantle
Yuan H, Zhang L, Man L, Kim DY, Popov D, Meng Y, Greenberg E & Prakapenka V

Meng Yue (2015) New Insights into the Composition of Earth’s Deep Lower Mantle: Multigrain Analysis at Megabar Pressures
Zhang L, Meng Y, Popov D & Mao H-K

Meng Yue (2016) Crystal Chemistry of a Hydrous Phase [AlOOH-Mgsio2(OH)2] in the Deep Lower Mantle: A Multigrain Approach
Zhang L, Yuan H, Meng Y, Ohira I, Ohtani E & Mao H-K

Meng Yue (2017) Discovery of an Fe-Rich Hydrous Phase in the Deep Lower Mantle
Zhang L, Yuan H, Meng Y & Mao H-K
(2017) Experimental Investigations into the Fate of Subducted Carbonates and Origin of Super-Deep Diamonds
Li J, Zhu F, Dong J, Liu J, Lai X, Chen B & Meng Y

Meng Yue (2022) Statistically Learned Nonlinearity of the Postspinel Phase Boundary in Mg2SiO4 and its Implications for Slab Dynamics and Morphology
Dong J, Fischer RA, Stixrude LP, Brennan MC, Daviau K, Suer T-A, Turner KM, Meng Y & Prakapenka VB
(2022) The Fate of Subducted Carbon and Hydrogen from High-Pressure Melting in the Fe-C-H System
Lai X, Zhu F, Gao J, Greenberg E, Prakapenka VB, Meng Y & Chen B

Meng Yue (2012) In situ Determination of Crystal Structure of (Mg, Fe)SiO3
Zhang L, Yang W, Meng Y, Wang L, Zeng Q-S, Mao W & Mao H-K

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