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Menekse M. (2015) Carbon Cycling in Hypersaline Lake of Acıgöl as Inferred from C Isotopes of Carbonates
Balci N, Demi̇rel C, Menekse M & Gul Karaguler N

Menemenlis D. (2021) The Influence of a Diffusive Boundary Layer on Early Organic Matter and Calcium Carbonate Diagenesis
Sulpis O, Martinez Wilhelmus M, Humphreys MP, Carroll D, Berelson W, Menemenlis D, Middelburg J & Adkins J

Menendez Alana (2020) Challenges in Quantifying Long-Term Air–water Carbon Dioxide Flux Using Estuarine Water Quality Data: Case Study for Chesapeake Bay
Herrmann M, Najjar R, Da F, Friedman J, Friedrichs M, Goldberger S, Menendez A, Shadwick E, Stets E & St-Laurent P

Menendez Amaya (2017) Geochemical Controls on REY and Metal Enrichment in Polymetallic Nodules from the APEI-6 Area, Clarion Clipperton Fracture Zone
Menendez A, James R, Roberts S, Peel K & Connelly D
(2017) Metal Distribution in Sediments Hosting Manganese Nodules in the Clarion Clipperton Fracture Zone (Eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean)
Lichtschlag A, Connelly D, Menendez A & James RH
(2015) On Processes that Lead to Enrichment of REEs in Marine Deposits
Menendez A, James R, Roberts S, Peel K & Connelly D

Menéndez I. (2019) REE Exploration in Carbonatites, Alkaline Magmatic Rocks and Corresponding Paleosols at Intraplate Oceanic Islands (Gran Canaria and Fuerteventura, Canary Islands, Spain)
Campeny M, Menéndez I, Quevedo-González L, Mangas J, Yepes J, Tauler E, Melgarejo JC, Casillas R, Méndez-Ramos J & Acosta-Mora P

Menendez P. (2023) Exploring Barnacle Exoskeleton Formation and the Potential Impact of Increased Temperature in Amphibalanus Amphitrite
Metzler RA, Davis E, Traenkle S, Menendez P, Gautam R, Krishnamurthy K, Orihuela B, Rittschof D & Dickinson GH

Menéndez S. (2019) Ore-forming Fluids and Sulphur Sources in Peña do Seo W-Sn Vein Deposit, NW Spain: Fluid Inclusion and δ34S Data
Caldevilla P, Gómez-Fernández F, Martín-Crespo T, Vindel E, González-Menéndez L, Berrezueta E & Menéndez S

Menéndez-Aguado J. (2011) Ore Processing and Metallurgy Technologies Applied to Soil Washing: Feasibility Studies in the Linares Area (Andalucía, Spain)
Sierra C, Jiménez-Gámez D, Menéndez-Aguado J, Afif E, Martínez J, Rey J & Rodríguez J

Ménez Bénédicte (2020) In situ Monitoring of Exopolymer-Dependent Mn Mineralization on Bacterial Surfaces
Couasnon T, Alloyeau D, Ménez B, Guyot F, Ghigo J-M, Benning LG & Gélabert A
(2018) Mn Oxides Biomineralization Monitored by in situ Liquid Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy
Gelabert A, Couasnon T, Alloyeau D, Guyot F & Ménez B
(2018) Microbial Ecology Linked to Serpentinization Processes and Related Carbonation at the Old City Hydrothermal Field
Lecoeuvre A, Ménez B, Lecourt L & Gérard E
(2018) Methane Cycling in the Serpentinizing Shallow-Sea Vents of the Prony Hydrothermal Field, New Caledonia
Price R, Sutcliffe C, Sherwood-Lollar B, Erauso G, Quéméneur M, Postec A, Monnin C, Wehrmann L, Gillikin D, Menez B, Pelletier B, Payri C & Hoehler T
(2018) Comparing Biosignatures in Aged Basalt Glass from North Pond, Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the Louisville Seamount Trail, off New Zealand
Türke A, Ménez B & Bach W
(2017) Occurrences and Stability of Pb Precipitates in Bacterial Biofilms
Couasnon T, Gélabert A, Ona-Nguema G, Ménez B, Zanna S & Guyot F
(2017) Δ47 and δ18O Disequilibria in Microbial Carbonates as Tracers of Metabolic Activity
Thaler C, Katz A, Bonifacie M, Ménez B & Ader M
(2017) Unexpected High Reactivity of Deep Biota Under Anthropogenic CO2 Injection into Basalt
Menez B, Trias R, Le Campion P, Zivanovic Y, Lecourt L, Lecoeuvre A, Schmitt-Kopplin P, Uhl J & Gerard E
(2017) Structure and Dynamics of a Basalt Hosted Subsurface Microbial Consortium Facing CO2-rich Groundwater in an Analogous Flow-Through Experiment
Lecoeuvre A, Moore R, Lecourt L, Ménez B, Ranchou-Peyruse A, Ranchou-Peyruse M, Dupraz S, Stéphant S & Gérard E
(2016) The Low Temperature Hyperalkaline Hydrothermal System of the Prony Bay (New Caledonia)
Pelletier B, Monnin C, Boulart C, Chavagnac V, Erauso G, Gerard M, Gerard E, Guentas L, Menez B, Payri C, Pisapia C, Postec A & Quemeneur M
(2016) Multiple Carbon Reduction Pathways within Serpentinized Peridotites from the South-Western Indian Ridge and Northern Appenines Ophiolites
Sforna MC, Brunelli D, Pasini V, Pisapia C & Menez B
(2015) Microbial Diversity in the Hydromagnesite Mineralization
Bedini F, Boschi C, Ménez B, Di Giuseppe G, Perchiazzi N & Zanchetta G
(2015) Out of Equilibrium δ18O and Variable δ13C as a Tracer of Metabolism in Bacterially Mediated Carbonates
Thaler C, Ader M, Guyot F, Aloisi G & Ménez B
(2014) Out of Equilibrium δ18O CaCO3 in Microbial Carbonates: A Subsurface Biomioneralization Tracer?
Thaler C, Ader M, Ménez B & Guyot F
(2013) Discovery of a "Vital" Bacterial Effect in the Formation of Biogenic Carbonates
Thaler C, Ader M, Ménez B & Guyot F
(2013) Organomineralization Drives Early Chimney Edification at the Hyperalkaline Hydrothermal Field of the Prony Bay (New Caledonia)
Pisapia C, Gerard E, Gerard M & Menez B
(2013) Thermogenic Hydrocarbons in Mid Ocean Serpentinites
Pasini V, Brunelli D & Ménez B
(2013) The Microbial Compelling Attraction for Hydrogarnets in the Oceanic Crust
Ménez B, Pasini V, Brunelli D, Pisapia C, Le Campion P, Laverne C & Gérard E
(2011) Unraveling Microbes-Minerals Interactions in the Deep Biosphere
Ménez B, Gérard E, Brunelli D, Pasini V, Le Campion P, Dupraz S, Marinozzi M-C, Amor M & Guyot F
(2011) Cryptoendolithic Colonization in the Hydrating Mantle along Mid Ocean Ridges
Pasini V, Ménez B & Brunelli D
(2011) Carbon Isotope Fractionation Associated with CaCO3 Precipitation Induced by Ureolysis
Millo C, Dupraz S, Ader M, Guyot F, Thaler C & Ménez B
(2010) Effect of Heterotrophic Bacteria (Pseudomonas reactants) on Olivine Dissolution Kinetics in the Context of CO2 Storage in Basalts
Shirokova L, Pokrovsky O, Benezeth P, Gerard E, Menez B & Alfredsson H
(2009) Variable 13C Fractionation during CaCO3 Precipitation Induced by Ureolytic Bacteria
Millo C, Dupraz S, Ader M & Menez B
(2009) Calibration of Carbonate Composition Using Micro-Raman Analysis: Application to Planetary Surface Exploration
Rividi N, van Zuilen M, Menez B, Poidatz E, Godard G & Philippot P
(2008) Experimental Study of Biomineralization Processes Relevant to CO2 Geological Sequestration
Dupraz S, Parmentier M, Ménez B & Guyot F
(2007) A Bacterial Model for Studying Interactions between Microorganisms and CO2 Injected in the Subsurface
Dupraz S, Parmentier M, Menez B, Gouze P, Leprovost R & Guyot F
(2005) In situ Determination of the Partitioning of Pb, Rb, Sr between Hydrous Melts and Aqueous Fluids at High Pressure and Temperature
Bureau H, Menez B, Valerie M, Somogyi A, Munoz M, Simionovici A, Massare D, Burchard M, Kubsky S & Shaw C
(2003) Cl, Br and I Content of HP Saline Aqueous Brines from Dabie Shan and the Alps
Molinari D, Philippot P, Cauzid J, Foriel J, Ménez B & Somogyi A
(2001) Tracking Trace Metals in Geofluids Using the Photon (SXRF)and Proton (PIXE-Pige) Microprobes
Ménez B, Philippot P, Foriel J, Simionovici A, Bonnin-Mosbah M & Bohic S

Menez Benedicte (2023) Unraveling the Role of Oxygen Fluctuations on Microbial Iron Oxidation and Biomass Production in the Fractured Continental Subsurface
Garry M, Farasin J, Bouchez C, Quaiser A, Menez B, Bouquerel H, Le Borgne T & Dufresne A
(2023) Silicate Reactivity and Microbial Diversity Promoted by Water-Basalt Interactions Under Subsurface Conditions
Bas-Lorillot J, Wild B, Menez B, Daval D, Stefánsson A, Gunnarsson-Robin J, Bríet Bjarkadóttir A, Aðalsteinsdóttir SM, Borrel G & Gérard E
(2023) Origins of Deep Abiotic Hydrocarbons: Insights from Fundamental Redox Reactions within the Fe-C-H-O System
Wang C, Tao R, Zhang L, Debret B, Walters JB, Lan C, Zhu X, Yang K & Menez B
(2023) Experimental Insight on the Carbonaceous Matter Stability during Subduction
Besognet L, Debret B, Siebert J, Wehr N & Menez B
(2023) In situ Electron Microscopy Monitoring of Mn Oxides Formation Impacted by Various Functionalized Organic Surfaces
Dejean C, Ortiz Peña N, Ménez B, Gadal C, Bouquerel H, Alloyeau D & Gélabert A
(2023) Mineral Substrate and Fluid Redox Conditions Control Cell Density in Attached Biofilms: In situ Incubations in Deep Groundwater
Osorio-Leon I-D, Wild B, Bouchez C, Gérard E, Quaiser A, Lavenant N, Bouquerel H, Ménez B, Le Borgne T & Dufresne A
(2022) H2-promoted Coevolution of Minerals and C in Ancient and Modern Rocks
Menez B, Andreani M, Sherwood Lollar PB, Pisapia C, Richard L & Schmitt-Kopplin P
(2021) Impact of Intraterrestrial Microbial Life on Rock Weathering at Depth: Case Studies from Cave Environments
Pisapia C, Menez B, Bruxelles L, Watkinson M, Champollion C, Vernant P, Doerflinger E, Bouquerel H, Isambert A, Lecourt L & Gérard E
(2021) The Role of Functionalized Organic Surfaces in Metal Biomineralization: Insights from Liquid-Cell STEM Experiments
Dejean C, Ortiz Peña N, Alloyeau D, Menez B, Gadal C & Gelabert A
(2021) Thermal Analyses of Biocarbonates as Part of the Search for Traces of Life on Mars
Perron AME, Stalport F, Chevillot-Biraud A, Derenne S, Anquetil C, Borensztajn S, Nowak S, Bürckel P, Lecourt L & Menez B
(2021) Mobility of Redox Sensitive Elements in Subduction Zone, a Fe Isotope Study of Mariana Forearc Serpentinites
Debret B, Mattielli ND, Menez B, Savov I & Williams HM
(2021) From Calcite to Carbonaceous Matter, or How Carbonates Crumble Under Pressure
Caurant C, Debret B & Menez B
(2021) Serpentinization in Formate-Bearing Fluids: An Experimental Approach at 300℃-25 MPa
Barbier S, Andreani M, Grossi V, Gaucher E, Sissmann O, Daniel I, Menez B, Antheaume I, Albalat E, Fellah C, Cardon H, Jame P, Saupin X & Bonjour E
(2021) Biomineralization Against all Odds: Strategies of Bacteria, Foraminifera and Bryozoa to Control Precipitation, Mineralogy, and pH Against Environmental Conditions
Thaler C, Rollion-Bard C, Louvat P, Bartolini A, Paris G, Menez B, Bonifacie M & Ader M

Menezes M.R. (2020) Evaporation or Serpentinization? Origin of the Cretaceous South Atlantic Salt Giant
Szatmari P, Rigoti CA, More Lima C, Fontaneta GT, Lima NM, Zambonato E, Figueiredo MF, Florêncio CP, Menezes MR & Gontijo RC

Menezes R.C.L. (2005) Geochronology of a Rare Alkaline Magmatism: The Blue Sodalite-Syenite Ore (NE Brazil)
Rosa MLS, Menezes RCL, Conceição H, Macambira MJ, Galarza MA, Oliveira EC, Marinho MM & Rios DC
(2004) Nd and Sr Isotopic Composition of the South Bahia Alkaline Province (NE Brazil)
Rosa M, Conceição H, Marinho M, Macambira M, Cunha M, Peixoto A, Menezes R & Almeida R

Menezes Bergo N. (2019) Microbial Community in Cobalt-Rich Crusts of the Rio Grande Rise
Menezes Bergo N, Signori Negrão C, Pereira Brandini F & Helena Pellizari V

Menezes Santos R. (2018) Origin, Geochemistry and Petrology of the Aptian Salt Seal of the Giant South Atlantic Oil Province
Szatmari P, Figueiredo M, Florencio C, Gontijo R, Zambonato E, Farias F & Menezes Santos R

Meng Bingkun (2020) Organic and Inorganic Carbon Isotope in Cenozoic Source Rocks of the Qaidam Basin (China)
Zhou S, Li J, Cheng K, Zhang C, Sun Z, Li P & Meng B

Meng Bo (2010) A Preliminary Study on the Mechanism of Methylmercury Accumulation in Rice at Abandoned Mercury Mines in Guizhou, China
Feng X, Meng B, Qiu G, Zhang H, Li P & Shang L

Meng D. (2020) Chemical and Carbon Isotopic Gas Compositions from The Wolfcamp In Permian Basin and their Geological Significance
Zhang T, Ko L, Sun X, Meng D & Hamlin S

Meng E. (2013) Zircon U–Pb and Lu–Hf Isotopic and Whole-Rock Geochemical Constraints on the Protolith and Tectonic History of the Changhai Metamorphic Supracrustal Sequence in the Jiao–Liao–Ji Belt, Southeast Liaoning Province, Northeast China
Meng E, Liu F, Cai J & Cui Y
(2011) Late Triassic Bimodal Magmatism in the Lesser Xing’an-Zhangguangcai Range, NE China: Constraints on the Timing of Transformation of Paleo-Asian Ocean into Circum-Pacific Ocean Tectonic Systems
Wang F, Xu W, Meng E, Gao F & Cao H
(2011) Late Paleozoic Tectonic Evolution in Eastern Heillongjiang Province, NE China: Constraints from Detrital Zircons and Volcanisms
Meng E, Xu W, Pei F & Wang F
(2010) Zircon U-Pb Chronology and Geochemistry of Permian Volcanic Rocks in Eastern Heilongjiang Province, NE China and its Tectonic Implications
Meng E, Xu W, Pei F & Wang F

Meng Fan-Xue (2011) Hf-Nd Isotope Decoupling during Partial Melting of Thickend Eclogitic Lower Continental Crust
Meng F-X, Gao S, Xu W-L, Guo J-L & Zong C-L

Meng FanChao (2016) The Geochemistry of Biogenic Volatiles in Shuangliao Volcanic Rocks and Related Xenoliths: Implications for the Sediments into Mantle
Meng F & Gao J

Meng Fangting (2019) Organosulfur Evidence for the Ocean Redox in South China during Ediacaran-Cambrian Transition
Wang C, Xu B, Dai F, Lan T, Ma Z & Meng F

Meng Fanwei (2017) Oxygenation of the Neoproterozoic to Early Paleozoic Atmosphere and Ocean: Impact on Marine Life
Brand U, Blamey N, Meng F, Ni P, Parnell J, Lecuyer C, Benison K, Spear N & Fralick P

Meng Fanxue (2020) Mantle Heterogeneity Revealed by Hf Isotopes of MORB from the Pacific-Antarctic Risecrest (PAR) 53-57°S
Meng F & Zhang Y
(2020) Neoproterozoic Magmatism in Liansandao Area, North of the Sulu Orogen (China) and its Geological Implication: Evidence from Zircon U–Pb Dating and Hf Isotopes
Song Z, Yuan X & Meng F
(2020) Geochronology, Geochemistry and Geological Significances of the Middle Ordovician Wulanwuzhuer Intermediate-Acidic Intrusive Rocks in the Qiman Tagh Area, Eastern Kunlun Orogenic Belt
Xu Q, Sun F, Li B, Qian Y, Meng F & Wang G
(2017) Petrogenesis of Deep-Seated Xenoliths from the Xuhuai Area, China: New Insights from Hf Isotope
Meng F, Gao S, Niu Y, Xu W & Zong C

Meng H. (2013) Roles of NH4NO3 and Secondary Organics in Growing > 10 nm New Particles to Cloud Condensation Nuclei Size in Marine Atmosphere
Liu X, Zhu Y, Meng H, Gao H & Yao X

Meng J. (2011) Genetic and Functional Properties of Uncultivated Miscellaneous Crenarchaeota Group (MCG): Implication from the Metagenome Analysis
Wang F-P, Meng J, Zheng Y-P, Qin D, Xu J & Xiao X
(2009) Metagenomics Assisted Investigations of the Metabolic Diversities of Microbial Communities in the Chimneys at Juan de Fuca Ridge
Wang F, Zhou H, Meng J, Zhang C, Zhou J, Xie W, Xu A, Zhou N & Xiao X

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