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Mendez-Millan M. (2019) Resorcinol Specific 13C-Composition: New Insights into Holocene Environmental Changes in Tanzania
Nguyen Tu TT, Rouyer L, Anquetil C, Mendez-Millan M, Coffinet S & Huguet A
(2017) Are Lipids Better Preserved in Earth-Worm Casts Compared to Soils? a Mesocosm Experiment with 13C-Labeled Litter
Nguyen Tu TT, Vidal A, Quénéa K, Mendez-Millan M, Canolle E, Permal A-S & Derenne S
(2017) Uses of Stable Isotopy 13C and 2H Ratio Analysis as Indicator of PAH Sources in Urban Environment. Example of Small Watershed Near Paris: Orge River, France
Fauches R, Mendez-Millan M, Chevreuil M & Moreau-Guigon E

Méndez-Ramos J. (2019) REE Exploration in Carbonatites, Alkaline Magmatic Rocks and Corresponding Paleosols at Intraplate Oceanic Islands (Gran Canaria and Fuerteventura, Canary Islands, Spain)
Campeny M, Menéndez I, Quevedo-González L, Mangas J, Yepes J, Tauler E, Melgarejo JC, Casillas R, Méndez-Ramos J & Acosta-Mora P

Méndez-Torres J. (2023) Experimental Study of Polystyrene Biodegradation by Tenebrio Molitor Y Zophobas Morio
Del Río D, Hernández-Rocha M, Méndez-Torres J & Hernández Terrones LM

Mendez-Vicente Ana (2016) New Perspectives on the Evolution of CO2 in the Late Cenozoic
Stoll H, Mejia LM, Bolton C, Guitian J, Hernandez Sanchez MT, Abrevaya L, Mendez-Vicente A & Gonzalez-Lemos S

Méndez-Vicente Ana (2017) Modelling the Mechanisms Controlling d88/86Sr Variations in Coccolithophores
Mejía LM, Paytan A, Eisenhauer A, Böhm F, Kolevica A, Bolton C, Méndez-Vicente A, Abrevaya L, Isensee K & Stoll H

Méndez-Vicente Ana (2015) Optimizing pCO2 Reconstructions from Marine Phytoplankton
Stoll H, Bolton C, Hernandez Sanches MT, Mejia LM, Mendez-Vicente A, Abrevaya L & Anderson R
(2015) Constraining the Mechanisms Driving δ44/40Ca Variations in Coccolithophores: A Mixed Culture and Fossil Study Approach
Mejía LM, Paytan A, Eisenhauer A, Kolevica A, Abrevaya L, Bolton C, Méndez-Vicente A, Isensee K, González-Lemos S & Stoll H
(2014) δ13C of Opal-Bound Organic Matter and Opal B Content in Fossil Diatoms of Different Sizes and Geometries
Mejía LM, Abrevaya L, Méndez-Vicente A, Bolton C & Stoll H
(2014) Threshold Adaptations of Marine Algae to CO2 in the Late Cenozoic
Stoll H, Bolton C, Mejia-Ramirez LM, Mendez-Vicente A, Hernandez-Sanchez MT & Abrevaya L
(2014) Interpreting Climatic Signals from Stalagmite Trace Element and Isotopic Records Using Simple Geochemical Models and Growth Rate Constraints
Stoll H, Moreno A, Cacho I, Mendez-Vicente A, Cheng H & Edwards RL
(2013) B Content and δ11B from Cultured Diatoms (Thalassiosira weissflogii & T. pseudonana): Relationship to pH<sub>seawater</sub> And Diatom C Acquisition
Mejía LM, Fietzke J, Isensee K, Méndez-Vicente A, Pisonero J, Shimizu N, González C, Monteleone B & Stoll H
(2012) Biomineralization in Diatoms and Coccoliths Recording Carbon Acquisition Strategies
Bolton C, Isensee K, Mejia-Ramirez LM, Mendez-Vicente A, Pisonero J, Shimizu N & Stoll H

Mendlovitz H. (2014) In situ Measurements of Methane in the Benthic Boundary Layer Near Natural Hydrocarbon Seeps in the Deep Northern Gulf of Mexico
Martens C & Mendlovitz H
(2012) Natural-Abundance Stable Carbon Isotopes of Small-Subunit Ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA): First Results from Guaymas Basin (Mexico)
MacGregor B, Mendlovitz H, Albert D & Teske A
(2010) Anaerobic Methane Oxidation in Cool, Warm, and Hot Guaymas Basin Hydrothermal Sediments
Biddle J, Cardman Z, Mendlovitz H, Albert D, Lloyd K, Boetius A & Teske A
(2002) Radon-222 Determination of CO2 and Trace Gas Exchange Rates between Forest Canopies and the Troposphere in Brazilian Amazonia
Martens CS, Shay TJ, Mendlovitz HP, Menton MC, Moura JMS & Moraes OLL

Mendonca Caroll (2019) Metabolic Connections between Carbon Utilization and Iron Scavenging by Soil Pseudomonas Species Revealed by Cellular 13C-Metabolomics
Aristilde L, Mendonca C, Werner A & Yoshitake S
(2018) Cellular Metabolomics of Iron-Deficient Soil Bacteria Provides Mechanistic Insights into Coupling of Iron and Carbon Cycles
Mendonca C & Aristilde L
(2017) Iron-Dependent Cellular Programming of Mixed-Carbon Utilization, Carbon Metabolism, and Siderophore Yield in a Soil Bacterium
Aristilde L, Wei H, Mendonca C & Kukurugya M

Mendonca Caroll M. (2023) Multi-Omics Insights on Disproportionate Carbon Dioxide Efflux due to Unshared Metabolic Paths of Assimilated Organic Carbons in Soil Bacteria
Mendonca CM, Waldbauer J & Aristilde L

Mendonça Filho J.G. (2011) Rock-Eval Pyrolysis of the Água de Madeiros Formation (Lower Jurassic) from the Lusitanian Basin, Portugal
Duarte LV, Mendonça Filho JG, Silva RL & Oliveira LC
(2011) Spectral Gamma-Ray Applications to Marine Organic-Rich Sediments of the Lower Jurassic of Portugal
Correia GG, Duarte LV, Pereira AC, Silva RL & Mendonça Filho JG
(2011) Recognition of Mucilage and Microbial Events on the Early–Late Pliensbachian (Lusitanian Basin, Portugal)
Silva RL, Duarte LV, Mendonça Filho JG, da Silva FS, Silva TF & Comas-Rengifo MJ
(2010) Organic-Rich Facies of the Top Ibex–Margaritatus Zones (Pliensbachian) of the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal): TOC and Biomarkers Variation
Silva RL, Mendonça Filho JG, Duarte LV, Comas-Rengifo MJ, Azerêdo AC & Ferreira R

Mendonça-Filho J. (2017) Oscillating Redox Conditions during Deposition of Upper Sinemurian-Lower Pliensbachian Black-Shales in the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal)
Ferreira E, Mateus A, Azerêdo A, Duarte L & Mendonça-Filho J
(2017) Lower Jurassic Organic Matter Preservation Events, an Oceanic Anoxic Event, and Carbon Cycle Perturbations
Silva RL, Duarte LV, Gómez JJ, Mendonça Filho JG, Wach G, Sadki D, Rodrigues B, Carlisle C & Caniço A

Mendoza C. (2005) Anaerobic Oxidation of Natural Gas in Soil – The Geochemical Evidence?
Arkadakskiy S, Muehlenbachs K, Mendoza C & Szatkowski B
(2004) SEM and Stable Isotope Study of Recent Calcite Precipitation Related to Microbial Oxidation of Natural Gas in Soils
Arkadakskiy S, Muehlenbachs K, Mendoza C & Szatkowski B

Mendoza J.P. (2018) Geochemical Modeling of Water-Rock Interaction in the Biliran Geothermal Project, Biliran Island, Philippines
Mendoza JP, Balangue-Tarriela MIR & Reed M

Mendoza Ursula (2015) Sedimentary Pyrite Morphology in Sediments of a Western Boundary Upwelling System, Cabo Frio, Brazil
Díaz R, Moreira M, Mendoza U, Böttcher M, Machado W, Capilla R & Albuquerque AL

Mendoza Ursula (2013) Sulfurization of Humic Acids during Early Diagenesis in Surface Sediments of a Tropical Upwelling System
Díaz R, Mendoza U, Böttcher ME, Moreira M, Machado W, Capilla R & Albuquerque AL
(2013) Early Diagenesis of Sulfur and Trace Element Pyritization in Sediments of a Tropical Upwelling System: Cabo Frio, Southeastern Brazil
Mendoza U, Díaz R, Moreira M, Amorim N, Böttcher ME, Machado W, Patchineelam S, Capilla R & Albuquerque AL

Mendoza-Flores A. (2019) The Role of Surface Structure in Goethite Adsorption Capacity
Livi K, Ramasse Q, Villalobos M, Salazar-Rivera H, Mendoza-Flores A, Cruz-Valladares X & Drummond-Brydson R
(2016) Empirical Determination of Goethite Surface Acidity Constants for Individual Proton-Active Groups
Mendoza-Flores A & Villalobos M
(2013) Essential Aqueous Geochemistry of Pb(II) Solid Formation
Mendoza-Flores A & Villalobos M

Mendybaev Ruslan (2019) Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Evaporation of CMAS Melts
Mendybaev R & Shornikov S

Mendybaev Ruslan A. (2022) Evaporations Kinetics of Alkali Elements from Silicate Melts: An Experimental Comparison between Vacuum and 1-Bar Evaporations
Zhang ZJ, Mendybaev RA, Nie N, Ni P, Bullock E & Dauphas N
(2021) Highly Volatile Element (H, C, F, Cl, S) Abundances and H Isotopic Compositions in Chondrules from Carbonaceous and Ordinary Chondrites
Shimizu K, Alexander CMO, Hauri EH, Sarafian AR, Nittler LR, Wang J, Jacobsen SD & Mendybaev RA
(2013) Evaporation of Mg- and Si-Rich Melts: Evolution of Chemical and Isotopic Compositions of FUN CAIs
Mendybaev R, Richter F, Teng F, Georg B & Fedkin A
(2013) Diffusion-Driven Isotopic Fractionations in Olivine in Laboratory and Natural Settings
Sio CKI, Roskosz M, Chaussidon M, Dauphas N, Mendybaev R, Richter F & Teng F-Z
(2008) Internal Isochron of CAI Using High Precision SIMS Mg Isotope Analyses
Kita NT, Ushikubo T, Fournelle J, Knight KB, Mendybaev RA, Davis AM & Richter FM
(2008) Origin of Ti Isotope Heterogeneity in the Protoplanetary Disk
Trinquier A, Bizzarro M, Ulfbeck D, Elliott T, Coath C, Mendybaev R, Richter F & Krot A
(2004) Kinetic Fractionation of Lithium Isotopes during Diffusion in Water
Christensen J, Richter F & Mendybaev R

Menđušić M. (2008) Geomorphic Evolution of Poljes: Implications for Human Settlement
Fadem C, Smith J, Moore A & Menđušić M

Menefee Anne (2022) Mineral Precipation-Induced Alteration of Fracture Permeability
Ellis B & Menefee A
(2017) Characterization of Reaction Fronts Associated with Mineral Carbonation of Fractured Basalts
Menefee A, Giammar D, Crandall D & Ellis B

Menefee Anne H. (2016) CO2 Storage in Fractured Basalt: Coupling Experimental Analyses with Reactive Transport Modeling
Menefee AH, Li P, Giammar DE & Ellis BR
(2016) Reaction Products and Evolution of Permeability during Carbon Sequestration in Fractures of Unaltered and Serpentinized Basalt
Adeoye J, Menefee A, Xiong W, Wells R, Skemer P, Giammar D & Ellis B

Menegazzo R. (2013) Automated Gamma-Ray Spectrometer for Monitoring Wastes Made by Non-Nuclear Industries
Xhixha G, Bezzon G, Broggini C, Buso G, Caciolli A, Callegari I, Colonna T, Fiorentini G, Guastaldi E, Kaçeli Xhixha M, Mantovani F, Massa G, Menegazzo R, Mou L, Rossi Alvarez C & Strati V
(2013) Mapping the Natural Radioactivity of Elba Island by Means of Geostatistical Interpolation of Airborne Gamma-Ray Data
Guastaldi E, Baldoncini M, Bezzon G, Broggini C, Buso GP, Caciolli A, Callegari I, Colonna T, Fiorentini G, Kaçeli Xhixha M, Mantovani F, Massa G, Menegazzo R, Mou L, Rossi Alvarez C, Strati V & Xhixha G

Meneghin A. (2017) European Sample Return Missions and the Curation in Europe of Material Returned from Space
Russell S, Smith C, Hutzler A, Meneghin A, Brucato J, Ferriere L, Gounelle M, Westall F, Berthoud L & Grady M

Meneghini C. (2014) Solubility of Biominerals: Estimate of Hydrated Surface Energy of Hydrozincite
De Giudici G, Medas D, Podda F, Meneghini C & Lattanzi P

Menegon L. (2012) Mechanism and Conditions for Strain Softening in Gabbro
Nasipuri P, Stunitz H, Menegon L & Berger A
(2011) Interaction between Metamorphism and Deformation in Eclogite Facies Shear Zones, Lofoten, Norway
Nasipuri P, Stunitz H, Ravna EJK, Menegon L & Kullerud K

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