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Melnik Oleg E (2023) Numerical Simulation of the Formation of the IDDP-1 Rhyolitic Melt (Krafla Volcano, Iceland)
Melnik OE, Borisova AY, Gaborit N, Bindeman IN, Laurent O, Traillou T, Raffarin M, Stefánsson A, Llovet X, Parseval PD, Proietti A, Tait S, Vazquez JA & Leisen M

Shatova N, Skublov S, Shatov V, Melnik А, Molchanov A, Terekhov A & Sergeev S

Melnikov D. (2016) A New Estimate of Gas Emissions from Ebeko Volcano, Kurile Islands
Melnikov D, Malik N, Kotenko T, Inguaggiato S & Zelenski M

Melnikov M. (2015) Residue of the most Ancient Fe-Mn Crust in Pacific Ocean – Geochemistry of the Trace Elements
Asavin A, Melnikov M, Anosova M, Senin V, Pletnev S & Ivanov V

Melnikov N. (2000) 87Sr/86Sr Ratios and *13C in Early Palaeoproterozoic Marginal Marine, Sabkha and Lacustrine Evaporitic Carbonates, the Canadian and Fennoscandian Shields
Kuznetsov A, Melezhik V, Gorokhov I, Fallick A & Melnikov N

Melnyk R. (2016) Perchlorate Mediated Adaptive Evolution of Desulfovibrio alaskensis G20
Mehta-Kolte M, Yongblut M, Redford S, Melnyk R, Gregoire P, Carlson H & Coates J
(2012) Wiring the Cell Wall: Surface Multiheme C-Type Cytochromes from Thermincola Potens and Implications for Dissimilatory Metal Reduction by Gram-Positive Bacteria
Carlson H, Iavarone A, Gorur A, Boon SY, Tran R, Melnyk R, Mathies R, Auer M & Coates J

Melo Gustavo (2015) Multiple IOCG-Forming Events in the Carajás Province, Brazil
Moreto C, Monteiro L, Xavier R, Melo G, Delinardo da Silva M & Creaser R

Melo Gustavo (2013) Mesoarchean Tectonic Evolution of the Carajás Domain, Carajás Province, PA, Brazil
Delinardo M, Monteiro L, Xavier R, Moreto C, Melo G, Benedetti R & Sousa D

Melo Gustavo (2016) The Carajás IOCG Deposits: A SLIP-Related Mineral System?
Monteiro LV, Moreto C, Xavier R, Juliani C, Melo G, Veloso A, Delinardo M, Previato M, Jesus S, Sousa S & Marques I

Melo Bravo P.P. (2021) Experimental Study of Serpentinization and Abiotic CH4 Production in Martian Conditions
Fortier VM, Debaille V, Dehant V, Bultel B, Debecker DP, Melo Bravo PP, Sekine Y, Tan S & Noda N

Melone N. (2009) Anomalous Na Contents in EET90299 Chondrules Mesostasis
Manzari P & Melone N

Meloni D. (2009) Mediterranean Aerosol Radiative Forcing and Influence of the Single Scattering Albedo
Di Biagio C, di Sarra A & Meloni D

Melosh Jay (2008) Phosphorus Redox Chemistry on the Early Earth: Clues to Biochemistry
Pasek M, Kee T, Bryant D, Lauretta D, Melosh J, Pavlov A & Lunine J

Melosh Jay (2002) Mechanisms of Metal-Silicate Equilibration in the Terrestrial Magma Ocean
Rubie D, Melosh J, Reid J, Liebske C & Righter K

Meloth T. (2017) Evolution of Deep-Water Circulation in the Indian-Atlantic Ocean Gateway Since Late Miocene from Authigenic Neodymium Isotope Records
Lathika N, Waliur R, Hemming SR, Meloth T, Hall IR & Levay LJ

Melsbach A. (2023) Isotope Fractionation Reveals Limitations and Microbial Regulation of Pollutant Biodegradation at Low Concentrations
Elsner M, Sun F, Kundu K, Ehrl B, Gharasoo M, Marozava S, Mellage A, Merl-Pham J, Peters J, Wang Z, Bakkour R, Melsbach A, Cao X, Zimmermann R, Griebler C, Thullner M & Cirpka OA
(2019) Unravelling the Fate of Organic Micropollutants in Aquatic Systems Using Multi-Element Stable Isotope Analysis
Hunkeler D, Ponsin V, Torronto C, Bakkour R, Melsbach A, Hofstetter T, Prasuhn V, Elsner M & Christina L

Melton Emily (2015) The Chemistry and Genetics of Microbial Thiosulfate Disproportionation Under Haloalkaline Conditions
Melton E, Sorokin D & Muyzer G
(2015) The Interplay of Microbially Mediated and Abiotic Reactions in the Biogeochemical Fe Cycle
Melton E, Swanner E, Behrens S, Schmidt C & Kappler A

Melton Emily Denise (2011) Microbial Iron(II) Oxidation in Littoral Freshwater Lake Sediments; Competition between Phototrophic Versus Nitrate-Reducing Iron(II)-oxidizers
Melton ED, Schmidt C & Kappler A
(2009) Influence of Competitive Adsorption on Kinetics of Microbial Arsenate Reduction
Huang J-H, Melton E, Lazzaro A, Voegelin A, Zeyer J & Kretzschmar R

Meltzer A. (2020) Modeling Garnet-Fluid Partitioning in H2O-Bearing Systems: a Primary Statistical Attempt to Extend the Crystal Lattice-Strain Theory to Hydrous Systems
Meltzer A & Kessel R

Melwani Daswani M. (2021) Metamorphic Brine Generation and the Density of Ceres’ Mantle
Melwani Daswani M & Castillo-Rogez J
(2021) DEWPython: A Python Implementation of the Deep Earth Water Model
Chan A & Melwani Daswani M
(2020) Groundwater Upwelling Occludes Pores Compared to Top-Down Infiltration at the Burns Formation, Mars
Perl S & Melwani Daswani M
(2020) Evolution of Volatiles from Europa's Interior into its Ocean
Melwani Daswani M & Vance SD

Melzner F. (2009) Acidification-Sensitivity of M. edulis
Heinemann A, Fietzke J, Hiebenthal C, Thomsen J & Melzner F

Memarzadeh M. (2011) Using Discrimination Analysis for Anomaly Separation and Distinguish the Mineralized Factors
Majlesi MJ, Memarzadeh M, Ghavami-Riabi R & Asadi-Haroni H

Mémery L. (2019) Estimating Thorium-234 Partition Coefficients by Inverse Modeling
Le Gland G, Aumont O & Mémery L

Memeti Valbone (2019) Forming Super-Plutons: Priming Arcs and Producing Active, Long-Lived Magma Mushes
Paterson S, Ardill K, Memeti V, Werts K & Barnes C
(2019) Plagioclase and K-Feldspar Megacryst Recycling in a Large, Prolonged Magma Mush, Tuolumne Intrusive Complex, California
Memeti V, Chambers M, Oppenheim L, Barnes C, Eddy M & Schoene B

Memeti Valbone (2014) Arc Magmatic Tempos
Paterson SR, Ratschbacher B, Memeti V & Clausen BL
(2014) The Petrogenetic Link between Volcanic and Plutonic Rocks of the Organ Mountains Caldera, USA
Memeti V & Davidson J
(2013) Geochemical Characteristics of Volcanic and Plutonic Rocks in the 36 Ma Organ Mountains Caldera, USA: Are They Telling the Same Story?
Memeti V & Davidson J
(2007) Zircon Growth and Recycling during the Assembly of the Tuolumne Batholith, Sierra Nevada, California
Matzel J, Mundil R, Miller JD, Wooden J, Mazdab F, Paterson S & Memeti V

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