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Melkonyan Rafael (2021) The South Armenian Block, Lesser Caucasus, Tethyan Metallogenic Belt: A Favorable Tectonic Zone for High Au Endowment during Cenozoic Closure of the Southern Neotethys
Grosjean M, Moritz R, Rezeau H, Hovakimyan S & Melkonyan R
(2017) Middle to Late Jurassic Island-Arc Magmatism from the Somkheto-Karabagh Zone, Lesser Caucasus
Galoyan G, Atayan L, Melkonyan R, Khorenyan R, Chung S-L, Lee Y-H & Amiraghyan S

Melkonyan Rafik (2019) Neoproterozoic-Early Cambrian, Late Paleozoic and Late Jurassic Granitoid Magmatism on the Northern Margin of Gondwana, Tsaghkunyats Anticlinorium of Lesser Caucasus, Central-Northern Armenia
Galoyan G, Chung S-L, Melkonyan R, Lee Y-H, Atayan L, Khorenyan R, Grigoryan A & Avagyan N

Mellado E. (2019) Sr and Nd Isotopes of Les Guilleries Variscan Lamprophyres: Insights on Mantle Evolution
Mellado E & Corbella M

Mellado-Vázquez P.G. (2009) Heavy Metals and Sediment Fluxes in Coatzacoalcos River Estuary: A History of Land Use Changes
Ruiz-Fernández AC, Sánchez-Cabeza JA, Bojórquez-Sánchez S, Bojórquez-Leyva H, Pérez-Bernal LH, Mellado-Vázquez PG, Alonso-Hernández C, Díaz-Ascencio M, Gerardo-Abaya J, Quejido-Cabezas AJ, Sericano JL & Páez-Osuna F

Mellage A. (2023) A Glimpse of the Solid-Water Interface: An Ion-Exchange Case Study Showing How Geo-Electrical Measurements can Help us to Understand (Bio)geochemical Reaction Dynamics
Strobel C, Mellage A, Huisman JA & Cirpka OA
(2023) Isotope Fractionation Reveals Limitations and Microbial Regulation of Pollutant Biodegradation at Low Concentrations
Elsner M, Sun F, Kundu K, Ehrl B, Gharasoo M, Marozava S, Mellage A, Merl-Pham J, Peters J, Wang Z, Bakkour R, Melsbach A, Cao X, Zimmermann R, Griebler C, Thullner M & Cirpka OA
(2021) Autotrophic Nitrate Reduction Coupled to Oxidation of Fe(II) Phases by a Gallionellaceae Sp.-Dominated Microbial Community Enriched from a Pyrite-Rich Aquifer
Jakus N, Blackwell N, Mellage A, Straub D, Hoeschen C, Maisch M, Byrne JM, Mueller CW, Grathwohl P, Kleindienst S & Kappler A
(2019) NOM and AQDS Enhance the Electron Transfer between Fe(III)-reducing Bacteria and Fe(III) Minerals over Cm-Distances
Bai Y, Mellage A, Cirpka OA & Kappler A
(2019) Microbial Uncoupling and Energy Storage: A Modeling Study of Nitrite Toxicity-Induced Stress Response
Mellage A, Smeaton C, Slowinski S & Van Cappellen P
(2017) Linking Water Table Dynamics to Soil Biogeochemistry in a Column Incubation Experiment
Pronk G, Mellage A, Milojevic T, Smeaton C, Rezanezhad F & Van Cappellen P

Mellersh A.R. (2000) The First Bacterial Habitats: What was Normal, What was Extreme?
Russell MJ, Hall AJ & Mellersh AR

Melles M. (2018) Fe-Speciation by Sequential Extraction and Fe-Isotopes as Tracers of Processes Mobilizing Fe in Lacustrine Sediments
Ordoñez L, Bauer K, Ariztegui D, Crowe S, Vogel H, Chiaradia M, Morlock MA, Simister R, Melles M, Russell JM & Bijaksana S
(2017) Reconstructing the Geochemical Cycle of Fe in Lake Towuti (Indonesia)
Ordóñez L, Ariztegui D, Chiaradia M, Crowe S, Morlock MA, Bauer K, Simister R, Vogel H, Melles M, Russel J & Bijaksana S
(2017) A Novel 4D-View on Lake Sediments
Morlock MA, Vogel H, Hadi J, Foubert A, Ariztegui D, Melles M, Russell JM & Bijaksana S
(2014) Stepped Pliocene-Pleistocene Climate Variability at Lake El’gygytgyn, NE Arctic Russia, Western Beringia
Brigham-Grette J, Melles M & Minyuk P

Melleton Jérémie (2023) Partial Melting of Hyperaluminous Metasediments: The Origin of Rare-Metal Granites and Pegmatites?
Horányi B, Gion AM, Gaillard F, Plunder A, Gloaguen E, Melleton J, Moradell-Casellas A & Garde J
(2021) Protracted Crustal and Mantle Melting during the Late Stages of the Variscan Orogeny: A Case Study in the Paleozoic Basement of the External Western Alps
Jacob J-B, Fréville K, Janots E, Poujol M, Guillot S, Trap P, Melleton J & Faure M
(2017) Experimental Simulation of Rare Metal Enrichments during the Fractionation of Alkaline Magma
Nabyl Z, Gaillard F, Bailly L, Melleton J, Tuduri J & Iacono-Marziano G
(2014) Isotopic and Trace Elements Geochemistry from Surface and Ground Waters: A New Tool for Mineral Resources Exploration, Example from the Li-Ta-Nb-Sn-W Deposits of Echassières (France)
Melleton J, Millot R, Lions J, Renaud C & Gloaguen E
(2011) U-Pb Dating of Columbite-Tantalite from Variscan Rare-Elements Granites and Pegmatites
Melleton J, Gloaguen E, Frei D & Lima A

Melleton Jeremie (2019) Using Geochemistry to Track the Origin of Gold Concentrates in French Guiana
Desaulty A-M, Pochon A, Bailly L, Lach P, Melleton J & Duhamel-Achin I
(2019) REE-Rich Carbonatites Immiscible with Phonolitic Magma
Nabyl Z, Massuyeau M, Gaillard F, Tuduri J, Iacono-Marziano G, Rogerie G, Le Trong E, Di Carlo I, Melleton J & Bailly L
(2019) The Effects of F, Cl, P and H2O on the Immiscibility and Rare Metals Partitionning between Carbonate and Phonolite Melts
Gaillard F, Nabyl Z, Tuduri J, Di Carlo I, Melleton J & Bailly L

Mellett T. (2019) A High-Resolution Biogeochemical Surface Transect of the Florida Current of the Southern Gulf Stream along 26.8°N between Southeast Florida and the Bahamas
Conway T, Mellett T, Summers B, Schlaiss R, Buck K, Knapp A & Rosenberg A
(2017) Iron-Binding Organic Ligands in the Oceans: Insights from U.S. GEOTRACES Field Efforts and Shipboard Experimental Studies
Buck K, Mellett T, Till C, King A & Barbeau K

Mellicant E.M. (2022) Chasing Dust Across Glacial-Interglacial North Africa Through Radiogenic Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb Isotopes of Eolian Deposits off the Coast of West Africa
Pourmand A, Peterson LC, Sharifi A, Flanagan HR, Barkley AE, Gaston C, Mellicant EM & Swart KA

Mellini M. (2009) Breakdown Mechanisms of Titanclinohumite in Antigorite Serpentinite
López Sánchez-Vizcaíno V, Gómez-Pugnaire MT, Garrido CJ, Padrón-Navarta JA & Mellini M
(2004) Nanoscale Pyroxenes Reactions during Peridotite Serpentinization
Viti C, Mellini M & Rumori C
(2001) Crystal Structures and Cesium-Leaching of Synthetic Cesium-Silicates
Mellini M, Drabek M, Klika Z, Czendlik R, Weiss Z & Rieder M
(2001) Pyroxenes-Pyroxenoids Polysomatism in the Mn-Skarn of Campiglia Marittima (Italy)
Capitani GC, Grobety BH & Mellini M

Mellott N.P. (2001) Sizing Silica Nanocolloids: A Comparison of Gel Filtration Chromatography with Diffraction and Imaging Methods
Icopini G, Heaney PJ, Mellott NP, Brantley SL & Yates DM
(2001) Controls on Solute Concentrations, Strontium Isotopes, and Rare Earth Elements in Groundwater from the Cape Cod Aquifer, USA
Bau M, Alexander B, Brantley S, Chesley J, Dulski P & Mellott N

Mellouki A. (2023) A Fully Automated Tool for Estimating Atmospheric Oxidation Reaction Rates of Unsaturated Volatile Organic Compounds with OH, NO3, O3 and Cl
Michelat L, Mellouki A & McGillen MR
(2023) Prolonged Lifetime of Particulate-Bound Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons with Coating of Secondary Aerosols during Photochemical Aging of Biomass Burning Plumes
Wang X, Deng W, Zhang Y, Mellouki A, Rudich Y & George C

Melluso L. (2021) Don’t Blame it on Fluorine: Low F Concentrations in Deccan Traps Magmas Straddling the Extinction Interval Estimated from in situ Analyses on Clinopyroxene
Baker DR, Callegaro S, Renne P, Melluso L, De Min A, Whitehouse M & Marzoli A
(2020) A Hidden Intrusive Complex Below Somma-Vesuvius: Insights from Igneous Xenoliths
Cariddi B, Guarino V, Zanetti A, Morra V & Melluso L
(2002) The Role of Metasomatising Fluids in the Genesis of Orogenic Magmas. A Case Study from Sardinia, Italy
Franciosi L, Lustrino M, Melluso L, Morra V & D'Antonio M
(2002) Ultramafic Xenoliths from Nosy Be Island (N Madagascar)
Lustrino M, Melluso L, Morra V, Vannucci R & Zanetti A

Melman E. (2022) Diurnal Variation in the Δ′17O of Atmospheric CO2 in the Temperate Scots Pine Forest Ecosystem
Adnew GA, Koren G, Melman E, Peters W, Molen MVD & Röckmann T

Melnichenko Y. (2014) Organic Porosity in Shale: Similarities and Differences in Closely Spaced Samples of Barnett Shale
Ruppert L, Sakurovs R, Blach T & Melnichenko Y
(2010) Diffusion of Methane in Nano-Porous Carbon Aerogel Probed by Quasielastic Neutron Scattering
Mamontov E, Chathoth S & Melnichenko Y
(2010) Pore Size Specific Characterization of the Adsorption of CO2 and Methane in Coal Using SANS
Melnichenko Y, He L & Mastalerz M

Melnik Aleksey (2016) Origin of High-Alumina and Low-Magnesia Mantle Eclogites from the Catoca Pipe (N.-E. Angola)
Korolev N, Nikitina L, Dubinina E, Zinchenko V, Melnik A & João F
(2013) Geochemistry of the Salma Eclogites (Belomorian Mobile Belt, Baltic Shield)
Melnik A

Melnik Alexey (2010) Geochemistry and U-Pb Age of Zircons from the Salma Eclogites (Belomorian Mobile Belt, Baltic Schield)
Skublov S, Berezin A & Melnik A

Melnik Oleg (2002) Generation, Ascent and Crystallization of Calc-Alkaline Silicic Magmas
Blundy J, Sparks S, Annen C, Brooker R, Melnik O & Cashman K

Melnik Oleg (2019) Magma Thermal Histories from Volcanic Pyroxenes Nano Scale Chemical Profiles
I Made R, Costa F & Melnik O

Melnik Oleg (2018) Numerical Simulation of Magma Chamber Degassing
Utkin I, Afanasyev A, Melnik O, Blundy J & Sparks S

Melnik Oleg (2016) The Testimony of Zoned Crystals from Volcanic Rocks
Blundy J, Melnik O, Gorokhova N & Dohmen R

Melnik Oleg (2017) Making Earth’s Continental Crust from Serpentinite and Basalt
Borisova A, Zagrtdenov N, Toplis M, Bohrson W, Nedelec A, Safonov O, Pokrovski G, Ceuleneer G, Melnik O, Bychkov A, Gurenko A, Shcheka S, Terehin A, Polukeev V, Varlamov D, Gouy S & De Parseval P

Melnik Oleg (2015) Zircon Survival, Rebirth and Recycling during Crustal Melting, Crystallization, and Mixing Based on Numerical Modeling
Bindeman I & Melnik O

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