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Meleshyn Artur (2011) Monte Carlo Study of Aggregation of Alkyltrimethylammonium Ions at the Montmorillonite-Water Interface
Klebow B & Meleshyn A
(2007) Effect of Montmorillonite Dissolution on U(VI) Sorption in Bentonite
Meleshyn A

Melesse Alemayehu (2010) Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb Isotopic Characteristics of North-Western and Southern Ethiopian Lithospheric Mantle
Melesse A, Kunihiro T, Ota T, Tanaka R, Moriguti T & Nakamura E

Melesse Alemayehu (2015) Geochemical Evolution of Sub-Continental Lithospheric Mantle of Ethiopian Plateau and Rift Zone
Melesse A, Zhang H-F, Tang Y-J, Xiao Y, Samuel A & Muhammed H

Meletis O.V. (2023) Acidification of Northern New England Lakes from Rising Anthropogenic-Sourced Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentrations
Johannesson KH, Dii Horne J, Misra A, Aliperta C, Meletis OV, White CD, Mavrommati G & Burdige DJ

Meletlidis S. (2023) Phase Equilibria Point to Cold and Shallow Depth Conditions for Magma Storage at La Palma 2021 Eruption
Andújar J, Scaillet B, Casillas R, Di Carlo I, Slodczyk A, Frascerra D, Faranda CF, Jiménez Mejías M, Núñez-Guerrero E, Meletlidis S, Scaillet S & from Orléans-Olot 2021-2022 course ESG

Melezhik Victor (2016) Uranium Isotope Variation Across the Ediacaran Shuram Excursion
Zhang F, Li C, Melezhik V, Pokrovsky B, Shi W, Cheng M, Kendall B, Romaniello S, Owens J & Anbar A

Melezhik Victor A. (2014) Evidence for Highly Oxidizing Groundwaters at 2.06 Ga
Rybacki K, Kump L, Melezhik V & Hanski E
(2013) A δ13C Record from Marine Carbonates Deposited Below Diamictites between ca. 2430 and 2440 Ma
Brasier A, Martin A, Melezhik V, Prave A, Condon D & Fallick A
(2013) Cr Isotopic Variations in Neoarchean to Paleoproterozoic Near-Surface Chemical Sediments
Schoenberg R, Kleinhanns I, Wille M, Van Zuilen M, Pedersen R-B, Melezhik V & Beukes N
(2013) Carbonates of the 2.0 Ga Zaonega Formation: REE and Sr Isotopic Indications of their Origin
Crne AE, Lepland A, Kamber BS, Melezhik VA, Prave AR, Fallick AE, Brasier AT & Condon DJ
(2012) Negative C-Isotope Excursion in Carbonates during 2.0 Ga Shunga Event
Crne AE, Melezhik VA, Lepland A, Fallick AE, Prave AR & Brasier AT
(2011) A Record of Paleoproterozoic Sulfur Cycling from ~2 Ga Zaonega Formation, NW Russia
Meister D, Melezhik VA, Lepland A & Strauss H
(2011) Long Residence (> 6 Ma) Time of Paleoproterozoic Seawater Sulfate Revealed by in situ and ex situ Sulfur Isotope Measurements
Reuschel M, Whitehouse MJ, Melezhik VA, Lepland A, Fallick AE & Strauss H
(2011) The Lomagundi-Jatuli δ13C-Event Revisited
Illing CJ, Summons RE, Fallick AE, Melezhik VA & Strauss H
(2011) Abundant Marine Sulphate in the Palaeoproterozoic: Models Come and go, but the Rock Record Endures
Melezhik V, Fallick A & Rychanchik D
(2010) Sulfate Standards for in situ High Spatial Resolution SIMS Measurements
Reuschel M, Whitehouse MJ, Lepland A, Melezhik VM & Strauss H
(2009) Multiple Sulfur Isotope Measurements from the 2.4 Ga Old Seidorechka Formation
Reuschel M, Strauss H, Lepland A, Melezhik V, Cartigny P & Kaufman AJ
(2009) Ca and Mg Isotope Variations of Paleoproterozoic (~2 Ga) Carbonates: Implications for Positive δ13C Event
Farkas J, Chakrabarti R, Melezhik V, Kump L, Medvedev P & Jacobsen S
(2009) Response of the Ancient Anoxic Biosphere to the Oxidation of Terrestrial Environments
Melezhik V, Fallick A & Simonson B
(2008) Re-Os Geochronology of Shungite: A 2.05 Ga Fossil Oil Field in Karelia
Hannah JL, Stein HJ, Zimmerman A, Yang G, Melezhik VA, Filippov MM, Turgeon SC & Creaser RA
(2006) Precise 2004 ± 9 Ma Re-Os age for Pechenga black shale: Comparison of sulfides and organic material
Hannah JL, Stein HJ, Zimmerman A, Yang G, Markey RJ & Melezhik VA
(2004) Anoxic Diagenetic Recycling of Organic Carbon Prior to 2.06 Ga: Evidence from Diagenetic Carbonates
Melezhik V & Fallick A
(2003) Shunga Event – Was it a Case of Palaeoproterozoic Mass Extinction?
Melezhik V, Filippov M & Romashkin A
(2001) Isotope Stratigraphy Applied to High-Grade Marbles from the Norwegian Caledonides for Dating of Carbonate Sedimentation
Melezhik VA, Gorokhov IM, Fallick AE & Gjelle S
(2000) Isotopic Evidence for Biological Origin of Shungite, Generation of Petroleum and 13C Depleted Nature of Initial Biomass at 2.0 Ga ago
Melezhik V & Fallick A
(2000) 87Sr/86Sr Ratios and *13C in Early Palaeoproterozoic Marginal Marine, Sabkha and Lacustrine Evaporitic Carbonates, the Canadian and Fennoscandian Shields
Kuznetsov A, Melezhik V, Gorokhov I, Fallick A & Melnikov N

Melfi A.J. (2023) Soil Features Contribution as Biogeochemical Functioning Factor of Alkalinity in Lakes of Nhecolândia, Pantanal, Brazil
Silva ARC, Lucas Y, Merdy P, Rezende-Filho AT, Ramos MD, Ishida DA, Barbiero L, Melfi AJ & Montes CR

Melgar Diego (2020) Who Cares About the Earthquake? Towards the the Next Generation of Warning Systems
Melgar D

Melgar Dolores (2017) Classical Non-Equilibrium Molecular Dynamics in SiO2 Systems
Melgar D, Lauricella M, O'Brien G & English NJ

Melgarejo J (2005) An Atlas of Minerals in Thin Section
Melgarejo J & Martin RF

Melgarejo Joan Carles (2017) HFSE-Bearing Phases in Ophiolitic Mantle Chromitite Bodies from Eastern Cuba: Mineralogical Evidence of Fe-Ti Type Metasomatism of Oceanic Upper Mantle
Pujol-Solà N, Proenza JA, García-Casco A, Melgarejo JC, Gervilla F, González-Jiménez J-M, Torró L & Llovet X
(2017) Southwestern Africa on the Burner: Pleistocene Carbonatite Volcanism Linked to Mantle Upwelling in Angola
Giuliani A, Campeny M, Kamenetsky VS, Maas R, Melgarejo JC, Kohn BP, Matchan EL, Mangas J, Goncalves AO & Manuel J

Melgarejo Joan Carles (2013) Sodium Rich Magmas Parental to Catanda Carbonatitic Lavas (Angola): Melt Inclusion Evidence
Campeny M, Kamenetsky V, Melgarejo JC, Mangas J, Bambi A & Manuel J

Melgarejo Joan Carles (2015) Increasing Environmental Stress along the Kellwasser Crisis in the Catalonian Coastal Ranges. A Geochemical and Palynological Approach
Moreno C, Sáez R, González F & Melgarejo JC

Melgarejo Joan Carles (2023) Accurate and Efficient SIMS Oxygen Isotope Analysis of Composition-Variable Minerals: On-Line Matrix Effect Calibration for Dolomite – IAG Young Scientist Medal Lecture
Xu J, Li Q, Tang G-Q, Lu K, Liu Y, Feng L-J & Melgarejo JC

Melgarejo Joan Carles (2019) Not Deep-Mantle Origin of Unusual Minerals in the Moho Transition Zone of Eastern Cuba Ophiolites
Pujol-Solà N, Proenza JA, Garcia-Casco A, González-Jiménez JM, Melgarejo JC & Gervilla F
(2019) REE Exploration in Carbonatites, Alkaline Magmatic Rocks and Corresponding Paleosols at Intraplate Oceanic Islands (Gran Canaria and Fuerteventura, Canary Islands, Spain)
Campeny M, Menéndez I, Quevedo-González L, Mangas J, Yepes J, Tauler E, Melgarejo JC, Casillas R, Méndez-Ramos J & Acosta-Mora P

Melgunov M. (2020) Some Artifical Isotopes in Yenisei River Biogeocynosis: Contents, Speciation, Pollutant Flow
Kropacheva M, Melgunov M, Chuguevsky A, Mezina K & Makarova I
(2019) The Concentrations of Radioisotopes and Trace Elements in the Annual Cedar and Larch Needles in New Urengoy Region (Arctic Part of Western Siberia)
Mezina K, Belyanin D, Melgunov M, Vosel Y, Kropacheva M, Shcherbov B, Rubanov M & Zhurkova I
(2018) Artificial Isotopes Speciation in Biomass of Terrestrial Vascular Plants
Kropacheva M, Melgunov M & Makarova I
(2014) Mobility of Natural and Artificial Isotopes in the Floodplain Biogeocoenose (Near Impact Zone of KMCC)
Kropacheva M, Melgunov M & Makarova I
(2009) Modern Thermofilic Cyanobacterial Mats: Geochemical Features
Lazareva E, Bryanskaya A, Zhmodik S, Pestunova O, Ponomarchuk V, Semionova D, Barkhutova D & Melgunov M
(2000) Radionuclide 137Cs in the Lake Deposits of the Altai Region
Bobrov V, Strakhovenko V, Shcherbov B, Gavshin V, Malikova I, Sukhorukov F, Kovalev S, Stepin A & Melgunov M

Melhorn T. (2011) Uranium Dynamics in Biostimulated Field-Site Sediments: Spatial Distribution and Formation of Non-Uraninite U(IV) Phases
Boyanov M, O'Loughlin E, Skinner K, Mishra B, Kelly S, Wu W-M, Criddle C, Mueller M, Melhorn T, Watson D, Brooks S & Kemner K

Meli M.A. (2021) Could Soluble Minerals be Dangerous for Human Health? The Epsomite Case Study
Giordani M, Mattioli M, Meli MA, Roselli C, Fagiolino I, Valentini L, Peruzzi F & Betti M

Meli S. (2011) Melting in the Deep Crust: Message from Melt Inclusions in Peritectic Garnet from Migmatites
Bartoli O, Cesare B, Poli S, Bodnar RJ, Frezzotti ML, Acosta-Vigil A & Meli S
(2000) Some Thoughts on the Geochemistry of the "Unique" Sample of the "Venice Granodiorite" (Northern Italy)
Meli S & Sassi R

Melián G. (2019) Anomalous Diffuse H2 Degassing Prior to the Recent Magmatic Intrusion at Cumbre Vieja Volcano, La Palma, Canary Islands
Padrón González E, Hernández Pérez PA, Melián G, Pérez Rodríguez N, D'Auria L, Asensio-Ramos M & Alonso M
(2009) Nitrogen Isotopes in Volcanic Fluids of Different Geodynamic Settings
Inguaggiato S, Taran Y, Fridriksson T, Melián G & D'Alessandro W

Melian Rodriguez G. (2019) Observed Anomalous Diffuse Gas Emission Rates and Heat Flow from the Summit Crater of Teide Volcano, Tenerife, Canary Islands
Perez Rodriguez N, Melian Rodriguez G, Padrón González E, Hernández Pérez P, D'Auria L, Asensio-Ramos M & Alonso M

Meliksetian K. (2023) Tethyan Evolution of the South Armenian Block: From NE Gondwana Breakup to Collision with Eurasia
Nikogosian I, Bracco Gartner A, Mason PRD, van Hinsbergen D, Kuiper K, Kirscher U, Matveev S, Grigoryan A, Grigoryan E, Israyelyan A, van Bergen MJ, Koornneef JM, Wijbrans JR, Davies GR & Meliksetian K
(2019) REY's Content and Fate in Groundwaters within the Armenian Region (Lesser Caucasus)
Kharitonova N, Lavrushin V, Meliksetian K, Aidarkozhina A & Chirkova E
(2019) Spatial Geochemical Variations of Quaternary Collision Related Volcanism of Armenia Linked with Seismic Data on Regional Crustal Thickness
Meliksetian K, Sargsyan L, Sugden P, Tseng T-L, Savov I, Navasardyan G & Grigoryan E
(2017) Classifications and p-T Paths of Phenocrysts and Volcanic Glass from the Quarternary Ignimbrite Units of the Aragats Volcanic Province, Armenia
Gevorgyan H, Repstock A, Schulz B, Meliksetian K, Breitkreuz C & Israyelyan A
(2013) Magma Sources within the Armenian Territory Since the Jurassic
Nikogosian I, Meliksetian K, Van Bergen M, Mason P & Navasardyan G

Melita M. (2019) Microbial Community and Antibiotic Resistance Genes within Reactive Barriers for Artificial Aquifer Recharge
Amalfitano S, Luprano ML, Zoppini A, Petruccioli M, Melita M, Valhondo C, Carrera J & Levantesi C

Melki S.

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