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Melcher Frank (2017) The Tantalite-Tapiolite Gap as an Indicator of Disequilibrium in Granitic Pegmatites: Constraints from Crystallization Experiments
Van Lichtervelde M, Holtz F & Melcher F
(2017) In situ Measurement of Sulfur Isotopic Composition (δ34S) in Sphalerite Using LA-(QQQ)-ICP-MS
Onuk P, Walkner C, Pribil M & Melcher F

Melcher Frank (2023) Sphalerite as an Unconventional Cobalt Source? Correlative Microcopy and Atom Probe Tomography of Cobalt-Rich Sphalerite from the Dolostone Ore Formation Deposit, Namibia
Bertrandsson Erlandsson V, Gopon P, Waldl H, Misch D, Ellmies R & Melcher F

Melcher Frank (2015) Gold Distribution in Arseniures Ores from Bou Azzer El Graara – Inlier, Central Anti-Atlas, Morocco
El Ghorfi M, Maacha L, Zouhair M, Ennaciri A, Oberthuer T & Melcher F
(2015) U-Pb and Lu-Hf Isotope Systematics of Nb-Ta Mineralization
Marko L, Gerdes A, van Lichterfelde M & Melcher F

Melcher Frank (2021) Sulfide Trace Element Geochemistry and its Implications for Metamorphism and Ore Formation: An Example from a Sediment-Hosted Cu-Co Mineralization in Northwestern Namibia
Bertrandsson Erlandsson V, Wallner D, Ellmies R, Melcher F & Raith JG

Melcher Frank (2019) Fluid- and Deformation-Induced Pan-African Overprint in the Western Domain of the Karagwe-Ankole Belt (Central Africa)
Van Daele J, Hulsbosch N, Dewaele S, Melcher F, Onuk P, Spikings R & Muchez P
(2019) Ge-Enriched Chalcopyrite from the Cu-Ag Kupferschiefer Deposit in Poland
Foltyn K, Bertrandsson Erlandsson V, Zygo W, Melcher F & Onuk P

Melchin M. (2018) An Exceptional Record of Early- to Mid-Paleozoic Redox Change from the Road River Group, Yukon, Canada
Sperling E, Strauss J, Tiffani F, Austin M, Sabrina T, Joseph M, Stephanie P-T, Liam B, Stockey R, Devon C, Noah P, David L, Lenz A & Melchin M

Melchiorre E. (2019) Archean and Early Phanerozoic Serpentinization Environments – Insights from Chromium Isotope and REY Systematics of Stichtites (Mg6Cr2(OH)16[CO3]·4H2O)
Kraemer D, Melchiorre E, Frei R & Bau M

Melchiorre Massimiliano (2011) Melts Migrating Through the Mantle Wedge: Evidences from Patagonian and Western Pacific Mantle Xenoliths
Melchiorre M, Faccini B, Coltorti M, Grégoire M, Bonadiman C & Benoit M
(2009) Deep Lithosphere Processes Recorded for the West Antarctic Rift System
Coltorti M, Bonadiman C, Faccini B, Melchiorre M, O' Reilly S, Griffin W & Pearson N
(2009) SiO2-rich Metasomatizing Agent in the Southern Patagonian Lithospheric Mantle
Melchiorre M, Benoit M, Coltorti M & Gregoire M
(2006) Mantle Xenoliths from Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica: evidence for heterogeneous lithospheric metasomatism
Faccini B, Coltorti M, Bonadiman C, Melchiorre M, Ntaflos T & Siena F

Melchiorre Massimiliano (2015) Refertilization vs Metasomatism in Mantle Xenoliths from Greene Point and Handler Ridge, Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica
Pelorosso B, Bonadiman C, Coltorti M, Melchiorre M, Giacomoni PP, Faccini B, Ntaflos T & Gregoire M
(2015) In situ U-Pb Zircon Dating on Metapelitic Granulites of Beni Bousera (Betico-Rifean Belt, N Morocco)
Melchiorre M, Álvarez-Valero A, Fernàndez M, Vergés J, Belousova E, El Maz A & Moukadiri A
(2015) Evidences for Mantle Heterogeneities in the Western Mediterranean
Melchiorre M, Vergés J, Fernàndez M, Coltorti M, Torné M & Casciello E
(2015) Metasomatic and Refertilization Processes beneath Patagonia
Melchiorre M, Coltorti M, Gregoire M & Benoit M

Meldrum F. (2021) Affimer® Proteins-Directed Control over Calcium Carbonate Polymorphs
Sandei I, Gaule T & Meldrum F
(2021) Controlling Crystallization by Surface Topography
Dunn TH, Lee PA, Meldrum F & Kulak A
(2014) A New Precipitation Pathway for Calcium Sulfate Dihydrate (Gypsum) via Amorphous and Hemihydrate Intermediates
Wang Y, Kim Y, Christenson H & Meldrum F
(2014) Crystal Hotel: Biomimetic Synthesis of Calcium Carbonate Crystal in Microfludic System
Gong X, Kim Y & Meldrum F
(2014) Confinement and Additives Lead to Control over Calcium Sulfate and Phosphate Polymorph
Wang Y, Kim Y & Meldrum F

Mele D. (2016) Reconstructing the Eruption Source Parameters of the Avellino Eruption, Vesuvius, Italy
Poret M, Costa A, Sulpizio R & Mele D

Méléder V. (2015) Influence of Hydrology on Manganese and Iron Deposition and Recycling in an Intertidal Mudflat of Loire Estuary
Metzger E, Thibault de Chanvalon A, Mouret A, Geslin E, Bénéteau E, Nardelli MP, Maillet G, Méléder V, Brach-Papa C, Knoery J & Launeau P

Meleg I.N. (2012) Cave Sediments as Repositories of Very Old Fossil Invertebrates
Moldovan OT, Constantin S, Meleg IN, Miko L, Epure L, Panaiotu C, Roban R & Mihevc A

Melekestseva I.Y. (2022) What Controls the Geochemical Variability of Massive Sulfide Deposits on Mid-Ocean Ridges? Indications from Multivariate Statistical Analysis
Toffolo L, Nimis P, Tret'yakov GA, Melekestseva IY & Beltenev VE

Melekhova Elena (2018) Transcrustal Magmatic Systems
Blundy J, Jackson M & Melekhova E

Melekhova Elena (2019) Diverse Primitive Melts from Heterogeneous Metasomatized Mantle
Becerra-Torres E, Melekhova E, Blundy J & Brooker R

Melekhova Elena (2015) Experimental Evidence for non-Linear Behaviour of Melt Fraction vs. Temperature and the Consequences of it on Magma Evolution
Melekhova E

Melekhova Elena (2011) Experimental Determination of the Hydrous Basalt Liquidus
Stamper C, Blundy J, Melekhova E & Arculus R
(2007) Equlibrium Experiments and Theoretical Studies in the MgO-SiO2-H2O System at High Pressures: Clarification of Stabilities and Thermodynamic Properties of Phase A, Clinohumite and Chondrodite
Melekhova E, Schmidt MW, Ulmer P, Connolly JAD & Dorogokupets PI
(2007) Fluids, Melts, and Supercriticality in the MSH System and Element Transport in Subduction Zones
Schmidt MW & Melekhova E
(2004) Avoiding Chemical Segregation in Fluid-Saturated Experiments – A Rocking Multi-Anvil
Schmidt M, Kessel R & Melekhova E

Melekhova L. (2019) Fe-Mg-Mn Exchange between Olivine and Melt and an Oxybarometer for Basaltic Systems
Blundy J, Melekhova L, Ulmer P, Pichavant M, Humphreys M, Ziberna L, Cerantolo V, Brooker R & McCammon C

Melendez I. (2016) Preservation and Evolution of Life Across Oceanic Anoxic Events
Grice K, Plet C, Melendez I, Lengger S & Schwark L
(2016) Recovery after the End-Permian Biotic Crisis in the Boreal Sea
Grice K, Melendez I, Foster C & Twitchett R

Meléndez W G (2006) Composition and dissolution kinetics of garnierite from Loma de Hierro (Venezuela)
Cama J, Soler JM, Melendez W & Ramirez A
(2000) Quantification of non Crystaline Material in Bauxites
Meléndez WG, Rodríguez LM & Ramírez AJ

Melendez Williams (2007) Carbon Isotopes vs Temperature: Contact Metamorphism in Graphitic Metapelites at Western Venezuela
Reategui K, Martinez M, Melendez W & Marrero S

Melenevsky V. (2013) Investigation of the Processes of Organic Matter Diagenesis in Sediments of Lake Beloye, West Siberia, by the Pyrolytic Methods
Melenevsky V, Leonova G, Bobrov V, Konyshev A & Maltsev A

Meleney P. (2011) Diverse Mantle Sources for Ninetyeast Ridge Volcanoes
Meleney P, Frey F, Pringle M, O'Brien E, Huang S, Nobre Silva I & Weis D

Meleshyn Arthur (2020) On Processes for Stipulating Temperature Limits at Disposal
Bracke G, Hartwig-Thurat E, Larue J, Meleshyn A & Weyand T

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