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Meier I. (2016) A New High-Resolution Sulfur Isotope Record of Triassic Seawater Sulfate
Bernasconi S, Meier I, Wohlwend S, Ramseyer K, Brack P, Blaesi H-R, Hochuli P & Wortmann U

Meier J. (2023) Microbially Influenced Corrosion: Fe(0) as Electron Donor in Freshwater Ecosystems
Raghunatha Reddy L, Fiskal A, Wulf S-E, Fischer H, Wick A & Meier J
(2023) Biogeochemical Cycling of Manganese in a Drinking Water Reservoir in Germany
Hahn L, Packroff G, Meier J & Manz W
(2021) Biogeochemical and Microbiological Characterization of Rust Tubercles Induced by Microbial Activity
Fiskal A, Raghunatha Reddy L, Herrig I, Wulf S-E, Meier J & Fischer H
(2019) Amorphous Al Hydroxides: A Suitable Dwelling for Microbes
Meier J, Hauröder B, Maar M, Neu TR, Rüffel V & Sánchez-España J
(2019) Metal-Microbe-Mineral Interactions in Extreme Environments: The Acidic Pit Lake Perspective
Sánchez-España J, Ayala D, Burgos W, Van der Graaf L, Sánchez-Andrea I, Maar M, Meier J, Falagán C & Yusta I
(2009) Iron Reducing Community in an Acidic Mining Lake Remediation Experiment
Wendt-Potthoff K, Porsch K, Meier J & Kleinsteuber S
(2009) Microcosm Studies on Microbial Sulfate-Reduction and Secondary Mineral Formation at Low pH
Meier J, Wendt-Potthoff K & Fortin D
(2007) Iron Sulfide Formation Under Low pH Conditions in Sulfate Reducing Enrichment Cultures Obtained from Acidic Pit Lake Sediments
Meier J, Piva A & Fortin D
(2005) Effect of Temperature on Activity, Growth, and Structure of Fe(III) and Sulfate Reducing Communities
Meier J & Wendt-Potthoff K

Meier L.C. (2007) Determination of Siderophile and Chalcophile Elements in Peridotites by Sector Field ICP-MS
Meier LC, van Acken D, Fischer-Gödde M, Wombacher F & Becker H

Meier Mario Federico (2013) Long Range Transport of Volcanic Aerosols: The Eyjafjallajökull Plume 2010
Grobety B, Meier M, Botter C, Weber K, Fischer C, Vogel A, Goldenberg E & Gieré R
(2011) Automated Characterization of Eyjafjallajökull Ash Cloud Particles
Meier MF, Weber K, Vogel A, Fischer C & Grobéty B
(2011) Airborne Measurements of Volcanic Particles and Gases with Small Aircrafts – Examples of Measurements in the Eyjafjallajökull Ash Plume over Germany and Iceland
Weber K, Eliasson J, Vogel A, Fischer C, Meier M, Grobety B & Dahmann D
(2010) Single Particle Analysis of Aerosols from El Chichón and Stromboli
Grobéty B, Meier MF, Fierz M, Botter C & Ricci T
(2010) Single Particle Analysis of Saharan Dust Sampled on Jungfraujoch
Meier MF, Collaud Coen M, Wehrle G & Grobéty B
(2009) Single Particle Analysis of a Saharan Dust Event on Jungfraujoch
Meier MF, Grobéty B, Collaud Coen M & Wehrle G

Meier Martin (2002) The Fish Canyon Tuff: Ar-Ar Versus U-Pb Age Discrepancy Re-assessed
Oberli F, Bachmann O, Meier M & Dungan MA

Meier Matthias M. M. (2015) Hg Isotopes at the K-Pg Boundary
Meier MMM, Cloquet C, Marty B, Ferrière L & Koeberl C

Meier Matthias M.M. (2009) Regolith Pre-Exposure Observed in Sediment-Dispersed Extraterrestrial Chromite Grains from an Asteroid Collision 470 Myrs ago
Meier MMM, Schmitz B, Baur H & Wieler R

Meier Men-Andrin (2010) Plume-Influenced Melting of a Two-Component Source beneath Iceland
Koornneef J, Stracke A, Meier M-A, Bourdon B, Grönvold K, Jochum K-P & Stoll B

Meier P. (2004) 125I- and 36Cl- Diffusion in Oxfordian Limestones and Callovo- Oxfordian Argillites Formations
Descostes M, Blin V, Grenut B, Meier P, Pointeau I & Tevissen E

Meierhenrich Uwe (2002) Amino Acids from Ultraviolet Irradiation of Interstellar Ice Analogues
Meierhenrich U, Munoz Caro G, Schutte W, Barbier B, Arcones Segovia A & Brack A

Meierhenrich Uwe (2015) A Perspective on the Complex Organic Composition of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
Giri C, Ehrenfreund P, Goesmann F, McKenna-Lawlor S, Meierhenrich U, Roll R, Steininger H, Szopa C & Ulamec S

Meierhenrich Uwe (2023) Why Nature Never Makes Chiral Twins – Insights from Cometary Ice Analogues and Extra-Terrestrial Sample Analyses
Meinert C, Bocková J, Topin J, Leyva V, Meierhenrich U, Nahon L, Jones N, Hoffmann S & Le Sergeant d'Hendecourt L

Meiggs D. (2009) New Insights into the Biogeochemical Cycling of Iron from in situ Measurements in Marine Sediments
Taillefert M, Meiggs D, Jones M & Beckler J

Meighan I. (2004) Sr and Nd Evidence for Successive Contamination of the Slieve Gullion Ring Dyke Magmas, Co. Armagh, Ireland
Troll V, Chadwick J, Ellam R, McDonnell S, Meighan I & Emeleus C

Meignant I. (2023) Probing the Molecular Composition of Humic Substances Extracted from Green Composts and Used for Soil Remediation
Stancampiano L, Meignant I, Verrillo M, Spaccini R, Piccolo A & Bridoux MC

Meijer E.J. (2012) Microscopic Structures and Acid Chemistry of Interfaces between Phyllosilicates Edges and Water
Liu X, Lu X, Meijer EJ, Wang R & Zhou H

Meijer J. (2000) Preservation and Chemical Alteration of Biogenic Francolite and Calcite from Marine Organism
Habermann D, Banerjee A, Goette T, Meijer J, Stephan A & Richter DK

Meijers M. (2016) Tracking Anatolian Lithosphere Evolution with 'Tectonochemistry'
Whitney D, Meijers M, Lefebvre C, Cosca M, Thomson S & Mulch A

Meijninger B. (2019) Tidal Dynamics Control Microbial Methane Oxidation in the Water Column Above an Active Cold Seep (Doggerbank, North Sea)
de Groot T, Maazallahi H, Walter S, Menoud M, Röckmann T, Meijninger B, Mesdag C, Rush D & Niemann H

Meilano I. (2016) U/Th Dating of Uplifted Coral Terraces in Sumba Island (Indonesia)
Liu X, Chiang H-W, Rigaud S, Leclerc F, Herdhiyanti T, Johnny J, Djamil YS, Meilano I, Bijaksana S, Abidin HZ, Tapponnier P & Wang X

Meile C. (2023) Resolving Environment-Microbe Feedback at the Pore Scaling Using a Reactive Transport Model Integrated with Genome-Enabled Microbial Metabolism
Jung H, Meile C, Song H-S, Asgari S & Lim S
(2021) How do Fluid Seepages Impact the Diagenetic Sequence in the Sedimentary Column? A Modelling Approach
Pastor L, Zindorf M, Rooze J, Meile C, Brandily C & Jouet G
(2021) Lugworm Bioturbation Controls Microbial Abundance, Activity, and Community Assembly and Biogeochemical Cycles in Intertidal Sediments
Deng L, Meile C, Fiskal A, Bölsterli D, Han X, Gajendra N, Bernasconi SM & Lever MA
(2020) How do Sedimentation Events Trigger Geochemical Processes?
Pastor L, Zindorf M, Rooze J, Meile C, Brandily C, Schmidt S & Jouet G
(2020) Modeling Microbially-Mediated Biogeochemical Dynamics in Porous Media Under Various Flow Conditions
Jung H & Meile C
(2019) Sulfur and Carbon Cycling in Fe Dominated Sediments from the Mozambique Margin: Past and Current Processes
Zindorf M, Rooze J, Meile C, Jouet G, März C, Bossier A, Cheron S, Brandily C & Pastor L
(2019) Flow and Short- and Long-Term Carbon Dynamics at Tidally Impacted Coastal Interfaces in the SE USA
Meile C, Schalles J, Peterson R, O'Donnell J, Bice K, Medeiros P, Di Iorio D, Hopkinson C, Joye S, Stegen J, Goldman A, Thomle J, Danczak R & Whonders T
(2019) Pore Scale Reactive Transport Modeling of Microbial Dynamics in Heterogenous Porous Media
Jung H & Meile C
(2018) High-Resolution Imaging of O2, pH, and pCO2 in Bioirrigated Sediments
Dwyer IP, Zhu Q, Meile C, Polerecky L & Volkenborn N
(2018) PH Dynamics in Bioirrigated Permeable Sediments
Volkenborn N, Dwyer IP, Zhu Q, Meile C & Polerecky L
(2017) Influence of pO2 on Iron Cycling and Anaerobic Carbon Mineralization in Redox Dynamic Soils
Chen C, Meile C, Wilmoth J, Barcellos D & Thompson A
(2016) The Effect of High Amplitude Redox Cycles on Soil Fe Reduction Rates and Mineral Composition
Ginn B, Meile C, Tang Y & Thompson A
(2014) Fe2+ Catalyzed Iron Atom Exchange and Re-crystallization in Soils from the Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory
Thompson A, Tishchenko V, Meile C, Scherer M & Pasakarnis T
(2012) Imposed Redox Frequency and Amplitude Flux in the Study of Iron Biogeochemical Dynamics
Wilmoth J, Meile C, Ginn B, Pasakarnis T, Hall S, Scherer M & Thompson A
(2012) Oxic-Anoxic Oscillations Driven by Infaunal Hydraulic Activity
Volkenborn N, Polerecky L, Meile C, Wethey DS & Woodin SA
(2012) Fe Reduction and Atom Exchange Rates during Redox Oscillation of Luquillo CZO Forest Soils
Thompson A, Ginn B, Tishchenko V, Meile C, Wilmoth J, Pasakarnis T & Scherer M
(2012) Pumping Away: Impact of Benthic Macrofauna on Flow, Redox Dynamics and Sediment N Cycling
Meile C, Dornhoffer T, Kaza S, Volkenborn N & Waldbusser G
(2010) The Effects of Early Diagenesis on the Composition and δ13C Signal of Lignin from Two Marsh Plants
Bowles K, Meile C, Culp R & Sun M-Y
(2010) Anaerobic Metabolism in Freshwater Sediments as a Methane Source: A Modeling Study
King E, Segarra K, Samarkin V, Joye S & Meile C
(2010) Macrofaunal Transport Dynamics in Marine Sediments as Inferred from 2D Images
Meile C, Lopez-Maisonave C & Waldbusser G
(2010) Biogeochemical Dynamics in Salt Marsh Environments: The Role of Intertidal Hotspots
Hagens M & Meile C
(2010) Impact of Patchiness in Burrow Distribution on Sediment Chemistry
Dornhoffer T, Waldbusser G & Meile C
(2010) The Effect of Redox Cycles on the Partitioning of Fe, C, and P within Soil Systems
Ginn B, Meile C, Scherer M & Thompson A
(2009) Anaerobic Metabolism and Methane Production in Freshwater Sediments: A Model Analysis of Experimental Data
King E, Segarra K, Samarkin V, Joye S & Meile C
(2005) Irrigation in Early Diagenetic Models: From One-Dimensional Mass Transfer Coefficients to Multi-Dimensional, Ecologically-Based Models
Van Cappellen P, Meile C & Koretsky C
(2005) Heterogeneity in Aquatic Sediments: 1D Representations of a 3D Environment
Meile C, Berg P, Van Cappellen P & Tuncay K
(2005) Incorporating Complementary Ecological and Biogeochemical Information into Quantitative Bioirrigation Models
Koretsky C, Meile C & Van Cappellen P
(2002) Global Benthic Fluxes: Importance of Enhanced Solute Transport in Marine Sediments
Meile C & Van Cappellen P
(2002) Seasonal Oscillations in Microbial Iron and Sulfate Reduction in Saltmarsh Sediments
Koretsky C, Moore C, Meile C, DiChristina T & Van Cappellen P
(2000) The Effect of Colonization by Spartina alterniflora on Pore Water Redox Geochemistry at a Saltmarsh on Sapelo Island, GA
Koretsky C, Meile C, Curry B, Haas J, Hunter K & Van Cappellen P

Meili Markus (2020) Holocene Atmospheric Dust Flux and Peat Accumulation in NW Russia
Pampura T, Zarubina O, Tsyganov A & Meili M
(2009) Seasonal Transformations of Hg and MeHg in Relation to C, Fe and S Biogeochemistry in a Sub-Oxic Lake Sediment
Skyllberg U, Karlsson A, Fredriksson I, Björn E & Meili M
(2004) Riverine 129I in the Baltic Region
Kekli A, Aldahan A, Possnert G, Meili M & Alfimov V

Meili Marus (2019) High-Resolution Peat-Based Reconstruction of Holocene Atmospheric Dust Fluxes and Sources in NW Russia
Pampura T, Zarubina O & Meili M

Meilland J. (2018) Field Application of Na/Ca as Salinity Proxy in Planktonic Foraminifera
Bertlich J, Nürnberg D, Hathorne EC, Groeneveld J, Kucera M, Siccha M & Meilland J

Meiller C. (2020) Numerical Study of Barite Precipitation in Porous Media Under Deep Geothermal Conditions
Cazenave F, Bachaud P, Casas L, Cezac P, Derluyn H, Estublier A & Meiller C

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