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Méheut Merlin (2017) Experimental Determination of the Isotope Fractionation between Aqueous Fluid Brucite and Amorphous Silica, and Among Mg and Si Aqueous Species
Stamm FM, Zambardi T, Chmeleff J, Méheut M, Schott J & Oelkers EH
(2017) Importance of a Fully Anharmonic Treatment of Equilibrium Isotope Fractionation Properties of Dissolved Species as Evidenced by Li+(aq)
Dupuis R, Benoit M, Tuckerman M & Méheut M

Méheut Merlin (2015) What Causes Metal and Metalloid Stable Isotope Fractionation in Silicic Melts?
Poitrasson F, Zambardi T & Méheut M

Méheut Merlin (2019) Theoretical Estimates of Solid-Fluid Ca Isotopes Fractionation in Soils
Méheut M, Benoît M, Schurhammer R & Schmitt A-D
(2019) Deciphering Non-Traditional Isotope Fractionation during Solid-Fluid Interactions: Kinetic/thermodynamic Challenges and Pathways Forward
Schott J, Mavromatis V, Saldi G, Blanchard M, Méheut M & Oelkers E

Mehl Leah (2010) Constraining the Duration and Rate of Garnet Growth and Dehydration during Subduction, Sifnos, Greece
Dragovic B, Mehl L, Baxter E & Selverstone J
(2008) High Precision Neodymium Isotopic Analysis of Very Small (1-10ng Nd) Aliquots
Baxter E, Harvey J, Mehl L, Pollington A & Peterman E

Mehl Luc (2002) Thermal Convection in the Mantle Wedge
Kelemen P, Parmentier M, Rilling J, Mehl L & Hacker B

Mehlhorn J. (2018) Copper Sequestration in Mofettes – How Geogenic Carbon Dioxide Affects Binding to Organic Matter and Mineral Precipitation
Mehlhorn J, Besold J, Lezama Pacheco J, Gustafsson JP, Kretzschmar R & Planer-Friedrich B
(2015) Time and Temperature Dependency of Carbon Dioxide Triggered Metal(loid) Mobilization
Mehlhorn J & Planer-Friedrich B

Mehlhorn T. (2010) In situ Biostimulation of U(VI) Reduction and Immobilization Using Emulsified Vegetable Oil
Wu W, Watson D, Mehlhorn T, Earles J, Boyanov M, Gihring T, Schadt C, Lowe K, Phillips J, Kemner K, Spalding B, Criddle C, Jardine P & Brooks S
(2010) Changes in Microbial Community Structure and Activity during Amendment with Long-Term Electron Donor Sources for Bioreduction of Groundwater Contaminants
Gihring T, Schadt C, Zhang G, Yang Z, Carroll S, Lowe K, Mehlhorn T, Jardine P, Watson D, Brooks S, Wu W, Kostka J, Overholt W, Green S, Zhou J, Zhang P & Von Nostrand J
(2001) Reactive Transport of Chelated Radionuclides Through Weathered Shale Saprolite: Observations from Lab and Field Experimentation
Jardine PM, Mayes MA, Mehlhorn TL & Brooks SC

Mehra A. (2019) Aerosol Sources, Processes and Effects on the Urban Boundary Layer: Highlights from the Beijing Air Pollution and Human Health Programme
Coe H, Allan J, Mehra A, Worrall S, Bacak A, Bannan T, Priestley M, Slater J, Joshi R, McFiggans G, Topping D, Connolly P, Liu D, Flynn M, Yu C, Sun Y, Fu P, Wang Z, Ge X & Worsnop D

Mehrabani S. (2016) Effects of Soil, Sea Salt and Anthropogenic Activities on Precipitation Chemistry in Western Iran
Asai K, Yokoo Y, Anma R & Mehrabani S

Mehrabi A. (2010) Generation of Integrated Geochemical-Geological Predictive Model of Porphyry-Cu Potential, Chahargonbad District, Iran
Mehrabi A & Derakhshani R
(2000) Monitoring of Environmental Heavy Metal Loads Using the Shell of Dreissina Polymorpha: A Laser-Ablation Inductively-Coupled-Plasma Mass-Spectrometry Study
Johnson A, Mehra A, Chenery S & Jenkinson P

Mehrabi H. (2012) Geochemical Evaluation of the Karstified Bangestan Reservoirs in the Dezful Embayment, SW Iran
Sonei R, Rahimpour-Bonab H, Navidtalab A & Mehrabi H

Mehrabi Kermani M. (2010) Geochemical Characteristics of Hydrothermal Alteration Zones in the Sarcheshmeh Porphyry Copper Deposit, SE of Iran
Khalili M & Mehrabi Kermani M

Mehring A. (2015) Can Stable Isotopes be Used as Indicators of Nitrogen Processing in Wetlands?
Roberts K, Grace M, Mehring A & Cook P

Mehrparto M. (2009) Geochemical Zonation in Mirkoh Alimirza Area, Arasbaran Zone, NW Iran
Maghsoudi A, Yazdi M, Mehrparto M & Vosoghi Abedni M

Mehta A. (2009) Structure, Composition, Size and Reactivity of Biogenic Nano-Uraninite
Bargar JR, Bernier-Latmani R, Giammar DE, Mehta A, Schofield EJ, Sharp JO, Suvorova EI, Ulrich K-U & Veeramani H
(2008) Molecular- and Nano-Scale Structure and Reactivity of Biogenic Uranium (IV) Oxide
Schofield E, Bargar J, Ulrich K-U, Mehta A, Bernier-Latmani R, Veeramani H, Sharp J, Conradson S, Clark D, Giammar D & Webb S

Mehta N. (2023) Isotope and Trace Element Composition of Biogenic Amorphous Calcium Carbonate (ACC) Formed by Cyanobacteria
Mehta N, Coutaud M, Bouchez J, Van Zuilen K, Bradbury HJ, Moynier F, Gorge C, Skouri-Panet F & Benzerara K
(2022) Lake Pavin is a Microbial Mineralization Oasis
Lefevre CT, Menguy N, Benzerara K, Busigny V, Mangin CC, Mehta N, Travert C, Bolzoni R, Bidaud CC, Mathon FP, Jézéquel D, Viollier E, Skouri-Panet F, Duprat E & Monteil CL
(2022) Molecular Insights into Formation of Bacterial Intracellular Amorphous Calcium Carbonate (ACC) by X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy
Mehta N, Gaëtan J, Vantelon D, Fernandez-Martinez A & Benzerara K
(2022) Changes in Magnetic Properties of Magnetite Nanoparticles Upon Microbial Iron Reduction
Wang P, Shi T, Mehta N, Yang S, Wang H, Liu D & Zhu Z
(2022) Intracellular Formation of Amorphous Calcium Carbonate by Bacteria: From Molecular Actors to Environmental Impacts
Benzerara K, Gaëtan J, Mehta N, Millet M, Duprat E, Skouri-Panet F, Travert C, Leloup J, Halary S, Moreira D & Callebaut I
(2021) The Use of NMR Spectroscopy to Probe Chemical Environment Surrounding Intracellular Amorphous Carbonates Formed by Cyanobacteria
Mehta N, Georges T, Azaïs T, Laurent GP, Coelho-Diogo C & Benzerara K
(2021) Microbial Ecology of Intracellular Calcium Carbonate Biomineralization by Bloom-Forming Cyanobacteria
Gaëtan J, Mehta N, Duprat E, Bruley A, Skouri-Panet F, Gugger M, Bernard C, Duval C, Leloup J & Benzerara K
(2019) Variability in Porewater 224Ra/228Ra Ratio and its Implications for Groundwater Tracer Studies
Mehta N & Harvey C
(2018) Radium Retention by Cynobacteria Forming Intracellular Carbonates
Mehta N, Benzerara K & Kocar BD
(2017) Investigating Mechanisms to Understand Variability in Radium Isotopic Activity Ratios in Natural Environments
Mehta N, Harvey C & Kocar B

Mehta P. (2007) High Primary Productivity in Stromatolitic Phosphorites from the Paleoproterozoic Aravalli Supergroup
Papineau D, Purohit R, Mehta P, Shirey S & Fogel M
(2006) Possible role of grain coatings in the trace element geochemistry of Kaveri river sediments, Southern India
Routray PR, Tripathy JK, Mehta P & Rajamani V
(2005) Geochemistry of Amphibolite Weathering in Different Climatic Setup of Kaveri Catchment of Southern India and its Implications
Mehta P, Tripathi JK, Pandey D & Rajamani V
(2005) Chemical Speciation Study of Amphibolite Weathering Under Different Climatic Setup of Mysore Plateau, Southern India
Pandey D, Tripathi JK, Mehta P & Rajamani V

Mehta S. (2022) Reactive Transport Modeling of Contaminant Release from Encased Unirradiated Fuel to Hanford Sediments
Nell R, Paris B & Mehta S
(2020) Reactive Transport Modeling of Uranium Sequestration from Field-Scale Injection of Polyphosphate Solutions in Contaminated Hanford Sediments
Nell R & Mehta S

Mehta V. (2013) Effects of Aqueous Phosphate on U(VI) Sorption
Maillot F, Mehta V, Catalano J, Giammar D & Wang Z
(2011) Impact of Groundwater Composition and Diffusive Transport Limitations on Uraninite Stability
Giammar D, Cerrato JM, Barrows C, Wang Z, Mehta V, Lezama-Pacheco J & Bargar J

Mehta-Kolte M. (2016) Mechanism of H2S Oxidation by Dissimilatory (Per)chlorate-Reducing Microorganism Azospira Suillum PS
Mehta-Kolte M, Loutey D, Wang O, Youngblut M & Coates J
(2016) Perchlorate Mediated Adaptive Evolution of Desulfovibrio alaskensis G20
Mehta-Kolte M, Yongblut M, Redford S, Melnyk R, Gregoire P, Carlson H & Coates J

Mehterian S. (2017) Speleothem Records of Glacial/Interglacial Climate from Iran Forewarn of Future Water Availability in the Interior of the Middle East
Mehterian S, Pourmand A, Sharifi A, Lahijani H, Naderi M & Swart P

Mei H-J (2006) Osmium, lead and Neodymium isotope geochemistry of Permian Emeishan continental flood basalts: Insights into the source of a large igneous province
Suzuki K, Xu J-F, Xu Y-G, Mei H-J & Li J

Mei Hai (2020) The Application of Microbiological and Geochemical Exploration in Volcanic Reservoir Exploration
Ding L, Wu Y & Mei H

Mei L. (2018) Petrography-Geochemistry, Provenance and Palaeoclimatology for Eocene Liushagang Formation of Wushi Depression, Beibuwan Basin, the South China Sea
Xu Y, Yang X & Mei L
(2010) Oil Sources Analysis in Northern Qaidam Basin, China
Liu Z & Mei L
(2008) Tectonothermal Evolution of Shizhu Subbasin, Central China, as Revealed by Thermochronology and Virtrinite Reflectance Data
Shen C-B, Mei L-F & Xu S-H
(2008) Mesozoic Intra-Continental Progressive Evolution in Middle-Upper Yangtze Region of China: Evidence from Thermochronology and Balanced Cross-Section
Mei L, Guo T, Tang J & Shen C
(2007) Cretaceous-Cenozoic Exhumation of Dabashan from Apatite Fission Track Thermochronology and its Implication for Growth of the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau Margin
Shen C & Mei L

Mei Qing-Feng (2018) Tungsten Isotope Compositions of the Archean Anshan Complex, North China Craton and the Oldest Granites from the Barberton Greenstone Belt
Mei Q-F & Yang J-H

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