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Meeussen J C L (2005) A Donnan Diffusion Model for the Description of Sr Adsorption Kinetics to Hydrous Ferric Oxide
Hofmann A, Van Beinum W, Kretzschmar R & Meeussen JCL
(2004) Diffusion-Limited Sr Sorption by Hydrous Ferric Oxide Aggregates: Influence of Pore Sizes
Hofmann A, Van beinum W, Meeussen J & Kretzschmar R
(2004) The Relevance of Geochemical Fronts in Leaching Behaviour of Cement – Based Materials
Meeussen J, Dijkstra J, Comans R & Van der Sloot H

Meeussen Johannes (2013) From Small-Scale Chemical Processes to Long-Term (Radioactive) Contaminant Migration Predictions
Meeussen J, Schroder T & Dijkstra J

Meeussen Johannes C L (2023) A New Efficient Approach to Solve the Nernst-Planck Equation with a Finite Volume Method
Meeussen JCL
(2022) Interactions Across Interfaces between Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) Paste and Oil Shale
Gruber C, Taylor AD, Brown KG, Delapp R, Brown L, Mitchell C, Pyrak-Nolte L, Matteo EN, Klein-BenDavid O, Bar-Nes G, Meeussen JCL, Ayers J & Kosson DS
(2022) Modern Thermodynamic Databases: Storing Model Parameters and Model Code in One Place
Meeussen JCL

Meeussen Johannes C. L. (2017) ORCHESTRA, a Simple Tool for Complex Reactive Transport Simulations Across Scales and Disciplines
Meeussen JCL

Meeuws Fun (2017) Insights in Cenozoic Intraplate Magmatism in Tasmania, Australia, Using Sr-Nd-Pb Isotopes
Meeuws F, Foden J & Holford S
(2015) Geochemical Constraints on Meso-Cenozoic Intraplate Magmatism and Related Basin Evolution along the Australian Southern Margin
Meeuws F, Foden J & Holford S

Meeuws Fun J. E. (2023) Insights into the Formation of Rhyolite Suites of the Peak Ranges, Queensland, Australia, Using Geochemistry and Sr-Nd Isotopes
Meeuws FJE, Spandler C, Fetzer Boegheim M & Peters L

Meffan-Main S. (2006) New possibilities for the in situ measurement of δ34S and δ33S by laser ablation multiple collector ICP-MS
Mason P, Kosler J, De Hoog CJ, Sylvester P & Meffan-Main S
(2000) Ultra High Nd Isotope Ratio Precisions – The Limit of Exponential Mass Fractionation Correction
Palacz Z, Turner P & Meffan-Main S
(2000) IsoProbe2 – The Second Generation Single Focussing MC-ICPMS
Meffan-Main S, Palacz Z & Turner P

Meffre Sebastian (2015) New Insights into the 3.4 Ga Sulfur and Iron Cycle from the ICDP Buck Reef Chert Drill Core
Eickmann B, Hofmann A, Agangi A, Wille M, Meffre S, Wing B & Schoenberg R
(2015) Laser Ablation Mass Spectrometry in Ore Deposit Research
Meffre S, Large R, Danyushevsky L, Cooke D & Gilbert S
(2015) Stability and Metastability of Arsenian Pyrite
Stepanov A, Goemann K, Large R, Meffre S & Danyushevsky L
(2015) Trace Element Partitioning during the Pyrite to Pyrrhotite Reduction
Johnson S, Large R, Meffre S & Raub T

Meffre Sebastien (2021) Application of Alkaline Industrial Wastes in the Remediation of Acid and Metalliferous Drainage Generated by Legacy Mine Wastes
Moyo A, Parbhakar-Fox A, Meffre S, Miller CB & Cooke DR
(2020) Potential Use of Industrial Wastes in the Treatment of Mine Wastes: A Case Study of Legacy Mine Sites in Tasmania
Moyo A, Parbhakar-Fox A, Meffre S & Cooke D
(2019) Geochemistry of Miocene-Pliocene Epithermal Gold-Hosting Volcanic Rocks in Northeastern Borneo (Sabah and North Kalimantan)
Lee B, Lai C, Mandiri IT, Xia X, Zhang L & Meffre S
(2018) Pyrite Re-Os Geochronology: What are We Actually Measuring?
Hnatyshin D, Creaser R & Meffre S
(2018) Invited Keynote: Advances in Applications of LA-ICPMS to Minerals in Ores and Black Shales
Large R, Danyushevsky L, Meffre S & Stepanov A
(2017) Scanning Unpolished Drill Cores with Laser Ablation Quadrupole ICPMS
Meffre S, Danyushevsky L, Harraden C, Berry R, Olin P & Fox N
(2016) Trace Metals and Isotopes in Estonian Black Shales: Cambro-Ordovician Shallow Water Anoxia on the Baltica Shelf?
Johnson S, McGoldrick P, Systra Y, Meffre S, Large R, Raub T, Boyce A & Lyons T
(2014) Pyrite Trace Element Compositions for Ore Deposits from Western Australia
Belousov I, Large R, Meffre S, Danyushevsky L & Beardsmore T
(2013) Isotopic Evidence for a Crustal Pb Source in the Giant Broken Hill Pb-Zn-Ag Deposit, NSW, Australia
Raveggi M, Giles D, Foden J, Meffre S, Raetz M & Nicholls I
(2013) LA-ICP-MS Trace Element and Oxygen Isotope Variation of Vanadium-Rich Ruby and Sapphire within Mogok Gemfield, Myanmar
Zaw K, Sutherland L, Yui T-F, Meffre S & Thu K
(2013) LA-ICPMS Imaging of Micro-Inclusions and High Compositional Gradients in Minerals
Danyushevsky L, Meffre S & Gilbert S
(2013) Matrix Dependance for the Quantification of Sulphur in Sulphide Minerals by LA-ICP-MS
Gilbert S, Danyushevsky L & Meffre S
(2013) New Geochronological Constraints on the Ruili Metamorphic Belt in Western Yunnan, China
Lai C-K, Khin Zaw  & Meffre S
(2011) Maximising Precision and Accuracy in Laser Quadrupole ICPMS U-Pb Geochronology
Meffre S, Danyushevsky L, Guillong M & Gilbert S
(2011) Olympic Dam U-Cu-Au Deposit, Australia: New Age Constraints
Maas R, Kamenetsky V, Ehrig K, Meffre S, McPhie J & Diemar G
(2010) Multi-Element Laser Mapping of Geological Materials: Improving Data Collection, Image Production and Analysis Using Time Series and Innovative Inference Techniques
Reading A, Danyushevsky L, Meffre S & Gilbert S
(2009) The New Caledonia Ophiolite: Multiple Melting Stages and Refertilisation Process as Indicators for Ridge to Subduction Formation
Ulrich M, Picard C, Guillot S, Chauvel C, Cluzel D & Meffre S
(2006) EPMA and LA-ICPMS Dating of Hydrothermal REE-Minerals from the Estrela Copper Deposit, Carajás, Brazil
Volp K, Evins P & Meffre S

Megawati M. (2011) Mechanical Instabilities Induced by Sulfate Adsorption
Megawati M, Hiorth A & Madland MV
(2011) The Effect of Sulfate Adsorption on the Cation Exchange Capacity of High Porosity Chalks
Megawati M, Hiorth A & Madland MV

Meggers H. (2008) A Multi-Proxy Approach to Look at the Paleoclimatic Variability in the Upwelling Zone of NW Africa
Ott C, Steinke S, Rendle-Buehring R, Meggers H, Boeckel B, Baumann K-H & Donner B
(2006) High-resolution multi-molecular records from North Atlantic drift sediments (ODP Sites 980, 984) reflecting Late Quaternary/Holocene climate and ocean dynamics
Holtvoeth J, Wagner T, Johnson C, Meggers H, Mollenhauer G, Montluçon D, McManus J, Oppo D & Eglinton T
(2004) Regional Differences in Productivity, Dust Supply and Diagenesis in the Canary Islands Area
Plewa K, Kasten S, Meggers H & Freudenthal T

Meghji I. (2015) Application of δ18O to Exploration at the Geordie Lake Cu-Pd Deposit, Midcontinent Rift, Canada
Good D, Webb E, Meghji I, Linnen R, Samson I & Banerjee N

Megonigal Pat (2020) Salinity and Inundation Alter Biogeochemistry and Carbon Fluxes in Two Coastal Forests
Bailey V, Sengupta A, Myers-Pigg A, Pennington S, Hopple A, Bond-Lamberty B, McDowell N, Megonigal P, Stegen J, Tan Z, Ward N, Yabusaki S & Zheng J

Megonigal Patrick (2023) Iron Redox Dynamics Across Coastal Terrestrial-Aquatic Interfaces: Field Study in The Great Lakes and Chesapeake Bay Regions
Stetten L, Boyanov MI, O'Loughlin EJ, Bailey V, Day D, Homolka KK, Hopple AM, Kovach M, Bittencourt Peixoto R, Machado-Silva F, Mcdowell NG, Megonigal P, Wilson S, Myers-Pigg AN, Otenburg O, Ward ND, Weintraub M & Kemner KM
(2018) Consistency in U.S. Tidal Wetland Soil Carbon Densities: Spatial and Downcore Trends of a Field-Based, Community-Generated Dataset
Windham-Myers L, Holmquist J, Bliss N, Crooks S, Morris J, Megonigal P, Troxler T, Weller D, Callaway J, Drexler J, Ferner M, Gonneea M, Kroeger K, Schile-Beers L, Sutton-Grier A & Woo I

Megremi I. (2019) Groundwater Pressures in Cr(VI) Impacted Aquifers of Central Greece
Argyraki A, Pyrgaki K, Kelepertzis E, Megremi I, Botsou F & Dermatas D
(2019) Assessing the Natural Background of Cr(VI) Impacted Aquifers in Central Greece
Pyrgaki K, Argyraki A, Kelepertzis E, Botsou F, Megremi I, Karavoltsos S & Dassenakis E
(2019) Linking N Cycle to Contamination of Groundwater by Geogenic Cr(VI)
Kelepertzis E, Botsou F, Pyrgaki K, Argyraki A, Boeckx P & Megremi I

Mehana M. (2020) Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Reveals Pressure-Dependent Methane Trapping in Shale
Neil C, Mehana M, Hjelm R, Hawley M, Mao Y, Viswanathan H, Kang Q & Xu H

Meharg A.A. (2014) Arsenic in Rice: Capturing Micro-Scale Biogeochemical Heterogeneity in Paddy Soils
Williams P, Meharg A & Zhang H
(2010) Arsenic Biovolatilization from Soil – A Global Phenomenon?
Mestrot A, Plantevin T, Hossain M, Islam R, Roman-Ross G, Krupp E, Feldmann J & Meharg A
(2009) Biovolatilisation of Arsenic: Validation of a Low Level, Field Deployable, Chemo-Trapping Technique
Mestrot A, Krupp E, Feldmann J & Meharg A
(2008) Regulation of Arsenic Mobility on Basaltic Glass Surfaces by Speciation and pH
Sigfusson B, Gislason SR & Meharg AA

Méhay S. (2018) Optimizing Gas Stable Isotope Measurements in Geochemistry
Luu N, Mehay S, Jacksier T, Turich C, Socki R & Stankiewicz A
(2011) Microbial Utilization of the Products of Serpentinization at the Lost City Hydrothermal Field
Lang S, Fruh-Green G, Bernasconi S, Butterfield D, Lilley M, Proskurowski G & Mehay S
(2010) Present-Day Serpentinization and Microbial Activity in Peridotites Hosting High-Ph Spring Waters, Gruppo di Voltri (Italy)
Schwarzenbach E, Früh-Green G, Bernasconi S, Méhay S & Lilley M
(2010) Archaeal Communities of the Lost City Hydrothermal Field
Mehay S, Früh-Green G, Bernasconi S, Schaeffer P, Adam P & Brazelton W
(2009) S-Cycling and Sulfurization Processes at the Lost City Hydrothermal Field
Méhay S, Früh-Green G & Bernasconi S
(2009) Cretaceous Carbon Cycle and Climate: The Negative Carbon Isotope Spike at the Onset of OAE1a in the Early Aptian
Keller CE, Méhay S, Bottini C, Giorgioni M, Garcia TI, Bernasconi SM, Hochuli PA, Erba E & Weissert H
(2009) CO2 Pulses and Carbonate and Biotic Crises in the Mesozoic
Bernasconi S, Črne A, Méhay S, Keller C, Hochuli P, Erba E & Weissert H

Mehdioui S. (2022) Position of Precambrian Magmatism and Metamorphism of the High Atlas in the West Africain Craton
Tissir F-E, Reddad A, Elhaibi H, Elhadi H & Mehdioui S

Méheust R. (2020) Large Freshwater Phages with the Potential to Augment Aerobic Methane Oxidation
Chen L-X, Méheust R, Crits-Christoph A, McMahon K, Nelson TC, Warren L & Banfield J

Méheut Merlin (2021) Antimony Isotopic Fractionation in the Environment: First Insights from Theoritical and Experimental Investigations
Ferrari C, Resongles E, Casiot C, Freydier R & Méheut M
(2021) Ca Isotopes Fractionation at Thermodynamical Equilibrium between Solids (Silicates, Carbonates, Oxides) from Density Functional Theory: Functional Matters, and Rescaling is not Recommended
Méheut M
(2021) Calcium Coordination in Aqueous Solution from Atomistic Simulations
Moison H, Méheut M & Benoit M
(2021) Density Functional Theory Modeling of the Structural and Isotopic Properties of ZnO Surfaces
Lubani J, Blanchard M, Méheut M, Fantacchi S & De Angelis F

Méheut Merlin (2013) The Structural Determinants of Silicon Fractionation Properties of Silicate Minerals: A First-Principles Density Functional Study
Méheut M & Schauble EA
(2013) Silicon Isotope Fractionation Implying Liquid Phases at 300K: The Importance of Configurational Disorder
Dupuis R, Benoit M & Méheut M
(2013) First-Principles Investigation of Equilibrium Iron Isotope Fractionation in Oxide and Sulfide Minerals
Blanchard M, Pinilla C, Poitrasson F, Méheut M, Lazzeri M, Mauri F & Balan E
(2011) The Structural Determinants of Silicon Fractionation Properties in Silicate Minerals: A First-Principles Density Functional Study
Méheut M & Schauble E
(2010) Theoretical Investigation of Iron Isotope Fractionation between Pyrite, Hematite and Siderite
Blanchard M, Poitrasson F, Méheut M, Lazzeri M, Mauri F & Balan E
(2010) H/D Isotopic Fractionation between Minerals and Water, as Predicted by First-Principles Calculations
Méheut M, Lazzeri M, Balan E & Mauri F
(2009) Internal Fractionation of Oxygen in Hydrous Minerals: Reconciling Thermal Dehydroxylation and Partial Fluorination Through Theoretical Predictions
Meheut M & Schauble EA
(2007) Silicon Isotopic Fractionation: Assessments from First-Principles Methods
Méheut M, Blanchard M, Balan E, Lazzeri M & Mauri F

Méheut Merlin (2023) Experimental and Theoretical Investigations of Stable Sr Isotope Fractionation during its Incorporation in Aragonite
Mavromatis V, Brazier J-M, Blanchard M, Méheut M, Schmitt A-D & Schott J
(2023) Zirconium Isotopic Compositions of Igneous Zircon Reveal Dominantly Equilibrium Crystallization Conditions throughout Earth’s History
Laurent O, Leisen M, Chmeleff J, Méheut M, Borisova AY & Gaborit N
(2023) Reconciling Theoretical and Experimental Estimates of Ca Isotopes Fractionation between Mineral and Solution
Méheut M, Aufort J, Moison H, Schott J, Mavromatis V & Benoit M

Méheut Merlin (2018) Extreme Silicon Isotope Fractionation between Silicic Acid and Aqueous Organosilicon Complexes: Implication for Silica Biomineralization
Stamm FM, Méheut M, Zambardi T, Chmeleff J, Schott J & Oelkers EH
(2018) Nickel Isotopic Fractionation between Metal and Silicate: Insights from Theoretical Approaches
Méheut M, Connétable D, Guignard J & Quitté G
(2018) Importance of a Fully Anharmonic Treatment of Equilibrium Isotope Fractionation Properties
Dupuis R, Benoit M, Tuckerman M & Méheut M

Méheut Merlin (2016) What are the Sources and Processes Behind Si and Fe Stable Isotope Compositions of Igneous Rocks?
Poitrasson F, Zambardi T & Méheut M

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