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Medley J. (2023) Volcanic (Lava Tube) Caves Water Chemistry Influenced by High Magnitude Wildfires on Surface
Hollan SH, Heathman I, Kulkarni H, Medley J, Hathaway J, Phillips-Lander CM, Northup DE & Datta S
(2022) Impacts of Wildfire on Volcanic (Lava Tube) Cave Water Chemistry
Datta S, Kulkarni HV, Medley J, Hathaway J, Phillips-Lander CM & Northup DE

Medrano R. (2017) Platinum Bioaccumulation Kinetics in Marine Bivalve (Oyster Crassostrea gigas) – A Potential Sentinel Species for TCEs
Abdou M, Schafer J, Dutruch L, Bossy C, Zaldibar B, Medrano R, Izagirre U, Catrouillet C, Hu R, Coynel A, Gil-Diaz T, Lerat A, Blanc G & Soto M

Meducin F. (2004) In situ high-P/T Behaviour of Minerals by Neutron Scattering
Redfern S, Stone H, Dove M & Meducin F

Medunić G. (2021) Metalloid Mobility of Aged Landfill – The Negative Impact of the Forgotten
Petrović M, Fiket Ž, Dolenec M, Čermelj B, Medunić G & Ivanić M
(2018) Geochemistry of Superhigh-Organic-Sulfur Raša Coal (Croatia), with an Emphasis on the Rare Earth Elements
Fiket Z, Medunic G, Furdek Turk M, Ivanic M, Dolenec M & Kniewald G
(2016) Sulphur and Heavy Metal Pollution of the Coal-Based City Soil (Labin, Croatia)
Medunić G, Šabarić J, Krivohlavek A, Divjak D, Rađenović A, Kampić Š & Šeparović A

Medvedev A.Y. (2016) Subduction Initiation in Proterozoic: Geochemistry of Mafic-Ultramafic Plutonic Suite from Eastern Sayan Ophiolites, Siberia
Belyaev VA, Gornova MA, Wang K-L, Medvedev AY, Dril SI & Karimov AA
(2016) Pyroxenite Veins from SSZ Peridotites of Egiingol Massif (Northern Mongolia)
Karimov A, Gornova M, Belyaev V & Medvedev A

Medvedev N. (2021) Unique Amphibole-Rich Mantle beneath the Leningrad Kimberlite Pipe, West Ukukit Field, NE Yakutia
Ashchepkov I, Babushkina S, Oleinikov O & Medvedev N
(2020) Mantle Xenoliths from Zapolyarnaya Pipe, Yakutia, Russia
Ashchepkov I, Medvedev N & Ivanov A
(2019) Mantle Columns beneath Kosomolskaya and Zarnitsa Kimberlite Pipes: Xenolith Study
Ashchepkov I, Medvedev N, Ntaflos T, Yudin D, Ivanov A, Makovchuk I & Kiseeva K
(2018) Deep Mantle Roots of Zarnitsa Pipe
Ashchepkov I, Medvedev N, Ntaflos T, Khmelnikova O, Tolstov A & Smarov G

Medvedev P. (2021) The Grandest of Them All: The Lomagundi-Jatuli Event and the Carbon Cycle
Prave T, Kirsimäe K, Lepland A, Fallick T, Kreistmann T, Deines Y, Romashkin A, Rychanchik D, Medvedev P, Moussavou M & Bakakas Mayika K
(2018) Two-Billion-Year-Old-Evaporites Capture Earth’s Great Oxidation
Blättler C, Claire M, Prave A, Kirsimäe K, Higgins J, Medvedev P, Romashkin A, Rychanchik D, Zerkle A, Paiste K, Kreitsmann T, Millar I, Hayles J, Bao H, Turchyn A, Warke M & Lepland A
(2012) Paleoproterozoic Collapse in Seawater Sulfate and Subsequent Shallowing of the Methane Cycle in Marine Sediments
Scott C, Wing B, Bekker A, Planavsky N, Medvedev P, Bates S, Yun M & Lyons T
(2009) Ca and Mg Isotope Variations of Paleoproterozoic (~2 Ga) Carbonates: Implications for Positive δ13C Event
Farkas J, Chakrabarti R, Melezhik V, Kump L, Medvedev P & Jacobsen S

Medvedeva E. (2013) Zirconology of UHP-Ultramafic Rocks and Eclogites from the Maksyutovo Complex (South Urals, Russia)
Valizer P, Krasnobaev A, Rusin A & Medvedeva E

Medvediev O. (2014) X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis of Major and Trace-Elements in Ukrainian Uranium Ores
Medvediev O, Burdejniy D, Vanzha S, Kutnii D, Knight K & Kayzar T

Meece D (2003) Comparison of Metal Sorption in Laboratory and Field Environments
Davis J, Curtis G, Kohler M, Fox P & Meece D

Meece D. E. (2001) Reactive Transport Modeling of U(VI) in Groundwater at a Former Mill Site
Curtis GP, Davis JA, Kohler M & Meece DE
(2001) Application of Semi-Empirical Surface Complexation Models to Metal and Radionuclide Transport
Davis JA, Kohler M, Meece DE, Sanpawanitchakit C, Kent DB, Curtis GP & Honeyman BD
(2001) A Comparison of Methods for Estimating Sorbed Uranium (VI) in Contaminated Sediments
Kohler M, Meece DE & Davis JA

Meeker G. (2005) Asbestos from Libby Montana; Compositions and Morphologies that Don‚t fit Current Asbestos Definitions
Meeker G, Lowers H & Brownfield I
(2005) Using Imaging Spectroscopy to Map Ultramafic Rocks, Serpentinites, and Tremolite-Actinolite-Bearing Rocks in California
Swayze G, Higgins C, Clinkenbeard J, Kokaly R, Clark R, Meeker G & Sutley S
(2005) Microanalysis of Particulate Mineral Material in the Real World; How Analytical Errors Affect Results Used by the Health, Regulatory, and Legal Communities
Meeker G, Lowers H & Brownfield I

Meen J. (2006) Estimating Alkali Basalt and Kimberlite Magma Ascent Rates Using H Diffusion Profiles in Xenolithic Mantle Olivine
Peslier A, Luhr J, Woodland A, Wolff J & Meen J

Meeran K. (2016) New Break Seal Method for High Precision Clumped Isotope Analysis of Carbonate Reference Material
Ghosh P, Naidu P, Banerjee Y, Sarkar A, Fosu B & Meeran K

Meere P (2006) The timing of Variscan deformation: UV laser 40Ar/39Ar dating of synlate-orogenic intrusions from SW Ireland
Wartho J, Quinn D & Meere P

Meere Pat (2017) Copper Metallogenesis in Upper Palaeozoic Sedimentary Rocks from the Irish Variscides
Lang J, Meere P, Solferino G & Unitt R

Meermann Bjoern (2020) On-Line Species-Specific Isotopic Analysis of Sulfur by Hyphenation of Capillary Electrophoresis with MC-ICP-MS
Fassbender S, Rodiouchkina K, Vanhaecke F & Meermann B

Meermann Björn (2023) Developing Matrix-Matched Standards for LA-MC-ICPMS Analysis of Cu Isotopes in Biological Material
Schannor M, Traub H, Oelze M, Vogl J & Meermann B
(2021) Mercury Speciation in Sediments of a Historic Industrially Used Canal in Northern Germany Using SSID GC-Icp-TOF-MS
Faßbender S, von der Au M, Piechotta C, Vogl J & Meermann B

Meert J. (2009) Paleomagnetic Rates of Terra Rossa Formation vs. Rates Calculated by Dynamic Modeling of Clay-For-Limestone Replacement
Merino E, Banerjee A & Meert J

MEERT, J. (2018) Geochemistry of a Reconstructed 1110 Ma LIP (Kalahari, Dronning Maud Land, Congo, Indian & Amazonian Cratons)
Choudhary R B, Xu YG, Ernst R, De Kock M, MEERT, J, Evans D, Ruiz A & Lima G

Meerts P. (2011) Relation between Cobalt Fractionation and its Accumulation in Metallophytes from South of Central Africa
Faucon MP, Collinet G, Jitaru P, Verbruggen N, Shutcha M, Mahy G, Meerts P & Pourret O

Mees F. (2016) Silicon Isotopes as Paleoweathering Proxies: Application to Paleogene Central African Environments
Bayon G, De Putter T, Mees F, Ponzevera E, Delvigne C, Monin L, Smith T & André L
(2011) SIMS U-Pb Ages for Heterogenite from Katanga (DRC): Implications for the Genesis of Co-u Deposits in Shinkolobwe
Decrée S, Deloule E, De Putter T, Dewaele S, Mees F & Marignac C

Meesschaert B. (2009) In situ Conditioning and Stabilisation of Dredging and Mineral Sludge
Van Roy S, Accoe F, Dejonghe W, Daems M, Ryngaert A, Diels L, Cichocka D, Springael D, Barbetti L, Van Impe P, Van Staeyen G, Meesschaert B, Duerinckx L, Vandekeybus J, Pieters A, Ide G, Seffelaar H, Pensaert S, Geeraert M, Ramdas R, Carpels B, Heylen A, Van Goylen E, Berteloot M & Dubois M

Meeus C. (2011) Zn Isotope Fractionation in the Soil-Plant System (A pot Experiment)
Couder E, Drouet T, Delvaux B, Maerschalk C, Meeus C & Nadine M

Meeussen H. (2017) PEST-Orchestra: A Tool for Optimizing Model Parameters for Humic Substances Reactivity
Janot N, Pinheiro J-P, Botero W, Meeussen H & Groenenberg JE

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