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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

McQuillan J. (2008) Acid-Base and Ion Exchange Properties of Two Thermophilic Bacteria at Different Growth Times
Heinrich H, Daughney C, McQuillan J & Bremer P
(2006) An ATR-FTIR Study of Silicate Adsorption onto Ferrihydrite.
Swedlund P, Miskelly G & McQuillan J

McRae C. (2014) Characterisation of Fractionated Antarctic Fulvic Acid, Evidence for Micelle Formation
Farzadnia S & McRae C

McRivette M. (2019) Zircon Growth during Shear Deformation in the Seve Nappe Complex, Sweden
McRivette M, Walsh E, Menold C, Casarez M, Hoinville A & Shew J

McRose D. (2018) Effect of Iron Limitation on the Isotopic Composition of Cellular and Released Fixed Nitrogen in Azotobacter vinelandii
McRose D, Lee A, Kopf S, Baars O, Kraepiel A, Sigman D, Morel F & Zhang X
(2017) Vanadium Nitrogenase in Boreal Cyanolichens: Activity and Regulation
Darnajoux R, Zhang X, Magain N, McRose D, Miadlikowska J, Kraepiel A, Lutzoni F & Bellenger J-P

McShane C.J. (2001) Phase Relations in the CH4-H2O-NaCl System: Comparison of Experiments and Equations of State
Lamb WM, McShane CJ & Popp RK

McShane H. (2012) Comparing the Soil Solution Chemistry of Soils Amended with Nano-Sized Copper Oxide, Micron-Sized Copper Oxide, and with a Copper Salt
McShane H, Whalen J, Sunahara G & Hendershot W

McSpiritt J. (2020) Air Quality Impacts of the 2018 Kīlauea Eruption
Golston L, Pan D, Guo X, Li N, Wang R, Tao L, McSpiritt J, Yates E & Zondlo M

McSween Hap (2021) Historical Development of (Modern) Meteoritics and Cosmochemistry
McSween H

McSween Harry (2016) Insight into Ceres’ Chemical and Physical Evolution from Surface Mineralogy
Castillo J, Neveu M, McSween H, Toplis M, De Sanctis C, Raymond C & Russell C

McSween Harry Y. (2015) A Vitrophyric Clast in the Martian NWA 7034 Breccia: An Analog to Humphrey
Udry A, Lunning N, McSween H & Bodnar R
(2014) Water as a Driver of Martian Magmatism
Balta JB & McSween H
(2013) Exploring Fractionation Models for Some Martian Primary Magmas
Udry A, McSween H & Balta B
(2011) Newly Discovered MIL 090030, MIL 090032, and MIL 090136 Nakhlites: Paired with MIL 03346?
Udry A & McSween HY
(2010) Preservation of Sharp Olivine Compositional Boundaries within Olivine-Phyric Shergottite LAR 06319
Balta JB & McSween H
(2010) The New Mars: Evolving Perceptions of the Nature of the Igneous Crust and the Mantle
McSween H
(2010) Divisions Among Ultramafic Cumulates from a Differentiated Asteroid
Beck A & McSween HY
(2010) Dawn’s GRaND to Map the Chemical Composition of Asteroids Vesta and Ceres
Prettyman T, McSween H & Feldman W
(2008) Geochemistry of the Martian Crust and Constraints on the Mantle
McSween H
(2008) REE Distributions in Shergottites RBT 04261 and 04262
Sanborn M, Wadhwa M, Usui T & McSween H
(2001) Water in the Shergotty Magma, and Implications for Outgassing and Magma Fractionation on Mars
McSween Jr. HY, Grove TL, Lentz RCF, Dann JC, Riciputi LR & Ryan JG
(2001) Melt Inclusions in Nakhla as Monitors of Parental Melts on Mars
Stockstill KR, Bodnar RJ, McSween Jr. HY & Benedix GK

McVay R. (2014) Influence of Vapor Wall-Loss in Laboratory Chambers on Yields of Secondary Organic Aerosol
Cappa C, Zhang X, Jathar S, McVay R, Ensberg J, Kleeman M & Seinfeld J

McWilliams J. (2023) The Shelf-To-Basin Transport of Iron from the Northern U.S West Coast to the Pacific Ocean
Pham AL-D, Damien P, McCoy D, Kessouri F, McWilliams J, Moffett J, Bianchi D & Mar M

McWilliams R.S. (2017) Refining Empirical Constraints on the Transport Properties of Earth's Core
McWilliams RS, Gomez Perez N, Konopkova Z & Goncharov A

Md M. (2016) Hydrochemistry of an Alluvial Aquifer at Point-Bar in Low Reach of Nakdon River, South Korea: Implication for the Use of Bank Infiltration Technology
Md M, Kim K-H, Jung K-M & Yun S-T

Mdutyana M. (2017) The Upper Ocean Nitrogen Cycle in the Atlantic Southern Ocean
Fawcett S, Smart S, Mdutyana M, Forrer H, Philibert R, Thomalla S, Kemeny P, Ward B & Sigman D

Mead C. (2017) Transforming STEM Education Through Digital Teaching Networks
Anbar A, Mead C, Peters V, Horodyskyj L & Ben-Naim D
(2010) Mass-Independent Fractionation of Hg Isotopes Resulting from Photochemical Self-Shielding
Mead C, Anbar A & Johnson T

Mead J. (2012) Potential Impacts to Ecosystem Health and Water Quality from Marcellus Shale Drilling
Velinsky D, Zelanko P, Anderson F, Horwitz R & Mead J

Mead R. (2017) Photochemical Alterations in Gas Phase and Surface Water Ethanol Concentrations in Southeastern North Carolina, USA
Kieber R, Avery B, Mead R, Willey J, Shimizu M, Powell P, Carroll A, Kinney S & Foley L
(2013) Temporal Variability of Coastal Rainwater Fe(II) Concentration and Wet Deposition to Surface Seawater
Willey J, Rice B, Humphreys J, Kieber R, Helms J, Avery G & Mead R
(2013) Ethanol Variability in Rainwater and its Impact on the Chemistry of the Troposphere
Kieber R, Willey J, Avery B, Mead R, Giubbina F & Campos L
(2011) Photochemical Production of Dissolved Organic and Inorganic Nutrients from Resuspended Sediments
Kieber R, Southwell M, Laquire C, Thompson L, Skrabal S, Avery B & Mead R

Mead S. (2020) Pulses of Aphyric Andesite Dykes Remobilising Micrometre-Sized Crystal Cargo at Tongariro, NZ
Lormand C, Zellmer GF, Sakamoto N, Kilgour G, Palmer AS, Yurimoto H, Nemeth K, Mead S, Ubide T, Iizuka Y & Moebis A

Meade F.C. (2012) In situ Geochemical Characterization of Experimental Partial Melts
Meade F, Masotta M, Troll V, Freda C, Dahren B, Davidson J & Ellam R
(2009) The Influence of Crustal Composition on Magmatic Differentiation Across Five Major Crustal Terranes: The British-Irish Palaeocene Igneous Province (BPIP)
Troll VR, Nicoll G, Meade F, Ellam R, Emeleus H & Gamble J
(2007) Crustal Contamination in the British and Irish Palaeogene Igneous Province: Mechanisms, Timing and Implications for the Formation of Granitic Magmas
Meade FC, Troll VR, Chew DM, Ellam RM, Font L & Chadwick JP

Meador Travis (2021) Rapid Analysis of Fungal Membrane Lipids and their Isotopic Composition by TMSH/TMAH Derivatization Pyrolysis Coupled GC-MS/IRMS Analysis
Jabinski S, de Melo Rangel W, Lorenc F & Meador T
(2021) The Unbalanced Fe and S Biogeochemical Budgets in the Ferruginous and Sulfate-Rich Waters of a Post-Mining Lake
Petrash DA, Valero A, Steenbergen I, Meador T, Jan J & Thomazo C
(2016) Stable Isotope Probing Reveals the Preferential Growth of Branched GDGT Source Microorganisms Under Aerobic Conditions in Peat
Huguet A, Meador TB, Laggoun-Défarge F, Könneke M, Derenne S & Hinrichs K-U
(2016) Factors Controlling the Distribution of Microbial Lipids in Marine Subseafloor Sediments
Hinrichs K-U, Meador T, Buttigieg P-L, Teske A & Darclife T
(2016) Assessing Abundance and Relevance of Bacterial Endospores in the Marine Subsurface
Wörmer L, Hoshino T, Viehweger B, Meador T, Gajendra N, Stern B, Inagaki F & Hinrichs K-U

Meador Travis B. (2018) The Butanetriol Dialkyl Glycerol Tetraethers (BDGTs), Potential Biomarkers for Methanogenesis?
Coffinet S, Mühlena L, Crump MP, Meador TB, Becker KW, Schröder J, Heuer VB, Lipp JS & Hinrichs K-U
(2017) Stoichiometry of Ammonia Oxidation and C and P Fluxes by Marine Archaea
Meador TB, Schoffelen N, Könneke M & Ferdelman TG

Meador Travis Blake (2013) The Future of Lipids as Tools to Study Microbes and Biogeochemical Processes in the Deep Biosphere
Hinrichs K-U, Lipp JS, Meador TB, Wegener G & Xie S
(2013) Production of Archaeal Lipid Biomarkers in Stable Isotope Labeled Incubations of MCG-Rich Sediments
Meador TB, Kuippers G, Lazar CS, Könneke M, Teske A & Hinrichs K-U

Meadows H. (2015) Quantitative Microstructural and Trace Element Geochemical Analysis of a Mineralogically Zoned Vein
Meadows H, Reddy S, Clark C & Taylor R

Meadows V. (2018) Atmospheric Seasonality as an Exoplanet Biosignature
Olson S, Schwieterman E, Reinhard C, Ridgwell A, Meadows V & Lyons T
(2017) Characterizing N2O as an Exoplanet Biosignature: Early Earth as a Template
Schwieterman E, Olson S, Reinhard C, Meadows V & Lyons T

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