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McMurtry A. (2020) Vulnerability of Paleosol Carbon Decomposition to Root-Derived Carbon Inputs
de graaff M-A, McMurtry A, Szymanski L, Dolui M, Pett-Ridge J, Behre A, Mason J & Marin-Spiotta E

McMurtry Gary (2020) Field-Portable Helium Isotope Detectors for Continuous Monitoring of Volcanic Unrest and Large Earthquakes
McMurtry G, DeLuze J & Blessing J
(2016) Development of a Field-Portable Helium Isotope Detector for Survey and Long-Term Monitoring
McMurtry G, Hilton D & Blessing J

McMurtry Gary M (2022) Helium Isotopes Constrain Magma Sources and Emplacement beneath Kīlauea Caldera during the 2018 and 2020 Eruptions
McMurtry GM, Dasilveira LA, Fischer TP, Bekaert DV & Barry PH

McMurtry Gary M. (2014) Towards Field Measurements of 3He/4He: A Key Parameter in Volcano Monitoring
McMurtry G & Hilton D
(2013) High-Precision Atmospheric Helium Isotope Measurement in Volcanic Areas
Lan TF, Mabry JC, Marty B, Burnard P, Füri E, de Moor JM, Fischer TP & McMurtry GM

McNab W.W. (2008) Dissolved Gas and Isotopic Tracers of Denitrification
Singleton M, Moran JE, Esser B, McNab W, Carle S & Cey B
(2008) Arsenic Mobilization Associated with Applied Recharge of low-TDS Water in Central Valley, California
Esser BK, McNab WW, Moran JE & Singleton MJ
(2005) New Approaches to Characterizing Microbial Denitrification in the Saturated Zone
Esser BK, Beller HR, Carle SF, Hudson GB, Kane SR, LeTain TE, McNab WW & Moran JE

McNabb J. (2014) Establishing the Lifespan of the Pliocene Bivalve, Astarte concentrica, Using Isotope Sclerochronology
McNabb J & Surge D

McNabola A. (2017) Probing PM2.5 Sources with Laser Ablation: A Case Study of Traffic Emissions in Dublin City, Ireland
Gallagher M, McNabola A, Kamber B, Gill L, Ghosh B & Alam MS

Mcnall M. (2016) Compound Specific Sulfur Isotope Analysis of Petroleum Gases
Said-Ahmad W, Wong K, Mcnall M, Jacksier T, Turich C, Stankiewicz A & Amrani A

McNally Colin (2015) Mass Transport Regimes in the Solar Protoplanetary Disk − Evidence from Meteoritic Components
Wielandt D, Haugbølle T, Gressel O, McNally C, Nordlund Å & Bizzarro M

McNally Colin (2014) Hierarchical Accretion, Melting by Short Circuits, and the Origins of Chondritic Planetesimals
Ebel D, Weisberg M, Hubbard A, Crapster-Pregont E, McNally C & Mac Low M-M
(2014) Constraining K Depletion in Magnetorotationally Unstable Protoplanetary Disks
Ansari A, Ebel D, Hubbard A & McNally C

McNally D. (2021) Lead Education and Discovery: Engaging Young Student Scientists in a Community Health Project
Walser S, Perdrial N, Massey C, McNally D & Bierman P

McNally R. (2021) Air Quality Changes in Mexico City, London and Delhi in Response to Various Levels of Lockdown Restrictions during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Rangel EV, Namdeo A, Bramwell L, Miquelajauregui Y, Resendiz-Martinez C, Jaimes M, Luna F, Terrazas-Ahumada A, Maji K, Entwistle JA, Núñez Enríquez JC, Mejia JM, Portas A, Hayes L & McNally R

McNally S. (2017) Species-Specific Control of External Superoxide Levels by the Coral Holobiont during a Natural Bleaching Event
Diaz JM, Hansel CM, Apprill A, Brighi C, Zhang T, Weber L, McNally S & Xun L

McNamara A. (2015) Ultra-Low Velocity Zone (ULVZ) Locations Provide Insight into their Cause and Global-Scale Convection Patterns
McNamara A, Li M & Garnero E
(2014) Investigating the Origin of Ultra-Low Velocity Zones
Li M, McNamara A & Garnero E
(2014) The Interaction of Subducted Oceanic Crust with Long-Lived Compositional Reservoirs in the Deep Mantle
McNamara A, Li M, Williams C, Garnero E & Van Soest M
(2008) Investigating the Dynamic Consequences of Compositional Density Heterogeneity in Earth’s Lower Mantle
McNamara A
(2005) Deep Mantle Heterogeneity, Anisotropy, and Thermochemical Piles
Garnero E, Helmberger D & McNamara A

McNamara D. (2017) Fingerprinting the Temperature and Fluid Source of Fracture-Filling Calcite in Geothermal Systems Using Clumped Isotopes
MacDonald J, Milicich S, Davies A, Holdsworth C, Newton M, Williamson S, Faithfull J, McNamara D & John C

McNamara Maria (2023) Comparative Geochemistry of Urban Soils in Cork and Wexford, Ireland
Binner H, Sullivan T & McNamara M

McNamara Maria E. (2017) X-Ray Fluorescence as a Tool for Interpreting Fossilized Colours
Alvarez Armada N, McNamara M, Webb S & Gill F
(2017) Synchrotron X-Ray Fluorescence Reveals Melanosome Trace Element Chemistry in Vertebrates and Invertebrate Chordates
Rogers CS, Webb SM & McNamara ME
(2017) Trace Element Chemistry of Melanosomes Revealed by synchrotron-X-Ray Fluorescence: A Tool for Interpreting Fossil Vertebrate Soft Tissue
Rossi V & McNamara M
(2017) Sulfur Speciation in Soft Tissues from a Jurassic Ornithischian Dinosaur
McNamara M, Godefroit P, Benton M, Dhouailly D, Sinitsa S, Reschetova S & Spagna P

McNaughton C. (2009) Marine Clouds over the Eastern Pacific in a Regional Climate Model
Lauer A, Wang Y, Phillips V, McNaughton C & Bennartz R
(2009) Aerosol and Ocean-Atmosphere Processes over the Pacific Ocean
Clarke A, Kapustin V, Howell S, McNaughton C & Freitag S

McNaughton Neal (2020) Role of Granites in Genesis of Archean VHMS Systems, WA Examples
Tessalina S, Ware B, Barrote V & McNaughton N
(2019) 3.6-3.7 Ga Gneisses of the São Francisco Craton, Brazil: South America's Oldest Rocks
Oliveira E, McNaughton N, Zincone S & Talavera C
(2019) Integrative Geochronology of Hydrothermal Ore Deposits: Towards 4D Evolution Model
Tessalina S, Barrote V & McNaughton N
(2018) Re-Os Isotope and Trace Elements Study of Black Shales and Nodular Pyrites Associated with Massive Sulphides in the Nimbus VHMS System, Western Australia
Barrote V, Tessalina S, McNaughton N, Evans N & McDonald B
(2015) Integration of Electron, Laser and Ion Microprobe Techniques to Create an Open Source Digital Mineral Library of Western Australia
McInnes B, Brown A, Evans N, McNaughton N & Wingate M

McNaughton Neal J. (2022) Isotope Fingerprinting of Placer Gold from Kurnalpi Terrain, Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia
Tessalina SG, Hancock EA, Ware B & McNaughton NJ
(2017) Rutile Geochemistry in Ore Systems – Considerations for Metal Exploration
Porter JK, Evans NJ, McDonald B, Talavera C, McNaughton NJ, Kirkland CL, Jourdan F & McInnes BI

McNeal K. (2010) Metabolic Diversity and Identification of Soil Microbial Communities in Mercury Contaminated Soil of Oak Ridge, TN
Wright K, McNeal K & Han F
(2010) Biogeochemistry of Weeks Bay during Bottom Water Hypoxic and Norm-Oxic Events
Ezell J & McNeal K
(2010) Authentic Inquiry into Gas Chromotography for a Chemistry Laboratory Class
Ruhs C & McNeal K

McNear D. (2018) Rhizosphere Processes Influencing Phosphorus Cycling in Soils with Low and High P Availability
Joshi S & McNear D
(2018) Root Exudate Composition and its Role in Rhizophere Priming and Phosphorous Cycling
McNear D & Joshi S
(2016) Rhizosphere Science for the 21st Century: Meeting Global Challenges
McNear D
(2012) From Rhizosphere to Ecosystem: Heavy Metals and Plant Defense
McNear D

McNeece C. (2018) Boron in Soil Carbonates: A Soil CO2 Proxy
Breecker D, Fricke H, McNeece C, Miller N, Schaller M & Clyde W
(2015) Coupling pH Transport and Surface Chemistry
McNeece C & Hesse M

McNeil A. (2020) Evaluating the Importance of Fluid-Melt Interaction to Rare-Metal Mineralization
Linnen R, McNeil A & Flemming R

McNeil D. (2012) Microchemistry of Amphiboles Near the Roof of a Mafic Magma Chamber
Murphy JB, Blais S, Tubrett M, McNeil D & Middleton M

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