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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

McManus James (2015) Influence of a Benthic REE Source on Sedimentary Records of εNd
Abbott A, Haley B & McManus J

McManus James (2018) Metal Isotope Signatures in Mn-Rich Pelagic Sediments: Implications for Oceanic Budgets
Little S, Chatterjee A, Ciscato E, McManus J & Vance D
(2018) Marine Rare Earth Elements, Neodymium Isotopes and the Benthic Reactive Layer
Haley B, Du J, Abbott A, McManus J & Mix A

McManus James (2019) Isotopically Light Cd in Sediments Underlying Oxygen Deficient Zones
Little SH, Chen L, Kreissig K, Severmann S & McManus J
(2019) Habitability of Methane Hydrates: Insights from Omics
Glass J, Ranjan P, Kretz C, Nunn B, Johnson A, McManus J & Stewart F
(2019) The Output of Nickel from the Ocean to Reducing Sediments
Chatterjee A, Ciscato ER, Little SH, Severmann S, Mcmanus J & Vance D

McManus James (2022) Fingerprinting Subtle Redox Fluctuations Using Vanadium Isotopes
Li S, Newby SM, Severmann S, McManus J & Owens JD

McManus James (2023) The Nickel Output to Abyssal Pelagic Manganese Oxides: A Balanced Elemental and Isotope Budget for the Oceans
Fleischmann S, Du J, Chatterjee A, McManus J, Iyer SD, Amonkar A & Vance D
(2023) Dominance of Benthic Fluxes in the Oceanic Beryllium Budget and Implications for Paleo-Denudation Records
Deng K, Rickli J, Suhrhoff TJ, Du J, Scholz F, Severmann S, Yang S, McManus J & Vance D

McManus James (2014) The Impact of Ocean Deoxygenation on the Marine Iron Cycle: Evidence from the Paleo-Record
Scholz F, McManus J, Mix AC, Hensen C & Schneider RR
(2013) Rare Earth Elements in Marine Sedimentary Pore Fluids
Abbott A, Haley B, McManus J & Reimers C
(2013) Silica and Germanium Cycling in a Coastal Shelf Environment: Insights from Northern Gulf of Mexico
Baronas JJ, Hammond DE, Berelson WM, McManus J & Severmann S
(2013) Iron Supply and Cycling on the Oregon-California Shelf: Comparisons with the Gulf of Mexico Hypoxic Zone
McManus J, Roy M, Severmann S, Chase Z, Berelson W, Reimers C, Goni M, Abbott A & Muratli J
(2013) Calculation of Mass (Im-)balance in the Oceanic Cycling of Cu and Zn Isotopes
Little S, Vance D, Lyons T & McManus J
(2012) Spatial and Temporal Trends of Iron and Iron Isotope Cycling in the Peruvian Oxygen Minimum Zone
Scholz F, Hensen C, Severmann S, Noffke A, Haley B, McManus J, Schneider R & Wallmann K
(2010) Of Modern Lakes and Ancient Oceans: Trace Metals and their Isotopes in an Anoxic African Rift Lake
Severmann S, McManus J, Poulson-Brucker R, Owen J, Lyons T, Anbar A & Gordon G
(2008) Reconstructing Intermediate Watermass Variability in the Southeast Pacific during the Past ~30ka: A Multi-Proxy Study
Muratli J, Chase Z, Mix A & McManus J
(2007) Uranium "Stable" Isotope Fractionation in Nature: A Potential Paleo Redox- and Bio- Tracer?
Weyer S, Anbar A, Gerdes A, Arnold G, Gorden G, McManus J & Boyle E
(2002) Oceanic Molybdenum Isotope Fractionation: Diagenesis and Hydrothermal Ridge-Flank Alteration
McManus J, N‰gler T, Siebert C, Wheat G & Hammond D

McManus Jerry (2022) Is Boundary Scavenging the Missing Sink of Arctic Protactinium-231?
Kipp LE, McManus J & Kienast M
(2019) 14C Ages of ‘Hand-Picked’ Foraminifera and More from the AMS Facility at ETH Zurich
Hajdas I, Clark E, Klas M, Trumbore S, Ivy Ochs S, Peteet D, Hemming S, McManus J, Liu T, Severignhaus J, Putnam A & Bonani G
(2019) Heinrich Events 3 and 6 as Events of Increased Ice-Rafted Depostion
Zhou Y & McManus J
(2018) Time-Series for Mid-Ocean Ridge Magmas from Sediment Hosted Volcanic Glasses
Ferguson D, Langmuir C, Li Y, Costa K, Huybers P, McManus J, Carbotte S & Muller J

McManus Jerry F. (2020) Spatial Patterns of Terrigenous Fluxes in the Tropical Atlantic Since the Last Glacial Maximum
Rowland GH, Robinson LF, Hendry KR, Ng HC, McGee D & McManus JF
(2016) 70 ka of Dust Deposition and Elemental Composition in the Subtropical Mid-Atlantic
Middleton J, Mukhopadhyay S, Langmuir C & McManus J
(2016) More Efficient CO2 Sequestration in the North Atlantic Ocean during the Last Glacial
Yu J, Thornalley D, Jin Z, Rohling E, McCave IN, Menviel L, Foster G, McManus JF, Anderson RF, Zhang F & Wang X
(2015) The Use of 232Th as a Proxy for Aeolian Dust: A Core Top Study from the Low Latitude Atlantic
Rowland G, Ng HC, Robinson L & McManus J
(2015) Spatial and Temporal Variations of Sedimentary 231Pa/230Th in the Equatorial Atlantic
Ng HC, Robinson LF, McManus JF, Mohamed Falcon KJ, Jacobel AW & Henry LG
(2015) An Export Production Peak in the Red Sea during Termination II Triggered by Early Sealevel Rise
Torfstein A, Almogi-Labin A & McManus JF
(2015) Last Glacial Maximum and Hydrothermal Sediment Fluxes on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Middleton J, Mukhopadhyay S, McManus J & Langmuir C
(2012) Provenance, Weathering and Comminution Ages of Late Quaternary Weddell Sea Sediments
Torfstein A, McManus J & Hemming S
(2012) (231Paex/230Thex)0 Records from a Depth Transect in the NE Atlantic 0-20 ka
Roberts N, McManus J & Piotrowski A
(2012) Holocene Intermediate Water Circulation at the Carolina Slope from Sedimentary 231Pa/230Th
Hoffmann S & McManus J
(2012) Reconstructing the Large-Scale Deep and Intermediate Ocean Circulation in the North Atlantic during the LGM and Last Deglaciation
McManus J, Hoffmann S, Roberts N, Henry G, Bradtmiller L, Mohamed K, Jacard S, Yu J, Piotrowski A, Oppo D, Curry W, Praetorius M & Robinson L
(2011) Removal of Seawater 234U Incorporated in Holocene Basaltic Sediments from the Reykjanes Ridge
Mohamed KJ, Robinson LF & McManus JF
(2011) Timing and Duration of Heinrich Events in the North Atlantic
McManus J
(2010) Geochemical, Isotopic, and Physical Evidence for Vigorous Meridional Overturning Circulation at Mid-Depth in the Atlantic Ocean at the LGM
McManus JF, Major C, Mohamed K, Robinson L, Oppo D, Curry W, Yu J, Bradtmiller L & Jaccard S
(2010) The Role of Abyssal Ocean Circulation in Abrupt Climate Changes in the Past
McManus J, Yan B, Yanchilina A, Major C, Toledo F & Eglinton T
(2010) U-Series Based Sediment Fluxes and Provenance South of Iceland Since the Last Glacial Maximum
Mohamed KJ, Robinson LF & McManus JF
(2009) Geochemical Evidence for the Climatic Impact of Ocean Circulation
McManus J, Yanchilina A, Major C & Eglinton T
(2009) Interpreting Nd Isotope and 231Pa/230Th Records in the Deep Western North Atlantic
Roberts N, Piotrowski A, McManus J & Keigwin L
(2009) The Distribution of 231Pa and 230Th in Paired Water Column and Surface Sediment Samples
Bradtmiller L, Robinson L, McManus J, Auro M & Bostock H
(2009) Measurement of 232Th, 230Th and 231Pa in Modern and Fossil Deep-Sea Corals
Robinson LF, McManus JF, Auro ME & van de Flierdt T
(2008) Testing the Response of xs230Th and Extraterrestrial 3He to Sediment Redistribution at the Blake Ridge, Western North Atlantic
McGee D, Marcantonio F, McManus JF & Winckler G
(2008) Application of an Inverse Method to Interpret 231Pa/230Th Observations from Marine Sediments
Burke A, Marchal O & McManus J
(2008) Glacial-Interglacial Circulation Changes Inferred from Sediment 231Pa/230Th in the North Atlantic
Gherardi J, Francois R, Labeyrie L, Nave S, McManus J, Cortijo E & Jaccard S
(2007) Sedimentary 232Th as a Tracer of Dissolved Detrital Inputs to the Ocean
Robinson L, Noble T & McManus J
(2006) The accumulation of Authigenic Metals in Marine Sediments: Proxies for the Ocean's Carbon Cycle
McManus J, Poulson R & Berelson W
(2006) Molybdenum Isotopes in Modern Marine Sediments: Unique Signatures of Authigenic Processes
Poulson R, McManus J, Siebert C & Berelson W
(2006) The isotopic expression of Fe shuttling in modern and ancient euxinic sediments: implications for the rise of oxygen
Severmann S, Lyons TW, Duan Y, Anbar A, Gordon G & McManus J
(2006) High-resolution multi-molecular records from North Atlantic drift sediments (ODP Sites 980, 984) reflecting Late Quaternary/Holocene climate and ocean dynamics
Holtvoeth J, Wagner T, Johnson C, Meggers H, Mollenhauer G, Montluçon D, McManus J, Oppo D & Eglinton T
(2005) Molybdenum and Molybdenum Isotope Diagenesis in Continental Margin Settings: Geochemical Balance and Paleoproxy Implications
McManus J, Siebert C, Poulson R, Nägler T, Berelson W & Severmann S
(2004) Molybdenum Isotopes as a Potential Proxy for Net Sulfate Reduction in Marine Sediments
Siebert C, Bice A, McManus J & Berelson W
(2004) Molybdenum, Uranium, and Vanadium Diagenesis in Marine Sedimentary Systems: Relation to Organic Carbon Flux and Isotopic Constraints on Mo Diagenesis
McManus J, Siebert C, Bice A, Severmann S & Berelson W
(2002) Variable Rates of Ocean Circulation from Sedimentary 231Pa/230Th during the Last Ice Age Termination
McManus JF
(2000) Foraminifera Stable Isotopes, Bulk Sedimentary 231Pa/230Th, and the Link between Thermohaline Circulation and Rapid Climate Oscillations
McManus J, Francois R & Marchal O

McManus Jim (2021) Rare Earth Elements in the Pore Waters of Abyssal Sediments
Haley BA, McManus J, Du J( & Vance D

McManus M. (2007) Land Ocean Interactions in a Coastal Embayment, Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii: Nutrient Dynamics, Productivity, and CO2 Exchange between Seawater and Atmosphere
Solomon R, Ostrander C, De Carlo E, McManus M, Mackenzie F, Fagan K, Sabine C & Feely R
(2006) Coastal Productivity and CO2 Exchange Between the Ocean and Atmosphere in Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii, a Subtropical Coastal Embayment
De Carlo EH, Solomon R, Ostrander C, McManus M, Mackenzie F, Chung M, DeGelleke L, Sabine C & Feely R
(2005) Impact of Storm Runoff from Subtropical Watersheds on Coastal Water Quality and Productivity
Young C, Hoover D, De Carlo E, Mackenzie F & McManus M
(2004) The Use of Stable Carbon Isotope Analysis to Model Enhanced Dissolution of Tetrachloroethene
Morrill P, Seepersad D, Lacrampe-Couloume G, Edwards E, Sleep B, McMaster M, Major D & Lollar B
(2001) Field Applications of Compound Specific Isotope Analysis (CSIA) for Assessment of Contaminant Biodegradation
Sherwood Lollar B, Morrill P, Slater GF, Lacrampe-Couloume G, Edwards E, Sleep B, McMaster M & Major D
(2000) Bioaugmentation for Complete Dechlorination of Chlorinated Ethenes
Edwards E, Cox E, McMaster M, Dworatzek S & Major D

McMartin D. (2012) Orbitrap High Resolution Mass Spectrometry Characterization of Athabasca Oil Sands Acids in Environmental Samples
Headley J, Peru K, Fahlman B, Bailey J & McMartin D

McMartin I. (2012) Geochemical Signatures of IOCG Mineralization and Alteration in Till
Normandeau P, McMartin I, Paquette J, Corriveau L & Montreuil J-F
(2012) Iron Oxide Compositional Variations in Tills along Ice-Flow Paths: Case Studies from Sue-Dianne IOCG, and Thompson Ni-Cu Deposits, Canada
Dupuis C, Sappin A-A, Pozza M, Beaudoin G, McMartin I & McClenaghan B

McMaster T.J. (2012) Biotite Weathering in Watersheds of the Slavkov Forest, Czech Republic
Balogh-Brunstad Z, Saccone L, Smits MM, Berner C, Wallander H, McMaster T & Stipp SLS
(2011) Ectomycorrhizal Fungi and Silicate Mineral Weathering: Characterising Nanoscale Interactions Using AFM
Kapitulcinova D, Howe RCT, Jackson S, Gazze SA & McMaster T
(2011) Surface Characterization of Biotite from a Mesh Bag Field Study
Balogh-Brunstad Z, Saccone L, Smits MM, Berner C, Wallander H, McMaster TJ & Stipp SLS
(2011) Integrating Multi-Scale Experiments and Modeling to Couple Biotic Weathering at Nano and Global Scales
Bridge J, Taylor L, Banwart S, Leake J, Beerling D, McMaster T & Benning L
(2010) Constraining Global-Scale Weathering Models Through Nano-Scale Ectomycorrhiza-Mineral Interactions
Bridge J, Bonneville S, Saccone L, Schmalenberger A, Duran A, Andrews M, Hardy K, Taylor L, Beerling D, Benning L, Leake J, McMaster T & Banwart S
(2009) Nanoscale Imaging of Ectomycorrhizal Weathering Processes on Minerals
Gazze SA, Ragnarsdottir KV, Banwart S, Leake J & McMaster T
(2009) Investigation of the Light-Induced Degradation of Glutamic Acid and Stabilisation of Glucose on the Surface of Iron-Bearing Minerals
Andrianaki M, Ragnarsdottir KV, Hallam K & McMaster T
(2009) Paxillus involutus Hyphae: Imaging their Structure and Interaction with Mineral Surfaces Using AFM
Saccone L, Gazze SA, Ragnarsdottir KV, Leake JR, Duran AL, Hallam KR & McMaster TJ
(2009) Weathering of Chlorite Studied at the Nanometre Scale Using Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)
Gazze SA, Ragnarsdottir KV & McMaster TJ
(2007) The Apparent Activation Energy for Biotite Dissolution by in situ Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) Observations
Ragnarsdottir V, Haward S & McMaster T

McMeeking G. (2014) SP2 Analysis of Black Carbon from Biomass Burning and Diesel Emissions
Aiken A, Liu S, Dubey M, McMeeking G, Yokelson B, Shilling J & Zaveri R
(2011) The Impact of Aerosols on Radiation and Climate
Highwood E, Ryder C, Guo L, Northway M, Chalmers N, Morgan W, McMeeking G, Stuber N & Ferraro A

McMillan E. (2012) Timing the Evolution of Seawater Chemistry during the Neoproterozoic: Case Study of the Svalbard Succession
Bonnand P, Parkinson I, Fairchild I, McMillan E, Condon D & Halverson G

McMillan Malcolm (2023) AusGeochem: An Open-Access Platform for Geospatial Interrogation of Thermochronology Big Data Through Deep Time
Boone S, Kohlmann F, Noble W, Theile M, Beucher R, Kohn B, Glorie S, Danisik M, Zhou R, McMillan M, Nixon A, Zahirovic S, Müller RD & McInnes BIA
(2023) Developments in AusGeochem: A Platform for Geochemical Data Storage, Dissemination, Visualisation and Analysis
Dalton H, Ware B, Boone S, Gréau Y, Ananuer H, Nixon A, Hodgekiss S-A, Kohlmann F, Theile M, Noble W, Chen B, Dux F, Koutamanis D, Wang X, McMillan M, Stirling JE, Zhou R, Armistead S, McInnes BIA, Prent A & Kohn B
(2022) A Digital End-To-End Solution for FAIR Geochemistry Data, from Field Collection to Publication
Kohlmann F, Noble W, Boone S, Greau Y, Dalton H, Ware B, Beucher R, McMillan M, Kohn B, Prent AM, McInnes BIA, Bedoya Mejia A & Theile M
(2022) Opening the Full Potential of Geochemical Big Data Utilising AusGeochem
Noble W, Kohlmann F, Prent AM, Boone S, Greau Y, Ware B, Dalton H, Beucher R, McMillan M, Kohn B, McInnes BIA, Bedoya Mejia A & Theile M

McMillan Melissa (2011) Mineral Evolution: What's New?
Hazen R, Downs R, Golden J, Grew E, McMillan M, Ralph J & Sverjensky D

McMillan Nancy (2010) Provenance of Gem Corundum: A Global LIBS Study
Yetter K & McMillan N
(2010) Rapid, <i>in Situ</I>, Portable, and Minimally Destructive Analysis by Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy: A New Paradigm in Geochemistry
McMillan N
(2007) LIBS Analysis of Gem Beryls: Single-Pulse, Double-Pulse, and Provenance Determination
McManus C, McMillan N, Harmon R, DeLucia F & Miziolek A
(2007) LIBS: A New Paradigm for Real-Time and In-Field Geochemical Analysis
Harmon R, DeLucia F, McMillan N, Miziolek A & Whitehouse A
(2005) Trace Element Geochemistry of Gem Beryl
McManus C, De Lucia F, Harmon R, McMillan N & Whitmore R

McMillan Nancy (2015) Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy as a Basis for Enhanced Provenance Studies
Dutrow B, McMillan N, Curry J & Henry D

McMillan Nancy (2020) Analysis of Feldspar Using Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy
Zwillich FC, Berlo K, McMillan N & de Zeeuw van Dalfsen E
(2020) Copper-Bearing Tourmaline Provenance from Chemometrics of LIBS and EMP Data
Dutrow B, Farnsworth-Pinkerton S, Henry D & McMillan N

McMillan Nancy (2022) Amalgamation of Plagioclase Crystal Populations from the Magmatic System beneath the Volcanic Island, Saba
Zwillich FC, Berlo K, McMillan N & de Zeeuw van Dalfsen E

McMillan P. (2013) Materials from Geochemically Inspired Studies: From Titan's Tholins to Extremophile Bacteria
McMillan P

McMillan R. (2020) Identifying Long-Distance Transport of Archaeological Obsidian Across the Ancient North American Landscape
McMillan R, Weis D, Amini M & Rathbone A
(2016) Assessing Reworking and Stratigraphic Provenance of Bones from Scladina Cave, Belgium
McMillan R, Amini M & Weis D

McMurray J. (2020) Critical Loads of Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition for Sensitive High-Elevation Ecosystems in the Western United States
Nanus L, Clow D, Saros J, McMurray J & Sickman J

McMurry P. (2013) Biogenic New Particle Formation and its Potential Impacts on Climate
Smith J, Lawler M, Winkler P, Zhao J & McMurry P

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