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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

McLean Noah (2011) Evaluating 238U/235U in U-Bearing Accessory Minerals: Implications for U-Pb Geochronology
Hiess J, Condon D, Noble S, Horstwood M, McLean N & Mattinson J
(2008) Synthetic U-Pb ‘standard’ Solutions for ID-TIMS Geochronology
Condon D, McLean N, Schoene B, Bowring S, Parrish R & Noble S
(2007) High-Precision U-Pb Zircon Geochronology: Progress and Potential
Bowring S, Crowley J, Ramezani J, McLean N, Condon D & Schoene B

McLean Noah (2013) EARTHTIME: Past, Present, and Future
McLean N

McLean Noah (2017) New Algorithms to Calculate and Interpret U-Th and U-Th-Pb Dates
McLean N & Bowring J

McLean Noah (2016) U-Pb Geochronology of Grossular-Andradite Garnet
Seman S, Stockli D & McLean N

McLean Noah M. (2022) Dating Young (100-350 ka) Gen Z Zircons: Development of a Dual ID-TIMS and ID-Mc-ICPMS U-230Th-Pb Zircon Analytical Technique and Data Reduction
Chan CF, McLean NM, Cooper KM, Vazquez JA & Burgess SD
(2022) Multidynamic Mass Spectrometer Measurements Revisited
McLean NM & Ickert R

McLean S. (2020) Pilot Scale Demonstration of Carbon Mineralization in Processed Kimberlite
Wynands E, Alban E, Dipple G, Shaw A & McLean S

McLearn M. (2012) Bioaccessibility of Arsenic in Soil: Method Evaluation, Comparison to in Vivo Primate Data, and Influence of Soil Chemistry
Redwine J, Basta N, Donahoe R, McLearn M & Richey J

McLeish D. (2019) Colloidal Transport: A Solution to the High-Grade Gold Ore Paradox?
McLeish D, Williams-Jones A, Vasyukova O, Clark J & Board W
(2018) Colloidal Processes in the Formation of Bonanza-Grade Gold Ores
Williams-Jones A, McLeish D & Vasyukova O

McLeish K. (2008) A New Approach for Estimating More Accurate Groundwater Gas Concentrations
Ryan C, McLeish K, Roy J & Chu A

McLelland J. (2002) Direct U-Pb Dating of the Marcy Anorthosite, Adirondacks, NY, USA
Clechenko C, Valley J, Hamilton M, McLelland J & Bickford M

McLemore V (2005) 1.4 and 1.2<!s><$>Ga Bimodal A-Type Magmatism in SW New Mexico and SE Arizona, USA
McLemore V & Rämö OT
(2004) Problems with the Tectonomagmatic and Alphabet Classification Schemes in Post-Accretionary Granitoids in the Northern Burro Mtns, New Mexico, SW USA
McLemore V, Rämö O, Heizler M & Kosunen P

McLemore Virginia (2023) REE Mobility and Fluid Evolution at the Magmatic-Hydrothermal Transition of the Lemitar Carbonatite, New Mexico
Ruggles EL, Hurtig NC, Gysi AP & McLemore V
(2023) Microwave Digestion for Rare Earth Elements (REE) Quantification in Coal and Coal Ash
Powell M, Xu G, Rigali MJ, McLemore V, Wei S & Happney R
(2020) VNIR–SWIR Laboratory Remote Sensing Investigation of Carbonatites in Various Tectonic Settings: Implications for Critical Metals
Kopačková V, Rapprich V, Magna T, McLemore V & Pour O
(2014) Geochemistry of the 1066 Ma Little Hatchet Rapakivi Granite – Gabbro Pluton, New Mexico, USA
Heinonen A, McLemore V, Rämö T, Andersen T & Mänttäri I

McLennan Scott (2016) Sedimentary Petrology of the Murray Mudstone, Gale Crater, Mars
Siebach K, Grotzinger J, Hurowitz J, McLennan S, Fischer W & Gellert R
(2013) Geochemical Diversity and K-Rich Compositions found by the MSL APXS in Gale Crater, Mars
Schmidt M, King P, Gellert R, Elliott B, Thompson L, Berger J, Bridges J, Campbell JL, Ehlmann B, Hurowitz J, Leshin L, Lewis K, McLennan S, Ming D, Perrett G, Pradler I, Stolper E, Squyres S & Treiman A
(2013) The Petrochemistry of Jake_M: A Martian Mugearite
Stolper EM, Baker MB, Cousin A, Fisk M, Gellert R, King PL, Maurice S, McLennan SM, Minitti ME, Newcombe M, Sautter V, Schmidt ME, Treiman AH & Wiens RC
(2011) Relationships between the Composition of Planetary Crusts and their Sedimentary Records
McLennan S
(2010) Correlations of H2O and S in the Martian Midlatitudes
Karunatillake S, McLennan S, Squyres S, Gasnault O & Boynton W
(2010) Geochemical Perspectives on the Sedimentary Rock Cycle of Mars
McLennan S
(2007) The Bulk Chemical Composition of the Upper Martian Crust
Hahn B & McLennan S
(2007) Application of the Pitzer Ion Interaction Model to the Fe2(SO4)3-H2SO4-H2O System
Tosca N, Smirnov A & McLennan S
(2007) A View of Martian Weathering from Microns to Hundreds of Kilometers
Taylor GJ, Stopar J, Hurowitz J, McLennan S, Boynton W, Wyatt M & Baloga S
(2006) Surficial Processes on Mars: A Planet on Acid
McLennan S, Hurowitz JA, Tosca NJ & Arlauckas SM
(2006) Crustal Evolution on the Terrestrial Planets: Contrasts in Style, Timing and Composition
McLennan S, Taylor SR & Hahn BC

McLennan Scott M. (2021) Perseverance Rover Notional Caches for Mars Sample Return
Hickman-Lewis K, Herd CDK, Bosak T, Stack KM, Sun VZ, Benison KC, Cohen BA, Czaja AD, Debaille V, Hausrath EM, Mayhew LE, Moynier F, Sephton MA, Shuster DL, Siljeström S, Simon JI, Weiss BP, Smith CL, Steele A, Flannery D, Goreva YS, Gupta S, Kah LC, Minitti ME, McLennan SM, Madariaga JM, Brown AJ, Williford KH & Farley KA
(2021) Chemical Composition of the Martian Crust: Geophysical Constraints from the InSight Mission
McLennan SM, Khan A, Knapmeyer-Endrun B, Michaut C, Panning MP, Plesa A-C, Samuel H, Smrekar SE & Wieczorek MA
(2019) Composition of the Martian Crust and Geophysical Constraints from the InSIGHT Mars Lander
McLennan SM, Ojha L, Plesa A-C, Smrekar SE & Wieczorek MA
(2019) Constraining the Sensitivity of Oxidative Weathering Across the GOE Using U Isotope Systematics
Andersen M & McLennan S

McLennan Stephanie M (2011) A 4-Dimensional Landscape Geochemical Framework for the Remote Arid Landscapes of Australia's Musgrave Province
McLennan SM & Hill S
(2006) Low U/Pb, Th/Pb and U/Th Ratios in Archean Crust Implied by Paired Pb and Nd Isotopes in Modern Terrigenous Sediments
Hemming SR, Van De Flierdt T, McLennan SM & Taylor SR

Mclennan Gillings M. (2020) Is Urban Gardening Safe? Trace Element Concentrations and Exposure Risk Measured from over 15, 000 Soils from 3, 000 Australian Gardens
Taylor MP, Isley C, Fry K, Mclennan Gillings M, Rouillon M, Sharifi Soltani NS, Gore D & Filippelli G

McLeod A. (2014) Nano-FTIR Studies of a Cometary Dust Grain and Murchison Meteorite
Dominguez G, McLeod A, Gainsforth Z, Keilmann F, Westphal A, Thiemens M & Basov DN

McLeod Claire (2013) Did the Moon Form at 4.36 Ga?
McLeod C & Brandon A

Mcleod Claire (2009) Caught in the Act! Unravelling Crustal Contamination
McLeod C, Davidson J & Pearson DG
(2009) Strontium Isotope Systematics of Experimentally Produced Melts: Understanding Magma-Carbonate Interaction at Merapi Volcano, Indonesia
Deegan F, Troll V, Freda C, Mcleod C, Malarkey J, Davidson J & Chadwick J

McLeod Claire (2020) A Geochemical Investigation of Pyrite from the Disseminated Gold Ore of Round Mountain Mine, NV
Blakemore D, McLeod C, Krekeler M & Shaulis B
(2020) Comparison of Select Major Elements within the Apollo Basalt Suite via Cluster Analysis
Gawronska A, Hughes M & McLeod C
(2020) Bolivian Crustal Xenoliths: Petrochronological Constraints on the History of the Central Andean Continental Crust
Velazquez Santana L, McLeod C, Shaulis B & Brown K

McLeod Claire (2016) Sr Isotope and Trace Element Evidence in Lunar Granulite NWA 3163 for a Lunar Upheaval in the Moon at 4.35 Ga
McLeod C & Brandon A

McLeod Claire (2018) Assembly of Magmas in Earth’s Upper Crust: Insights at the Micro and Macro Scale from Granitic Batholiths
McLeod C, Shaulis B, Brydon R, Haley M, Angi-O'Brien E & Trøones R
(2018) Evaluating Nd Nucleosynthetic Anomalies in Enstatite Chondrites
Brandon A, McLeod C, Rankenburg K & Becker H

McLeod G.W. (2013) Magma-Mixing Processes Recorded in Compositionally Zoned Titanite from the Ross of Mull Granite, Scotland
McLeod GW & Dempster TJ
(2013) Titanite from the Fish Canyon Tuff: Searching for Clues to Pre-Eruptive Magma Chamber Processes
Iddon F, McLeod GW & Dempster TJ

McLeod Jennifer (2019) Quantifying Magma Recharge and Assimilation at Parinacota Volcano, Northern Chile (52 Ka- Recent)
McLeod J & Bohrson W

McLeod Jennifer R. (2023) Evaluating Magmatic Storage Conditions and the Regional Tectonic Constraints of the Tumalo Volcanic Center, Central Oregon, USA
McLeod JR, Kent AJR & Klemetti E

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