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McKenna Amy M. (2015) Porphyrins from 1.1 Gyr Benthic Mats
Gueneli N, McKenna AM, Krajewski LC, Che H, Boreham C, Ohkouchi N, Poulton SW, Beghin J, Javaux EJ & Brocks JJ
(2011) Petroleomics: Past, Present and Future
Rodgers R, McKenna A, Hendrickson C & Marshall A
(2010) Petroleomics: Molecular Characterization of Petroleum Crude Oil
Marshall A, Blakney G, Hendrickson C, McKenna A & Rodgers R
(2010) The Molecular Characterization of Dissolved Organic Nitrogen by Atmospheric Pressure Photionization Fourier-Transform Ion Cylotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry
Podgorski DC, Osborne DM, McKenna AM, Rodgers RP, Marshall AG & Cooper WT

McKenna Cora (2011) Integration of the Intrusive and Extrusive Cycles of Palaeogene Igneous Activity in N.E. Ireland
McKenna C, Gamble JA, Renne PR, Ellam RM, Fitton JG & Lyle P
(2010) Tectonic Controls on the Timing and Chemistry of Palaeogene Flood Basalt Volcanism in NE Ireland
McKenna C, Gamble J, Renne P, Fitton G, Ellam R & Lyle P
(2009) The Age and Peterogenesis of Palaeogene Flood Basalt Volcanism in NE Ireland
McKenna C, Gamble J, Renne P, Fitton G, Ellam R, Stuart F & Lyle P

McKenna Cora (2015) High-Resolution U-Pb LA-Q-ICPMS Age Mapping of Zircon
Chew D, Petrus J, Kamber B, Ubide T & McKenna C
(2015) Antecryst Trace Element Mapping: Solving Magma History Puzzles
Ubide T, McKenna C, Chew D & Kamber B

McKenna Cora (2017) Microanalysis of Cl, Br and I in Apatite, Scapolite and Silicate Glasses by LA-ICP-MS
Caulfield J, Tomlinson E, Marks M, Chew D, McKenna C & Ubide T
(2017) In situ Carbonate Micro-Sampling Informed by Laser ICP-MS Trace Element Maps
Koch H, Kamber BS & McKenna C
(2017) Diffusion and Distribution of Rare Earth Elements in Olivine
Stead C, Tomlinson E, Kamber B & McKenna C
(2017) LA-ICP-MS Elemental Maps of Putative Detrital Pyrite: Evidence for Absence of Atmospheric Oxygen Ahead of the GOE
Zhou L, McKenna C & Kamber B

McKenna Cora (2023) Constraining the Depth and Timing of Silica Enrichment of the Cratonic Lithosphere
Tomlinson EL, Hoare B, McKenna C, van Zuilen K & Davies GR

McKenna-Lawlor S. (2015) A Perspective on the Complex Organic Composition of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
Giri C, Ehrenfreund P, Goesmann F, McKenna-Lawlor S, Meierhenrich U, Roll R, Steininger H, Szopa C & Ulamec S

McKenzie Dan (2019) The Melt Inclusion Record of Mantle Source Heterogeneity Under Iceland
Maclennan J, Hauri E, Shimizu N, McKenzie D, Gronvold K, Kobayashi K, Kitagawa H & Nakamura E
(2017) The Geochemical Implications of Shear Wave Tomography
McKenzie D & Priestley K
(2017) Source Enrichment Processes Responsible for Isotopic Anomalies in Ocean Island Basalts
McKenzie D
(2004) Carbon Isotopic Evidence for Two-Component Mixing in the Iceland Mantle Source
Kelley K, Hauri E, Gronvold K & McKenzie D
(2002) Melt Generation beneath NE Iceland: Melting of a Seamount from the Iapetus Ocean
McKenzie D & Stracke A
(2002) Carbon in the Icelandic Mantle: Constraints from Melt Inclusions
Hauri E, Grönvold K, McKenzie D & Shimizu N
(2002) The Dynamics of Melting beneath Theistareykir, Northern Iceland
Stracke A, Zindler A, Salters VJM, McKenzie D & Groenvold K
(2001) Melt Generation and Movement beneath Theistareykir, N.E. Iceland
McKenzie D, Slater L, Gronvold K & Shimizu NN
(2000) Oxygen Isotope Variations in Recent Magnesian Lavas from Iceland's Northern Neovolcanic Zone
Eiler J, Kitchen N, Gronvold K, McKenzie D, Stracke A & Zindler A
(2000) Geochemical Variability in a Single Flow from NE Iceland
Maclennan J, McKenzie D, Hilton F & Gronvold K
(2000) Osmium Isotope Signatures of Picrites and Basalts from Theistareykir (North Iceland)
van der Zander I, Bruegmann G, Hofmann AW, McKenzie D & Mertz DF

McKenzie Debbie (2009) Soil and the Transmission of Prion Diseases
Pedersen J, Johnson C, Bell C, Jacobson K, Benson C, McKenzie D & Aiken J

McKenzie E. (2000) A Survey of Trace Metals and Microbiota in Geothermal Fluids and Sinter from the Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand
Brown K, McKenzie E, Cady S & Campbell K

McKenzie Judith (2023) Nanoscale Detection of Microbial Fossils in Banded Iron Formations (BIFs): Examples from 2.74 Ga Carajás Formation, Brazil
Vasconcelos C, Ganade C, Teixeira N, McKenzie J, Delgado C & Martinez-Ruiz F

McKenzie Judith A. (2019) Surficial Dolomite Lithification of Mg-Carbonate Muds in Hypersaline Coastal Lagoons during Periods of Increased Oceanic Upwelling: An Example of Very Early Carbonate Diagenesis
Mckenzie JA, Nascimento GS, Bahniuk A & Vasconcelos C
(2017) A Geobiological Model for the Formation of Dolomite in Sabkha-Environments
Bontognali T, Al-Saad Al-Kuwari H, McKenzie J, Al-Disi Z, Williford K, Vasconcelos C, Petrash D, Sadooni F, Tuite M & Dittrich M
(2017) Dolomite Formation within Microbial Mats in the Coastal Khor Al-Adaid Sabkha of Qatar
DiLoretto Z, Al-Kuwari H, Al-Disi Z, McKenzie J, Vasconcelos C, Palermo C, Williford K, Sadooni F, Tuite M, Bontognali T & Dittrich M
(2017) Upwelling Influence on Biogeochemical Processes in Coastal Lagoons, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Nascimento GS, Eglinton TI, Belem AL, Albuquerque ALS, McKenzie JA & Vasconcelos C
(2017) Implications of Elevated Sr Values in Mirobial Mediated Dolomites
Sánchez-Román M, Blok C, McKenzie J, Davies G, Vroon P, Gibert L & Crisogono V
(2017) Using Culture Experiments to Investigate Carbonate/Clay-Mineral Associations in Natural Environments and the Geological Record
Vasconcelos C, Bontognali T, McKenzie J, Nascimento GS, Sanches-Roman M & Martinez-Ruiz F
(2017) Triple Oxygen and Hydrogen Isotope Analysis of Gypsum Hydration Water from the Evaporites of the Messinian Salinity Crisis
Hodell D, Evans N, Gázquez F, Bauska T, Chapman H & McKenzie J
(2013) Dolomite Formation within Microbial Mats from the Dohat Faishakh Sabkha, Qatar
Brauchli M, Bontognali T, McKenzie J, Strohmenger C, Jameson J, Sadooni F & Vasconcelos C
(2012) Mg-Dolomite Nucleation in Biofilm of Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria at Modern Seawater Salinity
Krause S, Liebetrau V, Gorb S, Sanchez-Roman M, McKenzie JA & Treude T
(2009) Modern Stromatolites from Lagoa Salgada, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: The Role of Methanogenic Bacteria in Carbonate Precipitation
Lundberg R, Bontognali T, McKenzie J & Vasconcelos C
(2009) Nanoscale Characterization of Organic Matter in Modern Stromatolites
Dittrich M, Vasconcelos C & McKenzie J
(2007) Dolomite Nucleation on Extracellular Polymeric Substances
Bontognali T, Vasconcelos C, Warthmann R & McKenzie JA
(2007) Experimentally Determined Biomediated Sr2+ Partitition Coefficient for Dolomite
Sanchez-Roman M, Vasconcelos C, de Luca Rebello Wagener A, Plötze M & McKenzie JA
(2006) Anaerobic sulfur bacteria inducing lithification in modern- and possibly Precambrian stromatolites
Warthmann R, Vasconcelos C & McKenzie JA
(2006) Formation of lamination in modern stromatolites from Lagoa Vermelha, Brazil: An example for Precambrian relics?
Vasconcelos C, Visscher PT, Warthmann R & McKenzie JA
(2005) Magnesium Isotopes in Bacterial Dolomites: A Novel Approach to the Dolomite Problem
Carder E, Galy A, McKenzie J, Vasconcelos C & Elderfield H
(2003) Bridging Geochemistry and Microbiology Through Ocean Drilling
McKenzie J
(2003) Presidential Address: The Microbial Factor in the Geochemical Equation
McKenzie J
(2002) Tropical Sea Surface Temperature and Salinity Change in the Cariaco Basin at the Last Glacial Maximum
Paul HA, Swart PK, Bernasconi SM, Peterson LC & McKenzie JA
(2002) Dolomite Formation on the Peru Margin: Evidence for Microbial Activity in the Deep Biosphere
Meister P, McKenzie JA, Vasconcelos C & Ocean Drilling Program L2SSP
(2002) Molecular Approach to Study Microbial Communities Involved in Modern Dolomite Formation
Mauclaire L, Meister P, Zepp K, Vasconcelos C & McKenzie JA
(2002) Hydrogeochemistry of a Modern Dolomite-Forming Lagoon System (Cabo Frio-Rj, Brazil): Role of Sulfide Oxidation
Moreira NF, Walter LM, McCall PJ, Vasconcelos C & McKenzie JA
(2000) Carbon and Nitrogen Stable Isotope Tracing of Biogeochemical Processes in Eutrophic Lake Lugano, Switzerland
Lehmann M, Bernasconi SM, Barbieri A & McKenzie JA
(2000) Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Mediterranean Deepwater Since the Last Glacial Maximum: Constraints from Pore Water Analyses
Paul HA, Bernasconi SM & McKenzie JA
(2000) Role of Sulfate Reducing Bacteria during Microbial Dolomite Precipitation as Deduced from Culture Experiments
van Lith Y, Vasconcelos C, Warthmann R & McKenzie J

McKenzie N.R. (2020) Stabilization of the Bundelkhand Craton of Central India: Insights from Apatite and Zircon U-Pb Age Data
Colleps CL, McKenzie NR, Liu H, Chen W, Sharma M, Gibson TM & Stockli DF
(2020) Pyrite Burial, Seawater Sulfate Scarcity, and the End Permian Mass Extinction
Bauer K, Crowe S & McKenzie R
(2019) Zircon Trace Element Compositions as a Proxy for Continental Crust Evolution
Liu H, McKenzie N, Smye AJ, Colleps CL, Stockli LD & Stockli DF
(2019) Deccan Traps Thermal Overprint on Zircon and Apatite (U-Th)/He Dates from the Bundelkhand Craton of Central India
Colleps C, McKenzie NR, Guenthner W, Sharma M & Stockli D

McKenzie Ryan (2019) Evaluating Records of Environmental Change and Mass Extinctions during the Early Paleozoic
McKenzie R, Gill B, Wernette S, Chen J, Park T-Y, Myrow P & Hughes N

McKenzie Ryan (2021) Tracking Permian–Triassic Tectonic Transitions in Thailand via Detrital Zircon U-Pb Ages, Hf Isotopes and Trace Elements
Liu H, McKenzie R, Colleps C, Chen W, Ying Y-C, Stockli L, Sardsud A & Stockli D

McKenzie Ryan (2022) Multiproxy Evaluation of Tectonic Regime Variability and Crustal Reworking throughout Earth History
McKenzie R, Liu H, Colleps CL & Nordsvan A
(2022) Evaluating Bedrock Influences on Chemical Weathering via a Comparative Study between Tropical Rivers in Hong Kong and Marianas Islands
Cheung CTL, McKenzie R, Luk K, Bauer K, Planavsky NJ & Savage PS

McKenzie Ryan (2014) Reconciling the Detrital Zircon Record with Continental Tectonic Histories: Case Studies from India and South America
McKenzie R, Horton B, Hughes N, Myrow P & Stockli D
(2013) Evaluating the Role of Arc Volcanism on Neoproterozoic to Early Paleozoic Climate
McKenzie R, Hughes N, Gill B & Myrow P

McKenzie Ryan (2015) Assessing the Role of the Continental Arc Magmatic CO2 Flux on Icehouse–greenhouse Transitions: A ~720 Myr Record
McKenzie R, Horton B, Stockli D, Loomis S & Lee C-T

McKenzie Ryan (2023) Exploring Riverine Chemical Fluxes and Weathering Processes in Sarawak, Malaysia Borneo
Cheung CTL, McKenzie R, Beaty B, Ravichandran S, Muhammad AA, Planavsky NJ & Nagarajan R
(2023) Carbon Pump Dynamics and Limited Organic Carbon Burial during OAE1a
Bauer KW, McKenzie R, Bottini C, Erba E & Crowe SA

McKenzie Ryan (2016) Tracking the Long-Term Carbon Cycle in Earth History: Himalayan Anecdotes
McKenzie R, Planavsky N, Colleps C, Stockli D, Singh B, Kalderon-Asael B & Reinhard C

McKenzie Ryan (2018) Perspectives on Crustal Evolution from Zircon Geochemistry throughout Earth History
McKenzie R, Smye A, Liu H & Stockli D

McKenzie Ryan (2017) A ~2 Billion-Year Assessment of Paleogeographic Influences on Earth’s Climate State
McKenzie R, Evans D, Eglington B & Planavsky N

McKenzie T. (2020) Assessing Submarine Groundwater Discharge Dynamics Using Long-Term High-Resolution Radon Measurements and Machine Learning
McKenzie T, Dulai H, Fuleky P & Lee J

Mckenzie Z. (2019) The Green and Black Programme
Pancost R, Griffith R, Ketibuah-Foley J, Mckenzie Z, Shaw H, Woolley V & Townsend I

McKeon Ryan (2018) Hematite Polydomain Diffusion Thermochronology of the Transvaal Supergroup, South Africa
Miller H, McKeon R, Fischer W, Beukes N, Smith A & Farley K

McKeon Ryan (2017) Tectonics, Climate, and Copper in the Central Andes: Insights from (U-Th)/He Hematite Geochronology
Cooper F, Adams B, Blundy J, Bunker E, Farley K, McKeon R & Ruggiero A

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