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McKay Christopher (2014) Evolved Gas Analysis of the Rocknest Aeolian Bedform, Gale Crater, Mars
Arevalo Jr. R, Archer D, Mahaffy P, Franz H, Coll P, Eigenbrode J, Glavin D, Jones J, Leshin L, McAdam A, McKay C, Ming D, Morris R, Navarro-Gonzalez R, Niles P, Pavlov A, Squyres S, Stern J, Steele A & Wray J
(2009) Primary Producers in Extreme Arid Environment of the Atacama Desert: Where, How and When?
Wierzchos J, de los Ríos A, Davila AF, Cámara B, Valea S, Esteve I, Solé A, Roldán M, Rodriguez R, Sanchez-Almazo I, McKay CP & Ascaso C
(2009) Life in the Ice Cover and Underlying Cold Brines of Lake Vida, Antarctica
Murray A, Fritsen C, Kenig F, McKay C, McNight D, Cawley K & Doran P
(2007) The Climatic and Biotic Thresholds on Soil Elemental Cycling along an Arid to Hyperarid Rainfall Gradient
Amundson R, Ewing S, Michalski G, Thiemens M, Kendall C, Nishiizumi K, McKay C & Chong G
(2006) Pedogenic evidence for climate change and aridification on Mars
Amundson R, Ewing S, Owen J, Dietrich W, Nishiizumi K, Chadwick O, Sutter B & McKay C
(2006) Biogeochemistry on Mars, both possible and realistic: Magnetite
Friedmann EI, Wierzchos J, Davila A, Kirschvink JL, Ascaso C, Kashai EL & McKay CP
(2000) Aqueous Iron Chemistry on Early Mars: Was it Influenced by Life?
Catling DC & McKay CP

McKay Christopher P. (2016) The Nitrate/Perchlorate Ratio of Martian Surface Materials: Implications for the Nitrogen Cycle on Mars
Stern JC, Sutter B, Jackson WA, Navarro-Gonzalez R, McKay CP, Ming DW & Mahaffy PR
(2016) Extraterrestrial (Per)chlorate
Davila A, Jackson A, Sears D, Coates J, McKay C, Brundrett M, Estrada N & Bohlke JK

McKay David (2009) Cycling of Fe by Siderophilic Cyanobacteria: Implications for an Early Biosphere
Brown I, Thomas-Keprta K, Sarkisova S, Fischer C, Luttge A, Arvidson R, Shen G, Bryant D, Galindo, Jr C, Garrison D, Clarke W & McKay D
(2007) Identification of Aromatic Organic Matter from Comet 81P/Wild 2
Clemett S, Nakuma-Messenger K, McKay D & Sandford S
(2004) Life Detection on a Chip
Maule J, McKay D & Steele A

McKay David S. (2002) Bacterial Silicification – An Experimental Approach
Toporski J, Steele A, Westall F, Thomas-Keptra K & McKay DS

McKay G. (2011) Kirschsteinite Exsolution Lamellae in Olivine from Young Angrites: Implications for their Thermal History
Mikouchi T, Miyamoto M & McKay G
(2005) Observation of Contact Electrification between Silicate melt/Pt and mineral/Pt Phase Interfaces
Wagstaff J, McKay G & Lofgren G
(2003) Mineralogy and Petrogenesis of Quenched Angrite Meteorites
Mikouchi T & McKay G
(2003) Can the Eu Oxygen Barometer be Applied to QUE 94201?
McKay G, Le L, Mikouchi T & Koizumi E
(2003) Porphyritic Texture in Linear Cooling Experiments: Implications for the Origins of Porphyritic Grains in Basaltic Rocks
Koizumi E, Mikouchi T, McKay G, Monkawa A, Le L & Miyamoto M

McKay J. (2018) The Link between Particulate Silver and POC Fluxes to the Deep Ocean
McKay J
(2014) Particulate Silver Flux in the Western Arabian Sea: The Link to Marine Productivity
Flannery K & McKay J
(2011) How and Where Redox-Sensitive Trace Metals can Answer the Question Productivity or Ventilation
McKay J, Ivanochko T & Pedersen T
(2010) The AMOC during Pleistocene Interglacials: Clues from Foraminifer Isotope Records at IODP Sites 1305 and 1302/03 (Labrador Sea)
Hillaire-Marcel C, de Vernal A & McKay J

McKay L (2000) Trichloroethylene Biodegradation in Large Undistributed Columns of Fractured Weathered Shale in East Tennessee
Lenczewski M, McKay L & Layton A

McKay Luke (2020) Virus-Host Dynamics in a Suboxic, High-Temperature Vent in Yellowstone Lake
Nigro O, McKay L, Luttrell K & Inskeep W

McKay M. (2014) Using Zircon REE Compositions to Aid in U-Pb Zircon Volcanic Ash Age Interpretation in the Permian-Triassic Karoo Supergroup of South Africa
McKay M, Weislogel A & Fildani A

McKay N. (2018) Indo-Pacific Hyroclimate Change over the Past 200 Years: New Insights from the Iso2 k Synthesis
Thompson D, Conroy J, Konecky B, McKay N & Stevenson S
(2014) Holocene Landscape and Ecosystem Changes in the American Southwest Driven by Changes in Winter Precipitation
Shanahan T & McKay N

McKay R. (2016) Exploring the Rate of East Antarctic Ice Retreat during the Pliocene Using Geochemical Provenance Analysis
Bertram R, van de Flierdt T, Jimenez-Espejo F & McKay R

McKay-Fletcher D. (2017) Multimodal Imaging and Modelling of Rhizosphere Processes
van Veelen A, Keyes S, Daly K, McKay-Fletcher D, Scotson C, Koebernick N, Cooper L, Mosselmans F, Roose T & Duncan S

McKechnie C. (2012) Anatexis and Uranium Protore in the Wollaston Domain, Saskatchewan
McKechnie C, Annesley I & Ansdell K

McKee B.A. (2001) Sources and Seasonal Discharge of Black Carbon from the Mississippi River
Mitra S, Bianchi TS, McKee BA & Sutula MA

McKee G. (2010) Identification of Amides Involved in Nitrogen Sequestration in Dissolved Organic Matter and Sediments by ESI-FTICR-MS
Hatcher PG, Mesfioui R & McKee G

McKeeby B. (2019) Water-Rich Lunar Glasses in Apollo 17 Basalt 75055: Evidence for a ‘Wet’ Moon
Greenwood J, Itoh S, Sakamoto N, McKeeby B & Yurimoto H
(2018) Multimodal Imaging of a Banded Iron Formation Sample
Schoonen M, Thieme J, Northrup P, Jaret S, McKeeby B, Glotch T, Young J, Yesiltas M & Ohmoto H

McKeegan Kevin (2019) The Timing of Early Solar System Reservoir Separation
Jacobsen B, Liu M-C, Hertwig A, Marks N, McKeegan K, Kruijer T & Borg L
(2016) U-Pb Dating of Zircon Shock Microstructures with NanoSIMS
Crow C, Jacobsen B, Moser D & McKeegan K
(2012) C, N, O Abundances and Isotopic Compositions in the Sun
Heber V, Burnett D, Guan Y, Jurewicz A, Smith S, Olinger C & McKeegan K
(2012) In situ Fe and Multiple S Isotope Analyses of an Archean Pyrite Nodule
Marin-Carbonne J, Rollion-Bard C, Hofmann A, Thomassot E, McKeegan K, Bekker A & Rouxel O
(2011) Silicon and Oxygen Isotope Values of Cherts and their Precursors
Ziegler K, Marin-Carbonne J, McKeegan K & Young E
(2011) Growth Rate Effect on Oxygen Isotope Fractionation between Calcite and Fluid: In situ Data
Gabitov R, Schmitt A, Watson B, Mckeegan K & Harrison TM
(2009) Isotopic Reservoir Mixing in the Early Solar System: Hints from 21st Century Sample Return Missions
McKeegan K
(2009) Early Differentiation of the Lunar Magma Ocean – New Lu-Hf Isotope Results from Apollo 17
Taylor D, McKeegan K, Harrison M & Young E
(2006) High resolution SIMS δ18O analyses of Hulu Cave speleothem at the time of Heinrich event 1
Treble PC, Schmidt AK, Edwards RL, McKeegan KD, Harrison TM, Grove M, Chen H & Wang YJ
(2006) Isotopic Compositions of Cometary Materials Returned by the STARDUST Mission
McKeegan K
(2004) Multiple Sulfur Isotopic Analyses of Sulfides from Paleoproterozoic Sediments by Ion Microprobe
Papineau D, Mojzsis S, McKeegan K & Karhu J
(2003) Mass-Dependent and Mass-Independent Sulfur Isotopic Effects in Archean and Paleoproterozoic Sulfides and Sulfates
Runnegar B, Coath C, Lyons J, McKeegan K & Mojzsis S
(2002) Mass-Independent and Mass-Dependant Sulfur Processing throughout the Archean
Runnegar B, Coath C, Lyons J & McKeegan K
(2002) Insight into Crust-Mantle Coupling from Anomalous D33S of Sulfide Inclusions in Diamonds
Farquhar J, Wing B, McKeegan K & Harris J
(2002) Extinct 7Be and 10Be in Refractory Inclusions from the Allende and Efremovka Chondrites
Chaussidon M, Robert F & McKeegan KD
(2002) High Resolution Trace Element and Oxygen Isotope Analyses of a Modern Speleothem
Treble P, Harrison TM, Shelley JMG, McKeegan KD, Grove M & McCulloch MT
(2002) Direct Phylogenetic and Isotopic Evidence for Multiple Groups of Archaea Involved in the Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane
Orphan V, House C, Hinrichs K-U, McKeegan K & DeLong E
(2001) Non-Mass-Dependent Sulfur Isotopes Documented from in situ Measurements of Precambrian Sedimentary Sulfides by Multi-Collector Ion Microprobe
Mojzsis SJ, Coath CD, Greenwood JP, McKeegan KD, Harrison TM & Runnegar B
(2001) ?13C Ion Probing and Fluorescent in situ Hybridization: Direct Evidence of Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane Mediated by an Archaeal/Bacterial Consortium
Orphan VJ, House CH, Hinrichs KU, McKeegan KD & DeLong EF
(2001) Oxygen Isotopic Constraints on the Origin and Evolution of Refractory Components of Chondritic Meteorites
McKeegan KD, Krot AN, Leshin LA & MacPherson GJ
(2000) Lived 10Be in a Refractory Inclusion from the Allende Meteorite: A Case for Intense Irradiation of the Protosolar Nebula?
McKeegan KD, Chaussidon M & Robert F

McKeegan Kevin D (2023) Investigating a Potential 4.33 Ga Large Impact Event on the Moon with High-Precision Lunar Zircon Ages and Geochemistry
Barboni M, Szymanowski D, Schoene B & McKeegan KD
(2023) Ti Site Occupancy in Natural and Synthetic Zircon
Trail D, Tailby N, Ackerson M, Newville M, Lanzirotti A, Chowdhury W, Szumila I, Barboni M & McKeegan KD
(2022) The UCLA Cosmochemistry Database
Zhang B, Warren PH, McKeegan KD, Young ED, Rubin AE, Lehnert KA, Profeta L, Johansson A, Ji P, Figueroa JD & Mays J
(2021) The Enigmatic Origins of CHON: Unraveling the Isotopic Clues in Primitive Matter
McKeegan KD
(2021) An in situ O Isotopic Study of Aqueous Alteration Products in the Alais CI Chondrite
McCain KA, Liu M-C & McKeegan KD

McKeegan Keving (2017) Lunar Zircons: Probing the Moon's Early History
Crow C, McKeegan K & Moser D
(2017) Determining the Abundance of 247Cm in the Early Solar System: Implications for the R-Process of Nucleosynthesis
Tissot F, Tang H, Dauphas N, Grossman L, Liu M-C & McKeegan K

McKeever D. (2023) Composition and Origin of Gas Associated with High pH Waters within the Mid-Continent Rift in Minnesota (USA)
Combaudon V, Julia G, Sissmann O, Noirez S, McKeever D, Derluyn H & Deville E

McKeever S. W. S. (2001) Prospects for in situ Dating of Martian Sediments Using Optical Techniques
McKeever SWS, Lepper K & Sears DWG

McKeever Stephen (2017) Towards a Physical Kinetic Model for Feldspar OSL-Thermochronometry
Guralnik B, Jain M, Brown N, King G, Lambert R, Chen R & McKeever S

McKellar R. (2014) Estimating Atmospheric pO2 during the Phanerozoic Using the δ13C of Terrestrial Plant Organic Matter
Tappert R, Muehlenbachs K, McKellar R, Wolfe A & Schoell M
(2014) Differentiating Baltic and Bitterfeld Ambers Using Multiple Geochemical Approaches: Implications for the Fossil Record of Amber Inclusions
Muehlenbachs K, Wolfe A, McKellar R, Tappert R & Sodhi R

McKelvie J. (2020) Characterisation of the Rate of Phospholipid Hydrolysis Under Abiotic Conditions in Bentonite
Ford S, Engel K, Binns J, McKelvie J, Neufeld J & Slater G
(2016) Microbial Assessment of a Deep Geological Repository for Canada’s Used Nuclear Fuel
McKelvie J, Korber D, Slater G, Sherwood Lollar B & Wolfaardt G
(2012) An Absorption Method for Porewater Characterization in Low Permeability Sedimentary Rocks
Celejewski M, Al T, Clark I & McKelvie J

McKenna Amy (2021) Microbial Iron Cycling during Permafrost Thaw
Bryce C, Patzner MS, Mueller CW, Logan M, Eberle A, Straub D, Kleindienst S, Hoeschen C, McKenna A, Barczok MR, Smith CE, Kinsman-Costello LE, Herndon E, Borch T & Kappler A
(2019) Bacteria as the Powerhouse of Mid-Proterozoic Ecosystems
Brocks J, Gueneli N, McKenna A, Ohkouchi N, Boreham C, Beghine J & Javaux E

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