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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Mcintosh D. (2018) 86 Million Years of Recorded History in Labrador: Birth, Life and Sleep of the Kiglapait Intrusion
Morse S, Brady J & Mcintosh D

McIntosh Eleanor (2018) A Heterogeneous Rejuvenated Magma Source in Kauai and Niihau, Hawaii
Beguelin P, Bizimis M, McIntosh E, Cousens B & Clague D

McIntosh Eleanor C. (2017) The Shield-To-Rejuvenated Volcanism Transition in the Hawaiian Plume: Nd-Hf Isotope Systematics
Béguelin P, Bizimis M, McIntosh EC, Cousens B & Clague D

McIntosh G. (2011) Silicic Acid: An Experimental and ab Initio Study of Explicit Solvation and Reaction Kinetics
McIntosh G, Swedlund P & Sohnel T

McIntosh Hadley (2015) Biogeochemistry of Redox-Sensitive Elements in the Subterranean Estuary
O'Connor A, Luek J, McIntosh H, Krask J & Beck A

McIntosh Hadley (2014) Sources and Ages of Lipids in a Temperate Estuary: Delaware Bay
Canuel E, McIntosh H, Bauer J, Xu L & McNichol A

McIntosh Iona (2018) Accurately Measuring H2O in Volcanic Glasses: Application of a New FTIR Spectroscopy Method
McIntosh I, Nichols A, Tani K & Llewellin E
(2016) Reconstructing Final H2O Contents of Hydrated Rhyolitic Glasses: Insights into H2O Degassing and Eruptive Style of Silicic Submarine Volcanoes
McIntosh I, Nichols A, Tani K & Llewellin E

McIntosh Iona M (2022) Investigating Shallow Submarine Eruption Processes Recorded in Dissolved H2O Contents of Marine Tephra: Example of Oomurodashi Volcano Tephra in Drill Core C9010E, Japan
McIntosh IM & Aoki K

McIntosh Iona Margaret (2020) The August 2019 Eruption of Volcano 0403-091: A Well-Constrained Pumice Raft Forming Eruption
Yeo I, McIntosh I, Bryan S, Dunbabin M, Tani K & Collins P
(2020) Investigating Past Eruptive Activity of a Silicic Shallow Submarine Volcano Using FTIR Volatile Analyses
McIntosh IM, Tani K, Nichols ARL, Chang Q & Kimura J-I

McIntosh J. (2023) Metagenomic and Isotope Geochemical Characterization of Deep Subsurface Microbial Methanogenesis at the Siljan Impact Structure, Sweden
van Dam F, Kietäväinen R, Westmeijer G, Ono S, Dopson M, Ketzer M, McIntosh J & Drake H
(2023) New Insights into Groundwater Dating from Paired 14C, 4He, and High-Precision 40Ar Measurements in the Columbia River Basalt Aquifer System
Tyne RL, Warr O, Cheng A, Kulongoski JT, McIntosh J, Johnson HM, Hudak MR, Ram R, Ben-Nun Levanon H, Reznik IJ, Adar EM, Ng J & Seltzer AM
(2023) Revisiting Excess Air in Groundwater with a New Hydroclimate Tracer
Ng J, Seltzer AM, Noyes C, Negele S, Tyne RL, Aeschbach W, Kulongoski JT, Johnson HM, Stute M, McIntosh J, Ferguson G & Severinghaus JP
(2022) New Noble Gas Isotope Tracers for Groundwater Hydrology
Seltzer AM, Ng J, Kulongoski JT, Stute M, Severinghaus JP, Danskin WR, Gannon R, Stolp BJ, Tyne RL, Johnson HM, Noyes C, McIntosh J, Ferguson G, Bourg IC & Shackleton SA
(2021) Application of 85Kr, 3H, 39Ar, and 14C, Noble Gas Thermometry, and Modeling to Constrain Mountain-Front Recharge to Basin-Fill Aquifers
McIntosh J, Markovich K, Noyes C, Condon L, Ferguson G, Carroll KC & Purtschert RJ
(2021) Understanding the Role of Basin Architecture on the Geochemical Evolution of Fluids in the Paradox Basin Using Noble Gases
Tyne RL, Barry PH, Cheng A, Kim J-H, Hillegonds D, McIntosh J & Ballentine CJ
(2020) The Hydrogeochemical Evolution of Basinal Fluids in the Paradox Basin: Implications for Sources, Flowpaths, and Residence Time
Kim J-H, Noyes C, Dell'Oro A, Tyne R, Ferguson G, Person M, Ma L, Lu Z-T, Jiang W, Yang G-M, Ballentine C, Reiners P & McIntosh J
(2018) Combining U-Series and Sr Isotopes to Trace Water Flow Through the Critical Zone
White A, Ma L, Moravec B, McIntosh J & Chorover J
(2017) Deuterium as a Quantitative Tracer of Enhanced Microbial Coalbed Methane Production
Ashley K, Davis K, Martini A, Fields M & McIntosh J
(2017) Changing Water, Carbon and Energy Fluxes Alters Deep CZ Structure and Solute Exports to Streams
McIntosh J, Moravec B, White A & Chorover J
(2017) Hydrologic and Environmental Controls on Uranium-Series Isotopes in a Natural Volcanic Weathering Environment
White A, Ma L, Moravec B, McIntosh J & Chorover J
(2016) Tracing Salinity Sources in the Semi-Arid Rio Grande River with a Multi-Isotope Tracer (U, S, B, and Sr) Approach
Ma L, Garcia S, Nyachoti S, Szynkiewicz A, McIntosh J & Gaillardet J
(2016) Acetate Biogeochemistry of Methanogenic Coal Beds and Shales
Vinson D, McIntosh J, Martini A, Darrah T, Kirk M, Akob D & Blair N
(2014) Groundwater Extraction for Coalbed Methane Production: Influence on the Subsurface Geochemical Environment
McIntosh J, Vinson D, Ritter D & Vengosh A
(2014) Coal Biodegradation Pathways: Evidence from δ13C of Acetate
Akob D, Vinson D, Dunlap D, McIntosh J, Orem W & Blair N
(2014) Relationship between Recharge, Redox Conditions and Microbial Methane Generation in Coalbeds
Ritter D, McIntosh J & Vinson D
(2014) δ13C of Acetate in Powder River Basin Coal Bed Waters: New Application to Methanogenic Pathways in Biogenic Gas Systems
Vinson D, Blair N & McIntosh J
(2013) Critical Zone Evolution by Jerks
Chorover J, Brooks P, Harpold A, Litvak M, McIntosh J, Pelletier J, Perdrial J, Troch P & Rasmussen C
(2012) Using Uranium Isotopes to Determine Salinity Sources in Rio Grande Waters
Ma L, Szynkiewicz A, Borrok D & McIntosh J
(2012) Do Critical Zone Carbon and Water Fluxes Control Chemical Denudation?
Perdrial J, Brooks P, Chorover J, Condon K, Harpold A, Holleran M, Huckle D, Lybrand R, Troch P, McIntosh J, Meixner T, Minor R, Mitra B, Pohlmann M, Rasmussen C, Swetnam T, Vasquez-Ortega A & Zapata-Rios X
(2012) Origin, Distribution and Hydrogeochemical Controls on Methane Occurences in Shallow Aquifers in Southwestern Ontario
McIntosh J, Osborn S, Grasby S & Hamilton S
(2012) Improved Carbon Isotope Modeling of Biogenic Coalbed Methane Systems: The Nature of Initial CO2
Vinson D, McIntosh J, Ritter D, Blair N & Martini A
(2011) Biogeochemistry of Devonian Shale Gas Resources of the Midwest USA: Antrim and New Albany Shales
Martini A, Petsch S, McIntosh J, Kirk M, Schlegel M, Damashek J & Miller S
(2011) Carbon Cycling in the Pliocene Velenje Coal Basin, Slovenia, Inferred from Stable Carbon Isotopes
Kanduč T, Žigon S, Markič M, Zavšek S & McIntosh J
(2011) Impact of Water Sources and Flow Paths on Carbon in Streams of Seasonally Snow-Covered Catchments
Perdrial J, Brooks P, Chorover J, Harpold A, Heidbuechel I, McIntosh J, Ray J & Zapata-Rios X
(2010) Sr Isotope Constraints on Natural Oxy-Anionic Contaminants in a Basin-Fill Aquifer (Arizona, USA)
Vinson D, McIntosh J & Vengosh A
(2010) Methanogen Variations Related to Hydrogeochemical Conditions in Organic-Rich Shales and Coals in the Illinois Basin, U.S.A
Schlegel M, McIntosh J, Bates B, Kirk M & Martini A
(2010) Microbial Community Structure and Geochemistry of the New Albany Shale (Illinios Basin) and its Potential to Produce Biogenic Methane
Damashek J, Miller S, Kirk M, McIntosh J, Schlegel M, Petsch S & Martini A
(2010) C and H Isotope Systematics of Microbial Methane Accumulations in Coalbeds and Fractured Shales
McIntosh J, Bates B, Schlegel M & Martini A
(2009) Hydrogeologic Controls on Microbial Methanogenesis in Shales and Coalbeds in the Illinois Basin
Schlegel M, McIntosh J, Bates B, Kirk M & Martini A
(2009) 129I and Sr Isotopes as Tracers of Large-Scale Fluid Migration in the Northern Appalachian Basin (USA)
Osborn S & McIntosh J
(2009) Effect of Natural Gas Production on Geochemistry and Microbiology in a Fractured Organic-Rich Shale
Kirk M, Martini A, McIntosh J, Petsch S & Takacs-Vesbach C
(2009) Linkages between Recharge Rates, Flowpaths, and Metabolic Pathways for Methanogenesis in Powder River Basin Coalbeds, WY (USA)
McIntosh J, Bates B & Lohse K
(2008) Investigating the Source and Timing of Freshwater Recharge into Saline Aquifers in the Glaciated Illinois Basin
Schlegel M, McIntosh J, Person M, Ballentine C & Zheng Z
(2005) Hydrogeochemistry of Formation Water in the Northern Songliao Basin, China
Cheng J, McIntosh J, Xie X & Jiao J
(2005) Geochemical Evolution of Pleistocene Glacial Meltwaters within Regional Carbonate Aquifer Systems, Midcontinent U.S
McIntosh J & Walter L
(2001) Hydrocarbon Oxidation in Sedimentary Basin Gas Reservoirs
Martini A, Walter LM & McIntosh JC

McIntosh K. (2013) Fluid Migration along a Dense, Intersecting Array of Faults on the Outer-Shelf of Southern Costa Rica: Insights from 3D Seismic Attributes and Multibeam Data
Kluesner J, Silver E, Nale S, Bangs N & McIntosh K

McIntosh W. (2014) 10e13 Ohm Faraday Multi-Collection: Striving for Accuracy to Match Ultra-High Precision 40Ar/39Ar Measurements
Heizler M, McIntosh W, Ross J & Hamilton D
(2014) Glaciovolcanic Evidence for a Polythermal Neogene East Antarctic Ice Sheet
Rocchi S, Smellie J, Wilch T, Gemelli M, Di Vincenzo G, McIntosh W, Dunbar N, Panter K & Fargo A
(2014) Alteration of Volcaniclastic Deposits; Geochemical Insights on Mineralizing Environment and Climate during the Late Miocene in Antarctica
Panter K, Antibus J, Wilch T, Dunbar N, McIntosh W, Tripati A, Bindeman I & Blusztajn J
(2014) Cenozoic Slab-Rollback Magmatism in Western North America: Similarities and Differences in Space-Time-Composition
Henry CD, McIntosh WC, McDowell FW, Lipman PW, John DA, Colgan JP, Chapin CE & Watts KE
(2012) Peach Spring Tuff, Arizona-California-Nevada, USA: Generating an Isolated Supereruption
Miller CF, Pamukcu AS, Ferguson CA, Carley TL, Gualda GAR, Wooden JL, McIntosh WC, Lidzbarski MI, Miller JS & McDowell SM
(2011) Erebus: A Laboratory Volcano in Antarctica
Oppenheimer C, Kyle P, Jones L, McIntosh W, Dunbar N, Ilanko T, Peters N, Moussallam Y, Iacovino K, Boichu M, Sawyer G, Tsanev V, Scaillet B, Pichavant M, Burgisser A, Alletti M & Molina I
(2010) Oxygen Isotope and Cation Chemistry: Evidence of Multiple Water Sources Influencing the Alteration of Antarctic Hyaloclastites
Antibus J, Panter K, Dunbar N, Wilch T & McIntosh W
(2009) Geochemistry, Geochronology and Tectonic Implications of Cross-Arc Ridge Volcanism in the Southern Kermadec Arc, SW Pacific
Gamble J, Wright I, Wysoczanski R, Todd E & McIntosh W
(2009) Tephra as an Absolute Dating and Correlation Tool for Antarctic Ice Cores
Dunbar N & McIntosh W
(2008) Integrated Tephrochronology of the West Antarctic Region- Implications for a Potential Tephra Record in the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) Divide Ice Core
Dunbar N, McIntosh W & Kurbatov A
(2005) Patterns of Rhyolitic Volcanism along the Track of the Yellowstone Hotspot
Morgan LA, Pierce KL & McIntosh WC

McInturff G. (2022) Landscape Change and Metal Transport in Arctic Watersheds
Liddle Broberg K, Barker A, Sullivan T, Barbato R, McInturff G, Saari S, Douglas T, Gallaher S & Smith J
(2021) Fe Speciation at the Permafrost-Active Layer Boundary
Barker A, McInturff G, Douglas T, Gallaher S & Smith J

McIntyre A. (2021) Pulses of Ocean Acidification at the Triassic-Jurassic Boundary Recorded by Boron Isotopes
Trudgill M, Rae JWB, Crumpton-Banks J, van Mourik M, Adloff M, Burke A, Corsetti F, Doherty D, Greenop R, Hong W-L, Lepland A, McIntyre A, Neiroukh N, Rose C, Ruhl M, Saunders D, Stüeken EE, West J, Whiteford R & Greene SE
(2019) Pulses of Ocean Acidification at the Triassic Jurassic Boundary Recorded by Boron Isotopes
Rae J, Trudgill M, van Mourik M, Crumpton-Banks J, Burke A, Corsetti F, Greenop R, McIntyre A, Rose C, Saunders D, West J & Greene S

McIntyre Cameron (2018) New 14C Mass Spectrometry
Freeman S, Shanks R, McIntyre C, Gaubert G, Salou P, Kearney K, Hauser T & Sundquist M

McIntyre Cameron (2014) Time-Series Investigations of Settling Particle Flux and Composition in the Deep Canada Basin, Arctic Ocean
Eglinton T, Manganini S, Blusztajn J, Kim M, Hwang J, Montlucon D, Krishfield R & McIntyre C
(2014) Spatial and Historical Variations in Sediment and Organic Matter Supply to the Mackenzie Delta
Vonk J, Giosan L, Blusztajn J, Montlucon D, Graf Pannatier E, McIntyre C, Wacker L & Dickens A
(2014) Late Holocene 14C Variations Recorded by a Speleothem from Yok Balum Cave, Belize
Lechleitner FA, McIntyre C, Breitenbach SFM, Polyak V, Asmerom Y, Prufer KM, Culleton BJ, Kennett DJ, Baldini JUL & Eglinton TI
(2013) Temporal Variations in the Composition and Age of Terrestrial Organic Carbon Transported by the Yellow River
Tao S, Eglinton TI, Montlucon D, McIntyre C & Zhao M

McIntyre Cameron (2015) Climate Control on the Timescales and Pathways of Carbon Export from the Terrestrial Biosphere
Eglinton T, Galy V, Feng X, McIntyre C, Schefuss E, Tao S, Zhao M, Peucker-Ehrenbrink B & Hughen K
(2015) Coupled Organic & Inorganic Tracers of Particle Flux Processes in the Western Arctic Ocean
Schwab M, Rickli J, Blusztajn J, Manganini S, Harvey R, Vance D, McIntyre C & Eglinton T
(2015) Grain Size-Specific Organic Carbon Isotope Stratigraphy of Continental Margin Sediments
Wenk P, McIntyre C, Magill C, Martinez-Garcia A, Hodell D & Eglinton T
(2015) Biogeochemical Processes in Arctic Rivers and the Land-Ocean Interface
Mann P, Vonk J, McIntyre C, Eglinton T, Holmes R, Stubbins A & Spencer R

McIntyre Cameron (2017) Regional to Global-Scale Perspectives on Organic Carbon Burial in Continental Margin Sediments
Eglinton T, Bao R, Zhao M, Yu M, Ignatova A, McIntyre C, Haghipour N, van der Voort T & De Avelar S
(2017) An Additional Wrinkle in the Elderfield Proxy Development Curve
Ausin B, Magill C, Wenk P, Haug G, McItyre C, Haghipour N, Hodell D & Eglinton T

McIntyre D.L. (2011) Geochemical Alteration of Fracture Geometry during Leakage of CO2
Ellis BR, Peters CA, Fitts JP, Bromhal GS, McIntyre DL & Warzinski RP
(2005) Historic Perspective: Victor M. Goldschmidt and Apatite
McIntyre D

McIntyre K. (2002) The Temperature, Salinity and δ18O of the LGM Deep Ocean
Adkins JF, McIntyre K & Schrag DP
(2000) Pore Fluid Constraints on Chemistry and Temperature of the Glacial Ocean
Schrag DP, Adkins JF & McIntyre K

McIntyre T. (2021) No Record of Horizontal Tectonics in the North Atlantic Craton Until after ~2900 Ma
McIntyre T, Szilas K & Pearson DG

McJunkin T.R. (2008) Detecting Biosignatures Associated with Minerals by Geomatrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometry (GALDI-Ftms)
Richardson CD, Kotler JM, Hinman NW, McJunkin TR & Scott JR
(2005) Mineral Identification in Basalts Using Automated Mass Spectral Data Analysis
Yan B, McJunkin T, Stoner D & Scott J

McKanna A.J. (2023) Effects of Temperature on Hydrothermal Alteration of Low-Ph Cement
Zandanel A, Rock MJ, McKanna AJ, Caporuscio F & Matteo EN
(2023) Hydrothermal Alteration of Zircaloy and Interactions with Engineered Barrier Materials
McKanna AJ, Zandanel A, Rock MJ, Caporuscio F & Sauer K

McKavney R. (2017) Assessing Geochemical Tools to Resolve Origin and Trace Migration of Unconventional Gas in the U.K
McKavney R, Gilfillan S, Gyӧre D & Stuart F

McKay A. (2012) Multiple Growth Events in Diamonds from Murowa; Evidence from FTIR Mapping of N and H Defects
Kohn S, Bulanova G, Smith C, Walter M, Marks A & McKay A

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