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McGovern L.S.T. (2023) Elemental and Isotopic Variability in Pristine vs. Terrestrially Contaminated CM Chondrites Revealed Using Stepwise Acid Leaching: A Comparative Study of Aguas Zarcas and NWA 11346
McGovern LST, Charlier BLA & Wilson CJN

McGovern P.J. (2011) Radioactive Element Abundances, Paleo-Heat Flows, and the Internal Evolution of Mars
Ruiz J, Jimenez-Diaz A, Lopez V, McGovern PJ, Williams J-P, Hahn BC & Tejero R

McGowan H. (2009) Detailed History of Holocene Climate Variability in Australia from Dust Records in Peat Cores
Marx S, Kamber B, McGowan H & Denholm J
(2008) Identification of Palaeo-Drought Episodes in Eastern Australia: High Resolution Dust Flux Records as an Indicator of Teleconnections and Associated Drought in the Australian Region
Marx S, Kamber B & McGowan H
(2007) Establishing High Precision Trace Element Maps of the Main Dust Source Areas of Eastern and South-Central Australia
Kamber B, McGowan H, Marx S & Petherick L

McGowan N. (2015) New Insights into the Lithospheric and Deeper Mantle
Griffin W, Afonso JC, Satsukawa T, McGowan N, Pearson N & O'Reilly S
(2014) Tibetan Chromitites: Digging in the Slab Graveyard
McGowan N, Griffin W, González-Jiménez J-M, Belousova E, Afonso JC, Shi R, McCammon C, Pearson N & O'Reilly S

McGowan S. (2017) Seasonal Variations in Silicon Concentrations and δ30Si Signatures at a Tropical Estuary: Matang, Malaysia
Panizzo V, Yong YL, Zakaria R, McGowan S, Moorhouse H, Chong VC, Pashley V & Horstwood M

McGrail B (2004) Gas Hydrate Formation and Dissociation in the Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope
McGrail B, Alexander M, Young J & Martin P

McGrail B. P. (2001) Dissolution Kinetics of Sodium Borosilicate Glass: Deviations from TST Expectations
Icenhower JP, McGrail BP, Baer DR, Darab JG, Shutthanandan V, Thevuthasan S, Engelhard MH & Shuh DK

McGrail P. (2020) Mass Transport and Mineral Transformations in Nanoscale Interfacial Water Films Triggered by Critical Water Coverages
Miller Q, Kerisit S, Kaszuba J, Schaef T, Bowden M, McGrail P & Rosso K
(2017) Chemical Reactivity in Thin Water Films on Minerals in Wet-scCO2
Loring J, Schaef T, Thompson C, McGrail P & Rosso K
(2012) Geologic Storage Mavericks: Insights and Promise from Laboratory and Field Pilot Studies in Flood Basalts
McGrail BP
(2005) The Role of Si˜O Bonds in Dissolution of Silicate Glasses: Inferences for Rate-Limiting Step
Icenhower J, McGrail P & Luttge A
(2002) Origins of Deviations from Transition-State Theory: Effects of Ion-Exchange Kinetics in Glass
Icenhower J, McGrail P & Luttge A

McGrath C. J. (2001) Molecular Models of Iron Oxide Interactions with Explosives (TNT, RDX) -- a Density Functional Theory Investigation
Ilchenko M, Gorb L, McGrath CJ, Leszczynska D & Leszczynski J
(2001) Abiotic and Microbially-Mediated Reactions Affecting Explosives (TNT, RDX) in Reduced Iron Systems
McGrath CJ

McGrath Casey (2020) Complex Non-Crystalline Mineralogy Protects Soil Carbon from Temperature-Dependent Decay
Crow S, McGrath C, Hicks Pries C, Nguyen N, Lazaro M, Giardina C & Litton C
(2020) Interactive Feedbacks of Climate, Mineralogy and Microbiological Communities on Soil Carbon: A Deep Soil Warming Experiment
McGrath C, Crow S, Hicks Pries C, Nguyen N, Glazer B & Lio S

McGrath Christian (2020) Supervised Machine Learning Based Models Predicting Soil Surface Area Among Different Taxonomical Soil “Types” Using Water Adsorption Curves
Chappell M, Mcgrath C, LeMonte J, Middleton M, Miller C, Styles R, Price C & Miller L
(2009) Interactions between Nitroaromatic (TNT) and Nitramine (RDX) Explosives and Pure Minerals
Douglas T, Walsh M, Jones A, Trainor T, McGrath C & Weiss C

McGrath Christopher (2007) Geochemical Interactions between Nitroaromatic (TNT) and Nitramine (RDX and HMX) Explosives and Sediments
Douglas T, Walsh M, Johnson L, McGrath C, Weiss C & Collins C

McGrath R. (2001) The Stability of Polar Oxide Surfaces
Thornton G, Wander A, Schedin F, Steadman P, Norris A, McGrath R, Turner TS & Harrison NM

McGrath Sarah (2018) Indian Summer Monsoon Paleohydrology Reconstruction from U1446 δD Leaf Wax
McGrath S, Clemens S & Huang Y

McGrath Steve P (2023) P**ing on the Critical Zone: Micronutrient Dynamics in Pasture Systems
Buss HL, Kao P-T, McGrath SP & Lee MR

McGrath Steven (2019) Investigating Camelid Untilization Among Andean Cultures Using Fecal Stanols
Arnold TE, McGrath S, Werne J, Abbott M, Arkush E & Hillman A

McGravie T. (2020) Investigations of Calcium Carbonate Mineral Precipitation in the Presence of Oil Using 3D-Printed Micromodels
Menke H, Patsoukis-Dimou A, Maes J, McGravie T, MacKay E & Sebastian G

McGregor D. (2015) Clumped Isotope Sea Surface Temperature Estimates: Analysis of Paleoclimate and Diagenesis
Canavan R, McGregor D, Affek H, Ivany L & Pagani M

McGregor H V (2002) Abrupt Shift in Mid-Holocene Climate in the Western Pacific Warm Pool
McGregor HV

McGregor Helen (2017) New Views on CaCO3-H2O Oxygen Isotope Fractionation
Devriendt L, Watkins J & McGregor H

McGregor R. (2001) Geochemical Controls on Metal Concentrations in Mine Tailings that Have Undergone 50 Years of Oxidation
Ptacek CJ, Moncur M, McGregor R & Blowes DW

McGrory Ellen (2017) Aqueous Geochemistry of Arsenic and Other Metals within Groundwater in North East Ireland
McGrory E, Brown C & Morrison L

McGrory Ellen Rose (2016) National Spatial Assessment of Arsenic in Groundwater in Ireland
McGrory ER, Brown C & Morrison L

McGuinness K. (2021) Did Iron-Sulfur Containing Minerals and Proteins Coevolve?
McGuinness K

McGuinness L. (2012) Electron Donor Utilization during the Bioreduction of Uranium
Jaffe P, Barlett M, Kerkhoff L, Long P, Lovley D, McGuinness L, Moon HS, Peacock A, Tan H & Williams K
(2008) Microbial, Geochemical, and Physical Responses to Biostimulation for U(VI) Reduction in Soil Columns
Jaffe P, ElBishlawi H, Kerkhoff L, Kukkadapu R, Long P, McGuinness L, Moon HS, Peacock A, Wilkins M & Williams K

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