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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

McCubbin Francis (2020) The Cl-Isotopic Composition of Lunar KREEP
McCubbin F & Barnes J
(2020) Examining the Geochemical Behavior of Sulfur in Highly Reduced Planetary Bodies: Insights from X-Ray Absorption Near Edge Structure (XANES) Spectroscopy at the S K-Edge
Vander Kaaden K, Konecke B & McCubbin F
(2020) Cardiopulmonary Inflammatory Response to Meteorite Dust Exposure – Implications for Human Health on Earth and Beyond
Harrington A, McCubbin F, Kaur J, Vander Kaaden K, Smirnov A, Galdanes K, Schoonen M, Chen L-C, Tsirka S & Gordon T
(2020) Asymmetric Early Post-Magma Ocean Crust Building on the Moon’s Nearside
Elardo S, Laneuville M, McCubbin F & Shearer C
(2020) Advances in Measuring the Chlorine Isotopes of Planetary Materials
Boyce J, Zimmerman S, Hidy A, McCubbin F & Anderson T

McCubbin Francis M (2023) Martian Organic Geochemistry – A Review
Benning LG, Steele A, Wirth R, ROgers K, Schreiber A, McCubbin FM, Fries M, COnrad P & Schmitt-Kopplin P
(2022) The Oxidation State of Sulfur in Martian Apatite- Implications for Redox of Surficial Processes
Chowdhury P, Brounce M, Boyce JW & McCubbin FM
(2022) Trace Element Partitioning in the Presence of Sulfur Under Reduced Conditions
Anzures BA, Vander Kaaden KE, McCubbin FM, Iacovino K, Moore GM, Prissel K, Righter M & Righter K
(2022) Developing Microgram Scale δ37Cl Measurements with Accelerator Mass Spectrometry for the Study of Astromaterials
Anderson TS, Hidy AJ, Boyce JW, McCubbin FM, Tumey S, Dudley J-M, Haney NC, Bardoux G & Bonifacie M
(2022) Vision and Strategies for Astromaterials Data Management and Archiving
Haenecour P, Lehnert KA, Bennett CA, Barnes JJ, Connolly HC, Crombie K, Davidson J, Ebel DS, Gemma M, Heck PR, McCubbin FM, Ogliore RC & Schrader D

McCubbin Francis M. (2019) Experimentally Determined Core Composition of Mercury
Vander Kaaden K & McCubbin F
(2019) Potassium-Rich Regions in Eucrite Plagioclase: Evidence for Volatile Mobilization Post Crystallization
Lewis JA, McCubbin FM & Agee CB
(2019) Geochemical Behavior of Elements Under Reducing Conditions Relevant to Mercury
McCubbin F & Vander Kaaden K

McCue L.A. (2014) Integration of Biogeochemistry and Genomic Datastreams for Interpetation of Ecosystem Robustness
Hess N, McCue LA, Heredia-Langner A & Bailey V

McCulloch J.E. (2001) The Origin and Development of Vapor-Dominated Geothermal Systems
Moore JN, Allis RG & McCulloch JE

McCulloch L. (2006) Carbonate Assimilation in the Alkaline Hortavær Igneous Complex, Norway
Barnes C, Li Y, Barnes M, McCulloch L, Frost C, Prestvik T & Allen C

McCulloch Malcolm (2022) Generation of Granites and Continental Growth in Eastern Australia: An Analysis of Compositional Variation in the ‘I-Type’ Siluro-Devonian Bega Batholith
Stirling JE, Kemp A, Denyszyn S & McCulloch M
(2021) Pushing the Limits for in situ U-Series (U-Th) Geochronology in Carbonates
Scott PM, Sadekov A, Trotter J, Breitenbach S, de la Fuente M, Horstwood M, Condon D, Bickle M & McCulloch M
(2019) Coral Li/Mg Thermometry: Caveats and Constraints
Cuny-Guirriec K, Douville E, Reynaud S, McCulloch M, Trotter J & Montagna P
(2018) Biological-Controlled Molybdenum Isotope Fractionation in Corals Reef System
Wang Z, Li J, Ma J, Wei G, Deng W, Chen X, McCulloch M & Zhang L
(2018) Geochemistry of Metastable Phases of Calcium Carbonate and their Relationship with Biogenic Carbonates
Sadekov A, Gabitov R, DeCarlo T & McCulloch M

McCulloch Malcolm T (2017) Effect of pH Variability and Flow on the Response of Corals and Coralline Algae to Ocean Acidification
Comeau S, Cornwall C, Moore B, Pupier C, D'Alexis Q & McCulloch M
(2017) Revisiting Mg Isotopic Fractionation in Foraminifera
Sadekov A, Langer G, Misra S, Lloyd N, Kaczmarek K, Mewes A, Holland K, Eggins S, Allen K, Bijma J & McCulloch M
(2017) 11B – B/Ca Variations and Calcifying Fluid DIC and pH Controls in a Modern Porites Coral from the Kimberley, Northwest Australia
Chen X, McCulloch M & Wei G
(2017) Calibration of the Li/Mg Proxy for Sea Water Temperature
Cuny-Guirriec K, Douville E, Montagna P, McCulloch M & Trotter J
(2017) Coral Calcification in a Changing World and the Interactive Dynamics of pH and DIC Up-Regulation
McCulloch M, Cordero JP, Falter J, Holcomb M, Montagna P & Trotter J
(2017) Coral Calcifying Fluid Aragonite Saturation States Derived from Raman Spectroscopy
DeCarlo TM, D'Olivo JP, Comeau S, Foster T, Cornwall CE, Holcomb M & McCulloch MT
(2017) Boron Isotope Systematics in Cold Water Corals (Lophelia pertusa) along the Norwegian Margin: Zooming into a Potential pH-Proxy by Combining Bulk and High Resolution Approaches
Liebetrau V, Raddatz J, Fietzke J, Trotter J, Rocholl A, Krause S, McCulloch M, Rüggeberg A & Eisenhauer A
(2017) Reconstructing Decadal North Atlantic Water Mass Variability Using Cold-Water Corals
Border EC, Montagna P, Ragnarsson SÁ, Valdimarsson H, Reverdin G, McCulloch M, Trotter J, Colin C, Bonneau L, Therre S, Lausecker M & Frank N
(2017) Elemental Systematics of Modern and Fossil Deep Water Corals from the Perth Canyon, Australia
Trotter J, Sadekov A, Montagna P & McCulloch M
(2016) Application of the U-Th Chronometer to Modern Dating: U Metal CRM 112-A and Marine Carbonates
Rankenburg K & McCulloch MT
(2016) Dermal Absorption of Zn from Sunscreen ZnO Particles in Humans
Gulson B, McCall M, Korsch M, McCulloch M, Trotter J, Larner F & Rehkamper M
(2016) 11B and B/Ca Systematics in Scleractinian Corals Show Strong Seasonal Controls on Calcifying Fluid pH and DIC: Implications for the 11B Seawater pH Proxy
McCulloch M, D'Olivo Cordero JP, Falter J, Holcomb M & Trotter J
(2016) Trace Elements as Proxies of Sea Surface Temperature in Porites Corals
D'Olivo J & McCulloch M
(2016) Molybdenum Isotope Time Series of a Porites Coral from the Great Barrier Reefs: Implications for Biological-Controlled Fractionation
Wei G, Wang Z, Li J, Deng W, Chen X & McCulloch M

McCulloch Malcolm T. (2015) The Impact of Thermal Stress Events on Coral Skeletal δ11B and Trace Elements
D'Olivo JP, McCulloch M & Schoepf V
(2015) The Effects of Elevated Temperature and pCO2 on Coral Skeletal Boron Isotopes: A Culturing Experiment
Schoepf V, McCulloch M, Toonen R & Jury C
(2015) PH Up-Regulation in Scleractinian Corals: A Global Survey
McCulloch M, Falter J, Holcomb M, Montagna P, D'Olivo J & Trotter J
(2013) Boron Isotope Systematics of Calcitic Gorgonian Corals and their Response to Ocean Acidification
Trotter J, Thresher R, Montagna P, Taviani M & McCulloch M
(2013) Bio-Calcification and its Response to Ocean Acidification: New Insights from Boron Isotopes
McCulloch M, Trotter J, Holcomb M & Montagna P
(2011) The Future of Marine Calcifiers in a High CO2 World: Boron Isotope Systematics of pH Up-Regulation
McCulloch M, Trotter J, Falter J & Montagna P
(2011) Seawater pH Records from a Fringe Coral Reef in Southern Hainan Island, the Northern South China Sea: Implications for Ocean Acidification
Wei G, Xie L, Wu W, Deng W & McCulloch M
(2011) Neodymium Isotopic Composition of Gorgonian Corals as Reliable Tool to Reconstruct Water Mass Circulation
Montagna P, Lopez Correa M, Goldstein S, McCulloch M, Freiwald A, Taviani M, Trotter J & Raddatz J
(2011) Coral Records of Ocean Acidification and Physiological Processes in the Southern Great Barrier Reef
Kang JO, McCulloch M, Eggins S, Gagan M & Mortimer G
(2011) Boron Isotope Systematics of pH Regulation in Cold-Water Corals and Resilience to Ocean Acidification
Trotter J, McCulloch M, Montagna P, Lopez Correa M, Taviani M & Forsterra G
(2009) Sea Level Rise in the Mediterranean Sea: High Resolution Constraints from Vermetid Reefs
Silenzi S, Calvo M, Chemello R, Devoti S, Fallon S, McCulloch M, Montagna P, Templado J & Trotter J
(2009) An Improved Sampling Method for Coral P/Ca as a Nutrient Proxy
Montagna P, McCulloch M, Taviani M, Trotter J, Silenzi S & Mazzoli C
(2009) Holocene Climate Variability in Southwestern Mexico from Speleothem δ18O and Mg/Ca
Bernal JP, Lachniet M, McCulloch M, Mortimer G, Morales P & Cienfuegos E
(2009) Early Archean Crustal Evolution in the Yilgarn: Constraints from Lu-Hf in Jack Hills Zircons
Bell EA, Harrison M, Lovera OM, Young ED & McCulloch MT
(2008) Evidence of Crust during the First 100 M.y. of Earth History: Lu-Hf, δ18O, and Ti Thermometry Results for Hadean Zircons
Harrison TM, Schmitt AK, McCulloch MT & Lovera OM
(2008) Coral Li/Ca in Micro-Structural Domains as a Temperature Proxy
Montagna P, Lopez Correa M, Ruggeberg A, McCulloch M, Rodolfo-Metalpa R, Dullo W-C, Ferrier-Pagès C, Freiwald A, Henderson GM & Mazzoli C
(2008) Catastrophic Ice Sheet Collapse and Future Sea Levels: Lessons from the Last Interglacial
McCulloch M
(2007) Seasonal Changes in Seawater pH from Boron Isotope Systematics in a Porites Coral from the Northern South China Sea
Wei G, Mortimer G, McCulloch M & Deng W
(2007) Coral Reefs and Global Change: The Roles of Increasing Ocean Acidity, Ocean Temperatures, Sea-Levels and Direct Human Impacts
McCulloch M
(2006) Proliferation and demise of Mediterranean deep-sea corals
McCulloch M, Taviani M, Montagna P, Mortimer G & Remia A
(2006) Contemporary changes in continental runoff: evidence for increased sediment and freshwater fluxes into the Great Barrier Reef
McCulloch M
(2006) Further Hf isotope evidence for Hadean continental crust
Harrison M, McCulloch M, Blichert-Toft J, Albarede F, Holden P & Mojzsis S
(2006) Long-term anthropogenic change in South Australian gulfs recorded by the faviid coral Plesiastrea versipora
Burgess S, McCulloch M, Gagan M & Ward T
(2006) In-situ 143Nd/144Nd in LREE-rich minerals via LA-MC-ICPMS
Mcfarlane CRM & Mcculloch M
(2006) An early Holocene stalagmite record of dust and humidity from southwestern Mexico
Bernal JP, McCulloch M & Lachniet M
(2006) The use of radiogenic isotopes for identifying the mineralising fluid source at the Wallaby Gold Deposit, Northeastern Goldfields, Western Australia
Stoltze A, Campbell I, Nakamura E & Mcculloch M
(2006) High-resolution paleoclimate of the MIS 11 interglacial (423-360 ka) using geochemical proxies in giant Tridacna clams
Ayling BF, Chappell J, McCulloch MT, Gagan MK & Elliot M
(2006) Nitrogen isotopes (δ15N) in coral skeleton: Assessing provenance in the Great Barrier Reef Lagoon
Marion GS, Hoegh-Guldberg O & McCulloch MT
(2005) Heterogeneous Hadean Hafnium: Evidence of Continental Crust by 4.5<!s><$>Ga?
Harrison TM, Blichert-Toft J, Müller W, McCulloch M, Albarède F, Mojzsis S & Holden P
(2005) In situ U-Series Dating by Laser-Ablation MC-ICPMS
Eggins S, GrÜn R, Mcculloch MT, Pike AWG, Chappell J & Kinsley L
(2003) Li Isotopic Variations in Eastern Australian Granites
Bryant C, Chappell B, Bennett V & McCulloch M
(2003) Large Sea-Level Excursions during the Marine Isotope Stages 4 and 3 Obtained from Huon Peninsula Uplifted Coral Terraces
Yokoyama Y, Esat T, McCulloch M, Mortimer G, Chappell J & Lambeck K
(2003) High Resolution Coral Records of Rare Earth Elements in Coastal Corals: A New Environmental Proxy?
Wyndham T, McCulloch M, Fallon S & Alibert C
(2002) Strategies for the Determination of the Isotopic Composition of Natural Uranium
Bernal JP, McCulloch M, Mortimer G & Esat T
(2002) Geochemical Tracing of Human Impacts on Coral Reefs
McCulloch M, Fallon S & Wyndham T
(2002) Combined Sr, Pb and O Isotopic Tracing of Origin and Migration of the Neolithic Alpine Iceman
Mueller W, Fricke H, Halliday AN & McCulloch MT
(2002) Coral Reconstruction of Abrupt Tropical Cooling 8000 Years ago
Gagan M, Ayliffe L, Scott-Gagan H, Hantoro W & McCulloch M
(2002) High Precision 234U – 230Th Dating Using MC-ICPMS
Mortimer G, McCulloch M, Kinsley L & Esat T
(2002) Isotopic Composition of Uranium Standards and Sea-Water Determined Using Finnigan Neptune Multi-Collector ICP-MS
Kinsley L, Graham M, Esat T & McCulloch M
(2002) High Resolution Trace Element and Oxygen Isotope Analyses of a Modern Speleothem
Treble P, Harrison TM, Shelley JMG, McKeegan KD, Grove M & McCulloch MT
(2000) Sentinels of the Marine Environment: High Resolution LA-ICP-MS Trace Element Analyses of Corals from the Great Barrier Reef
McCulloch M, Fallon S, Alibert C & Sinclair D
(2000) Northern Hemisphere Insolation Forcing of the 330, 000 Year Sea-Level Highstand?
Stirling C, Esat T, Lambeck K, McCulloch M, Blake S, Lee D & Halliday A

McCulloch Malcom (2020) Lithium Isotope Composition of Scleratinian Corals is Sensitive to Internal pH Regulation
Vigier N, Comeau S, Counillon L, McCulloch M & Rodolfo-Metalpa R

McCurdy M. (2014) Geochemistry of Northern Stream Waters: Metal Mobility and Implications for Mineral Exploration in the MacMillan Pass, Yukon
Bryson S, Fortin D & McCurdy M

McCurry Matthew (2022) Dietary Reconstruction of Pleistocene Australian Herbivore Megafauna Using δ44/42Ca and 87Sr/86Sr in Fossil Enamel
Koutamanis DS, McCurry M, Tacail T & Dosseto A

McCurry Michael (2013) O and Hf Isotopic Evidence in Zircons for Crustal Recycling in Caldera Complexes and Rifts, Picabo Volcanic Field, Yellowstone Hotspot Track
Drew D, Bindeman I, Watts K, Schmitt AK, Fu B & McCurry M
(2012) Non-Traditional Isotope Variations at Cedar Butte Volcano; Insight into Magmatic Differentiation
Zambardi T, Li X-X, Lundstrom CC, Holmden C & McCurry M
(2012) Geochemical Evidence for Complex Preeruption Configuration of a Silicic Magma Chamber Associated with Los Humeros Caldera, Mexico
Carrasco G, Branney M, McCurry M & Norry M
(2010) Isotopic Signatures in Cedar Butte Lavas: An Indication of Thermal Diffusion?
Li X, Lundstrom C, Zhang Z, McCurry M & Holmden C
(2005) Genesis of Quaternary high-K, ŒA-Type‚ Rhyolites along Part of the Yellowstone-Snake River Plain Hot Spot Track
McCurry M & Ganske R

McCutcheon Jenine (2013) Carbon Mineralization in Artificial Wetlands
Power I, McCutcheon J, Harrison A, Dipple G & Southam G

McCutcheon Jenine (2020) Aerosols and Albedo: Links between Airborne Particulate Matter and Melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet
McCutcheon J, McQuaid JB, Williamson C, Cook J, Tedstone A, Lutz S, Rigby R, Mayanna S, Tranter M & Benning LG

McCutcheon Jenine (2016) Hydrotalcites as a Carbon Sink in Serpentinites
Turvey C, Wilson S, Hamilton J, McCutcheon J, Beinlich A, Dipple G & Southam G
(2016) Microbial Beachrock Formation: Implications for Island Stability in the Great Barrier Reef
McCutcheon J, Nothdurft L, Webb G, Shuster J, Nothdurft L, Paterson D & Southam G
(2016) Accelerating Carbon Mineralisation of Mine Tailings at Woodsreef Mine, New South Wales, Australia
Hamilton J, Wilson S, Morgan B, Turvey C, McCutcheon J, Tait A, Paterson D & Southam G

McCutcheon Jenine (2017) The Great Melting: The Unstoppable Contest between Snow Physics, Soot, Mineral Dust and Microbes
Benning LG, McCutcheon J, Lutz S, McQuaid J, Tranter M & Bloom BA
(2017) Particulate Geochemistry and Algal Growth as Factors Driving Melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet
McCutcheon J, Lutz S, McQuaid JB, 2016 TBABFT & Benning LG
(2017) The Source and Fate of Microbes on the Greenland Ice Sheet
Lutz S, McCutcheon J, McQuaid JB & Benning LG
(2017) Optimising Geochemical Treatments to Enhance in situ Carbon Sequestration in Ultramafic Mine Tailings
Hamilton JL, Wilson SA, Morgan B, Turvey CC, McCutcheon J & Southam G

McCutcheon Jenine (2018) Microbe-Mineral Interactions on the Greenland Ice Sheet: Implications for Albedo and Melting
McCutcheon J, Lutz S, Williamson C, Cook J, Tedstone A, Stockdale A, Vanderstraeten A, Bonneville S, McQuaid JB, Tranter M & Benning LG
(2018) Surface Mediated Bacteria-Mineral Interactions: Mineral Dissolution and Re-precipitation
Southam G, Gagen E, Levett A, Bostelmann H, Shuster J, Long P, McCutcheon J & Vasconcelos P

McCutcheon Jenine (2019) Waste Not, Want Not: New Approaches to Alkaline Earth and Transition Metal Resource Recovery from Mine Tailings
Wilson S, Hamilton J, Wang B, Zeyen N, McCutcheon J, Turvey C, Morgan B, Paterson D, Tait A & Southam G
(2019) Dining on Dust? Examining the Link between Mineral Dust and Microbial Life in Supraglacial Habitats
McCutcheon J, Williamson C, Cook J, Tedstone A, Lutz S, Wilson S, Stockdale A, Holland A, McQuaid J, Tranter M & Benning LG

McCutcheon Jenine (2023) Modern, Mg- and Si-Rich Microbialites from a Mining Pond in Carbonated Serpentinite
Oskierski HC, McCutcheon J, Deditius AP, Suvorova A, D’Olivo Cordero JP & Southam G

McCutcheon Jenine (2012) Microbially-Accelerated Carbon Sequestration
McCutcheon J, Power IM, Harrison AL, Dipple GM & Southam G

McCutcheon W. (2014) Quantitative Analysis of OH- in Fluorapatite by Micro-FTIR: Determination of the Molar Absorption Coefficient
McCutcheon W & McCubbin F

McDade B. (2023) Time-Series Petrologic and Geochemical Monitoring of the 2022 Eruption of Mauna Loa, Hawai‘i
Lynn KJ, Trusdell FA, Downs DT, Rhodes JM, Chang JM, Nadeau PA, Bennington N, Lundblad S, Gansecki C, McDade B & Vollinger MJ

McDade C. (2013) Unravelling Sources of Ground-Level Ozone in the Intermountain Western U.S. Through Pb Isotopes
Christensen JN, Weiss-Penzias P, Brown ST, McDade C, Jaffe D & Gustin M

McDade P. (2002) Chemical Evolution of Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions in MORB
Blundy J, McDade P & Wood B
(2002) Experimental Determination of Near-Solidus Peridotite Trace Partition Coefficients
McDade P, Wood B & Blundy J
(2000) The Continuing Problems of Ni in Garnet Thermometry: A SIMS Study of Ni in the Jagersfontein Peridotite Garnets
McDade P, Burgess S & Harte B
(2000) Roberts Victor Eclogites with a Spinel-Facies Mantle Signature
McDade P & Harte B

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