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Mcclellan P. (2015) Nanoscale Investigation of Hydroxylapatite Formation in Alligator Gar Fish Scale
Livi K, Remasse Q, Bouchet-Marquis C, Mcclellan P, Lafferty B, Seiter J, Chen L, Landin T, Landis W, Sahai N, Brydson R & Hodo W

McClelland Harry (2019) Carbon Isotopes and Calcifiers
Rickaby R, McClelland H, Hermoso M & Erez J
(2019) Implications of Bloom Dynamics for Phytoplankton-Based pCO2 Estimates
McClelland H, Halevy I, Bruggeman J & Bradley A
(2018) Hedging Your Bet(-Hedging): A Population-Level Strategy for Optimizing Microbial Growth
McClelland H, Fike D, Jones C, Chubiz L & Bradley A
(2015) Towards a Unifying Theory for Carbon Isotopic Partitioning in Coccolithophores: Implications for Paleo-Proxies
McClelland H, Hermoso M, Bruggeman J & Rickaby R
(2015) Everything is not Spinach: A History of Evolving Carbon Affinity and Isotopic Fractionation in Marine Algal Rubisco
Rickaby R, Heureux A, Eason Hubbard M, Chan I, McClelland H, Young J, Lee R & Hermoso M
(2015) Calcification in Coccolithophores: A Biogeochemical Study of Polysaccharides from Past to Present
Lee R, Mavridou D, Papadakos G, McClelland H, Walker J, Nudelman F, Heureux A, Hermoso M, Day C & Rickaby R
(2015) Coccolith Stable Isotopes in Palaeoceanography: Are Culture Data Transferable to the Natural Environment?
Hermoso M, Candelier Y, Minoletti F, Browning T, McClelland H & Rickaby R
(2013) Calcification Rate and Carbon-Isotope Fractionation in Coccolithophore Calcite Through Laboratory Culture Experiments
Hermoso M, Minoletti F, Candelier Y, McClelland H, Aloisi G & Rickaby R

McClelland Harry-Luke O (2017) Metabolic Heterogeneity in Clonal Microbial Populations
McClelland H-LO, Fike DA, Jones C & Bradley AS
(2017) Coccoliths Coasting Through the Elderfield Curve
Rickaby R, Hermoso M, Lee R & McClelland H

McClelland James (2017) Sulfur Isotopes in Rivers: Insights into Global Pyrite Oxidation and the Modern Sulfur Cycle
Burke A, Adkins J, Gaillardet J, Holmes RM, McClelland J, Paris G, Peucker-Ehrenbrink B, Spencer R & Voss B

McClelland James W. (2015) Isotopic Constraints on Riverine Sulfur Sources: A Global Perspective
Burke A, Adkins J, Gaillardet J, Paris G, Peucker-Ehrenbrink B, Voss B, Spencer R, Holmes RM & McClelland J
(2013) Constraining the Modern Riverine Sulfur Isotopic Budget
Burke A, Adkins J, Gaillardet J, Holmes M, McClelland J, Peucker-Ehrenbrink B, Robinson L & Voss B
(2012) A Multiproxy Approach (87Sr/86Sr, S44Ca, S13CDIC) for Tracking Seasonal Changes in Permafrost Dynamics
Lehn GO, Jacobson AD, Douglas TA, McClelland JW, Barker AJ, Khosh MS & Holmden C
(2011) Permafrost Active Layer Dynamics Inferred from Major Element Geochemical Signatures in Six Arctic Alaskan Rivers
Douglas T, Jacobson A, McClelland J, Barker A, Khosh M & Lehn G

McClelland W (2006) LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating of zircons: error assessment
Chang Z, Vervoort J, McClelland W & Knaack C
(2005) Pb-Pb Geochronology of the Early Solar System
Bouvier A, Blichert-Toft J, Vervoort J, McClelland W & Albarède F
(2005) Grenville-Age Metamorphism on the Western Margin of Laurentia, Northern Idaho: Evidence from Lu-Hf Garnet Geochronology
McClelland W, Vervoort J, Oldow J, Watkinson AJ & Sha G

McClelland W. C. (2010) Zircon Trace Element Geochemistry from UHP to Exhumation Conditions, North-East Greenland Caledonides
McClelland WC, Gilotti JA & Wooden JL

McClenaghan B. (2012) Chemistry and Petrography of Detrital Magnetite Applied to Mineral Exploration in Glaciated Terrsins
Makvandi S, Beaudoin G & McClenaghan B
(2012) Iron Oxide Compositional Variations in Tills along Ice-Flow Paths: Case Studies from Sue-Dianne IOCG, and Thompson Ni-Cu Deposits, Canada
Dupuis C, Sappin A-A, Pozza M, Beaudoin G, McMartin I & McClenaghan B
(2012) Zn-Rich Chromite in Ni-Ore of the Thompson Nickel Belt, Canada
Kjarsgaard I, McClenaghan B, Averill S & Matile G

McClenaghan Sean (2018) Gangue Mineralogy and in situ Ar/Ar Geochronology of Carbonate Hosted Lead Zinc Deposits: Implications for Ore Deposit Classification
Riegler T, McClenaghan S, Halton A & Sherlock S
(2012) Extreme Fractionation of Rare Earth Elements in Volcanogenic Massive Sulfides of the Bathurst Mining Camp: Evidence from Europium Anomalies in Hydrothermal Apatite
McClenaghan S, Lentz D & Sylvester P

McClenaghan Sean H (2023) Detailed Characterization of Vectors to Ore in Replacive Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide (VMS) Deposits of the Northern Iberian Pyrite Belt (Spain)
Gisbert G, Tornos F, Losantos E, McClenaghan SH, Pons JM, Videira JC & Brodbeck M
(2022) Complex Metal(loid) Deportment in Porphyry Ore Sulphides – Insights from LA-ICP-MS Mapping
Brodbeck M & McClenaghan SH
(2022) Refining Paragenetic Series for Complexly Deformed VMS: Implications for Metal Deportment at the Caribou Zn-Pb-Ag Mine, Bathurst Mining Camp, Canada
Drakou F & McClenaghan SH
(2021) Fully Quantitative Major and Trace Element Laser Ablation ICP Mapping of Heterogeneous Samples
Tomlinson EL, Riegler T, Petrus JA, McClenaghan SH & Chew DM

McClenaghan Seán H. (2017) Geobotanical Prospecting Around the Navan Zn-Pb Deposit, Ireland: Developing Geochemical Vectors for Mineral Exploration
Mavric D, Ashton JH, McClenaghan SH & Kamber BS
(2015) Geochemical Indicators in Higher Plants as an Exploration Tool
Mavrić D, Ashton JH, McClenaghan SH & Kamber B
(2015) Indium-Bearing Polymetallic Veins of the Leinster Granite, Ireland
McClenaghan S
(2015) Geochemistry as a Tool for Mineral Exploration at Ballinalack, Ireland
Kalveram A-K, McClenaghan SH, Hewson CJ, Cook S & Kamber BS

McClenaghan Sean Harrison (2020) Redistribution of Rare Metal(loids) during Digenite Exsolution in Porphyry Copper Ores
Brodbeck M, McClenaghan SH, Kamber BS & Redmond P
(2020) Critical Metal Signatures Reveal Complex Paragenesis of Chalcopyrite at Avoca VMS Deposit, Ireland
Drakou F & McClenaghan SH
(2020) Critical Metal Signature of Sphalerite in Irish-Type Carbonate-Hosted Zn-Pb Deposits
Zhou L, Hollis S, McClenaghan S, Riegler T, Guven J & Hitzman M

McCleskey B. (2022) Arsenic in the Yellowstone Hydrothermal System
McCleskey B, Darrell N, Hurwitz S & Roth D
(2018) Processes Controlling Mercury Concentration and Speciation in Yellowstone Thermal Waters
Holloway J, McCleskey B, Roth D, Nordstrom K, Krabbenhoft D & DeWild J
(2017) Association Constants of Fe(III)-As(V) Complexes in Solution and Solubility Product of Scorodite up to 90℃
Zhu X, Nordstrom K, McCleskey B, Wang R & Lu X
(2012) As, Sb, Mo, V, W, and Se Oxyanions in Yellowstone’s Thermal Waters
Nordstorm K & McCleskey B
(2007) Importance of Thioarsenates for Arsenic Redox Processes along Geothermal Drainages, Yellowstone National Park
Planer-Friedrich B, London J, Wallschläger D, McCleskey B & Nordstrom K
(2005) Seasonality of Diel Cycles of Dissolved Trace-Metal Concentrations in a Rocky Mountain Stream
Nimick D, Cleasby T & McCleskey B

McCleskey R B (2008) Chemistry and Spectroscopy of Iron-Sulfate Minerals from Iron Mountain, California, U.S.A
Alpers CN, Majzlan J, Bender Koch C, Bishop JL, Coleman ML, Dyar MD, McCleskey RB, Myneni SCB, Nordstrom DK & Sobron P
(2005) Thermodynamic Data for Hydrated Ferric Sulfates and Application to Secondary Minerals at Iron Mountain, California
Alpers CN, Majzlan J, McCleskey RB, Nordstrom DK & Navrotsky A
(2004) Processes Governing Arsenic Geochemistry in Thermal Waters of Yellowstone National Park
Nordström D, McCleskey R & Ball J

McCleskey R. Blaine (2019) Insights to Hydrothermal Processes Using Mercury Isotope Ratios
Holloway JM, Janssen SE, Krabbenhoft DP, McCleskey RB & Nordstrom DK

McClintock M. (2014) Controls on African Dust Deposition Across the Luquillo Mountains, Puerto Rico
McClintock M & Pett-Ridge J

McClory J. (2015) Composition and Redox Conditions in Historic Nuclear Fallout
Holliday K, Booth C, Pacold J, Dierken J, Monroe M, McClory J & Hutcheon I

McCloy John (2021) Revisit the Thermodynamics of Orthosilicates for Actinide Waste Form
Guo X, Strzelecki AC, Marcial J, Estevenon P, Mesbah A, Szenknect S, Migdisov AA, Xu H, McCloy J, Ewing R & Dacheux N
(2020) Niche Partitioning of Microbial Communities at an Ancient Vitrified Hillfort: Implications for Vitrified Radioactive Waste Disposal
Plymale A, Pearce C, Wells J, Brislawn C, Graham E, Cheeke T, Allen J, Danna V, Weaver J, McCloy J, Sjöblom R, Hjärthner-Holdar E, Englund M, Ogenhall E, Peeler D & Kruger A
(2018) The Geomicrobiology of Ancient Glass Alteration with Implications for Nuclear Waste Disposal
Pearce C, Plymale A, Weaver J, Sjöblom R, Arey B, Soltis J, Vicenzi E, McCloy J, Johnson K, Saunders D, Brislawn C, Wells J, Fansler S, Peeler D & Kruger A

McCloy John S (2022) The Non-Ideal Mixing Thermodynamic Effects on REE Formation and Fractionation in Natural Hydrothermal Systems
Guo X, Strzelecki AC, Goncharov VG, Zhao X, Reece M, Nisbet H, McCloy JS, Dacheux N, Xu H & Migdissov A
(2022) Microbe-Mineral Dynamics within a ‘grass-To-Glass’ Soil Profile at a Late Iron Age Archaeological Site with Implications for Long-Term Storage of Nuclear Waste Glasses
Wells J, Plymale A, Pearce C, Graham E, Bagwell C, Brislawn C, Cheeke T, Danna V, Fansler S, Arey B, Bowden M, Varga T, Saunders D, Allen J, Marcial J, Tyrrell K, Weaver J, Sjöblom R, Vicenzi E, McCloy JS, Hjärthner-Holdar E, Englund M, Ogenhall E, Peeler D & Kruger A

McClung A. (2018) Effects of Intermittent Draining of Rice Fields on Biogeochemical Redox Processes and Arsenic Mobility
Maguffin S, Rohila J, McClung A & Reid M

McClung C.R. (2013) Formation and Metamorphism of the Upper Sulfide Zone of the Salt River VMS Deposit (South Africa)
Wohlgemuth-Ueberwasser CC, Viljoen F & McClung CR

McClymont Erin (2023) Microbial Communities in the Weathering Zone—implications for Oxidative Weathering
Georgiadis E, Roylands T, McClymont E, Christgen B, Gray N, Le Bouteiller C, Soulet G, Eglinton TI, Magnabosco C, Hemingway JD & Hilton R
(2021) Organic Carbon Isotopes of Planktic Foraminifera
Hoogakker B, Anderson C, Grant H, Mahaffey C, Blackbird S, McClymont E, Rickaby R, Poulton A & Peck V
(2015) Towards a Peat-Specific Temperature Proxy, Based on brGDGTs
Naafs BDA, Inglis GN, McClymont E, Huguet A, Vleeschouwer F, Evershed RP, Badger MPS & Pancost RD

McClymont Erin L (2012) The Nordic Seas in the Pliocene: A Hot Spot or Not?
Risebrobakken B, Andersson C, McClymont E & Jensen L
(2009) The Stanol: ∆5-Sterol Ratio as a Proxy for Palaeoredox Conditions in Mires
Bingham EM, McClymont EL, Childs EV, Pancost RD, Charman D & Evershed RP

McClymont Erin L. (2018) Organic Matter Erosion after Large Earthquakes: Isotope Constraints on Provenance and Processes
Wang J, Hilton RG, McClymont EL, Howarth JD, Gröcke DR, Fitzsimons SJ, Harvey EL & Densmore AL

McColaugh S. (2019) Molecular Signatures of Dissolved Organic Matter in a Changing Arctic
Kellerman A, Vonk J, Humayun M, McColaugh S, Winden E, Hawkings J & Spencer R

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