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McCarthy Christine (2022) Reservoir Controls on the Mineralization of Carbon: Implications for Geological Carbon Storage
Sanchez Roa C, Tielke J, Leong JA, McCarthy C & Kelemen P

McCarthy D. (2017) Geochemical Composition of Baltic Benthic Foraminifera Collected and Cultured over a Large Salinity Gradient
Filipsson HL, Groeneveld J, Austin W, Darling K, Quintana Krupinski N, Bird C, McCarthy D, Hathorne E & Schweizer M

McCarthy J. (2010) Organic Matter Preservation due to Pore-Scale Interactions between Organic Matter and Water in Soil Microaggregates
Zhuang J, McCarthy J & Perfect E
(2001) Field-Scale Transport of Transuranic Radionuclides Through Saprolite: Mechanisms and Rates
McCarthy JF
(2001) Organomineral Interactions Affecting Sequestration of Soil Organic Carbon
McCarthy JF, Palmer JA, Butler PD & Wignall GD

McCarthy L. (2021) Non-Reductive, Ligand-Promoted Dissolution is Responsible for Enhanced Weathering of Ferric (Oxy)hydroxides in the Pine (Mycor)rhizosphere
Tappero RV, Liao H-L(, Bhatnagar J, Averill C, Chen K-H(, Zhang K, Erhunmwunse A, Northrup P, Victor T, Nicholas SL, McCarthy L & Vilgalys R

McCarthy Matthew (2018) Microbial Roles in Marine Carbon Export: Insights from Compound-Specific Isotope Analysis
Close H, Grabb K, Hannides C, Drazen J, McCarthy M & Popp B

McCarthy Matthew D. (2020) Distribution of “Minor” Amino Acids Enantiomers in Dissolved Organic Matter in Marine vs. Inland Waters
Yamaguchi YT, Mccarthy MD, Yoshimizu C, Tayasu I, Koba K & Hayakawa K
(2016) Heterotrophic Sources for Dissolved Organic Nitrogen in the Oligotrophic Ocean Indicated by Nitrogen Isotopic Analysis of Individual Amino Acids
Yamaguchi YT & McCarthy MD
(2014) Enantiomer-Specific (D/L) Nitrogen Isotopic Composition of Amino Acids in High Molecular Weight Dissolved Organic Matter in Seawater
Yamaguchi YT, Broek TAB & McCarthy MD
(2014) An New HPLC Approach For Isolating Amino Acids from Marine Dissolved Organic Matter For Δ14C Measurement: Toward Don Δ14C Ages and Cycling Rates In The Ocean
Broek T, Bour A & McCarthy M
(2014) Amino Acid Nitrogen Isotopic Composition of Marine Sediments: A New Approach for Studies of the Marine Nitrogen Cycle
Batista F, Ravelo AC, Crusius J, Casso M & McCarthy M
(2011) Lessons to Learn from Amino Acid Distribution in POM of Lake Baikal
Schubert C, Niggemann J, Sturm M, Lomstein B & McCarthy M
(2003) Compound-Specific δ15N Measurments of Amino Acids in Dissolved Organic Matter from the Central Pacific Ocean
McCarthy M, Hedges J, Benner R & Fogel M

McCarthy Michael (2002) The Deuterium Anomaly in Stratospheric Molecular Hydrogen
Rahn T, Eiler J, McCarthy M, Boering K, Atlas E & Schauffler S

McCartney Kelly (2020) Investigating Titanomagnetite Abundance in Rhyolite Pumice
McCartney K, Hammer J, Shea T, Giachetti T & Brachfeld S
(2020) The Bi Te of Au: A Geometallurgical Assessment of Bi and Te Deportment during Ore Processing at the Pogo Au Deposit, Alaska, USA
Spaleta K, Newberry R, Hayes S & McCartney K
(2018) Mineralogy Characterization by X-Ray Energy Dispersive Spectrometry, X-Ray Diffraction, and X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry Applied to Ore Processing
Spaleta K, Newberry R, Hayes S & McCartney K

McCartney Kelly N (2022) Understanding the Influence of nm-Scale Titanomagnetite on Bubble Nucleation in Crystal Poor Rhyolite Using 1-Atm Crystallization and Vesiculation Experiments
McCartney KN, Hammer J, Shea T, Brachfeld S & Giachetti T
(2022) Finding Solutions to the World’s Pending Tellurium Supply Crisis: Evaluating the Potential for Te Extraction from an Existing Au Mine
Spaleta KJ, Hayes SM, McCartney KN, Newberry RJ & Piatak NM

McCarty Doug (2010) Reservoir Quality of GOM Louisiana Miocene Shelf Sandstones: Clay Coatings are the Key
Thomas A, McCarty D, Sakharov B, Dunn T & Kacewicz M

McCarty Douglas K. (2017) Segregation of Cesium and Rubidium Geochemical Pathways in the Upper Continental Crust
Derkowski A & McCarty DK

McCarty R. (2014) The Site Preference and Distribution of Low Concentration Elements in Forsterite as Determined by NMR
McCarty R, Palke A & Stebbins J

McCauley R. (2009) Enigmatic Archaea from the Dark, Anoxic Terrestrial Subsurface
Macalady J, Jones D, McCauley R, Schaperdoth I, Bloom D & Mariani S

McCauley Rench R. (2018) Minerals and Microbes in a Euxinic Ecosystem
Macalady J, Mansor M, Cosmidis J, Jones D, McCauley Rench R & Fantle M
(2016) Geomicrobiology of a Stratified, Acidic Pit Lake in the Iberian Pyrite Belt
Grettenberger C, McCauley Rench R, Mills D, Gruen D, Carney C, Brainard J, Hamasaki H, Watanabe Y, Ohmoto H & Macalady J

McCausland Phil J. A. (2021) Investigation and Visualization of Shock Induced Strain in Olivine Using in situ Micro-X-Ray Diffraction and Electron Backscatter Diffraction
Li Y, McCausland PJA & Flemming RL

McCausland Philip J.A. (2012) Evaluating Meteorites Using LA-ICPMS: 'Lovina' Test Case
Charles C, McCausland PJA, Flemming RL & Davis DW
(2011) Solar Noble Gases in Tagish Lake
Jakubowski T, Ott U & McCausland PJA

McCave I.N. (2016) Reconstructing Deep Ocean Circulation Pathway and Strength with Grainsize-Specific Nd Isotopes
Piotrowski AM, Li Y, Cheng X, Crowhurst S, Clegg J, Buisman I, Lascu I, Harrison RJ & McCave IN
(2016) More Efficient CO2 Sequestration in the North Atlantic Ocean during the Last Glacial
Yu J, Thornalley D, Jin Z, Rohling E, McCave IN, Menviel L, Foster G, McManus JF, Anderson RF, Zhang F & Wang X

McCave N. (2011) Reconstructing Southern and Pacific Ocean Deep Circulation Using Nd Isotopes
Piotrowski A, Noble T & McCave N
(2006) Constant flow of AABW into the Indian Ocean over the past 140 ka? Conflict between 231Pa/230Th and sortable silt records
Thomas A, Henderson G & McCave N

McCawley M. (2012) Atmospheric Particulate Matter in Proximity to Mountaintop Coal Mines
Kolker A, Engle M, Orem W, Tatu C, Hendryx M, McCawley M, Esch L, Geboy N, Crosby L & Varonka M

McCelskey R.B. (2010) Arsenic not Attenuated during Downstream Transport in Gibbon and Firehole Rivers, Yellowstone National Park
Nordstrom DK, McCelskey RB, Susong DD & Ball JW

McClain Charles (2010) The NASA Decadal Survey Aerosol, Cloud, Ecosystems Mission
McClain C, Bontempi P & Maring H

McClain Craig R. (2013) Increasing Metabolic Activity of Clams and Brachiopods over the Past 500 Million Years: A Consequence of the Changing Biological Pump?
Payne JL, Heim NA, Knope ML, Meyer KM & McClain CR

McClain Cynthia (2022) The Distribution of As, Fe, and Mn in Groundwater of Alberta, Canada
Plata I, Humez P, McClain C & Mayer B
(2020) A Regional Assessment of Sources and Fate of Nitrate and Methane in Alberta Groundwater (Canada) Using Chemical and Isotopic Approaches
Mayer B, Humez P, Wilson L, Nightingale M & McClain C
(2014) The Role of Mn(II) Mobility on Cr(VI) Generation in Groundwater
McClain C, Johnson S, Fendorf S & Maher K
(2013) Chromium Isotope Fractionation during Pedogenesis: Influence of Redox Recycling
McClain C, Maher K, Weaver K & Druhan J
(2013) The Influence of Flow Field Heterogeneity on the Observed δ53Cr Fractionation Factor during Abiotic Chromate Reduction
Druhan J, Maher K, Weaver K & McClain C

McClain Cynthia N. (2023) Understanding the Regional Occurrence of Select Groundwater Contaminants Based on Novel and Established Tracer Measurements in Age-Dated Groundwater Samples in Alberta, Canada
Mayer B, Thistle S, Plata I, Humez P, Date A, Nightingale M, Kim J-H, Purtschert R, Musy SL, Duran N, Yokochi R, McClain CN & Liggett JE

McClanahan T. (2010) In situ Instrumentation for Sub-Surface Planetary Geochemistry
Bodnarik J, Evans L, Floyd S, Lim L, McClanahan T, Namkung M, Parsons A, Schweitzer J, Starr R & Trombka J

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